Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 9

9. The Tempered Fighting Consciousness

“Huh???? Brother Feng, when will you subdue Torchic?” Zhang Tianming was stunned.

Nan Feng didn’t answer him, but stared at Froakie with Torchic.

Nan Feng still doesn’t know what the individual value of this Froakie is, but its fighting skills and abilities are very outstanding. Even if the individual value is not high, it will definitely not be too bad.

As for whether to make it one of your main Pokémons, you’ll have to wait until you get it.

Feeling the fiery gaze, Froakie turned around, locked Torchic’s gaze, and immediately launched an attack!

As soon as he picked the Bubble on his neck, he threw it as a dart, and at the same time, the two hind limbs used force, and the ejection started and launched a charge.

“Ember!” Nan Feng commanded.

Torchic had already accumulated a large mass of Ember in his mouth, and he opened his mouth and Spit Up when he got the order.

The torrent of Ember went straight through the Bubble thrown by Froakie, forcing it to dodge.

But Froakie quickly came to Torchic, as if with a white glove-like palm with a dazzling Cal shining on it, he blasted Torchic head-on, and it was going to defeat Torchic like Desert Naia and Elekid!

“Avoid” Nan Feng’s voice sounded again.

Torchic dodged immediately, leaning slightly, almost avoiding Froakie’s attack.

It seems to be safe, but it is actually within Torchic’s control.

Two Pokémon staggered past.

Back again.

“Kalu!” Froakie was a little serious, and he could sense that the Pokémon in front of him was completely different from the two wastes just now.

As soon as the experts make a move, they will know if there is any.

Torchic is a true Rival!

Nan Feng looked at Froakie, but did not immediately direct the attack. To be precise, Torchic couldn’t do it.

Torchic is slower than Froakie, and more than a little bit slower.

This is the innate disparity brought about by the race itself.

The reason why Torchic can avoid Froakie’s attack at close range is nothing more than Torchic’s keen combat awareness and powerful body manipulation ability honed from thousands of battles.

What the handheld brings to Nan Feng is not only the “transcendence” of money and Pokémon talent. And Pokémon’s terrifying “bonus” to combat experience.

Torchic’s battles in handhelds and gaining “experience” are real!

In reality, a Pokémon battle takes a lot of time, and it takes time to find the next one after a battle. Even if those trainers spend all day in the dangerous area where Pokémon gather, regardless of the Pokémon Contest Condition from morning to night, at most they will fight dozens of battles.

While Torchic is in the handheld, there are more than 60 battles in an hour.

At the end of the day, 600 battles are finished, and he will go to the Pokémon center for treatment at any time, and there will be no hidden danger of injury.

Although Rival is weak, battle after battle, continuous attack and evasion, have brought it a tempered fighting consciousness!

This is unmatched by most Pokémon!

Torchic is the first one, but it won’t be the last one. The Pokémon after Nan Feng must be all battle-hardened, no, they are terrifying “fighters” who have experienced many battles.

This is also the reason why Torchic is obviously slower than Froakie, but he can dodge Froakie’s attack so fast.

But blindly dodging can’t win, so Nan Feng is waiting, waiting for the speed increase brought by the Acceleration Ability to make Torchic faster than Froakie.

Commanded by “Focus Energy” Nan Feng, if you don’t attack, take the opportunity to add a BUFF.

“Gee!” Torchic whimpered softly, his whole body lifted up, even his hair stood on end.

Froakie hurriedly launched an attack again, his hind limbs exerted force, and his body ejected and started, but this time, it was more cautious, not rushing to Torchic’s side at the fastest speed, but after closing the distance between himself and Torchic, posted A face trick “Bubble Beam”!

Attacking fire-type Pokémon is the most suitable move for water-type!

“Ember!” Nan Feng commanded, if Torchic has any Attribute that may surpass Froakie, it should be a special attack!

The dazzling Bubble Beam and the scorching Ember collided in the air, and a small explosion was inevitable. At the same time, the combination of water and fire produced mist, which spread rapidly around the collision point.

Suddenly, Froakie rushed out of the fog and delivered a standard “Pound”.

Tactics against Elekid used against Torchic?

Without Nan Feng’s command, Torchic’s fighting consciousness has already controlled its body to dodge.

But this time, Froakie is more than just a normal Pound, it’s a “Pound” burst.

If the right hand shoots up and is dodged by Torchic, then take the left hand, the left hand is dodged, and then take the right hand.

If it wasn’t for Froakie’s actions that were not particularly coherent, Nan Feng would have thought that he had realized “Double Slap”.

Torchic dodged lightly, moving faster and more easily. In the game, the Acceleration Ability is a round-by-round increase in speed, but in reality, the Acceleration Ability is a linear continuous increase!

“It’s almost there” Nan Feng pondered, and suddenly commanded. “Tackle!”

Torchic, who was dodging constantly, after avoiding the “Pound” move, he stopped and moved forward like a cannonball, slamming into Froakie in front of him fiercely.

“Boom!” Froakie was blasted out and flew upside down for more than three meters. It immediately stopped the car with its strong hind limbs, gritted its teeth, and charged up again with another “Pound”.

“Physical strength and perseverance are good” Nan Feng is very satisfied “Avoid! Then Tackle”

Torchic dodged Froakie’s attack with great ease, avoiding the attack while picking up “Tackle”. After surpassing Froakie in speed, Torchic can already crush it with his strong fighting sense.

Froakie did not stop the car this time, and was directly hit by a big tree not far away.

Falling to the ground, Froakie was still capable of fighting, but he could only support the Ground with one hand, and his stamina had bottomed out.

Not only Torchic’s two attacks, but also its non-stop attack is also consuming its own stamina.

Froakie is now at the end of the game.

It’s almost time to capture it.

Nan Feng picked up a Poké Ball and threw it at “Go, Poké Ball!”

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