Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 26

26. Iai Instant Kill

“Azumarill! Use Freezing Fist!”

“Chinchou, use Discharge!” Li Ming and Chen Hong issued an attack order together.

Chinchou and Azumarill, who came up from the rear, attacked while blocking Frogadier’s evasion route from left to right.

“One pair of two still blocked from left to right so as not to escape…”

“Then it can only be killed head-on.” Nan Feng chuckled and raised his hand to command. “Frogadier, Cut!”

Frogadier’s expression was as dignified and serious as a swordsman Normal in a duel. In the face of Chinchou and Azumarill, who were charging at it, it was empty-handed and took the initiative to attack Azumarill.

A dark blue figure flashed across the battlefield.

Running in both directions, the distance between the two shortened extremely quickly.

It’s just a breath of time, Frogadier stepped on the ice and has already arrived in front of Azumarill, far exceeding the speed of the opponent, so that Frogadier can only avoid the fist full of frost power with a slight sideways, forward, staggered, cold and sharp kunai Azumarill The upper right shoulder blade is slashed diagonally to the lower left waist.

If it weren’t for the special protection mechanism of the Pokémon world, Azumarill would have been cut in half.

On the side, Chinchou raised his two “light bulbs” and smashed them, sparkling sparks, about to be printed on Frogadier’s head.

Two Pokémon, one left and one right, even if Frogadier rushed towards Azumarill and killed Rival, Chinchou’s attack would not have any delay. Normally, in order to defeat Azumarill, this blow “Discharge”, Frogadier is Eat it.

However, that is under normal circumstances, and it is only for ordinary Frogadier, and for Nan Feng’s Frogadier, its real speed has not yet been shown.

“Quick Attack!”

Just as Chinchou’s Discharge was about to hit, Frogadier’s figure suddenly disappeared in Chinchou’s eyes.

It was nothing but a real disappearance, only for a split second that Frogadier was faster than Chinchou’s eyes could capture.


The crisp slashing sound resounded through the West Lake, like a sharp blade cutting the cloth.

A slash from the lower right to the upper left appeared on Chinchou’s chest, almost cutting the lamp on his head in half.

In the eyes of all the audience, Frogadier, Azumarill and Chinchou interlaced, and they spoke an English “V” in the air with only a sharp cold light that could be caught by the naked eye.

Afterwards, Frogadier stood behind the two Pokémons with a cold and solemn face in his hands with Kunai in hand, just like a dashing swordsman who killed Rival, then dashed his sword into the sheath.

“Crack..” Chinchou and Azumarill collapsed.

Frogadier’s force is instantly full!

Immediately, the surrounding audience was noisy.

“Damn it! What just happened? How did Chinchou and Azumarill collapse all of a sudden?”

“Instant kill? I can see clearly, but why is this Frogadier so fast?”

“One-on-two, and instant kill! This Frogadier, Chinchou and Azumarill are not at the same level of Rival! Is this person really a student who just graduated from high school?”

Even more surprising should be the two parties, Li Ming and Chen Hong, Rival.

They opened their mouths wide and looked at Frogadier and their Pokémon lying on the ground in astonishment. For a time, they suspected that they were seeing a hallucination, but after rubbing their eyes and finding that their Pokémon was still lying on the ground, they could only accept this result.

Can. . . .

The Pokémon that you have carefully cultivated… just watch the seconds so easily?

One second, they still felt that the winning ticket was in their hands, and the next second they already lost?

This reversal is simply not too exciting.

“Chinchou and Azumarill lost their ability to fight, Frogadier won, so the final winner is Trainer Nan Feng and Li Xiaoyu” The referee immediately announced the final result after being slightly surprised.

“Win, win?” Li Xiaoyu’s eyes widened, her beautiful eyes looked at Frogadier in disbelief, and then fell on Nan Feng again, as if asking Nan Feng to explain to herself.

Nan Feng shrugged, “Of course, Rival is not strong, give it a chance”

Li Xiaoyu looked at Nan Feng as if he knew Nan Feng again, and patted Nan Feng’s shoulder hard, “You can do it! You are so strong!”

“Hey, Vileplume, keep your hands down!” Nan Feng stared at her eyes and covered her shoulders. She didn’t know what this girl was eating, but she was stronger than a boy, and almost spit out what she ate.

If it weren’t for your beautiful looks, I’d have to wonder if you were a female Machamp hiding in the crowd.

“How can your Frogadier be so strong?” Li Xiaoyu asked curiously.

“Its talent is good, plus I have cultivated it well,” Nan Feng said honestly.

Frogadier’s talent is very good, not only in terms of individual value, but also his own talent in combat, which cannot be seen from the game panel. In addition, after thousands of battles, experience and ability are combined.

Pokémon of the same level, except for Combusken and Ralts of Nan Feng, few other Pokémon can compare with it.

Li Xiaoyu nodded thoughtfully and wanted to ask some more questions, but Nan Feng didn’t want to continue standing on the stage of the West Lake Arena to be watched like a monkey by others, so he quickly took back Pokémon and pulled her to the shore.

“Go first to receive the prize”

After getting off the West Lake Arena, Nan Feng and Li Xiaoyu received the reward from the official office of the West Lake scenic spot.

A Pokémon egg named “Finneon”, and a carrying item “Mystic Water” that can increase the power of water skills by 20%.

Finneon is a relatively rare Pokémon in the Dragon Kingdom, but the strength is Normal. The price of Pokémon eggs is mostly around 100,000 in the market. The price of “Mystic Water” that increases the power of water skills by 20% is also about the same price. As for the two rewards The allocation is up to the two Trainers to decide for themselves.

“Which one do you want, you choose first” Li Xiaoyu Hideki said.

Nan Feng was also welcome, and took the Mystic Water and brought it to Frogadier.

If you want Finneon, you can grab it in the game. On the contrary, Frogadier has no props to use yet, and this Mystic Water came just in time.

“Then I’ll have Finneon’s Pokémon eggs!” Li Xiaoyu was holding the hatching device with Finneon Pokémon eggs, and she was quite satisfied.

Back to the West Lake.

Min Rou and Ye Jun Lang both look like they’ve just met Nan Feng.

“Dude, didn’t you say you want to take the Pokémon breeding major? Why are Pokémon battles so strong?” Ye Junlang couldn’t help asking.

“Who told you that Pokémon is a professional breeder, and that Pokémon is not strong in battle?” Nan Feng asked rhetorically.

“Ah…” Ye Junlang was speechless. It is true that Pokémon breeding students can also be very strong in Pokémon battles, but they are a lot stronger than us Pokémon battle students. Isn’t it a bit too strange.

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