Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 209 Survivors of the Doomsday World

Hello, I'm David, Lord of Cold Winter Town.

Hello, I'm Rick, Rick Grimes. The man in police uniform introduced himself to David, and at the same time looked at David in front of him with a miraculous expression: I should call you For the Baron? Or Mr. Mayor?

David smiled and said that Rick could choose a name he could accept, and after shaking hands with Rick himself, he was carefully mobilizing the Holy Light to check himself.

Soon he came to the conclusion that he should not be infected with any strange virus.

That's right, David has already recognized who this Rick Grimes in front of him is: The protagonist of the Walking Dead series, Rick Grimes, comes from the doomsday world destroyed by the zombie virus.

He remembered that all humans in that world had been infected with the virus, so even those who died normally would be transformed into zombies after death.

In other words, Rick should also have that virus.

This is also the reason why David didn't react when he saw Leon. Instead, he checked his situation carefully when he saw him.

After a brief chat, David brought the topic to Rick's world.

Not long after Rick said that he woke up in the hospital, when he learned that the whole world seemed to be in chaos and there were zombies everywhere, David took advantage of the situation and proposed to conduct some examinations for Rick.


Yes, in order to avoid carrying that virus in your body.

I shouldn't be infected, right? Otherwise, I would have turned into a zombie long ago.

Carrying the virus does not necessarily mean infection, and there may be an incubation period for infection... Don't you want to be sure about your situation?

David easily convinced Rick, because Rick also wanted to make sure that he was not infected with the terrible virus.

What should I do?

Don't worry, it's not troublesome!

For Cold Winter Town, it is not difficult to judge Rick's situation. There is an ambulance parked in the garage not far away! Let the ambulance scan it, and Rick's physical condition will be clearly displayed in front of everyone.

When Rick saw the legendary Transformers in the ambulance, he was stunned. He completely forgot what Laura had said to him before, There are many people from different worlds in this place... talk.

Although he had accepted this miraculous thing, he didn't expect these people from other worlds, including Cybertronians!

Even though there were two legendary elves beside him, he didn't think about Transformers.

Now he realizes that this place called Cold Winter Town is even more magical and weird than he thought!

Only at this moment did Rick come back to his senses and pay attention to his situation: How is it? Am I infected with that terrible virus?

No unknown virus was found on you.

The ambulance compared Rick's various information with the earth's human information and virus data stored in its own database, and found no trace of any unknown virus.

You can be sure you're 'clean'.

After hearing this, Rick let out a sigh of relief. He didn't want to become that kind of monster who was like a living dead and would attack other people.

At this time, David was thinking secretly, there was no trace of the virus on Rick's body, so he was not infected in the original plot? Or is it some kind of magical power that cleaned up the virus on his body when he came to Cold Winter Town?

No matter what the possibility is, David doesn't have to worry about a sudden zombie crisis in Cold Winter Town.

Sorry to welcome you in such a peculiar way.

No, in fact, I'm very grateful that you can help me with the examination. Rick sincerely thanked David and the ambulance on the side, but there was always wonder in the eyes of the ambulance.

In short, welcome to Cold Winter Town.

David originally wanted to go to Tony to ask about the agricultural robot, but because of Rick's arrival, he decided to postpone the matter for a while.

The appearance of Rick made David think of another thing: he just needs a sheriff, and Rick himself is the deputy sheriff of the town. He is quite experienced in security management.

Of course, Rick may not be willing to stay in Cold Winter Town, because he still has things in his own world that he can't let go of.

But it doesn't mean that Rick can't help David, because Rick is in a world at the end of the world.

Although that world is full of zombies, there are still many survivors struggling to survive. Those people are very good targets for David's Winter Town.

The living environment is harsh, the future seems to be invisible in his own world, and he wants to survive.

At the same time, because they have experienced the apocalyptic and difficult life, these people are easier to manage than people in the ordinary world. As for those who are unwilling to be managed, they can be expelled directly.

When Rick was active in that world, he could help David recruit ordinary people who were in trouble. I remember that Rick encountered many survivors in the plot, and these are potential targets.

Thinking of these things, David decided to take Rick around Cold Winter Town himself, and talk about his future by the way.

