Aim at That Star

Chapter 47

Chapter 46: The Boy I Like Is Tall And Bright

In the magnificent virtual space, a young man with long hair and white clothes is sitting in front of a large electronic screen watching a movie.

The scene in the movie is very familiar.

The protagonists are Jiang Shi and Yu Kunyu in the era of the Republic of China.

Yu Kunyu was sitting cross-legged on the floor mat to clean up the manuscript.

She recently discussed with Ju Wenwen and the others, and after listening to Jiang Shi’s advice, she felt that it was better to focus on one direction than to imitate a popular version of the daily newspaper.

And their magazines are staffed enough, so there’s no need to waste energy publishing those empty boilerplate articles.

Therefore, they finally decided to directly create a translation magazine with strong popular science, and publish reviews of articles translated by foreign countries.

After all, among these people, most of them have studied foreign languages, and most of them have studied abroad. Jiang Shi has enough overseas contacts, which can basically ensure that they ask 80% of the authors for translation and reprint rights.

What’s more, most of the original articles they choose to translate are some manuscripts that are not well-known.

If you are really famous, you don’t have to wait for them to translate. Naturally, larger newspapers in China will choose to publish them.

The newspaper is still in the preparatory stage.

The name of the newspaper, the specific columns, the work each person is responsible for, the quality standards of manuscripts, the letter of invitation and the price of manuscripts, etc., all need to be negotiated in detail.

In this way, it is actually a big project.

Moreover, Ju Wenwen recently returned to his hometown to visit his family. He will not come back until the summer, and Yu Kunyu is the one in charge of the overall situation.

So even though she is a pregnant woman who needs to be cared for, many people come to her house every day to hold meetings with her.

Jiang Shi was very calm about this.

Exhausting all his acting skills in his life, he showed an extremely hypocritical calm.

Comrade Jiang’s psychological activities are very complicated.

Ever since he knew that he was going to be a father, his mood seemed to be stuck in the clouds, but also in the mud, and he didn’t even know what mood he was in.

Because he had already done a good job of psychological construction for a lifetime.

As early as when he was young and frivolous before graduating, he was ready to have no children in his life.

He even thought seriously about how to appease his parents and how to convince relatives.

Before going to North China, he and his sincere brother held a cup of wine and talked about their thoughts all night, and they agreed that if he sacrificed himself one day, the other party would adopt a child to him.

It doesn’t have to be sent to the Jiang family to be raised, as long as the surname and genealogy are changed so that the elders have a clue in their hearts.

Just as Yu Kunyu once accused him.

Jiang Shi didn’t want to be a wooden husband who had no affection for his wife, nor did he want to be a stranger’s father who was irresponsible to his children.

Later, even if he married Yu Kunyu, he never deliberately thought about having children after marriage.

It can even be said that because of self-hypnosis too many times, in his thinking, the fact that “I have no future in this life” has become a normal state.

Now, he suddenly told him that he had a child.

It was given to him by the woman he loved.

How is Jiang Shi feeling now?

It was as if an old bachelor lived in poverty for decades, but one day, he suddenly dug up a pot of treasure from under the roots of his tree.

In the jar there are not only gold and silver treasures that can’t be used up for a lifetime, but also a graceful, virtuous and considerate goddess.

The old bachelor was panicked and flattered, but the people around him were indifferent, thinking that this was a very normal thing.

In order not to be embarrassed and to attract attention, the old bachelor can only put on a plain and calm appearance.

– But in fact, Jiang Shi was so panicked that he was going crazy.

Therefore, during this time, you can often see scenes like this:

A group of people held a meeting in the big courtyard of the Jiang family, and some people suggested that the spring is bright and the sun is shining.

Yu Kunyu tilted her head and asked, “Comrade Jiang Shi, can I go out to play?”

Comrade Jiang Shi’s face was flat: “Go, let’s go green, what’s the matter.”

Then, when everyone stepped up the speed of the work at hand and planned to go out to play before the sun went down, he held an old newspaper, sat next to him like an uncle, crossed Erlang’s legs, his tone was slow, and his eyes were calm: “… …..In the 10th year of the Republic of China, outside the city of Yangzhou, a man surnamed Zhu went out for an outing and encountered a wild boar. More than ten people were killed, and four people died. In the 12th year of the Republic of China, an old couple in Shanghai accidentally broke into a forbidden area when they were out for an outing and died.”


