Aim at That Star

Chapter 37

Chapter 36: The Boy I Like Is Tall And Bright

Jiang Shi’s consciousness returned to a noisy teahouse.

As far as the eye can see, there are almost all men in long coats, and there are a few people wearing jackets and suits.

From the perspective of the above world, it is especially like a theme party.

However it can’t be.

This teahouse is located next to a fairly prosperous street, with two floors up and down.

The first floor is the lobby, with a dozen flat and long tables used as dining tables and auditoriums. The first is a temporary stage. It is said that the famous Danjiaoeryimeizi in Beijing was invited to sing on the stage today.

It’s just that the performance time has not yet come, and even though the crowd is full, there is still only a storyteller with a long beard commenting on the recent victory in the Northeast.

Everyone was fascinated, and there were cheers and applause from the audience from time to time.

The second floor is much quieter.

The restaurant uses bamboo curtains to separate many private rooms.

All the private rooms are close to the railing and by the window, where you can not only listen to the commentary of the opera downstairs, but also look at all kinds of living beings outside the window. It is elegant and not too closed, and is very popular among guests.

And Jiang Shi, at this moment, is sitting in the private room by the window on the easternmost side of the second floor.

Only him.

It is also very interesting to come to the teahouse for a drink alone in the daytime.

In the spacious compartment, the man in military uniform leaned lazily against the fence behind him, playing with the teacup in his hand, while learning the background of the world from the spitting comments of the storyteller below.

In fact, like the previous two worlds, the historical development process is very similar, so the social and political situations in each period are also very similar.

Today is the 25th year of the Republic of China, the domestic situation is turbulent, the war is raging, and the all-out war of resistance is imminent.

It’s better that there is no news in remote rural areas. In a political center like Jinling, who are you walking on the street, what you hear in your ears is either the Anti-Japanese War or the nation, and even an old man with a bamboo basket to buy vegetables can say a few Japanese devils How, how, the intensification of internal and external conflicts is becoming more and more obvious.

It really is not a scene of a peaceful and prosperous world.

The sensor star stopped in front of him carrying a stack of blurred books, and said in frustration: “His Royal Highness, according to estimates, the difficulty of saving this world will be much higher than the previous two worlds.”

The man put down the teacup in his hand: “I see.”

The background of this world is far less stable than the previous two worlds.

Mass anger incidents happen every day, and individual rights are difficult to be fully guaranteed. In such a turbulent social pattern, it is not uncommon for some tragic incidents to happen.

It can even be understated and used to it.

“It’s not entirely for this reason.”

Induction star stuttered and replied, “It’s mainly because, in this world, there are people who are beyond the rules of the times.”


Jiang Shi raised his eyebrows and straightened up: “Speak clearly.”

“In the words of the book… the heroine is a transmigrator.”

The book in this world is called “Daily Life in the Republic of China”.

The number of words in the book is very, very, very long. For a full eighty years, from the heroine’s fourteen years old to ninety-four years old, countless trivial matters are also described in detail and clearly. It can be called a super-long running account-style farming upgrade article.

However, the outline of the story can be summed up very simply, in one sentence: a modern female writer of online literature crosses over to become the daughter-in-law of the Republic of China, and uses her intelligence and intelligence to fight back and make a fortune and harvest beautiful love.

Gu Changying is the heroine of this world.

Before crossing, she was a full-time writer in modern society. She was an otaku, with a narrow social circle in reality. She was introverted and shy, and would stutter when she talked to strangers.

But at the same time, because he is surfing the Internet all day, his ability to talk is not weak, and his awareness of public knowledge is also very strong. If you have to compare it, it is actually a bit like Fu Jashi who went astray in the last world.

Therefore, although she would blush when she saw strangers in reality, on the Internet, she could swear at people with five trumpets at the same time, and turned into a sharp-spoken messenger of justice.

It is probably these experiences that have cultivated her literary level, so that she can gradually start to make money with a pen.

However, just one day when Gu Changying was scolding a netizen passionately online, he didn’t know which network cable was touched, and suddenly his head fainted.

When she woke up again, she had become a little woman with the same name and surname as her in the courtyard of the deep house in the Republic of China.

And the identity of the little-footed woman is very embarrassing: she is not recognized by her husband.

She has never seen her husband once since she married into her husband’s house at the age of fourteen.