Passing through Fort Glamorgan and walking out from the main entrance of Cold Winter Fortress, Rick still couldn't control himself, and looked back at the 'familiar' building again.

David understood why he had this reaction, and explained casually: This house was built not long ago, and the person who proposed the design plan is a physicist living in Los Angeles.

Oh! Rick immediately understood why the lord's residence was exactly the same as the house in his impression. It turned out that someone from the same country as him provided a 'model': This... is really a good design.

I know what you're thinking, I've been to that country.

Hahaha! Rick smiled awkwardly, not knowing how to answer the question for a moment.

Fortunately, David did not continue to talk about this topic, but started the next topic: introduce Rick to Winter Town, and at the same time ask Rick what is his plan?

Me? Rick looked at the clean and tidy streets, the surrounding houses were very beautiful, and the fresh air made him feel comfortable.

If possible, he very much hopes to live in this place called Cold Winter Town, but he has to confirm some things first.

I want to find my wife and children.

Whether his wife is alive or dead, he hopes to get a definite answer.

If his wife and children are still alive, then of course he must do his best to reunite with his family, and then he can bring his wife and children to live in Winter Town, away from the world destroyed by zombies.

If his wife and children had died...he didn't know if he could start a new life, he didn't even dare to think about that possibility.

He hoped that his wife and children escaped smoothly when the crisis broke out and were living in a safe place.

I hope you can reunite with your family soon. David sent a blessing to Rick, and at the same time introduced to him what great advantages Rick would gain from being able to travel freely to and from Cold Winter Town.

You can take refuge in Cold Winter Town in times of crisis; you can get weapons, supplies, or even get hurt in Cold Winter Town, you can immediately go to the Holy Light Cathedral and find the priest in the church for treatment.

Priest? Treatment? Rick was already very excited after hearing the previous few sentences. Of course he could realize what it meant to him to be able to come to Cold Winter Town at any time!

What's more, the mayor also made it clear that he can replenish weapons, ammunition, food, and water in Cold Winter Town. You can also come to Winter Town to rest when you are tired!

What does it mean that the priest is in charge of healing? The priest in Cold Winter Town also works part-time as a doctor?

The priests in the Cathedral of the Holy Light believe in the Holy Light, and can use the magical power of the Holy Light to treat injuries and diseases. David raised his hand and briefly demonstrated for Rick: It's this kind of power.

... Rick felt that his body had become much healthier, and only then did he realize that there is such a magical power as magic in this world.

Liadrin, one of the elves you saw earlier, is the current bishop of the Holy Light Cathedral.

Liadrin didn't want to be a bishop at first, but after the Holy Light Cathedral was established, she and Sally Whitemane were the only priests in the entire Winter Town, so they reluctantly took over the bishop's position.

Listening to David's introduction, and looking at the surrounding houses along the wide road, Rick gradually had doubts in his heart: I can get so many benefits, so what do I have to pay for it?

Help me recruit residents.

David likes such a clear-headed person, much more pleasing than some people who only know how to ask but don't know what to get in return.

He told Rick his plan, and Rick didn't resist David's request.

After walking along the main road for a while, he had already noticed that there were indeed few residents in Cold Winter Town, and he didn't think it would be a bad idea to bring survivors from his world, which was being ravaged by zombies, here.

What's more, Mr. David, the mayor, has already explained clearly to him: what he wants are ordinary people, not slaves! The people brought by Rick can become official residents in Cold Winter Town, and then earn remuneration through work as they used to, buy their own houses, and so on.

This is a win-win situation for the survivors of Cold Winter Town and the last days!

Of course Rick would not refuse, and he happily accepted the task.

Welcome to Cold Winter Town.

When Rick agreed to help David recruit people, he became a member of Cold Winter Town. David said that Rick could choose one of the houses that had already been built, or find an open space that he liked. Build a new home that is completely his own according to his own ideas.

In addition, in addition to being able to receive weapons as needed, Rick can also learn all kinds of knowledge that Cold Winter Town currently possesses.

Including holy light, arcane, shaman and so on.

Listening to the words David said, Rick seriously doubted that he was not that material, but it doesn't hurt to try, just in case you learn it!

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