Aim at That Star

Chapter 119

Chapter 118: Hoosi Has The Present

The day Lin Suizi received her admission letter, Lin Maizi and her husband Xu Weidong officially divorced.

She also knew that she did not go to college.

But she still divorced without hesitation.

When Lin Suizi received this news, he had already returned from visiting relatives in the capital.

She was a little surprised.

First, because Lin Maizi chose to divorce.

You must know that she has shown off Xu Weidong’s career in front of her family, including herself, more than once over the years, to show what a good husband she has married.

If she is admitted to university, there is still some talk of divorce.

She didn’t pass the exam, and she insisted on getting a divorce. What was the reason?

The second is because of the strange attitude of the Xu family.

When Lin Maizi filed for divorce, they not only agreed without saying a word, but also refused to speak ill of Xu Weidong’s ex-wife outside. They only said that the temperament of the two was not suitable, and that “Weidong is a soldier, and he is outside all year round, and he can’t go out all year round.” It’s normal for her to be unbearable after seeing Maizi a few times.”

She even arranged a job in a power plant for her, as “compensation for her grievances over the years”.

The attitude is simply too good.

Lin Suizi fully doubted that Xu Weidong had done something bad that Lin Maizi could not bear.

And Lin Maizi also grabbed his handle.

If it is a bad thing in his career, Lin Maizi is not a very upright and dedicated person, and it is impossible for him to get a divorce because of this.

That’s an emotional stain.

Can threaten Xu Weidong’s emotional stains…

Lin Suizi looked up at Jiang Shi with a whimper: “Do you think Xu Weidong is messing around with men and women outside?”

Jiang Shi pulled his thoughts out of the document, thought for a few seconds before realizing what she was talking about, then shook his head indifferently: “Who knows.”


Who knows.

No matter why Lin Maizi wanted to divorce Xu Weidong, or why the Xu family gave up pursuing it, these things actually had nothing to do with her.

She heard Lin Xiangxue say a few plausible inside stories, and she just passed her ears.

Anyway, she didn’t want to have anything to do with Lin Maizi.

I don’t know why, maybe it’s a natural magnetic field discord. In the past few years after getting married, there is not much connection between Mingming and Lin Maizi.

But every time he saw her, or heard news from her, whether it was good or bad, Lin Suizi’s mood would not be too high.

As if born to rush.

So she took back her thoughts, continued to sew Jiang Heran’s small hair tie, and began to turn the topic to college.

Lin Suizi was admitted to a foreign language school this time, in the capital.

It’s not a well-known school like Tsinghua University, Huada University and Shanghai University, but it is already very impressive to be admitted.

The neighbors around him don’t know how many times to congratulate him.

This time, they didn’t envy what a good husband Mrs Jiang married.

Instead, he changed his mouth and said that Jiang Shi was really lucky to have such a smart daughter-in-law.

But what to say, in fact, Lin Suizi didn’t have much concept of going to college.

She is a girl who grew up in the countryside. She didn’t continue to study in junior high school. She was still a school in her own team. The environment and configuration were very rough, and it would not make people think: Oh, I went to junior high school. , I am some kind of intellectual.

When Jiang Shi taught her to study before, he didn’t specifically talk about university, because she was afraid that she would have too much expectations and would be sad if she didn’t pass the exam.

So what kind of arts and sciences, what professional direction, Lin Suizi didn’t know anything before filling out the application, Jiang Shi told her.

Even the volunteers were taught and filled by Jiang Shi next to him, and all the fillings were from schools in the capital.

After all, Lin Suizi had no nostalgia for his hometown, and could not wait to be as far away as possible. If Emperor Tiangao was far away, there would be no need to leave these favors.

That Jiang Shi’s base camp happened to be in the capital, and the family connections were all there. Now that he has gone on an official career, returning to Beijing is the best choice.

The family leave this time is neither short nor long.

They also have to get along with their elders more, and they also have to talk and reminisce and recognize people, so the time for their family to play by themselves is actually not long.

