Aim at That Star

Chapter 105

Chapter 104: Hoosi Has The Present

Lin Suizi carried a small basket and a sack, and with all her strength, trotted to the steel factory’s dormitory building as fast as she could.

It was as if some evil spirit was chasing after her.

In fact, her ears were all red.

She even wished she was deaf.

How could Jiang Shi say such a thing!

Although there is no one around, but in a large audience, he speaks so crisply and loudly from so far away, what should he do if someone in the residential building overhears him?

The greatest restraint that Comrade Lin Suizi can do is to nod his head calmly, and say in a flat tone, “Then I’ll go first.”

Then turned around and took a straight step.

run away.

Although she can be regarded as “experienced in a hundred battles”, she has experienced many boys’ bold or shy pursuit and affection.

But this is the first time I’ve seen a suitor of Jiang Shi’s style.

With a cold and self-controlled look on his face, his words and deeds are gentle and elegant, and he should not approach anyone around him.

It happens that when it comes to love words, the tiger is full of power.

For a little girl like Lin Suizi who pretended to be exhausted, but actually had a shallow emotional experience, the power was too much.

– Totally overwhelmed.

The unbearable reaction of ordinary people is to fall, and then fall deeper and deeper.

But Lin Suizi was different. Her first reaction was to run away.

Then think calmly, and finally reverse qualitatively.

For example, this time, she hurriedly buried her head and walked all the way, only to calm down her fast beating heartbeat, and began to calmly recall the few words Jiang Shi had just said to her.

She feels:

This young man was a little too frivolous.

He has not yet confirmed the relationship and within a few seconds of just confirming the relationship, he can open his mouth and shut his mouth to be “cute” and “distressed”, it’s really… cheeky.

If it wasn’t for the good impression of meeting and getting along several times before, she wouldn’t have brought this performance down so easily.


It seems that the more people contact, the more exposed their shortcomings.

No matter what, at least now I don’t have to worry about losing self-confidence because Jiang Shi and Jiang Zhiqing are too high, or being confused and unable to judge objectively.

Lin Suizi rested for a while, slowly sorted out his thoughts in his head, picked up the sack on the ground again, and walked towards the family building next to him.

She has been here several times, and the security grandpa at the door knows her and has chatted with her a few times, and he has some pity and love for her.

So when I saw her approaching, I raised my hand and handed her half an orange: “I’m here to find your uncle and aunt again? But today it seems to be a make-up shift or something. The two of them went to the factory early in the morning. The two children were also called away, and their eldest daughter was at home.”

“It’s okay, I’m just here to deliver something. It’s fine if someone is at home. Then I’ll go up first, thank you Grandpa An.”

The little girl waved at him, and without his help, turned around and went upstairs.

At this time, Lin Suizi was too young and too simple.

What she doesn’t know is:

When you start to slowly accept a person’s words and deeds that you couldn’t accept in the past, you start to subconsciously find reasons for your abnormal attitude and good feelings, and you start to put this person on different criteria and become more and more biased. .

It means that he already has a different important position in your heart. If you don’t stop your losses in time, it won’t make any difference between ending and getting deeper.

Even subtly, like a shadow, when I look back and realize it, I can’t let it go.


However, the simple girl Lin Suizi had temporarily put her and Jiang Shi’s affairs behind her, and walked into the family building of the steel factory.

This is a long corridor.

Both ends are ventilated, and next to the stairs is a water room and a public toilet. Probably because the water vapor is too heavy, an iron door is extravagantly installed.

Of course, the doors of the rest of the rooms are all made of wood, with a small window at the top of the door panel, a charcoal stove in front of the door, and a crowded family behind the door.

Such a single room is like a mold, evenly distributed at both ends of the corridor, and even the mottled defects of the coal stove have the same taste.

Because today is a single holiday, even though it’s almost nine o’clock, the corridor is still full of all kinds of noise.

There are old men in cotton jackets and glass bottles brushing their teeth and mashing water in the water room, there are elderly women who set off a coal stove to cook breakfast, and there are children sitting on the bed in the house trying to get dressed because their heads are stuck by their necklines. Crying loudly, the cry instantly spread throughout the corridor.

In the 1970s, such a cramped, cramped, and extremely low-private bungalow was a good house that people all over the county were looking forward to.

When Lin Suizi first came, he said that he had never been moved, never jealous, never resentful, that was a lie.

Even if she saw the messy life of a family of five crowded in a small room.

Because at that time, she was actually pretty much the same. She lived with the aunt’s family and had to take care of her little cousin. The house always smelled of dampness, and the living conditions were far less good than here.

At the very least, urbanites are still urbanites who can be allocated a house in a steel factory. No matter how poor they are, they are dressed like people, and they are completely heavenly compared to the dirty yellow vests and tattered pants of the countrymen. on the ground.

At that time, Lin Suizi was full of envy.

It’s just that her biological father’s attitude quickly made her understand that in their hearts, there is no such a daughter as her who was sent out just after birth.

Even if he stayed reluctantly, he would only be disgusted.