Yu Kunyu looked up from the pile of manuscript papers and looked at him with **** and white eyes.

But everyone around me has already run away.

They didn’t feel that Jiang Shi was threatening them, but the man’s unwavering voice was so contagious.

It makes people feel that the outing is too **** dangerous.

So, in the end, not only Yu Kunyu, but the whole yard were scattered, and no one was interested in enjoying today’s good sun and bright spring.


In addition to restricting Yu Kunyu’s personal freedom with various side-by-side methods, Jiang Shi doesn’t even dare to sleep in the same bed with Yu Kunyu now.

Yu Kunyu frowned and looked at him holding several layers of bedding and laying on the floor, feeling very sad: “Why are you doing this to me?”

Jiang Shi’s face was serious: “You are too weak. If I turn over casually, I will probably crush you to death.”

“…What are you talking about?”

“I mean, the child in your belly is too weak, and if I turn over casually, I will probably crush it to death.”

Yu Kunyu wrinkled her nose: “Then can’t you change the room? You’re sleeping on the ground like this, I look too awkward.”

“That won’t work.”

The man continued to make the bed seriously and rigorously, “You are too weak now, even the doctor said you can’t let you sleep alone, I have to take care of you by the side.”




In any case, she could only blame her for being too weak.

Yu Kunyu didn’t want to say anything.

I threw him a pillow, rolled into the depths of the bed, and slept with the quilt in my arms.

She felt that it was enough to have a mentally retarded family member, and she couldn’t join forces with Jiang Shi.


Even before his stomach came out, he was so vigilant.

If the belly gets bigger in May, June, July, and August, isn’t this person going to be startled?

Thinking of this, Miss Yu felt a little unwilling.

Rolled back to the edge of the bed, stuck a head out of the quilt, and looked at the man on the ground with a contemptuous expression: “Coward!”

Then go back to sleep.

Jiang Shi: …I don’t bother to care about you, this little weak chicken.

In short, Jiang Shi and Yu Kunyu fell into the chaos of life because of this sudden child.

Over there, their old friend Gu Changying was also caught in the chaos of life.

She is not because of the sudden child.

But because of sudden love.

Probably because when Gu Changying made the request at the time, he specially proposed “in the future, if you meet strangers on the road, don’t say hello”, so the place Yu Kunyu found for her was not close to her own house.

It belongs to the kind of ultra-safe distance that will never meet unless you deliberately go to another city to hang out.

Sure enough, in these long months, Gu Changying never met Jiang Shi and Yu Kunyu again.

She went to school honestly. Although she didn’t really like the courses that the teacher taught her, it was still necessary to take this opportunity to learn traditional Chinese characters.

Moreover, the house Yu Kunyu found for her is very old, there is no electric light, and the light of the kerosene lamp is dim and flickering. Gu Changying is actually not used to it, and is anxious to make money and replace it with a more modern house.

You must know that although the old house of the Jiang family also uses kerosene lamps, there are enough of them.

A room is filled with several, and there are servants to light it up to extinguish it, but it is still bright and convenient.

And to be honest, when Gu Changying lived in the Jiang family’s old house, his whole thoughts were devoted to his sympathy for the original body, his resentment towards Jiang Shi, and his adaptation to other things.

For example, there is no TV, computer, mobile phone and tablet, such as slow and blurred communication, such as inconvenience in clothing, such as no flush toilet.

Completely fundamental, in short, I haven’t paid attention to the use of lights for the time being.

But it’s different now. She moved out alone, and she didn’t have to take care of the relationship with the Jiang family. After her life settled down, she had to consider other things.

Yes, write articles.

After all, Gu Changying is also a highly educated adult with normal IQ, and he knows very well that the war years cannot be satisfied with just sitting on the table.

Therefore, although she was sitting on a huge sum of two thousand silver dollars, she still bought a dictionary, and while learning traditional Chinese characters, she learned how to choose words and sentences in this era, and began to try to write articles for newspaper publishing houses.

Several articles were returned at first, but she was not discouraged.

After all, when she was writing novels in modern times, she had experienced a more difficult and uninterested initial stage. She firmly believed that gold would always shine, and she would never fail to make a living in her lifetime.