And the capital is so big, it takes half a day to visit a zoo, let alone take the children to all the attractions and eat all the delicious food.

But in fact, Jiang Shi also took Jiang Heran and Jiang Chengyi to the zoo.

The rest of the time, they were left with their grandparents, and the grandma and grandma who shouted at their hearts and souls would lead them around.

As for myself, I went to see various university campuses with Lin Suizi, and listened to a few classes with the students.

This is a very rare thing.

Generally speaking, for families with children like them, the focus of the whole family will be on the children and come out to see new things. Unless the adults have important things to do, they will come first with the children first. .

But Jiang Shi did not.

He said it was a rare trip back to Beijing, and he didn’t know when the next time would be, so he wanted his parents to see their grandchildren more.

In fact, he left a pair of twins at home because he wanted to take Lin Suizi to the university.

Man is a wonderful creature.

She can be good or good, and sometimes a single thought will lead to a completely different direction in the second half of her life.

Just like the fate of the sisters Lin Maizi and Lin Suizi.

In the first life, Lin Maizi was mediocre, just an ordinary village woman, neither too bad nor too good, and lived a weak and blind life all her life.

And Lin Suizi is gentle and double-faced, very serious, constantly climbing up, raising the children very well, and she has lived her life with dignity, but she did not live her life truly, freely, and enthusiastically until she died. .

Not to mention happy or unhappy.

In the second life, Lin Maizi had a foresight, he met a god, killed a god, met a Buddha and killed a Buddha. Relying on luck and golden fingers, he took every step very smoothly, so he became more and more tolerant and kind. The obsessed rebirth has become a generous, kind-hearted winner in life.

As for Lin Suizi, he kept provoking Lin Maizi but failed again and again, and finally committed suicide and died of hatred.

In this life, Lin Maizi also had foresight, and he had arrogance, obsession and resentment in his heart. Because the beginning was not smooth, this resentment could not be fully expressed. Fortunately, after staying away from Lin Suizi, he recovered for a while, and this is the situation that is neither good nor bad.

As for Lin Suizi, she is being taught by Jiang Shi: “Live for happiness.”

Jiang Shi took her to see several college campuses, sat with her in the lecture hall to listen to lectures, ate meals in the cafeteria together, and studied and studied in the library together. The only pity was that they never lived in a student dormitory.

Lin Suizi rarely felt an emotion similar to “booming anticipation”.

“I hope you go to college, not because college students are a good name, or because you can find a better job after studying in college, but you should experience such an environment.”

“You should sit in a real class where knowledge is imparted, and listen to knowledgeable professors. You should have such a time to learn and learn, to think clearly about your past and future, and to think about your true aspirations and ideals. ”

“Sui Sui, you are only twenty years old now. You are still very young. In fact, you should be still studying.”

The man held a steamed bun and smiled at her in the sunset light, his voice was soft and charming: “In four years, your main job is a student, and your spare job is to be a mother. Feel your youth well, like all vigor. Like thriving young people, respect yourself and your future.”


Lin Suizi looked up at him, stunned.


There are many people like Lin Maizi in this world, and there are also many people like Lin Suizi.

Especially this era.

Before the age of sixteen, the central idea surrounding Lin Suizi’s life was survival.

How to get enough to eat, clothe yourself, have a job, find a decent husband, and raise your kids.

This is the direction of her life.

Whether she is married to Xu Weidong, a neurotic educated youth, or Jiang Shi.

The essence is unchanged.

As for those “I want to be a scientist”, “I want to cure diseases and save people”, “I want to become a writer”, “I want to translate for her by the chairman’s side”… Such great ideals can only be used in writing essays, Never got along with her.

For example, the educated youth, they had ideals, even if they died in the end, at least they were disappointed and sober.

And there are more girls in the village, they don’t know anything, so their life is mediocre and passed happily.

People like Lin Suizi, who can realize a little bit about some things, but can’t understand the whole face, are the most painful semi-ignorant people.

But by coincidence, the college entrance examination suddenly resumed.

