Age Of Pokemon: I Started Flashing With My Handheld

Chapter 98

98. Flame Pattern・ Metal Coat

Qiantang News Express: Qiantang University students donated an Enigma Berry fruit tree to the school, and Bai Wenru accepted it as a disciple. Please see details below.

Nan Feng was stunned for a long time when he saw the news.

He did not expect that Principal Bai Wenru would release such news.

The message was sent to calm down the storm that Nan Feng took the Enigma Berry fruit tree to move in the school yesterday, and to tell those forces that focused their attention because of the news.

This Enigma Berry fruit tree has been purchased by our Qiantang University, and it was also started by President Bai Wenru himself. You can rest for a while.

As for accepting Nan Feng as a disciple….

Nan Feng did not receive any news from the school, and Bai Wenru did not tell him, nor did he actually accept himself as a disciple. After all, he had already stopped accepting apprentices. The last one was accepted twenty years ago. It’s twice as big as myself.

Explain that accepting a disciple is actually just a signal, a signal that Bai Wenru is standing on Nan Feng’s platform and sheltering Nan Feng.

It can save Nan Feng a lot of trouble in the future.

Those who want to put their minds on Nan Feng should check in advance whether they are qualified to wrestle with Bai Wenru.

“I have a heart” Nan Feng’s admiration for Principal Bai Wenru has taken a new level!

553 Only such a principal can truly manage Qiantang University. Breeder has produced so many talents! And the talents who graduated from here are willing to return to Qiantang University.

This reminds Nan Feng of Lin Jian. There was news before that other places offered better treatment, but Lin Jian resolutely returned to her alma mater.

Because it was still a holiday, and counselor Tang Zhihui also went on vacation, Nan Feng could not go to the Dragon Nest in the East China Sea by himself. You can only take Axew after she returns.

The Enigma Berry fruit tree thing is coming to an end.

Nan Feng took the Metal Coat that Principal Bai Wenru just gave to prepare Onix to evolve into Steelix.

He used the handheld to check the attributes of the treasure-level Metal Coat.

Flame Pattern・Metal Coat: The power of steel-type moves is increased by 40%, and the steel-type moves have a fire-type burn effect.

The handheld also clearly records the incidental abilities of secret treasures that people cannot detect with machines.

Steel-type moves have fire-type burn effects. …

“Tsk tsk” Nan Feng remembered that none of the steel-type moves could produce a burn effect.

If in battle, Rival takes a steel move and gets burned.

That face should be quite wonderful!

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no one in the school now, Nan Feng is going to leave the school fence, go to the beach edge of the island, find an unoccupied corner, then release the Onix and give it a full body massage with the flame pattern · Metal Coat.

In the game, the evolution of Onix into Steelix requires a “connection swap” with the Metal Coat. (Link evolution is too unfriendly to single player players, so I don’t need to link evolution Pokémon in the game)

In reality, it’s simpler.

Just apply Metal Coat all over Onix’s body and it will naturally evolve into Steelix. (The Arceus version uses Metal Coat to evolve Onix)

If Onix, who already has level 40, evolves into Steelix, he will also have special abilities attached to the treasure.

It will instantly become a Trump Card Pokémon in its own hands.

But Nan Feng just walked out of the dormitory to prepare for execution, and suddenly remembered something, so he walked back.

He suddenly thought that he should give the fire-type gym before letting Onix evolve.

There is no other reason, but I still have to use Onix to play against Lavaridge Gym.

Rock type Onix is ​​resistant to Fire Type, while Steel type Steelix is ​​restrained by Fire type.

Back in the room, Nan Feng turned on the handheld, controlled the protagonist to come to Lavaridge Town, and challenged the Gym Trainer “Asha” in Lavaridge Gym again.

The light in front of him flashed, Nan Feng was already in a gym, the temperature around him instantly increased by seven or eight degrees, and the unique smell of the hot spring got into Nan Feng’s nose.

He has come to Lavaridge Gym.

On the opposite side was a girl with red hair that was split like an iron tree, a navel-baring outfit, and long trousers.

“Welcome… oh no, insignificant challenger, nice to see you again”

“It seems that the one who was defeated by me did not lose the courage to become a Trainer!”

“I don’t mean to look down on you, I just want to remind you that if you haven’t made much progress compared to the last time, you should leave here as soon as possible, and the result will not change.”

“Because….the gap between me and you is too big!”

Asha folded her hands on her shoulders and raised her head proudly, revealing some childishness in her complacent, making it hard to get angry.

Nan Feng took out the Poké Ball. “Stop talking nonsense, today you are sure to lose!”

“You just lost! Just like last time, I’ll let you see the hot moves we made with Laser Focus on this land!” Yasha was not to be outdone.

The referee on the side was already in place and announced after confirming that the trainers from both sides were in place.

“The game that starts now is the Lavaridge Gym Challenge. Trainer Nan Feng challenges Lavaridge Gym Master Yasha. There are three Pokémon available to both sides. There is no chance to exchange Pokémon. When one trainer has no available Pokémon, the battle ends.”

“The Gym Trainer sends the Pokémon first”

Asha raised her hand and threw the Poké Ball neatly.

The Poké Ball landed and opened, and a Torkoal with a level of 38 fell on the battlefield. Compared to the last battle, it has been upgraded by 2 levels.

“Mah!” Torkoal roared breathlessly, his nose Spit Up fiery white smoke.

Once on the stage, the battle has not yet begun, and the sky on the battlefield is immediately bright.

The Sunshine Ability is triggered, and the Sunny Day weather is here!

Nan Feng threw the Poké Ball from the back, and the Pokémon that appeared was Onix.

The entire body of Onix is ​​a diamond, with a body length of 30 meters. Once on the stage, the huge body directly occupies half the size of the field, and the snake-shaped head looks at Torkoal coldly from top to bottom!

“It’s so big!” Asha couldn’t help but admire.

The length of the normal Onix is ​​about twenty meters, and the size of the Onix in front of him is obviously more than twenty meters. Its size alone can prove its strength and extraordinary!

The referee confirmed that the two sides were in place, and the flag in his hand was chopped down and announced.

“The battle begins!

Nan Feng immediately shouted “Sandstorm!

(Asha is pretty good looking…).

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