Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 17

17. Different Rewards

“Amazing speed, terrible move power, your Frogadier is well developed, but that’s it!” Kenin sends out her third and last Pokémon.

The Poké Ball opens, and a blue stone statue falls out of it.

Its name is “Nosepass”, and its level is marked on its head, LV23.

Nosepass is Kenin’s Trump Card Pokémon and her signature Pokémon.

“Nosepass, use Thunder Wave!”

“Frogadier, Encore Water Pulse!” Nan Feng and Kenin attacked.

Nosepass wiggled his glowing red nose, and dotted Spark to form a thin, swift bolt of lightning that blinked and poured into Frogadier’s body.

Immediately, Frogadier was entangled in a little electric current and fell into the “paralysis” Contest Condition.

However, Frogadier did not attack immediately, but took out a cherry fruit from his body and ate it.

The paralysis Contest Condition dissipated immediately, and then he opened his mouth and blasted out a Water Pulse.

“Rock Tomb!” Kenin immediately defended.

She expressed surprise that Frogadier carried “Sakura fruit”.

This guy studied me before the challenge?

Three giant rocks landed in front of Nosepass to block the Water Pulse, but as before, the Rock Tomb was penetrated and bombarded directly on Nosepass.

Different from Onix, Nosepass only has a single Rock Type, which doubles the effect of water damage, but with its strong enough special defense, it takes the aftermath of Water Pulse.

“Thunder Shock!” Kenin wouldn’t give Frogadier any more chances to turn things around.

“Dodge with Quick Attack!” Nan Feng also shouted.

Unfortunately, this time Frogadier didn’t dodge successfully. The continuous Water Pulse had already bottomed out his physical strength, and the Thunder Shock was so fast that he couldn’t dodge at all.

Frogadier was immediately electrocuted by Thunder Shock and was incapacitated on the spot.

Nan Feng took out the Poké Ball and retracted it, then replaced it with another Poké Ball and released it.

Combusken appears.

“jiji~(~ ̄▽ ̄)~”

“Combusken, use Quick Attack!” Nan Feng attacked immediately.

Different from Frogadier’s style of play, Combusken’s fire type is restrained by the Rock type, and its winning trick is only the “chain kick” of the Fighting type. If you don’t get closer, there is almost no suspense in this battle.

“Thunder Wave!” Kenin snorted softly.

I don’t know if I thought he was the owner of the Electric Gym, but it was obviously the Rock-type Nosepass who was using Electric-type moves continuously.

Nosepass’s big red nose immediately flashed Spark towards Combusken.

Combusken, who was running fast, didn’t do any evasion at all, just took out the cherry fruit from his body silently, and immediately Swallowed when his body was paralyzed by the Thunder Wave and entered the Contest Condition.

Paralysis Contest Condition lifted.

Combusken facing the Nosepass is a “Double Kick”.

Seeing this scene, Kenin wanted to swear. She is now completely convinced that Nan Feng must have studied his own style of play before the challenge.

Otherwise, who would bring Sakura fruit to both of their Pokémon’s carry-on items?

Actually, it was exactly what Kenin thought.

As a player who has cleared the emerald many times, how could Nan Feng, the Pokémon of the Gym Trainer, not remember what Pokémon Kenin has.

No matter how it is redesigned, one of the three Pokémons must be her representative Pokémon “Nosepass”. He is obviously a Rock-type Pokémon, but he is proficient in Electric-type moves.

Bring your own Sakura fruit, who is in contact with paralysis, this is also considered a rainy day.

Anyway, I don’t have any suitable Pokémon props for the two Pokémon to carry.

“Rock Tomb!” Kenin ordered in time.

Three giant rocks crashed down, both offensive and defensive!

I saw Combusken kicked the blockade of the giant rock, turned around in the air, and kicked the Nosepass on the Ground.

Just kick the Nosepass out.

“Pursue while winning, Quick Attack and Double Kick!” Nan Feng shouted, determined to directly decide the winner.

Combusken is his second Pokémon, and it is also his last Pokémon. The level of Ralts is too low, so he will send it when he goes up, so Nan Feng did not bring it, but only brought four Zigzagoons to pick up some garbage.

“Discharge!” Kenin immediately switched his style of play.

A dazzling Spark suddenly flashed on Nosepass’s body on the ground. In the blink of an eye, the violent current spread wildly around ten meters around it.

Combusken didn’t dodge but chose to dive in.

Directly grit your teeth to resist the damage of Discharge, and volley Splash.

One kick!

Two feet!

Blast the Nosepass into the walls of Rustboro Gym.

The scene in front of Nan Feng suddenly changed, he returned to his small apartment, and the battle was over.

[Defeat NosepassLV23, gain experience 690]

[Defeat the Rustboro Gym Master Kenin and get a bonus of 1600]

[Kenin: I lost, but I learned more from the battle just now. You are indeed stronger than me! 】

【Kenin: This is the proof of defeating Rustboro Gym “Stone Badge”, after owning it, your Cut will be upgraded to a real Secret · Cut]

[Kenin: In addition, this Rock Tomb skill CD and my Breeder experience on Rock Pokémon are also given to you. I hope to meet you in future Pokémon tournaments.]

Looking at the words displayed on the screen, Nan Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

It was a tough fight, but luckily I won in the end.

However, from this gym battle, I also saw a lot of things.

Gym Trainer Pokémon are far more powerful than regular Trainers.

Just the grade.

The Trainer Pokémon on the road has only LV7 and LV9 waiting for a long time. Trainer Pokémon LV12 in the gym. As a result, Gym Trainer’s Pokémon has the lowest LV17 and the highest LV23!

This is the same as when I usually do first-grade mathematics in class, and the test paper for the exam is the real college entrance examination.


The modders of this game, you have no heart!

Look down at the harvest.

[Stone Badge: The power of all Pokémon Rock moves in the team is increased by 10%, and the Cut is upgraded to “Secret Cut”]

Looking at this Attribute, Nan Feng was confused.

When did Badge bring Attribute?

The previous games did not.

And this Attribute, the first half of the previous sentence can be understood by oneself, but the second half of the sentence.

Nan Feng silently opened the backpack.

There are two more words in front of Cut’s name. It is now called “Secret Story Cut”, and its power has been increased from 50 to 90!

“Hi!” Nan Feng took a breath of cold air. Is there such a thing?

Switching to the Pokémon Attribute interface, the Cut skills mastered by Frogadier have also become “Secret Cut”.

Quickly completed the recording and let Frogadier personally demonstrate to himself, what is the difference between this ordinary Cut and the esoteric Cut.

Frogadier tried it once.

There is no change in the suffering that arises.

It seems that the specific power still has to be seen in battle.

In addition, there is a notebook in front of Nan Feng.

Opening the notebook, Kenin’s training experience on Geodude, Onix and Nosepass is written in beautiful small print.

This is also not present in the original game version.

Unfortunately, none of these three Pokémon are ready to cultivate themselves.

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