She also passed the exam.

After getting married and having two children, she put on her schoolbag again and began to enjoy the first day of her youth.

It feels…great!

Every time he called Jiang Shi, the excitement in his tone could be transmitted to his ears through electromagnetic waves, and he could hear it clearly.

Yes, after Lin Suizi went to college, he and Jiang Shi were separated from each other.

After all, his current job position in the local area is not a casual one.

So Lin Suizi first took his two children to Beijing to study at university.

Usually, the children are placed with the parents-in-law’s house, and I mainly live in the school dormitory. I will go home to eat and watch the baby when I have time, and then go home and live on weekends.

In this way, she won’t be too busy, and she won’t leave her children alone, and her life will be organized and thoughtful.

Her parents-in-law and mother-in-law are also very happy, because they can finally bring their grandchildren and daughters with their own hands. The son has not been seen for several years after leaving home, and all his thoughts are devoted to the twins. During this period of time at home, the four elderly people in the family have recovered.

Especially Grandma Jiang Shi, who walks like a fly, and can carry her little granddaughter to a pastry shop far away to buy sweets.

In this way, everyone was very satisfied, but Jiang Shi was alone and miserable.

Fortunately, Lin Suizi still wrote and called him from time to time.

Knowing that he could be transferred to the capital in the second half of the year at the latest, he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And a big event happened in my hometown: Xu Weidong was fired.

I heard that they were messing around with men and women outside, and even illegitimate children were born. As a result, the lover still had a family, and was sued by the husband of the other party to Wu Shangfeng. The matter was very big, and the final result was that Xu Weidong was directly fired. .

People from Nanyuanling Village mentioned the past, saying that it is no wonder that Lin Maizi was arguing about getting a divorce and took a job in the county. It turned out to be like this.

Tsk tsk tsk, Xu Weidong looked at such a decent person, he really knew who he was, but he didn’t know his heart.

After Jiang Shi finished speaking, he smiled vaguely on the other end of the phone: “Believe it or not, this is all the work of your cousin from beginning to end. It is estimated that since Xu Weidong’s derailment, she never thought about it. make him feel better.”


Although it is said that after marrying Xu Weidong, Lin Maizi’s behavior as a demon from time to time and domestic violence under the rebellious mentality are also one of the reasons why Xu Weidong looks for a mistress, but it is Xu Weidong’s fault for derailment in marriage.

Lin Suizi was too lazy to take care of other people’s housework.

She was silent for a while, but she still asked one more question: “What’s the situation with Lin Maizi now?”

“I’m working normally, and I was transferred to the purchasing department. I made a lot of extra money with the people in the transportation team. It is estimated that the situation will improve in the future, so I have to go into business.”

Jiang Shi’s tone was flat and nonchalant, “You know her better than me, and you have a brain in the way of calculating people. As long as you don’t want to harm others, nothing will happen, and you don’t need to worry.”

“…how could I possibly be worried.”

She has always held grudges since she was a child. Even if there is no occasional blockage after marriage, she will never forget the things that Lin Maizi calculated when she was a girl.

Schadenfreude is fine.

However, Lin Suizi was too lazy to argue about this kind of thing. After listening to a few gossips, he quickly put Lin Maizi’s affairs behind him, and happily picked up his reading routine and children’s affairs with Jiang Shi. Growth anecdotes.

Just like the induction star told Jiang Shi Xiaoxingxing’s wish:

There is no need to retaliate against her, and there is no need to target her. I even hope that she can live a long life, have long-lasting descendants, and live a peaceful life.

But to make her unhappy for the rest of her life.

She has been looking up at herself with resentment, unwillingness, and injustice all her life, and her jealousy can’t affect her mood.


Since you feel that your first life was not good, it was purely because of me.

Then I will tell you plainly, even if you do it again, even if you get the “good son-in-law” you want to marry, even if I don’t participate in your life, you still can’t beat me.

– This is Lin Suizi’s heart, the way to fight back that makes her feel the most happy.

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