Lin Suizi actually knew that if she worked harder to perform and integrate after returning to “home”, her situation would definitely be changed.

Just like she worked hard to gain a good impression with Ama, and she would definitely succeed in the end.

She has always been confident in herself when it comes to pleasing people.

But she didn’t want to.

At the age of ten, the little girl’s self-esteem suddenly emerged, telling her that she should not beg for the pity and care of her biological parents like this.

She didn’t even want to admit it.


Lin Suizi walked to a familiar door, raised his hand and knocked.

A slightly sleepy female voice came from inside: “Who is it?”

“It’s me, Suizi, Sister Xuexue, Grandma asked me to bring something for you.”

“…Oh, it’s Hoko. Just wait for me.”

After about two minutes, the door was finally opened. Lin Xiangxue, Lin Suizi’s biological elder sister by blood, stood behind the door and smiled at her: “Come in. Why do you take so much? A little girl came all the way with such a heavy load.”

As the second child of the third child of the Lin family, Lin Xiangxue was raised well in her mother’s womb and was born smoothly at full term.

In addition, the family conditions are good, and there is no shortage of food and drink, so although he is only two years older than Lin Suizi, he looks much taller than Lin Suizi. He is also plump and looks very healthy. ‘s like.

She also has a good personality, and she was the one with the mildest attitude towards Lin Suizi from the beginning.

Over the years, a bit of sisterhood has also developed.

After Lin Suizi entered the house, he poured water for her, asked her if she was hungry, and said to take her out for a good meal while changing clothes.

Lin Suizi quickly refused: “No need to be different, Sister Xuexue, I came by car with the educated youth brothers and sisters in the village. I’m not tired or hungry on the road at all, and I have to gather for a while, otherwise I won’t be able to catch the bus. ”

“……OK then.”

Lin Xiangxue could only give up with regret, but still insisted on taking her to the factory, “Mom said in the morning that you might come over in the next few days, and told me that when you come, you must take her to the factory to see you. She, she wants you to bring back some things for grandma, and she also prepared a pair of leather shoes for you, because she was afraid that the little sister would see the trouble, so she kept it in the office of Aunt Chen and didn’t bring it back. She said that you are so old, It’s time to dress up in some decent clothes…”

While chatting, they walked out.

To be honest, Lin Suizi didn’t actually hate his biological parents.

Because if they come from a pair of ordinary uncles and aunts, they really do well and have a heart.

Just like this peacefully, when they are old in the future, they will also take care of themselves properly, which is a very mutually beneficial and win-win thing.

As for Sister Xuexue and the others, treat them as kind cousins.

Since after the mentality is calmed, everything that was originally unpleasant can become warm and pleasing, so why not do it.

So now, Lin Suizi can listen to her with her lips bent in a peaceful manner.

It was probably because Lin Suizi was polite and polite every time she came, did not hesitate to smile, spoke sweetly, and took care of their face in front of outsiders, which made the third Lin family like her more and more, and even Willing to take the initiative to buy her some gifts.

To be honest, in this world, there are few good people and few bad people, and there are more ordinary people with normal empathy.

As long as you pay attention to where you go, most people can get along well.

Lin Suizi listened to her cousin’s chatter about the length of the family, and she kept hearing the door of the cheese building.

But before he could go down the steps, he found that the other party’s voice suddenly stopped.

She raised her head suspiciously: “Sister Xue Xue, what’s the matter?”

Lin Xiangxue’s gaze was fixed somewhere, as if he was muttering to himself: “Who is that, why haven’t I seen…”

Lin Suizi followed her gaze.

I just saw… Jiang Shi?

—Only ten paces away from them, Jiang Zhiqing, with a handsome face and a tall figure, was walking side by side with two middle-aged men.

One of the middle-aged men, Lin Suizi, had met before, and he seemed to be the deputy director of a steel factory.

The other one was more familiar to her, because by coincidence, it turned out to be her biological father, Lin Guowei, the third eldest of the Lin family.

They were talking while walking, but the sudden stop of Lin Suizi and Lin Xiangxue at the door was too abrupt, and both of them raised their heads.

Jiang Zhiqing’s line of sight was right, and he was directly facing Comrade Lin Suizi.

He was stunned for a moment, and then raised his lips in the gradually blazing sunlight in the morning,

The smile on his face was clear and cheerful.

There is also a little subtlety of tenderness.

Jiang Shi actually wanted to say hello, but before raising his hand, he thought of what Lin Suizi had just said to him half an hour ago—

“This month, can we keep our elders, relatives and people around us from finding out?”

He hesitated for a moment, and finally put down his half-stretched hand.

Unexpectedly, the deputy factory director next to him said directly: “Hey, Guowei, aren’t your eldest girl and little niece over there? I haven’t seen you for a while, and your little niece is so smart. change.”

And the little niece in the distance directly raised her eyebrows and waved at them: “Uncle Deng, uncle, Jiang Shi!”

Her voice is crisp and sweet.

And it was “Jiang Shi”, not “Jiang Zhiqing”.

So Jiang Shi suddenly didn’t know how to react.

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