After being a widow for two whole years, she endured loneliness and depression, dedicated herself to serving her in-laws, and looking forward to her beloved returning home as soon as possible.

But on this day, I suddenly learned the bad news:

Her titular husband had already married another bride in the bustling city.

So she fell down on the edge of the bed in a hurry, woke up again, and her body changed.

Become the modern Gu Changying decades later.

Gu Changying is a loyal supporter of feminism and independence. After learning about the life of this body, she sneered at her “husband”, thinking that he was just stopping his wife in the name of free marriage and openness. Just marry another.

It’s simply a product of the stench of the times.

—Unfortunately, Jiang Shi is this stinky husband.


Jiang Shi, the word is normal.

Born in Jiao’an County, Southern Jiangsu Province, his grandfather was a famous landlord in Jiao’an County.

When Jiang Shi was eleven years old, his father passed away due to illness. He felt that he could no longer be like this, so he said goodbye to his widowed mother and grandparents, and went to Jinling to study alone. Six months later, he was recommended to join the Central Army Military Academy.

The military academy has strict rules, and he has to be valued by his teachers. During school, apart from sending letters and packages home, he only went home once for the New Year.

Mother Jiang felt that it would not be possible to continue like this, and wondered if it would be better if she became a family, so she wrote to him, saying that she planned to marry him and the youngest daughter of the Gu family.

This Gu family’s youngest daughter, Gu Changying, is the daughter of a silk merchant. Although her family is not as good as the Jiang family, at least she can stay safe in the troubled times and not worry about food and clothing.

It is a very appropriate choice for mother Jiang and the old man and the old lady.

This time, this letter finally called Jiang Shi back.

However, he came back not married.

to resist the engagement.

He made a big fuss with his family, swearing that if the family dared to marry in his name, he would drive himself out of the house and cut off the relationship.

He was also afraid that Gu Changying would be deceived, so he went to her specifically, and hoped that she would never agree before the marriage was settled, lest the situation could not be saved in the future.

He even warned in a very serious tone: “Even if you agree, I will never agree. Arranged marriages are worth resisting, and I will always defend my right to love freely, even more so for you. You don’t have to listen to my family. Bewitchment and arrangement. I can tell you that no matter what method my family tries to marry you in, I, Jiang Ping Ping, will never admit the wife that someone else married for me, do you understand?”

“Clear, understand.”

– However, Jiang Shi and Gu Changying are completely different from the same world.

Gu Changying grew up with an old education, read the female commandments, and followed the three obedience and four virtues.

Jiang Shi’s words of “independence in marriage and freedom in love” sounded like crazy theories to Gu Changying.

Coupled with the little admiration for Jiang Shi in her heart since she was a child, after she left in Jiang Shi, she did not hesitate at all, so she took a chicken by the neck and entered the Jiang family to worship, becoming the legitimate direct descendant of Jiang Shi on the genealogy. wife.

At this time, Jiang Shi was still doing tasks in Jinling.

Because of the instructions of his superiors, he and the school girl of Rende Girls’ School teamed up to obtain information from the Japanese army as a fake couple.

The school girl’s name is Yu Kunyu.

In the long-term relationship, Jiang Shi gradually discovered that beauty is only her most insignificant advantage.

He gradually fell in love with this quiet and arrogant girl. After the task was completed, under the witness of the organization, he became a real husband and wife with her.

For Jiang Shi, this was the best time he had ever lived.

He goes hand in hand with the girl he likes. They have the same ardent ideal and the same firm pursuit, and dedicate their youth and blood on the same revolutionary road.

However, all of this was ruined the day he took Yu Kunyu back to his hometown.

The “marriage notice” sent to him by his mother before was not sent to him due to an incorrect address.

In other words, Gu Changying has been on the Jiang family’s genealogy for two years.

And when he and Yu Kunyu had been married for almost half a year, he suddenly found that he had two wives inexplicably.

How to say this?

On first come later, on personal will, on genealogy and family rules, everyone has their own reasons.

It is impossible for Yu Kunyu to agree to peaceful coexistence with one wife and one concubine. What she requires must be pure husband-wife relationship and love relationship.

Otherwise, just get divorced.

But Jiang Shi could never agree to this “or else”.

He could only persuade Gu Changying, hoping that she could divorce him, promising that he would definitely give him the compensation he should give.

If it was the old-fashioned and old-fashioned Gu Changying, it is basically impossible to agree.

