Age of Empires From Scratch

Chapter 214 The First Battleship of the Winter Navy

The docks in Cold Winter Town have been built, but there is not a single ship docked at the docks.

The key factor, besides the absence of shipyards, is the absence of this need.

As for the shipbuilding designers and workers, this Winter Town does have them, and they are members of the more than 400 craftsmen from Azeroth.

If David hadn't let Fording go to the Defias Brotherhood to mix things up, then Van Cleef would mobilize the craftsmen in the Brotherhood to build an extremely huge super battleship with amazing firepower. It is to completely destroy Stormwind City.

Even such a powerful warship can be designed and built. The craftsmen's shipbuilding skills are beyond doubt, but Cold Winter Town still hasn't started building ships because no one uses them.

There are more and more people living in Cold Winter Town, but the goal of these people absorbed from the northern plains is to acquire land!

Of the few people dug from other worlds, only James Norrington was from an orthodox navy.

Counting down, you have to count Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan.

Even so, there were only three people.

So, your task is very difficult. David patted the shoulder of James Norrington, whose face had changed several times: You have to build a navy from scratch.

As for ships, this problem is easy to solve.

Even if David doesn't like the wooden sailing battleship built by craftsmen, he can go to the world of Transformers, Marvel Universe or Lara Croft to get some modern and modern warship technology. With the current situation in Winter Town, small ships are enough.

I don't know which Transformer can turn into a ship?

After much deliberation, there seems to be no Transformers that can turn into battleships in the movie version? Seems like it's in the settings? There seems to be a submarine in the fifth part that is a Transformer, but it has not been transformed.

As for the animation, he only thinks of the waves that can be turned into a hovercraft, and the triple-transformed diamond platoon (broadside gun) that is afraid of water and heights but turns into an aircraft carrier and a fighter plane.

The issue of the battleship, I may need to discuss it with other people before I can give you an affirmative answer. David looked at Norrington in front of him. Show any dissatisfaction: But the recruitment and training of soldiers, etc., you can start the preliminary preparations.

Including how many people to recruit? What kind of training should be carried out? What equipment do I need? resource? These things need to be sorted out by James Norrington, and then reported to David, and then the lord will decide whether to fully support or increase the amount of support?

I will submit the report to your lord as soon as possible.

Yeah! David nodded, and formally appointed James Norrington as the commander-in-chief of the Winter Town Navy.

As for the rank and so on, he hasn't gotten it yet, let's talk about it later!

Watching James Norrington get ready to start making plans with great motivation, David left directly.

Originally he wanted to go to Tony Stark, but after thinking about it, he went to Optimus Prime.

Turn into a battleship? Optimus Prime had a bit of a headache. Autobots are called Autobots because most of their vehicles are in the form of 'cars'. Whether it is an airplane or a ship, they are not common in the Autobot camp.

Battleship? I can change!


David followed the sound, only to notice a Blackbird fighter plane parked next to it.

This is Tianhuo, and he is also one of the group of Autobots who moved to live in Rinwinter Town.

Different from the situation of the two mini King Kongs of the runner and the small brain, Skyfire itself is a very powerful Transformer and one of the oldest Transformers.

The ages had rusted his body and weakened his spark, where he had been sleeping long before Optimus Prime found him in the museum.

When Optimus Prime found Skyfire, it was to find the leadership module. Only this kind of ancient Transformers knew where the leadership module was hidden. Did not bypass the fire.

In the end, Optimus Prime successfully found the leadership module and also found the stellar energy collector.

The machine had been dismantled by Optimus Prime, and the leadership module was carried by Optimus Prime. As for Tianhuo, because he was too old, he was not regarded as a combatant by Optimus Prime, but was arranged to come to Cold Winter Town to retire like Mini King Kong.

Originally, when David saw Tianhuo coming to Rinwinter Town for retirement, he just felt that Optimus Prime had missed the opportunity to upgrade to become Tianhuo Optimus Prime.

Unexpectedly, there are unexpected surprises waiting for me.

Can you become a battleship?

Of course, I once transformed into a destroyer. The black Blackbird fighter made a series of sounds that made people's teeth sore. In addition, Tianhuo used his own hands for some extra assistance to complete his transformation: Just give Let me scan a suitable battleship, then I can still become a battleship.

Tianhuo is very confident, but his body movements make this confidence seem unconvincing.

