Aim at That Star

Chapter 131

Chapter 130: Baby Fish

In fact, it is not difficult for Ji Siyu to understand Jiang Shi’s enthusiasm for himself.

But she could feel it keenly: Jiang Shi’s enthusiasm for himself is really enthusiastic.

She couldn’t think of anything in herself that was worth the other party’s conspiracy.

Therefore, she is willing to use the last bit of kindness to believe what the other party said:

It was because his family had an old relationship with her long-dead mother, so he helped her so enthusiastically for the sake of the fate among the elders.

“My sister will be here tomorrow, she wants to see you.”

“What are you seeing me for? Is it because of my mother again?”

“Oh, that’s not the case. Last time I asked you if you wanted to be an artist, didn’t you say you wanted to? It happened that my sister was free and was also recruiting new people, so I wanted to take a look and see if you were suitable or not. It just so happens that we can also visit and visit the elderly.”

He spoke quickly and naturally.

It seems that things should develop like this, and there is nothing wrong with them.

Ji Siyu opened his mouth, but didn’t say much, just nodded: “Okay.”

While talking, Jiang Shi saw the emery cloth on her calf again, couldn’t help frowning, and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Called back.”

The girl’s expression remained the same, her tone was calm, “He has two broken front teeth, but because he is the provocateur, his parents were afraid that the file would not look good, so they left a ruthless remark and walked away in a daze, not pursuing anything. .”

“Why did he pick things up?”

“Maybe it’s Yu Yanyan’s suitor. I think I have destroyed Yu Yanyan’s family, so I have to vent my anger for my sweetheart.”


Jiang Shi was speechless for a moment.

It has been almost a week since Ji Siyu jumped off the building.

Because of the special instructions, all the transfer procedures for Jiang Shi were done super fast. Although it was stipulated that it would take another two or three days to enter the school, but in fact, the second day he arrived in Annan, he carried his schoolbag directly. to school.

Coincidentally, he was still in the same class as Ji Siyu and Zhou Yuyan—without going through any backdoors.

I have to say, sometimes fate is so good.

What’s even better is that the day Jiang Shi transferred schools was the day after Ji Siyu wanted to jump off the building.

That is, the first day when she was completely “sublimated” after she was enlightened by Jiang Shi’s thoughts and stimulated Yu Xuelin’s family.

So, when Yu Yanyan came over to talk to Zhou Yuyan, but with a pack of tears in her face, she put on that squeamishly hurt gesture in front of her, Ji Siyu threw back a word.

Jiang Shi can’t remember exactly what he said.

Anyway, it’s basically “Stop pretending. Although your father has done the dirty thing of abandoning his wife and children, I’m too lazy to take revenge. You don’t have to look like a disgusting victim.”

Well, that’s about it.

So predictably, the audience was stunned.

Taking Yu Yanyan and Ji Siyu as the center, they went around in circles, and finally the whole class fell silent.

Jiang Shi leaned on the table with his head up to watch the play.

Looking at Yu Yanyan’s tears, like beads with a broken thread, they rolled out.

She can really cry.

If she continued to cry, Jiang Shi suspected that she was about to cry dry.

Sure enough, soon no one could watch it anymore.

Although this is Ji Siyu’s class, Yu Yanyan has obviously more friends, and they all stood up to speak for her.

Some people even pushed Ji Siyu several times and asked, “Can you stop coming to Yan Yan all the time?! It’s really annoying, I can see you everywhere!”

Jiang Shi felt that what she said was actually a bit problematic.

This is Ji Siyu’s class. It’s normal for Ji Siyu to stay here.

She should have said, “Why is there Yu Yanyan everywhere?”

But he didn’t interrupt, but continued to hold his forehead, watching this childish and middle-aged dispute with great interest.

In less than ten minutes, the story seemed to be pulled by the progress bar, and it had quickly jumped to the step of “Oh my God! Yu Yanyan and Ji Siyu are actually half-sisters!”

The girl who shoved Ji Siyu a few times just now jumped out actively again, pointed at her and said loudly: “God! I finally know why you are targeting Yu Yanyan so much! You are just jealous of her! Since your mother, she has been a junior, Destroying other people’s families, no wonder you have to come to Zhou Yuyan and Yu Yanyan, I see your family’s genes, the tutor is to be a junior!”

Several little boys and girls next to them echoed:

“Why are you so bad!”

“I really misunderstood you!”

“Yu Yanyan is so pitiful!”

“Ji Siyu, you are really immoral!”


Jiang Shi has been led around by her sister since she was a child, and she has seen many large-scale torment scenes.

But everyone in the entertainment industry is a showman, so it’s not a big deal, or it’s a confrontation that seems to be justifiable and factually poignant. He just came up and slapped first, and then started scratching his hair and kicking his stomach. The words in his mouth were even more nasty than online job black.

It was the first time he had ever seen such a childish quarrel atmosphere like “Oh my god, are you good or bad”, “You are bad”, and “How can you be so bad”.

