Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 24

24. West Lake Arena

The rules of the West Lake Arena are doubles, and the qualifiers are to defeat the official trainer combination. After the two groups of teams have passed the qualifiers, the West Lake Arena will officially start.

The beginning is the final. One group of Trainers has already beaten the official Trainer group, and only one final spot remains.

Today’s West Lake Arena is shorter than usual. Because today is “university freshman special”.

Knowing that the universities in Qiantang are all recruiting students, the West Lake Arena naturally wants to take advantage of this popularity. This time, only the high school graduates who came to take the university entrance exam in Qiantang can only sign up for the West Lake Arena.

Rival’s strength is not strong, and there are many people watching the battle, so it is suitable for…

That’s probably what all the contestants thought.

As a result, most of the contestants were beaten by the official trainer group.

Most of the freshmen have only been training Pokémon for a month and a half, and it is a doubles match with other people. The performance cannot be said to be terrible, or at least it is unbearable to look at.

“Invite Trainers Li Xiaoyu and Nan Feng to play!”

After witnessing a few over-the-top Trainers get kicked off the court, it was finally Li Xiaoyu and Nan Feng’s turn to play.

“Don’t be afraid, look at me C” Li Xiaoyu patted Nan Feng’s shoulder with a look of “big sister covering you”.

“Sister, I’m already lying down.” Nan Feng spread out his hands and opened it.

The official trainer standing opposite Li Xiaoyu and Nan Feng is a pair of young brothers. The Rival who has just been replaced, the official trainer also has multiple combinations to rotate.

“Big brother, it’s a couple coming up,” the younger brother reminded in a low voice.

Big brother’s eyes narrowed as he carefully looked at Nan Feng and Li Xiaoyu.

Damn, still handsome.

“I don’t like these dog couples who show their affection the most. This one greets them with all my strength! Breaking up a pair is a pair!”

“That’s right, don’t bully our brother without a girlfriend!” The younger brother was filled with righteous indignation.

The referee on the side silently casts pity.

The big brother glared at the younger brother, don’t shout so loudly!

“Now is the qualifier for the West Lake Arena. Trainers Zhou Yang and Zhou Yue will play against Trainers Li Xiaoyu and Nan Feng. Each Trainer has one Pokémon available. When two Pokémons on one side lose their fighting ability, the battle ends. !”

“Now, please send your own Pokémon at the same time!” The referee announced the rules of the game and signaled.

The four immediately picked up the Poké Ball at the same time and threw it at Soaring in the sky.

As the silver light flickered, four Pokémon landed on the floating board on the water surface of the West Lake.

Brothers Zhou Yang and Zhou Yue sent Krabby and Horsea respectively.

Nan Feng and Li Xiaoyu sent Frogadier and Croconaw.

The West Lake Arena is a standard water-based battlefield, and most of the trainers who come to participate will dispatch Pokémon, which are also water-based.

“Frogadier?” Li Xiaoyu was surprised that Nan Feng’s Pokémon had completed an evolution.

Although it is difficult to tell the strength of Pokémon from the appearance, for the novice Trainer, the number of times a certain Pokémon has evolved can be roughly used as a measure of its strength.

I thought that Nan Feng was admitted to the breeding department, and the strength of Pokémon should be a weakness, but now it seems that it is not necessarily.

The referee confirmed that both sides were in place, and immediately announced: “The battle begins”

“Horsa, use Twister”

Zhou Yang grabbed it at the beginning.

Horsea sprayed forward like a kowtow, and a small whirlwind rolled out. As the Earl Dervish form of the dragon-type Pokémon “Kingdra”, the dragon blood in its body enabled it to master some weak dragon-type moves during Horsea’s time!

A small whirlwind immediately rolled the water, condensed into a “waterspout” and rushed forward. The range was so large that it could involve both Croconaw and Frogadier on the two floating boards at the same time.

“Avoid!” Li Xiaoyu and Nan Feng gave orders at the same time.

The two Pokémon immediately jumped left and right into the water, avoiding the ever-growing tornado.

Just after jumping into the water, a silvery floating light came from the Underwater, hitting only Croconaw’s face.


A shimmering silver pincer slammed into Croconaw’s jaw, blasting it straight out of the water.

It’s Krabby, who jumps into West Lake when Horsea uses Twister to get everyone’s attention, and locks on Croconaw at the beginning, and attacks when Croconaw jumps into the water.

“Croconaw, use Bite!” This was not the first time Li Xiaoyu had fought, and he immediately launched a counterattack.

“Howl!” Croconaw, who was knocked into the air, bowed his head suddenly, a faint lacquer black light flashed in his mouth, and charged down with a fierce face, biting towards Krabby.

“Krabby, Encore, Alloy Claw!” Zhou Yue was not afraid at all.

“Haze!” followed up on Sunday, not to attack but to disrupt the battlefield and keep Frogadier out of the Croconaw and Krabby fight.

Rolling Haze struck, like a black Veilstone separating Frogadier and Croconaw, as well as Nan Feng and Li Xiaoyu.

Excessive fog and surrounds Frogadier.

Nan Feng was not in a hurry to issue an order, but just let Frogadier stay silent, in case Horsea would attack at any time. He believed that Li Xiaoyu and her Croconaw should be able to hold on for a while.

And on the other side of Haze.

No orders were given on Sunday, and Horsea had joined Croconaw and Krabby in a two-on-one battle.

“Croconaw, throw it to the ground.” Li Xiaoyu was also not afraid.

Croconaw, with all his might, the brute force of Bite Krabby’s pincers, twisted and slammed it on the float.

Beat again and again.

Although in the process it also suffered from Horsea’s you put. But as a crocodile, how could Bite prey later let go. Three slams to defeat Krabby directly.

“Krabby is incapacitated” The referee announced the result immediately.

“Krabby was defeated?” Nan Feng frowned slightly, and Horsea didn’t attack himself in just a few minutes..

Nope, Horsea is supposed to go two-on-one with Krabby.

But don’t worry, even if Croconaw is defeated, his own Frogadier can still be the winner.

And when the smoke clears.

What jumped into Nan Feng’s eyes was Croconaw’s “Aqua Jet” dashing in front of Horsea and connecting with “Bite”.

Croconaw thumped Horsea repeatedly on the ground like a broken sandbag.

The referee quickly announced the final result.

“Horsa and Krabby lost their ability to fight, so the final winners are Nan Feng and Li Xiaoyu”

“Congratulations to Trainer Li Ming and Chen Hong for their victory and becoming the second group of players who passed the qualifiers! Please rest for a while, we are about to start the finals!”

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