Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 12

12. This Is Love! (Super Loud)

“Special Defense + Speed ​​2V”

“The 1V of Special Attack”

“No V”


Nan Feng looked at the warehouse with hundreds of Ralts and sighed deeply.

After catching Froakie, he ran Ralts for six days in a row, catching nearly 30 Ralts a day.

Flash Ralts isn’t out yet.

On the contrary, Torchic was upgraded to level 16 on the third day and evolved into Combusken.

【Combusken (Fire, Fighting)】

【Level: 16】

[Ability: Acceleration (Pokémon holding this Ability increases the speed by 1 level at the end of each turn)]

[Individual values: Stamina (28), Attack (31), Special Attack (31), Defense (31), Special Defense (31), Speed ​​(31)]

[Skills: Ember, Growl, Tackle, Double Kick, Flame Charge, Detect, Sand Attack, Quick Attack]

【Carrying items: none】

What surprises Nan Feng is that Combusken does not have only four skills like Pokémon in the game. As the level increases, there are a lot of skills that should be understood, and there is no need to delete skills.

It’s quite comfortable.

Now, Combusken with Fighting Type is qualified to challenge Rustboro Gym.

Originally, Nan Feng also prepared this time to challenge Rustboro Gym. But the high-V Ralts haven’t come out yet, and he has Froakie. It’s better to train Froakie to level 16 first, evolve into Frogadier, and then challenge Rustboro gym.

The Frogadier of the water system can be used as a second insurance.

So, Nan Feng continued to level up bitterly.

Nan Feng’s daily training time is fixed at 10 hours. Except for Rest, he also has one hour of exercise time every day, and he spends the rest of his time reading books.

Read books on Pokémon breeding.

The school to apply for is already optimistic, Qiantang University.

This is the leading Pokémon college in Jiangnan Province, and it is famous nationwide for its breeding program. In addition, it is one of the most popular Pokémon universities for water Pokémon Trainers because of its proximity to the sea.

Nan Feng is for the breeding major, and the specific exam subjects have been read on the Internet.

It is divided into two parts: written test and practical test.

Although he is a breeding major, he still has to take the battle test. After all, breeding is not just as simple as feeding Pokémon. Many breeders go deep into dangerous areas to find rare fruit, or observe Pokémon habits for a long time in dangerous areas, etc.

There are also many students majoring in breeding in the National College League.

However, compared to the battle major, the breeding major is more inclined to theoretical knowledge, so the basic knowledge score is different from the battle major, which accounts for 20%, and the Pokémon battle score accounts for 80%.

Qiantang University’s exam is divided into three parts, Pokémon breeding knowledge, basic knowledge and Pokémon combat, with a total score of 450 and each subject of 150 points.

The basic knowledge is the score of the college entrance examination. Nan Feng’s college entrance examination score is not low, with 640 points, a proper academic master, converted into Qiantang University’s 150-point system is 128 points.

In the actual combat part, I have Combusken and Frogadier, which is not a big problem.

The focus is on Pokémon breeding knowledge, so Nan Feng has been spending a lot of time reading books recently.

I have already bought a train ticket, and I will go to Qiantang University to take the exam three days later.

These three days are also Nan Feng’s last hard work time. If he can’t pass the test, he can only find another lower-level school.

“Beep!” There was a knocking sound from the window.

As soon as the window was opened, a small head with red head and white hair came in, it was a Delibird, oh, it also had a Pocobi on its head.

“Just babble (≧▽≦)ゞ”

“It’s a takeaway boy today? Hello!” Nan Feng waved at Pocobi and handed over an Oran Berry, so he was able to lick it.

Who wouldn’t love a cute Pokémon like Pocobi?

“dei lee dei lee~~” Delibird took out a flashing colored ball of light from his white package and handed it over.

“Hey, I got it wrong, I ordered beef brisket rice!” Nan Feng stared at it angrily. This is Delibird’s exclusive skill “Present”. A…bomb.

“dei li dei li…” Delibird shoved it back in panic. He was a deliveryman on his first day, and he almost got used to it.

After groping in the white cloth bag that looks small but can hold a lot of things, it took a long time to take out a box of beef brisket rice and hand it to Nan Feng.

After confirming that what was given was correct, Delibird took a breath, waved his hand, closed the window, and continued to deliver the next one.

“Chucky (*▽`)ノシ”

“Goodbye!” Nan Feng waved at Pocobi. “If I can touch a wild Pocobi in the future, I must raise one”

Put away the lunch box, Nan Feng is going to turn off the handheld, open Xiaopo Station, watch the video and enjoy the food.

As soon as he lowered his head, the handheld had entered the battle screen, and a little Stephanie with a black mushroom head suddenly appeared on the opposite side.


Nan Feng widened his eyes, making sure that he saw not a Seedot, but a Ralts.

But this Ralts isn’t green hair, it’s black hair!

“Flash….Flash!” Nan Feng sucked in a breath of air, dedicating his modest contribution to global warming.

“No, calm down, now is not the time to be happy, it’s not too late to be happy when you catch it.” Nan Feng took a deep breath, took back his modest power, and started to operate the handheld with a stable mood.

In fact, his hands were shaking, and he finally met the Flash Ralts he was thinking about. How could he not shake.

Don’t attack, don’t change Pokémon, Nan Feng throws Poké Ball directly, what a joke, how can I hurt Ralts!

He’s got hundreds of Poké Balls in his pocket now, and the Zigzagoons are selling everything they’ve picked up today. Low-level Ralts don’t Teleport, you can catch them until the end of the day.

The first Poké Ball is released.

Flash Ralts was included in the Poké Ball, and after a brief shake, there was a bang.

【Congratulations, you caught Ralts! 】

This is love! ! (super loud)

Can’t relax!

Nan Feng manipulated the protagonist to immediately run back to the Petalburg City Pokémon Center, and took out Flash Ralts from the computer. Before looking at the panel, he directly recorded and archived.

【Do you want to record and exit? 】



[Recording completed, exiting the game]

As soon as the console went dark, piles of things rumbled to the ground, almost submerging Nan Feng’s room.

This is the result of the Zigzagoons fighting for nearly ten hours, and they forgot to sell it just now.

Nan Feng quickly pulled out the Poké Ball with Ralts from the pile of things and released it directly.

The Poké Ball opened, the silver light exploded, and the Black Mushroom Head Ralts floated to the ground.


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