In fact, according to Jiang Shi’s thoughts, quarrels should not stand on the commanding heights of morality and quarrel condescendingly.

You can scold others with sincerity, “Why the **** are you doing this to me like a fool?!”, and when the time comes, you can get back together.

But when you start to accuse others of “you are wrong, immoral, inhuman, and unjust”, then neither you nor the other party will be in the mood for reconciliation.

And once you get slapped in the face, you will be embarrassed to die.

Just like this moment-

Ji Siyu quietly stared at the pushing girl for a while, then pulled the corners of his lips, with a bit of sarcasm in his tone: “Yu Yanyan is almost a year younger than me, you say, who is the junior?”


The air seemed to be suspended.

It was stagnant for three minutes.

“Then, it’s also possible that when Yu Yanyan’s father was in love with her mother or she didn’t plan to give birth to Yu Yanyan, your mother got involved in other people’s feelings! Otherwise, why did your mother not dare to come to the door for so many years? Because of a guilty conscience! I have met Yu Yanyan’s mother, she is a very good person, it is absolutely impossible to do such despicable things, the person who destroys other people’s families must be your mother! ”

Well, it’s quite logical.

The key is that such a long string, twist and turn, and the momentum will go down.

Instead of questioning and accusing, it turned into two little girls entangled with each other endlessly.

Ji Siyu sneered: “I wonder if you have heard your good friend Yu Yanyan tell you the beautiful love story of her parents? It was love at first sight, and quickly got married within five days of knowing each other, and the second month after getting married. She gave birth to her. According to what you said, her mother didn’t become the third, so she lied?”

“…you! You’re arguing!”

In fact, when they heard this, most of the students who were watching the drama and eating melons had almost understood it.

The few “official passers-by” who have been standing opposite Ji Siyu are nothing more than a group of sisters who Yu Yanyan plays well and a group of rivals who are interested in her.

As for Zhou Yuyan, a stubborn but ruthless man who has been sitting in his seat, his head is lowered, his eyes are lowered, his expression is cold and silent, and he does not know what he is thinking about.

Anyway, it’s very rare, and he didn’t stand up immediately and use his best onmyoji skills to help Yu Yanyan defeat the vicious female partner.

Ji Siyu glanced at Yu Yanyan, who was almost fainting from crying, and mocked: “If I were you, I wouldn’t make trouble. Anyway, I have nothing to lose, but you, look now, all the students in the school. We all know that your father, who was full of benevolence, righteousness, and morality, turned out to be a cheating scumbag, and your virtuous and gentle mother, after becoming a mistress, forced to death her husband’s original wife.”

“…Ji Siyu, why are you doing this to us?”

The little girl finally panicked, pulled her sleeve, and choked, “Anyway, my father, he, he is also your father, isn’t he?”

“To shut up.”

Ji Siyu shook her hand away, her voice colder than her face, “Just like Yu Xuelin, go home and ask him, is he worthy?”

“Ji Siyu…”

“Jingle Bell-”

The school bell rang.

Their class is a self-study class this time, but Yu Yanyan’s class is not.

There was no other way, she had to turn around three times in one step, and dawdled away.

From this day on, the number of various gossips in the entire Annan Middle School can be said to have increased exponentially.

The center of the gossip revolves around Yu Yanyan and Ji Siyu.

From the grievances of the fathers to the love-hate entanglement between sisters, the richness of imagination is comparable to an annual family ethics drama.

And many of the original rumors that were passed on later and changed their tune came from the crying of Yu Yanyan and her good friends.

To be honest, not only Ji Siyu, but also Jiang Shi was puzzled, why Yu Yanyan, a little girl, was afraid that the rumors would not be fierce enough, so she kept fanning the flames, wishing her parents’ bad reputation spread throughout the city. Willing to – look like?

Doesn’t she know that her whitewashing method of making the noise bigger and bigger is actually the one who suffers the most, but herself?

As for Ji Siyu, her reputation was already bad to the ground, but after such a riot, some people began to turn their backs and sympathize with her. She felt that what happened before was probably because Yu Yanyan’s mother was taking revenge on her husband’s original wife. Daughter, it is true that the rich and powerful are as deep as the sea. The rich and powerful are as deep as the sea.

—Anyway, all in all, this week, Ji Siyu was having a hard time, and Yu Yanyan was also having a hard time.

The main reason for Yu Yanyan’s bad life is psychological torture.

The reason why Ji Siyu is having a hard time… In fact, it can be completely seen from the injury on her leg.

But fortunately, this girl is still smart, and she firmly grasped the handle of others, so that people dare not come to trouble her.

However, two days later.

When Jiang Yun finally arrived in Annan and understood all the events, the first decision he made turned out to be:

Complaining against the male student who committed the crime, asking for an explanation, at least a public statement from the school.

“The school-wide report is not terrible. Even if you are punished, it can be eliminated, but at the very least, you must characterize the matter in any public forum: the original sin is not yours.”

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