Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 121

121. Mirage

North of the Dragon Kingdom.

Zenith Mountains, Class C Hazardous Area.

As a C-level dangerous area, this is the adventure location of most Trainers, with relatively strong Pokémon strength and good Pokémon resources. Therefore, the number of trainers entering the Zenith Mountains through Hengshan City reaches as many as 100,000 every day.

But today, the road from Hengshan City into the Zenith Mountains has been blocked.

The Zenith Mountains are only allowed out, not in.

Officials have not yet given an explanation. However, there have been two groups of powerhouses from the Yokoyama City Trainer Association and the military.

Li Datian got off the car at the gate of the city, went straight through the blocked post, and then released a violent salamander to take him to the depths of the Zenith Mountains.

Ten minutes later, he saw a strange picture.

A red crack appeared on the top of the Zenith Mountain. This crack was not in any object, but in space. It is out of tune with the surrounding scenery, like a beautiful painting that was torn from the middle and painted red on the wall behind the painting.

“Space crack?” Li Datian raised his eyebrows and accelerated his descent.

Many army tents have been set up beside the big opening.

As soon as they landed, a soldier stepped forward and greeted them with a salute.

“Major Li, the chief has been waiting for you!”

“Okay” Li Datian nodded and followed the soldier into the tent.

A middle-aged man in the tent was closing his eyes, and only opened his eyes when he heard the movement.

“Chief, what’s the matter with calling me here?” Li Datian asked.

“What else can I do to call you, the top Pokémon inspector of the Dragon Kingdom, naturally it is about the lawless forces,” the old chief replied, motioning for Li Datian to sit down.

“Did you see the space crack when you came in?”

Li Datian nodded.

“This is a space crack that appeared two days ago. The exploration has basically been completed. The secret realm that we arrived at is a large living Volcano!” said the old chief.

“During the first exploration, our warriors saw the mirage inside”

“Mirage? What is that?” Li Datian didn’t quite understand, the mirage he knew was referring to the mirage. A natural landscape that occurs because of light refraction and total reflection.

“The technician told me that it is an image recorded because of a special magnetic field. In other words, it is what happened in that secret realm.”

And this kind of thing?

Li Datian said that he had learned a lot and asked curiously. “What’s the content?”

The chief raised his hand, and the guard immediately placed a notebook in front of Li Datian, and opened a video and clicked to play.

In the video, a group of Trainers dressed in red and blue are on Volcano in a life-and-death fight. Suddenly, a young man in white entered the battlefield with a Blaziken. Blaziken was extremely domineering and defeated all the Pokémon of the two groups of people. The action was smooth, and the scene was very shocking.

However, the fly in the ointment is that the image is a bit blurry, and most people’s faces cannot be seen clearly.

The first video ends.


“Don’t worry, there’s more,” the chief motioned the guards to continue.

The guard immediately played the second video.

This time it was a little clearer, a middle-aged man in a red and black trench coat was operating a machine. He seemed to feel something, turned his head to look aside, and a voice sounded.

“You’re the Trainer who beat Tabitha?”

“I’ll give you a chance to become a member of our Fire Rock team and welcome the arrival of the King of the Earth! You will have the honor to witness the development of the endless continent!

“That will be an opportunity to create new evolutionary Pokémon, and it will also give us humans more space to develop.”

The Fire Rock Team, the King of the Earth, the Development of the Endless Continent

Li Datian had a question mark on his face, he had never heard of these words.

The video is not over yet.

A deserted male voice suddenly came in from outside the screen to answer him.

“The way is different, don’t work together, the Groudon you want to wake up will not bring more land, but will only bring trouble to the world!


Li Datian widened his eyes. The king of the earth that the Fire Rock team wants to wake up is Groudon?

Indeed, Groudon is said to be the personification of the earth, and has long been described in mythology as the Pokémon who created the land and expanded it. The title of King of the Earth is well deserved.

“I don’t know what to do!” The middle-aged man in the video snorted coldly, raised his hand and threw a Poké Ball.

A huge Camerupt appeared, and a big battle was about to break out.

But that’s it for the second video.

The guard continued to play the third video.

Blaziken, who appeared in the first video, kicked Krookodile away, and Moonblast fell in mid-air to defeat Krookodile. In just over ten seconds, a Mega Camerupt was knocked out from the Haze on the right for some unknown reason and landed at the feet of the middle-aged man. The Mega Camerupt ended and lost its ability to fight.

“Sure enough?” The middle-aged man muttered to himself, taking out three Poké Balls to take back the lost Pokémons. “We still have to actually find Groudon first”

Reached back, got on a helicopter and lowered the ladder away, leaving a sentence.

“We will meet again sooner or later. At that time, I will come with the king of the earth! You will regret not joining us today, but choosing to be our enemy”

Video ends.

Li Datian was silent, he was thinking seriously, and made a reasonable analysis based on the information obtained from the video.

The chief looked at Li Datian, “What do you think?

“From the video, the Huoyan team should be an organization that uses the method of awakening Groudon to open up Da 567, but I doubt their real purpose.” Li Datian thought about it and said that the reason for the doubt is that this purpose is a bit …. inexplicable.

Normal people would want to develop land? No, it should be to create land to be precise?

“There shouldn’t be any information about the Fire Rock team in the database of Longguo investigators. After I go back, I will contact the World Police Organization to see if I can find any information.”

The old chief nodded slightly and said.

“Although I haven’t received any news about the disappearance of any Volcano in my country, the people in the video are speaking the language of the Dragon Kingdom. It is very likely that the other party is currently operating in our country. I need you to Lock On the target as soon as possible, and then hit the target and uproot it. up! 95

“Once a god-level creature like Groudon is awakened, it must be a catastrophe!””

“The middle-aged man who is suspected to be the leader of the Fire Rock team, I will try my best to have the technician draw his portrait and give it to you”

“As for the young man in the video…”

The old chief and Li Datian were silent for a while.

The best way to get information on the Fire Rock team is to find the young man who fought the Fire Rock team on Volcano. But too little information is given in the video.

All I know is that this man is young, about twenty years old, with a Blaziken.

As a royal three Pokémon, there are too many Trainers with Blaziken, and it is impossible to find them.

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