But at this time, Gu Changying had already been traversed by progressive women in later generations, and she naturally wanted to escape the sphere of influence of this ugly scumbag.

So she asked for a large amount of compensation, so she divorced and left Jiang’s family.

After returning to being single, Gu Changying continued to use her pen ability to serialize novels and stories in a tabloid. famous.

Then step by step it became stronger.

From an abandoned woman, she worked tenaciously and tenaciously, and eventually became the editor-in-chief of a newspaper with a huge circulation, and a female gentleman respected by literati.

Those inspiring remarks and articles that pointed out the current shortcomings, although not all original, at least touched the nerves and emotions of the Chinese people, and they can be regarded as playing the role they should have played.

If the story ends here, the two lines are irrelevant.

One is striving to upgrade Liu Shuangwen, and the other is just a couple of thousands of ordinary examples that shine on the ideal road.

It would be great if it was safe and sound like this and never saw each other again.

But unfortunately, after Gu Changying’s career line has developed to a certain extent, he will start to introduce the love line.

The male protagonist of her group CP is Mu Pengbo, who is personally set as a cold and bloodthirsty colonel, and is also Jiang Shi’s immediate boss.

What good results will there be when such intricate relationships are mixed together?

– There will be none.

In Gu Changying’s heart, Jiang Shi will always be a stinky scumbag who uses “free love” as an excuse, and he can’t be blamed.

When people are telling stories, once their emotions are too extreme, the listener will naturally not receive a too objective version.

Therefore, in Mu Pengbo’s heart, Jiang Shi, a person, can’t be taught without a lesson.

How useful is the identity of the immediate boss.

As long as you arrange an impossible task for him, you can easily achieve the goal of eradicating dissidents.

Although that task, Jiang Shi finally completed it.

Desperately, with life to complete.

Twenty-four years old.

That hot-blooded, high-spirited young man with eyes full of arrogance and ideals when he smiled, just died at the age of twenty-four.

Only Yu Kunyu was left alone.

Keeping the memory of him and raising the posthumous child.

As if simple, live with enthusiasm. And it seemed to die lightly and coldly.

That’s a very good saying:

When you are young, don’t meet too amazing people.

Otherwise, you will be mistaken for a lifetime.

Undisturbed, walking dead, no peace.

Later, in the chaos of the current situation, in order to raise himself and Jiang Shi’s children, Yu Kunyu pasted newspapers, swept the streets, and picked dung buckets.

How slender and arrogant she was in the first half of her life, how silent and introverted she was in the second half of her life.

Eat all the hardships you deserve. Raised his son into a proud physicist.

It’s all about the end, right?

Just as the twilight was sinking, she was about to leave with her dying body.

The great and famous female gentleman in the literary world, Gu Changying, wrote an autobiography.

In this autobiography, she describes her wonderful and turbulent life.

In this autobiography, she explained the joys and sorrows of her relatives and friends.

In this autobiography, she wrote word by word:

“Jiang Shi, he may be a good soldier, but he will never be a good husband or a good man.”


Then the whole world knew.

The whole world knows about the scumbag old Mr. Gu Changying met when he was young, and about her ups and downs in love story, and blesses her for meeting such an immortal partner as Mu Pengbo after all her hardships.

During that time, there was a well-known tweet in the circle of friends, which was written about the two of them:

After sixty years of wind and rain, I finally believed in love again.

And Jiang Shi.

Forever, forever engraved on the pillar of shame.

In the mouths of future generations, it will always be the scumbag who is irresponsible, hypocritical and selfish, and who abandoned his original partner under the banner of “free love”.

They say: He is the epitome of that era, a part of the extreme dross of that era.

They said: Who hasn’t met a few scumbags. fortunately.


But not so.

In Yu Kunyu’s heart, Jiang Shi was such a good boy and youth.

He is like a breeze, like a burning sun, like the most vigorous sea cyanobacteria across the sky.

It is the brightest, warmest, most splendid, most desirable and proud part of that era.

But she could no longer speak for him.

In her life, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, the ups and downs, are all destiny.

She doesn’t complain, doesn’t regret, doesn’t regret.

If there is anything that makes her so bleak, she will not rest in her heart’s desire to die.

only one.

“He’s a good man.”

“I want them to know.”

“He’s really a nice, nice guy.”

Other than that, nothing else.

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