Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 124

124. Father’S Kindness And Son’S Filial Piety

The dark green Dragon Type energy was draped over Kangaskhan like a coat, and the faint Dragon Breath floated from the coat, like a catkin Wind Dance.

Eyes scarlet.

Kangaskhan plunged into hysterical madness, seeing Blaziken as if he really saw the enemy who stole his child. Two strong arms swung, driving sharp claws, attacking Blaziken with furious speed and force.

“It’s really just a bag of dragons” Nan Feng remembers that Kangaskhan’s previous name was called bag dragons. Mastering a dragon-type big move “Outrage” looks illegal, but it sounds legal. Comprehension tricks.

After all, Kangaskhan has its own Outrage just like the Dragon Pokémon, but its Outrage is not a hard scale, but its own child.

As for why it has Dragon Type energy, it is impossible to know. Maybe that’s why it was once called the Thysokine.

“Use Quick Attack to avoid!” Nan Feng commanded.

With Kangaskhan’s power, its melee attack speed is definitely not slow, if Blaziken just uses dodge skills, it may not be able to avoid it!

Blaziken stepped on the ground, Spark exploded on his toes, and his body immediately retreated.

The sharp claws full of Dragon Type energy were evaded by Blaziken, but Kangaskhan’s attack did not stop in the slightest, and his arm fell in the air, so he continued in the direction of the force and slapped it straight to the ground.

“Boom! 35

The ground exploded and shattered, spreading toward the entire opposing battlefield, and the aftermath of the shock wave Normal spread. In just three seconds, the entire battlefield collapsed.

Blaziken stepped back, avoiding Outrage’s frontal bombardment, but the aftermath was unavoidable, and it could be said that he suffered damage at the center of the aftermath.

Immediately, he was blasted out, hitting the wall behind Nan Feng, leaving a deep depression.

“Does the aftermath have such power?” Nan Feng was stunned.

Kangaskhan slaps Outrage on the ground, and the aftermath effect is comparable to the Ground-based range move “Bulldoze”


Is Kangaskhan that strong?

Nan Feng suspects that if his Garchomp can outrage, he should only be able to do it.

But Nan Feng doesn’t think Kangaskhan’s power will surpass his Garchomp, so there should be something special Breeder points in it. Was starting to look forward to the Breeder manual from Norman after the fight was over.

Kangaskhan’s Outrage attack isn’t over yet!

The pace is ferocious, and it rushes forward fast on all fours, like a brown bear! The claws full of Dragon Type energy slap the Blaziken who has just slid off the wall.

“Use Quick Attack to avoid!” Nan Feng shouted.

Outrage is more like a Contest Condition type skill in reality. During the process of Outrage Contest Condition, Pokémon’s combat power will skyrocket. When Outrage Contest Condition ends, Pokémon will fall into chaos Contest Condition.

So, Nan Feng’s tactic is to keep Blaziken dodging, as long as the duration of Kangaskhan’s Outrage is dragged, then it will be meat on the chopping block and be slaughtered by others!

Blaziken dodged again.


Outrage’s power was bombarded against the walls.

Suddenly, one wall was completely shattered, revealing the scene of Nan Feng passing through the room just now. The disciple who was resting in the room was startled, got up and ran to the side to watch the battle.

Missing the second hit, Kangaskhan turned his head and chased again.

“Boom!” Ground was slapped again, and the ground that had been shattered appeared more finely broken, and now there is no stone that can exceed the size of a basketball.

“Do you need to renovate your home every time you use Outrage?” Nan Feng doubts that one Petalburg gym can support several renovation teams.

Norman’s expression was the same as usual, the scene in front of him was as expected, and he answered Nan Feng.

“Only for you, I let Kangaskhan use Outrage, Normal people are not entitled to my full firepower!

The corner of Nan Feng’s mouth twitched. According to my identity, I am your son. I don’t need to release water.

It really is a kind father and a son.

If the whole house was beaten down, I wouldn’t be blamed for it.

Blaziken’s speed was getting faster and faster, Kangaskhan’s attacking moves simply failed to hit.

In fact, after Blaziken used Quick Attack to avoid Kangaskhan’s close Outrage, Nan Feng already knew that this victory would only belong to him.

The chase between Kangaskhan and Blaziken continued for another twenty seconds.

Another wall was demolished, and the shattered Ground received two more blows, and it has changed from shattering to smashing. It feels like working in this place can bring a Sandstorm without the ability to clear sand.

Finally, the dark green Dragon Type coat on Kangaskhan’s body gradually disintegrated, his footsteps gradually became vain, his body swayed uncontrollably, and he entered the chaotic Contest Condition.

Just as Nan Feng was about to command Blaziken to win the victory, Kangaskhan put a green fruit into his mother’s mouth in the parent-child bag on Kangaskhan’s stomach.

・・・0 flowers

Immediately, the three flavors of sweet, spicy and bitter filled Kangaskhan’s mouth, and with a sudden jerk, Kangaskhan’s eyes recovered sharply, and his steps were no longer chaotic.

Confusion Contest Condition lifted.

“Gan” Nan Feng wanted to curse, Norman brought “Lum Berry” to Kangaskhan


When entering the chaos Contest Condition, it will take the initiative to take out Lum Berry and eat it to clear the chaos!

The reason for putting Outrage in the beginning was found. It turns out that Norman has a tactical arrangement, no wonder he is so fearless.

But the chaos Contest Condition can be solved, Kangaskhan lost the physical and mental energy consumed by using Outrage but can’t get it back.

Kangaskhan is just the end of the line!

“Double Kick!” Nan Feng commanded again.

Blaziken turned into a moving red shadow, blinked and stabbed in front of Kangaskhan, the same move as before, but on the other side.

Step on the ground with the right foot as an axis, kick up with the left foot, and sweep towards Kangaskhan’s head.

Kangaskhan raised his hand to block, but the Blaziken was no longer the Blaziken he used to be at the beginning. The superposition of the Acceleration Ability made its speed increase visible to the naked eye, and the most obvious feedback was the speed of the legs.

“Boom!” Kangaskhan’s blocking arm was halfway up, and Blaziken’s kick had already slammed into its head.

Immediately, it was finally Kangaskhan’s turn to be blasted out, with Force Palm inflicting a second damage mid-air.

The left foot fell on the ground as the pivot, turned in place, stepped forward with the right foot, and Blaziken took advantage of the victory to catch up with Double Kick’s second leg.

“Endure!” Norman commanded, this is a Normal-type move.

In the game, Pokémon can keep at least 1 HP, and the effect in reality is similar. Like Protect and other moves, continuous use is easy to fail.

Kangaskhan gritted his teeth Endure, slammed into Blaziken’s Double Kick for the second kick.

But Blaziken’s Double Kick is no longer as simple as a Double Kick, but a series of kicks! Just like the first kick and then the second kick, the second kick can also be connected to the third kick.

As long as the Blaziken has stamina, it can kick without limit.

Kangaskhan used Endure continuously to resist, and defeat was only a matter of time. And, in the process, Blaziken can also have time to stack speed.

“No, there is something tricky!” Nan Feng’s eyelids jumped, Norman is a powerful gym trainer, he will not do such meaningless things.

Without waiting for Nan Feng’s reminder, Norman suddenly commanded.

“Reversal” Knife,

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