Sure enough, in less than two months, Gu Changying’s widely cast manuscript was picked up by a newspaper.

It is a translation-type weekly newspaper that specializes in translating and reprinting foreign articles. I heard that the second issue has only been published. Because it is interesting, popular and fresh, the sales are not bad.

For an emerging newspaper, this achievement is something to be proud of.

The editor-in-chief of the newspaper is called Wen Jiang. This name is somewhat masculine, but the handwriting of the reply letter is very delicate. Gu Changying’s preliminary judgment is that it should be a pseudonym.

The other party wrote in the reply, saying that he admired her style of writing very much, which had a taste of foreign fairy tales, and was willing to open a special column for her to serialize.

The article Gu Changying submitted to this newspaper is an adventure novel in a Western-style fantasy style.

From the point of view of conception and writing, it is indeed very similar to a foreign fairy tale.

Although she felt in her heart that the other party said that the novel she wrote was like a fairy tale was a derogatory sense, but fortunately, the other party offered a high fee for the manuscript and respected her privacy and personal information very much.

So if you are so rash, you don’t need to worry about it.

From this day on, Gu Changying began to serialize novels in this magazine under the pseudonym Gu Yanjun.

Thus having a fixed source of income.

As for why she fell into the sudden chaos of life because of love?

—Because she met a good friend named Mu Yu at school.

When she was invited to play at her house one day, she accidentally bumped into her brother.

A major named Mu Pengbo.

Mu Pengbo is six in his twenties this year, which is when he is full of heroism and arrogance.

He is handsome, unsmiling, and is very strict with others and himself, and his attitude toward others is extremely cold.

Even in the face of his own sister, he never had a soft word.

Only in his attitude towards Gu Changying, there was a slight difference.

He felt that Gu Changying was different from all women in this world.

There are always many whimsical ideas in her mind, she can always find a different perspective from others when she sees things, she is not in a hurry when facing foreigners, she talks eloquently, neither fascinates foreigners nor completely xenophobic They all radiate an enchanting light that makes people unable to take their eyes off of them.

However, Gu Changying’s attitude towards him was complicated.

On the one hand, such an excellent and powerful man has a soft spot for herself, and Bailiangang turns her fingers soft, how could she not be moved.

But on the other hand, she felt that she was not worthy of him, and would even drag him down.

“I’m a married woman.”

On the edge of the garden of a small house in the safety zone, a young girl in a schoolgirl uniform gave a wry smile, “Although I haven’t been married, I’ve been on the family tree, and I’ve been divorced again, and you’re the center. The eldest son’s direct son is the future high-ranking officer, even if we don’t care about this, but in the eyes of the world and your family, we are not suitable.”

The man standing beside her frowned and snorted coldly, “I don’t have the world to judge when I work with Pengbo.”

“You do not understand,”

Gu Changying shook her head, “I used to think so too, so I went to my ex-husband’s house full of blood to ask for justice, but they were all speechless. Being held to the forehead with a gun, life and death cannot be controlled.”

The aura around Mu Pengbo suddenly became fierce, and a bloodthirsty dark color flashed in his eyes: “You said he pointed a gun at you?”

“…There is no need to mention the past. In short, feelings that are not blessed by the world will not have good results. From now on, we will get along like confidants like this, and it will be very good.”

Mu Pengbo clenched the gun at his waist and was about to speak, but was suddenly interrupted by a hurried announcement:

“Sir! It’s not good! It’s not good – there is news from Master Duan that the Browning you wanted was intercepted!”

… The news is strong suddenly, suddenly strong.

All of a sudden, the ambiguity and gloom of falling in love just now faded.

The man squinted his eyes, the back of his hand suddenly appeared blue veins, and there was a violent storm in his tone: “Who was it intercepted by?”

“Listen, I heard that he is a professor from a military academy. He is quite young. At first glance, he does not look like a professor. His name is Jiang Shi. …still came in with a package of gifts.”


Mu Pengbo kicked the chair beside his feet, and sneered, “Pretending to behave in front of Lao Tzu, in the end, it’s not by taking bribes to write off the bill! Xiang Ming, prepare the car, I’ll go and meet these requirements in person. Money don’t kill assholes!”

Gu Changying suddenly grabbed his arm and turned pale: “Take me!”

Mu Pengbo was stunned for a moment.

