Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 95

95. Cocoon Of Sleep, Jirachi

Pick all the berries from the Enigma Berry tree.

Thirty-four in total.

For a great harvest, put all the fruit in the secret base.

Nan Feng is looking at the Enigma Berry tree again.

Do you want to take this tree with you too?

But can Enigma Berry trees be grown in secret bases?

Thinking about coming and going, Nan Feng chose not to move.

I don’t need this Enigma Berry anymore. I don’t know how long it took for this Enigma Berry fruit tree to grow to bear thirty-four fruits. Give me two days and I can double it!

Not to mention whether the secret base can be planted, first of all, I can’t grow fruit trees. If transplanted to the secret base, 100% of them will be raised to death. The school’s tree fruit basic course does teach, but it is aimed at ordinary fruit trees and cannot be compared with rare fruit trees. .

Therefore, this fruit should be handed over to those who can support “Five Five Zeros”.

Nan Feng has other arrangements for it. Looking back at the way I came, I haven’t found the Enigma Berry fruit tree here for so long, and I don’t have to worry about who will find it in a while.

As for the Enigma Berry that was accidentally discovered, Nan Feng speculated that it should be because of the underground river next to the Enigma Berry fruit tree. Ripe Enigma Berry fruit trees fell into the underground river, and then followed the underground river to the river outside.

There is only this possibility.

Nan Feng looked around and saw that he had reached a dead end.

So, is this man-made road just to plant the Enigma Berry?

Nan Feng thinks it is like this, this fruit tree produces 34 fruits, and one fruit sells for 100,000. Sorry, it is impossible to sell 100,000.

Sell ​​a million!

That’s 34 million.

It doesn’t seem like a lot of money.

Ahem, that’s for me now, if I put it on myself, it’s several years’ salary when I’m picking junk, and it’s more than a month’s salary when I’m in my junk-picking team 2.0.

For the sake of 34 million, it is absolutely necessary to open up such a road!

Hmm! It must be so.

But when Nan Feng took out the Dowsing Machine, his face was swollen.

The Dowsing Machine arrow is still pointing forward, bang!

This shows that I still haven’t gotten the real treasure that it guides to pick up!

Nan Feng followed the direction pointed by the Dowsing Machine.

Enigma Berry fruit tree?

Nan Feng came to the back of the Enigma Berry fruit tree, and the Dowsing Machine was still guiding forward, indicating that the treasure it was referring to was not the Enigma Berry fruit tree itself.

But….there is a rock wall in front.

“There shouldn’t be any secret passages?” Nan Feng guessed.

After looking around, Nan Feng did not find anything resembling an organ, so he prepared to move forward violently.

“Please, Gabite!

“Dig me!

Gabite immediately opened a hole in the rock wall and dug straight forward. Nan Feng followed behind it, holding the Dowsing Machine in his hand, to confirm that he had not dug out of the way.

While digging, Nan Feng wondered if he might have gotten the wrong direction from the beginning. The treasure hunter guided him to find the mountain on the other side of the waterfall. He didn’t need to dig through the mountain, he should fly to the other side.

But no matter how you say it, if you get Enigma Berry, you won’t come here in vain, just dig through it.

After digging for three minutes, Gabite suddenly emptied in front of him, poked open a rock wall, and seemed to have dug into another open darkness.

Nan Feng asked Gardevoir to send the ball of light to fly in first to illuminate the empty space, after confirming that there was no danger. Nan Feng and Gabite went in one after another.

It was an empty space again. Before Nan Feng entered, he was still wondering if he had dug up another Pokémon cemetery.

If this is the case, I would still be a fart breeder, directly transfer to archaeology, and bring my own tomb BUFF.

What Hu Bayi, what Wu Xie, all stand aside for me!

However, after entering that space, Nan Feng determined that it was not a tomb.

Because no wreckage was seen, there was only a platform similar to the size of a football field, with a huge mural on the left of the platform and a downward staircase on the right.


Well, it is myself on the side of this space. Normally, it should be from the stairs below.

Nan Feng walked to the front of the mural and moved the ball of light closer, so that he could see the whole picture of the mural clearly.

It depicts a group of ancient people worshipping a meteor that flew from Soaring in the sky… 0Somewhat strangely, there is an eye inlaid in the middle of the meteor, with yellow eyes and blue pupils ….

Very weird.

“What kind of worship is this?” Nan Feng scratched his head, he didn’t pay much attention to the legends in Oyuan City, and he didn’t know what Pokémon this corresponds to.

To be sure, this is not a cemetery, but an altar!

“Isn’t it possible, this is the relic that the Archaeological Association is looking for?” Nan Feng suddenly remembered the group of people he met during lunch.


But it has nothing to do with me, I am here to hunt for treasure.

Looking down, Nan Feng found that there was a stone platform right in front of the mural, on which a purple crystalline stone lay quietly.

Nan Feng is sure that the target of the Dowsing Machine Lock On in his hand is that purple crystalline stone!

“What is this?” Nan Feng found another Pokémon item he didn’t recognize.

At such a time, it must be handed over to the almighty handheld!

Reaching out to pick up the purple crystal, Nan Feng took out the handheld again.

Also in the column of valuable items, an item called “Cocoon of Sleep” appeared.

Cocoon of Sleep: A creature that seems to be in deep sleep, will wake up when the Millennium Comet arrives.

“The Cocoon of Indulgence? The Millennium Comet? Nan Feng’s eyelids jumped, this thing… this thing seems to be Jirachi!

Jirachi, the legendary Pokémon!

One thousand years Huisu 2.2 wakes up for seven days, and in these seven days of awakening, it can realize any wish!

And before it wakes up, hard crystals will appear on the surface of its body to protect itself, and at that time its name is Sleeping Cocoon!

Nan Feng didn’t think that he would get a legendary Pokémon so easily, although… it seems to be in Rest.

“Then when will it wake up?” Nan Feng took out his mobile phone and prepared to search for the Millennium Comet to see when the next Millennium Comet would arrive.

Just as I took out my phone, I suddenly heard a “boom”.

It came from under the stairs of the platform.

Looking at the probe, the wall under the stairs was smashed by a drilling rig. Yes, it was the person who just met the Archaeological Association!


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