Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 117

117. Fight Tabitha Again, 10 Seconds To Kill

[Trigger BOSS Battle: VS Fire Rock Team Executive “Tabitha” (extra rewards can be obtained after defeating)]

Tabitha blocked the way with a Houndoom.

Nan Feng doesn’t talk nonsense with him either.

“Blaziken, Double Kick! 35

Blaziken’s footsteps moved, his body bounced forward, and his crimson body moved like a blazing flame.

“It seems that you are determined to fight against our Fire Rock team!” Tabitha’s eyes flashed with anger, but more cautious.

The behavior of this Blaziken’s Power Trip just now was all in his eyes. For Blaziken’s strength, his evaluation was only six words: very strong, invincible!

“Smoke!” Tabitha commanded immediately.

Houndoom immediately opened his mouth and Spit Up a cloud of smoke, but don’t think that this is the ordinary black smoke that blocks the line of sight. The flame of Spit Up from Houndoom’s mouth is poisonous, and the smoke naturally has it!

But Haze was a little bit like Spit Up, and Spark flashed under Blaziken, who was more than ten meters away from Houndoom, but flashed in front of it like a Teleport.

The strong legs are wrapped in the momentum of the forward charge, mixed with the whistling wind.


A kick from the bottom up.

Houndoom’s jaw was battered, and his body immediately flew upwards, his head thrown back.

The second kick came in at lightning speed, kicking Houndoom straight in the stomach.


“Woo~~” Houndoom flew out immediately, and only had time to leave a whimper and fell directly into Volcano’s mouth.

A set of movements that are smooth and smooth, the perfect fusion of speed and power.

Even if it is the level increase brought by Exp. Share, there is no sense of discomfort for Blaziken who has been training hard.

As for Tabitha, who is a human, he couldn’t see Blaziken’s movements, but only felt that the Houndoom had already flown out. His instinctive reaction was not to save Houndoom, but to jump backwards like a catapult, and at the same time two Poké Balls shot at the same time.

Electivire and Camerupt flanked Tabitha behind him.

But before the two of them appeared, Nan Feng’s next wave of Attack Order had been placed in advance.

“Moonblast” “!”

“Double Kick! 35

Gardevoir didn’t know when he had appeared by Nan Feng’s side. He mobilized Moonblast with both hands to form pink meteors, and then frantically bombarded Electivire who had just come out of the Poké Ball.

Blaziken hit the Ground with a heavy Bulldoze with the sole of his foot, canceled the body inertia brought about by using Double Kick by taking a short step, and activated Quick Attack at the same time. He took a step forward, which is where Camerupt jumped out of the Poké Ball. The inertia of the body is transformed into force, and a Jump Kick kicks.

From Tabitha’s point of view, it was as if he himself had thrown Camerupt at Blaziken’s feet.

“Boom boom boom…”

“Boom bang bang bang!!

The Electivire was bombarded by the pink Moonblast, forming a faint crater full of Fairy Type energy. Camerupt takes Blaziken’s Double Kick, but takes damage four times.

The combination of Double Kick + Hair Neck will fully damage the damage. Rao has no Attribute restraint, enough to make Camerupt drink a pot!

When Gardevoir stopped attacking, Blaziken stepped back, and the hint that the two Pokémon had been defeated had surfaced in front of Nan Feng.

【Defeat CameruptLV40, Blaziken gain experience 3214】

【Defeat ElectivireLV40, Gardevoir gains experience 3524】

In the past, Rival, who fought hard for 20 minutes, could be defeated. Now I can’t hold it for ten seconds in front of myself.

This is not only the crushing of strength, but also the tactical suppression of knowing what Pokémon you have in advance and predicting your actions!

“Don’t be too Power Trip, this time I didn’t bring enough Pokémon, the next time I meet the ball, you will lose!” Tabitha ran, swearing words, and quickly disappeared from Nan Feng’s field of vision.

“Vulnerable!” Nan Feng snorted coldly.

If they were all Pokémons of this strength, it would only take ten seconds for Tabitha to have three more Pokémons.

【BOSS battle victory! Get extra reward “Sun Stone”】

A stone radiating the sun Lucas fell into Nan Feng’s hands.

Another treasure-level evolutionary item.

You can get a treasure-level evolution item in ten seconds. This means that the dungeon has a 30-day CD time, otherwise Nan Feng would still use the tree fruit and brush Tabitha directly to vomit.

After accepting Sun Stone, Nan Feng continued towards the top of Mt. Chimney. This time there is plenty of time, 55 minutes left.

Ten minutes later, Nan Feng saw Maxie again.

Dressed in a red and black trench coat, Maxie was operating a machine and felt the arrival of Nan Feng, his indifferent eyes immediately swept over.

“々`You are the Trainer who beat Tabitha? 35

“I’ll give you a chance to become a member of our Fire Rock team and welcome the arrival of the King of the Earth! You will have the honor to witness the development of the endless continent! 55

“That will create an opportunity to evolve new Pokémon, and at the same time give us humans more space to develop, this is the wish of the Fire Rock Team! 35

Maxie’s words this time were completely different from before. The last time he was impatient and directly attacked Nan Feng.

This time, he is interested in inviting Nan Feng to join the Fire Rock team and expounding his ideals. The ideal of their organization.

The variable is time?

Nan Feng guessed.

“The way is different, don’t work together, the Groudon you want to wake up will not bring more land, but will only bring trouble to the world!” Nan Feng brought his own identity to try to interact.

It has to be said that Maxie’s idea is too naive.

Once Groudon wakes up (Wang Li), the entire Hoenn Region will be plunged into continuous high-intensity “Sunny Day” weather.

Even if it is true that the land will be developed and Pokémon adapted to the new environment will appear, but before that, at least half of humans and Pokémon will die.

Maxie looked at Nan Feng with a slightly surprised look, but did not expect Nan Feng to know the ultimate purpose of their plan.

They launched the Volcano project, which triggered the outbreak of Mt. Chimney, just to wake up the sleeping Groudon!

“I don’t know what to do!

Maxie snorted, and a Poké Ball was thrown out.


Camerupt, who defeated Nan Feng last time, appeared!

The massive size jumped out of the Poké Ball, and the four-hoofed Bulldoze hit the Ground.

In an instant, the ground on which the limbs were stepping was broken inch by inch, as if the mirror surface shattered the grave.

The large Earthquake tremor caused a chain reaction, and a long-accumulated magma erupted in Mt. Chimney!.

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