After shaking twice, Tianhuo sat down on the ground.

Fortunately, the ground had been specially reinforced, so that the tall and elderly Transformer didn't sit out a hole.

I might need some energy to do it.

Tianhuo is not only old, but more importantly, his fire has become very weak. Optimus Prime sent Tianhuo, maybe he didn't want to ask David to use that magical holy light to replenish some energy for Tianhuo.

He doesn't expect Tianhuo to return to its peak combat power and become the main combat power of the Autobots. As long as this well-informed old King Kong can pass on the rich knowledge stored in his brain, it will be great for the Autobots. wealth.

If it's just energy, it's easy to handle!

I'm afraid it's not as simple as you think, young human being. Tianhuo looked at David, and he could see that the human body in front of him contained terrifying and huge energy.

Although he doesn't understand how a human being 'stores' such a huge amount of energy, he knows how weak he is now, and now he wants to recover, and it will cost him more than recovering a Cybertronian in his prime energy of.

I need a very, very large amount of energy.

That's not a problem either.

David doesn't know if the power he currently possesses is enough, but even if the power he currently possesses is not enough, he can still take Skyfire to the world of Azeroth.

He is very familiar with that place, in that world he can easily mobilize very terrifying energy!

Don't talk about one sky fire, he can handle two more!

Oh? I'm looking forward to it.

David didn't waste time to choose an auspicious day, and immediately transformed into Cybertron form in front of Tianhuo, and released the Tomcat fighter to complete the combined transformation.

This Cybertron body can withstand more violent energy output. In this state, David can release the holy light with an intensity beyond the output limit.

Seeing David transforming in front of him, Tianhuo also showed some surprise: Oh? A hermit warrior plus a leader warrior, or a supreme being?

David didn't answer. He raised his hand and released a holy light directly. The golden beam of light connected himself with Tianhuo. With the continuous influx of energy, Tianhuo felt that his body seemed to be rejuvenated.

Oh, this feeling... so good!

It was as if endless energy poured into his own fire, making his weak fire that was about to go out at any time become dazzling again.

The activity of the tinder has driven a series of changes in the body of Tianhuo, and the rust and scars on it are disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The original sense of powerlessness gradually disappeared, and Tianhuo not only stood up again, but even stopped hunched over with his head held high.

The part of the crutch in his hand returned to his body, and he felt that he no longer needed the crutch.

Although there is no mirror, as a Transformer, he can clearly 'see' various situations on himself, and he finds that his face is starting to look younger.

Is this the Holy Light? It is simply a star-like power!

As the golden beam of light dissipated, a brand new Skyfire stood beside Optimus Prime.

Clenching his fists, this feeling of power made him think that he was reborn back to the most glorious age of Cybertron, and that was also when he was the strongest.

Seeing that Tianhuo had recovered to its peak, David was secretly complaining: It is really not an easy task to restore an ancient King Kong who has come to the end of his life to its peak.

Almost all the power in his body was drained. Fortunately, these powers are not permanently lost, and it takes some time to recover.

However, the next time something like this happens, go to Azeroth to do it! At most, being scolded by that guy is not a big deal!

Do you have any special requirements for the battleship?

Tianhuo walked around a few times, and even activated the full-power energy shield. After confirming that he had really returned to his peak state, he asked David what kind of ship he wanted to turn into?

Even if it is to repay the new life given to him by the other party, Tianhuo will have to live in Cold Winter Town for a long time.

A battleship that can anchor on the Winter River and move freely on the river.

I see.

Next, Skyfire will follow Optimus Prime back to the earth in his world, looking for a battleship with a suitable 'size' to scan, and then become the first battleship of the Winter Town Navy.

It barely solved the problem of the water surface combat power in Cold Winter Town from scratch, and had enough surface combat power before the navy was established.

After chatting with Optimus Prime and saying goodbye, David came to Stark Manor.

This place is much more lively than Optimus Prime's. The members of the Avengers and their family members still stayed in Winter Town.

Pepper Pepper and Jane Foster, led by Peggy and Sharon, are wandering in Winter Town, visiting this foreign town with fresh air and beautiful scenery.

The men gathered together and chatted scatteredly. After David greeted everyone, he went straight to find Tony Stark.

Tony, do you want to open a shipyard here in Cold Winter Town?


Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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