Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 70

70. Charizard Vs Frogadier

Charizard soared in Soaring in the sky, violent and ferocious. Once he appeared, the temperature of the entire battlefield rose a few degrees.

Charizard is Zhou Yelin’s Trump Card Pokémon and Earl Dervish Pokémon. Along the way, as Zhou Yelin fought countless difficult battles, the Flamethrower took Zhou Yelin to the position of the sophomore chief.

For the sophomore seniors, Zhou Yelin is almost equal to Charizard.

If you didn’t beat Charizard, what did you say you beat Zhou Yelin?!

Senior of the sophomore battling department couldn’t help cheering for Charizard’s appearance.

“I haven’t seen Zhou Yelin’s Charizard for a long time”

“Unless it’s against a junior senior, who can get him to send Eruption to other Rivals?”

On the side, Senior from the Breeding Department complained, “Don’t say that Qiantang University’s battle department is good at using water-based Pokémon, how come the sophomore chief’s Trump Card “530” Pokémon is a fire-type Eruption”

From the appearance of Charizard, it can be seen that the loss in the first game was not what Zhou Yelin wanted. Whether it was because he was defeated by his freshman apprentice, he desperately needed a victory to restore his dignity as a Senior. Or to maintain the title of sophomore chief.

Taking out Charizard means that Zhou Yelin has to fight seriously.

“It will come.” Nan Feng took out the Poké Ball and took the Super King back.

To deal with the flying Charizard, the super king is still too difficult.

Throw the Poké Ball again.

The figure of Frogadier appeared on the battlefield.

To deal with fire-type Pokémon, it is more appropriate to use water-type Pokémon.

And Frogadier is the highest level in Nan Feng Pokémon.

Before becoming a fruit farmer, Nan Feng has been using it as the first release, so its current level has reached an astonishing 33!

There is only four levels left to evolve.

“Brother Nan’s decision is very wise to take back the super king.”

“Oh! It’s a new Pokémon, I thought Nange would use Combusken, but I don’t know if Nange’s Frogadier is as strong as Combusken and Super King”

In the audience, only Li Xiaoyu, Min Rou and Ye Junlang had seen Nan Feng’s Frogadier fighting, especially Li Xiaoyu.

The extreme speed and fierce attack made her unable to forget it from her mind even though it had been nearly a month.

I believe that Li Ming and Chen Hong, who were defeated by Frogadier that day, will probably not forget it. Maybe when the quilt is lifted at night, all of them are Frogadier holding the useless Cut.

“Charizard, use Flamethrower!” During the battle, Zhou Yelin took the initiative to attack without the referee giving a battle order.

Charizard bowed his head from Soaring in the sky, a mouthful of crimson flames poured over the earth and swept over, to burn Frogadier directly into a roast bullfrog for supper!

“Avoid, then the water fluctuates!” Nan Feng raised his hand to command.

Frogadier immediately turned sideways to Bounce, the powerful hind limbs gave it strong explosive power and speed, and easily avoided Charizard’s Flamethrower, his mouth bulged slightly, and a ring of three water streams blasted towards Charizard.

Charizard also flapped his wings lightly to avoid the water fluctuations, twisted in the air, turned his body, lowered his head and locked on Frogadier, immediately launched a dive, and his arms were plated with a magnificent dark green.

It’s a trick Dragon Claw!

Charizard took the initiative to attack without Zhou Yelin’s order, either they were already accustomed to this kind of offensive, or their tacit understanding had reached the point that Charizard knew what to do next without giving orders!

Nan Feng prefers the former.

“Double Team!”

Frogadier’s hands were crossed in front of his chest, and his thin figure instantly changed from one to five.

Charizard could only hit three Frogadiers even with open arms.

The Frogadier, who was hit, was destined to be just a phantom, shattering into white smoke.

“Water…” Nan Feng just thought of this opportunity to attack from behind when he heard Zhou Yelin’s voice suddenly sound.

“Aerial Ace! 39

Charizard, who had just passed by, suddenly volleyed upside down, flew close to the ground, and attacked the only two phantoms again at a faster speed.

Nan Feng suddenly broke out in a cold sweat behind his back.

He could see clearly that Zhou Yelin’s Charizard was very accomplished in the Flying department.

Truly the Trump Card of the sophomore chief, with these two hands alone, the speed-type Pokémon could not escape death under Charizard’s mouth.

Even his own Frogadier had to scramble under its attack.


Now it’s my turn to attack!

“Smoke!” Nan Feng raised his hand to command.

Frogadier’s real body immediately dropped a black smoke bomb…0

Black lacquer smoke rose up, covering the entire opposing battlefield, and at the same time obscuring the figure.

Charizard slid through the smoke without a hitch.

“Gust! 35

Charizard immediately flapped his wings, driving the smoke away from the battlefield with a gust of wind.

When the smoke dissipated, Frogadier and its clone had returned to Nan Feng again at some point. The real body had a golden beak in his hand. Judging by the color of the Pokémon props, this should be an unfinished sight. A Pokémon item that has absorbed the power of the skill!

Sharp Beak?

The reason why Charizard Flying is so powerful has been found!

Zhou Yelin was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that this was something Nan Feng’s Frogadier got with the “Thief” skill when Charizard was passing through the smoke.

“Fling” Nan Feng suddenly commanded.

Frogadier unceremoniously smashed the Sharp Beak in his hand as Fling’s prop at Charizard in mid-air.

The shining golden Sharp Beak immediately turned into a golden streamer, and before Charizard could dodge, it smashed into its chest and smashed it down from the air.

“Frogadier, Cut!” Nan Feng raised his hand and waved.

The two Frogadiers immediately left and right, holding the Kunai, flew out, and the two blue swift figures ran on the opposing battlefield as if two streamers flashed, approaching Charizard who fell on the ground at an alarming speed.


2.2 The flames in Charizard’s mouth erupted immediately, sweeping across a large area.

But the quickness of the two Frogadiers was surprising, and at the same time they started Quick Attack, almost dodging by the fire column.

“Dragon Claw! Attack the Frogadier who uses the Fling skill” Zhou Yelin shouted.

No long range, close combat!

Double Team is able to simulate Pokémon moves, but can’t deal damage, so that’s definitely true!

Charizard’s hands were immediately plated with a layer of dark green energy, composed of two huge Dragon Claws, grabbing the Frogadier who had just used Fling.

Dragon Claw went straight into Frogadier’s body, like chopping melons and vegetables


The claws into the meat do not feel right!

Charizard’s pupils shrank suddenly, and the next moment, the Kunai from another Frogadier had already slashed into its chest with a cold chill.

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