Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 92

92. Nan Feng? What Is The Situation? (Plus)

Early in the morning on the fourth day of the holiday, Nan Feng was already at the airport in Ancheng.

Turn on the phone, turn on parental mode, and Lock On the position of the little genius watch.

Not surprisingly, Delibird lost his way again. The owner of the potato brisket shop is clearly in the Nancheng District of Ancheng, and the positioning shows that Pocobi has been wandering in the Beicheng District for the past few days.

Nan Feng is sure that if it wasn’t for the college experience that he flew all the way to Qiantang after leaving the city gate last time, it is estimated that Delibird is now heading for the capital.

Nan Feng looked at the time, it was 6:00 in the morning and the flight was at 8:00.

“Fortunately, I got up early.” Nan Feng booked a room at the hotel in Ancheng one day in advance.

After breakfast, he left the room. Nan Feng stopped a taxi at the door and went to the location indicated.

When Nan Feng arrived, they were sleeping in an alley, with several cardboard boxes blocking the wind, barely considered a nest.

“Just giggling!!(≧▽≦)””

“dei lee dei lee~~”

Pocobi and Delibird waved to Nan Feng.

Seeing that they were so energetic, Nan Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly he could imagine the lives of these two little guys before they met him.

“Are you lost again?” Nan Feng asked Delibird.

Delibird: (11) At this time, you should play stupid.

Nan Feng sighed softly, took out two warm scallion pancakes from his bag and handed them to them. They were bought on the road, so he knew they must have had a bad time.

“If you don’t have a sense of direction, don’t run around, you two will follow me later.” Nan Feng patted Delibird’s head, leaned over and hugged Pocobi in his arms, and turned to leave.

“Let’s go, let’s go to the Airport, we won’t go back to school, we’ll go somewhere else”

“Just babble!! (Go!)

Delibird looked at the back of Nan Feng who turned and left. The early sun rose early in the autumn, and the faint light illuminated him very dazzlingly, which vaguely overlapped with a familiar figure.

“dei Li! (Wait for me!)” Delibird hurried to catch up.

“Come on, if it’s too slow, you’ll have to fly by yourself!”


Ohara City.

Snorlax hotel chain.

“This is Senior Fang Cheng, he is in the 16th class, he has graduated for two years, and he was also a key member of our tree fruit club before.

“Today, please trouble Fang Cheng Senior to take us to the Forest of Plenty!”

“No trouble, it’s my honor to be able to go on an adventure in the wild with my young schoolmates”

“Together with you and your young people, I am also rushing to find my youth and vitality back then.”

“After all, I do research in the multi-province joint laboratory every day. After a long time, the whole person will rust.” Fang Cheng smiled, but he said in his heart: is it because of chasing tree fruit? Li Tiantian, the daughter of celebrity Li Jiangliu, I won’t give up my work in the lab and run out to bring new students. The boss is still waiting for me to give the data.

If I lose and make mistakes, let alone a bonus this year, I don’t have to work until the end of the year, I have to get out!

But as long as he can catch up with Li Tiantian, everything is worth it! With the father-in-law of the tree fruit celebrity Li Jiangliu as his backer, it is only a matter of time before he becomes famous in the breeding industry.

For this reason, Fang Cheng specially wore a handsome suit today, and those who didn’t know thought he was going to attend an important dinner party.

When all the juniors and juniors heard that it was a “multi-province joint laboratory”, they immediately showed their admiration.

The multi-province joint laboratory is a key research team composed of key research groups from several provinces that are specially deployed by several provinces for a certain important topic. affim.

However, Fang Cheng was able to notice that Li Tiantian did not respond to his “self-expression”.

As expected of the daughter of Shuguo celebrity Li Jiangliu!

“Then, let’s go.” Fang Cheng said to the crowd, and then came to Li Tiantian to invite him: “Xuemei, take my car, there is still space in my car.”

“No, let’s go first, I’ll wait for someone.” Li Tiantian beckoned everyone to go first, and she was still standing at the door of the hotel.

Waiting for someone? Fang Cheng couldn’t help but stop and asked tentatively, “Is the junior girl waiting for her boyfriend?”

Li Tiantian glanced at Fang Cheng and shook her head slightly: “No, I’m waiting for a junior. He didn’t act with us before. The flight to here at 9:30 in the morning should be arriving soon.”

Fang Cheng heard that he was just a junior, and felt relieved. “It’s a junior, then let my friend wait for him here. You rarely come here, so you should go early. The temperature in Ohara varies greatly throughout the day, and it will start to get hot at noon after a while.”

Fang Cheng also brought his wingman on purpose, just for this kind of time.

“Forget it, he’s already on his way from the airport to the hotel by taxi, and it only takes ten minutes.” Li Tiantian still prepared to wait by herself.

Before Fang Cheng could say anything else, a second-year senior suddenly asked, “Sister, are you waiting for Nan Feng? I heard that Nan Feng also signed up for this event, but it seemed like two days ago. I didn’t see anyone”

Li Tian dessert head “yes”

The sophomore sister immediately lit up and jumped to Tiantian’s side.

“Then I’ll wait together. The last time Nan Feng came to participate in the club activities, I was doing science science for Rookie, but when I was done, he had already left. It’s a pity.”

The rest of the school girls were waiting for Nan Feng, and followed behind Li Tiantian.

“々`Then let’s wait!”

Seeing that everyone was waiting, several students also stood over together.

Fang Cheng is a little confused, what is the origin of Nan Feng’s junior, so the junior is willing to wait for him at the gate of the hotel?

“Uh, is this Nan Feng apprentice very popular in the school?” Fang Cheng, the wingman on the side, asked.

“I can’t say it’s very popular, I can only say it’s the most famous person in our school!” A fat-faced freshman replied.

Man of the Year?

“What kind of situation?”

“He is obviously a freshman in the breeding department, but he won the freshman military training competition during the military training!” A baby-faced girl from the breeding department replied, with stars shining in her eyes.

“Winning the military training competition for freshmen? That is indeed a good honor, but it only represents the strength at the beginning. Some people are rich, and it is normal to lead at the beginning. Don’t lose the confidence to catch up with the juniors and juniors of the combat department.” Fang Cheng said with a smile, on the surface, it was to cheer up the juniors, but in fact, it was to belittle Nan Feng, just because the family had money.

“Chasing?” Several freshmen of the battle department looked at each other, and then shook their heads, “(Li Li’s) four years of college is estimated to be impossible, Nan Feng defeated the sophomore chief Zhou Yelin Senior at the orientation party, I feel that I am not the Rival of Nan Feng that I am now in my junior year.”

Fang Cheng’s face suddenly collapsed.

What kind of rubbish is this sophomore chief who actually lost to a freshman? rubbish!

“Ahem, isn’t he a student of the breeding department? We are breeders and we still talk about breeding results. Senior, I used to be good at fighting, but now I still have to pass the breeding test to enter the multi-provincial joint laboratory.”

A listen is better than breeding results.

The freshmen of the breeding department were desperate.

“But Nan Feng was recruited into the laboratory team by Professor Lin Jian during his military training.”

“That…. is indeed quite powerful.” Fang Cheng directly shut up.

Lin Jian’s laboratory was a team that his boss wanted to join but couldn’t. Once he joins, it means that he will have a place in the breeding world of the Dragon Kingdom in the future.

(It’s hard to write everyday..)

(One more chapter, fifteen chapters left).

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