The woman took a deep breath and lowered her eyes: “I know that Jiang Shi.”

“You said you knew each other?”

“Yes…he is my ex-husband.”


Ex-husband, Browning, professor.

The connection of several identities was too sudden and coincidental, making Mu Pengbo unable to speak for a while.

After a long while, he let out a snort, and then laughed angrily: “Okay, okay, it’s really good! It’s all gathered together at once, just let me solve it at one time!”


The Browning that Mu Pengbo wanted was actually “bought” by Jiang Shi through a friend in Germany.

Because the identity is not easy to reveal, it can only be sent to Master Duan Shangfeng through official channels, and then come to pick it up in person.

After sending it to Master Duan, because Master Duan was often not in Jinling, it was handed over to Section Chief Xun for safekeeping.

As a result, in the process of explaining, he was accidentally seen by Mu Pengbo.

Of course, it was impossible for people to tell him the truth, so they just said that it was military supplies.

Mu Pengbo wanted this Browning very much, and thought he was also a member of the army, so he coerced and lured Section Chief Xun to give him the gun.

Section Chief Xun Huihui righteously refused, under the banner of: Military supplies should not be disposed of casually.

Mu Pengbo, who had been forced out of anger after returning without success, suddenly heard the news today, wouldn’t he have to blow up?

When he hurried to the office building, Section Chief Xun was bidding farewell to Jiang Shi at the door.

“You, don’t keep thinking about fighting and fighting. No matter how strong your martial arts are, how many devils can you kill? Isn’t what you do now more important than fighting?”

—Jiang Shi came to the government building today, in addition to holding a gun, another reason was to apply for return to the team.

But in fact, since he handed over those blueprints and gave amazing results day by day, no one in the upper peak hopes to put him back into the army again.

Just like Section Chief Xun said, Jiang Shifan is pregnant, how many enemies can he kill no matter how talented one person is?

But the weapons he studied were not ordinary. He figured out the structure of the drawings, and even if some parts could not be made by himself, it made mass production more possible.

This role is far more important than going into battle to kill the enemy.

Jiang Shi frowned irritably, played with the gun in his hand, and didn’t speak.

“Besides, isn’t your daughter-in-law pregnant now? You’re not alone anymore, and you can’t do things for your family…”

As a result, before he could finish his words of exhortation, a car suddenly screeched to a stop next to him, interrupting the continuous babbling behind him.

A tall figure stepped out of the car with long legs, his face was indifferent, his eyes were fierce, and he walked beside them in three or two steps.

“Mr. Mu, how are you…”


—It was the sound of a hard object knocking on the forehead, very loud.

very heavy.

Section Chief Xun watched helplessly as Mu Pengbo pressed the gun in his hand on Jiang Shi’s forehead before everyone could react.

Aggressive, bloodthirsty in his eyes, resolute and ruthless in his behavior, without the slightest hesitation.

Section Chief Xun was immediately stunned.

After a long while, he came to his senses and pointed at him tremblingly: “Mr. Mu, what are you doing? Put down the gun!”

“Put down the gun?”

Mu Pengbo sneered and said in a gloomy tone, “Put down the gun and let you ethnic worms who are corrupt and bribery continue to harm the country?”

“…What are you talking about? Did you listen to someone say something that you don’t know?”

Mu Pengbo ignored him, his eyes fell on Jiang Shi coldly: “Are you Jiang Shi?”

Jiang Shi raised his eyes and looked back quietly: “It’s me.”

“Kneel down.”

Jiang Shi didn’t respond yet, but Section Chief Xun next to him was stunned: “Mr. Mu, what are you talking about? Are you crazy? I can tell you, Jiang Shi is different from me, he is not something you can mess with. Man, put the gun down!”

“Isn’t someone I can provoke? Oh, I really disdain to provoke such hypocritical literati who abandon their wives and children to bully orphans and widows.”

His eyes were sharp and his voice was cold, “But Gu Changying is mine now, you’d better give me a satisfactory answer to the dirty things you’ve done.”

Jiang Shi smiled: “What answer?”

“Kneel down and apologize to her.”

“Mu Pengbo!”

Section Chief Xun thought he was crazy.

Although Section Chief Xun was anxious to die next to him, he tried to persuade Mu Pengbo to put down his gun.

