Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 129

129. Norman’S Hard Work!

Open Norman’s Breeder experience.

Force Palm is a Fighting style move, which is different from Machamp, but the essence is actually the control of physical strength.

Nan Feng guessed that Norman’s Swellow should also “Endure”, Endure Rival’s attack, and then use Endeavor to weaken Rival’s stamina.

Don’t let Slakoth fight and train, then Breeder it doesn’t seem to have to do anything, just feed it some delicious food every day.

In other words, it means that you have to choose a match for Slaking in the Vigoroth stage.

However, if you can really use Machamp’s power skills to use other moves at the same time, Nan Feng understands why Slaking can pass through several rooms with one punch.

Nan Feng felt that this flaw was completely acceptable.

If you don’t learn key moves at this stage of Vigoroth, then this Slaking is basically useless.

The power of Machamp80+ Focus Punch150,230 surpasses Self Destruct and is second only to Big Self Destruct. Of course, the actual calculation should not be like this. But based on the terrifying power of Slaking, Norman’s Slaking punch is more powerful than Self Destruct, and Nan Feng feels that there is no problem.

Norman uses the Machamp move as a base and lets Pokémons assist Machamp’s power-generating technique to use other contact moves.

Such a specific conclusion, I don’t know how many Slaking Norman Breeder has come to.

This period is the most suitable for training. (Note: In the Vigoroth period, let it learn and train as many moves as possible, because after the Vigoroth stage, it is difficult to learn the moves in the Slaking stage. The following is the recommendation for learning moves….)

The essence of Machamp’s move is a force technique, which can mobilize the strength in one’s muscles to the greatest extent, and burst out to attack Rival in an instant.

Finally, Norman also mentioned a theoretical possibility.

Looking down, Nan Feng’s eyes gradually brightened. Among the recommended moves, he found Norman’s hard work!

Each stage has extensive Breeder content. In the whole Breeder experience, the Breeder content of the Slaking series occupies nearly four-fifths, and the remaining one-fifth is the content of Swellow- and T-shirt.

This is very convenient.

Swellow’s Breeder experience comes with a training method for the move “Endeavor”. This move was not shown by Swellow in the previous battle. Its effect is quite special, and it can reduce Rival’s HP to the same level as his own.

With such a huge physical exertion, it is destined that some Pokémon with poor physical strength are not qualified to study.

This combination is terrifying for Nan Feng to think about. If he can really do it, it is estimated to be comparable to the power of the legendary Pokémon exclusive move.

Anyway, as far as Nan Feng knows, there are very few trainers of Breeder Slakoth in reality, and most of them are persuaded by Slakoth’s lazy ability. But if you can convert Slakoth Breeder to Vigoroth, it can basically evolve into Slaking.

Nan Feng took a pen and recorded the key points while checking it. He wanted to know why Norman’s Slaking was so terrible!

Such a terrifying combination of moves is not entirely without its drawbacks.

The last part of Norman’s Breeder experience is Kangaskhan and Swellow’s.

Machamp+ contact moves?

Don’t train Slakoth in any moves, and don’t let it fight to any degree. Completely let it grow slowly. (Note: The Slakoth stage will greatly affect the Slaking stage. The stronger the Lazy Ability in the Slakoth period, the weaker the Lazy Ability in the Slaking stage)

The stamina consumed by each hit will be several times the usual amount.

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You can start with Force Palm, and wait until the proficiency of Force Palm is high enough to get into Machamp moves.

Keep looking down.

At the end of the explanation of Machamp’s moves, Norman also mentioned the skill combination of Force Palm+ contact moves.

The most important stage of the Slaking family. At this stage, the Lazy Ability becomes the “Energy” Ability.

Only then did Nan Feng know that Tengshu’s “Force Palm + Contact-type moves” skills were learned from Norman.

That’s the combination of “Machamp + Contact + Force Palm”.

It’s really tough!

Vigoroth stage.

It seems that he still has a breath, but it is actually equivalent to replacing a Pokémon from Rival.

I’m afraid I’ll have to wait and find out for myself.

Nan Feng agrees very much, Slaking makes it difficult to fight even after a fight, and do you still want it to learn and train moves? Dream about it.

The opening chapter is Slaking’s Breeder experience.

There is still a lot of space about Vigoroth and Slaking’s Breeder, such as finding and cultivating its hobbies as a “Captivate” who will command Slaking in the future. And the peculiarity of Slaking Pokémon itself, their laziness is not pure laziness, but is accumulating energy, try not to send it out continuously and so on.

This destructive power comes from a secret move “Machamp” that Nan Feng has long possessed!

If your own Pokémon can learn this skill, if nothing else, the physical attack combat power will be at least doubled.

From Slakoth, to Vigoroth, and then to Slaking.

Nan Feng has put down the handheld and leaned on the bed to examine it carefully.

Because the pre-version of “Machamp+Contact moves” is “Force Palm+Contact moves”

You know, there is no Exp. Share in either reality or anime. Slakoth is another Pokémon that doesn’t like to move very much, so leveling is even harder.

Vigoroth becomes extremely active and has endless energy.

It seems that Norman really has a deep love for Slaking as a Pokémon. Nan Feng suspects that no one in this world should have more research on Slaking than him.

“Is there such a thing?” Nan Feng sighed while remembering.

In the early stage, the level is low and the performance is not strong, so use this trick as a killer. In the later stage, the proficiency of the tricks increases, and the performance is enough, then it can be like Slaking, and every blow will have the increase of Machamp.

But is this difficult?

Force Palm is also a force technique.

Norman, the developer, has yet to learn.

It’s just that this style of play does not allow Swellow to be the last knife,

That’s why Kangaskhan and Slaking are so destructive.

For example, using a single move Machamp will consume 1 point of stamina, and using a single move of Focus Punch will consume 2 points of stamina. However, using the combination of Machamp + Focus Punch at the same time will consume 6 points, or even 9 points and 12 points of stamina. It depends on the proficiency and combined proficiency of the two moves used.

Nan Feng wrote down everything, but for the time being, there is no need for in-depth research. After all, if Slakoth is allowed to live a lazy life, it may take a long time for it to evolve into Vigoroth.

Slakoth stage.

This made Nan Feng think of the combination of “contact moves + Force Palm” that he learned from Tengshu.

The power of the moves used is amplified to a certain extent.

The Breeder experience of the T-shirt comes with the training method of the move “Endure”.

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