But Jiang Shi was close to Mu Pengbo, and from his eyes, he could clearly feel that if he didn’t do it, the other party would definitely pull the trigger.

without hesitation.

Isn’t this Mu Pengbo’s character design?

Bloodthirsty, domineering, cruel, powerful.

“Mu Pengbo, put down your gun! What kind of corruption and bribery is not what you think…”

Section Chief Xun was really dying.

He knew how proud Jiang Shi was, let alone kneeling down for some necessary crime, even if it was Jiang Shi’s fault, he would never say a word of apology in the face of so many onlookers. Son.

When he was studying in the military academy, he took a group of classmates to cause trouble everywhere, and the teacher almost broke the whip and did not let him lower his head one inch.


After two seconds of silence, Jiang Shi actually knelt down.

Jiang Shi is very aware of the current situation.

There wasn’t a single bullet in the Browning in his hand.

Mu Pengbo’s gun is already loaded, just pull the trigger and it’s done.

So he bent his knees, knelt on the ground, and banged.

Very neat.

He was still being held by Mu Pengbo’s gun, his eyelashes were drooping, his eyes fell on the ground, and he didn’t look at Gu Changying, who was also shocked over there, his tone was very light: “Gu Changying, I’m sorry, what happened before is all mine. wrong.”

Gu Changying: “…”

For Jiang Shi’s kneeling, she was almost speechless in shock.

But I don’t know why, but there is a kind of joy in my heart that I finally avenged the original body.

Mu Pengbo sneered and put away his gun: “I thought he was a powerful person, but he seems to be just a coward.”

Jiang Shi said nothing.

Standing up, he turned to look at Section Chief Xun: “Write a letter for me, write it to his father, and tell him everything about today.”

Mu Pengbo’s expression became more contemptuous, and his lips twitched: “You are a big man in his twenties, do you still only complain when you grow up? Let me tell you, my father doesn’t care about me.”

Jiang Shi still ignored him.

Still facing Section Chief Xun, his face was expressionless: “Everything his son did to me today, everything he said, wrote it to Mu Minghui word for word, if you ask him, think his son accepts What kind of punishment can make up for the mistakes his son made today.”

“You also told Mu Minghui that if he lifted it lightly, I wouldn’t say a word. The weapons I developed can still be used to fight Japanese devils. I won’t detain them, and I won’t be biased.”

“But I look down on him all my life.”

After all, he patted the ash on his knees, turned around and left.

Before leaving, the last words he said to Mu Pengbo were:

“The reason why I kneel at you today is not because I am afraid of death, but because I cherish my life.”

Mu Pengbo raised his eyebrows lazily: “What’s the difference?”

“I’ve never been afraid of death, but I know too well what my life means to this country and the nation. If I live longer, the nation will have even more hope. If I die, the entire nation will have to pay tens of thousands more. People’s lives, I knelt down to you today, just because I would rather use my self-esteem to exchange the lives of countless people.”

“My self-esteem is more important than my life. But the life of my compatriots is more important to me than my self-esteem.”


Mu Pengbo thought that Jiang Shi was talking about nonsense jokes in order to save his respect.

However, when he turned around, he found that the flies and dog Gou, who he had always looked down on, the long-sleeved and dancing section Chief Xun, had red eyes.

This “boss”, who has always been kind to him because of his family background, gave him a cold glance for the first time.

Without saying a word, he turned and walked away.

The subordinate next to him was a violent man, he looked very young, and he was able to get into this position so quickly, he probably had some background.

In the same way, people who can get into this position at a young age are mostly ill-tempered.

So he walked up to Mu Pengbo and even hit him hard with his shoulder.

Mu Pengbo accidentally stumbled when he hit him, and his anger surged: “You want to die, don’t you!”

“I’m not afraid of death! It’s you **** who are afraid of death! A good man has hands and feet. He doesn’t know how to go to battle to kill the enemy. ”

“Are you crazy?”

Mu Pengbo gritted his teeth and his eyes were red, “Do you know who I am? How dare you speak for a corrupt person in front of me?”

“Bribery your uncle! Do you know who Jiang Shi is? Do you know what he did? Do you know why the central government specially sent this gun here? You don’t know anything, and you don’t deserve to know. I don’t know. Who are you, but at least I know, compared with Jiang Shi, you are a national scourge who can only open your mouth and shout! Get out!”

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