Aim at That Star

Chapter 94

Chapter 93: Hoosi Has The Present

Lin Suizi’s grandfather, Lin Tiangong, raised three sons and one daughter in his life.

The eldest son, Lin Guofu, has only given birth to one girl for more than 20 years of marriage. He was almost desperate, but recently his daughter-in-law is pregnant again. People in the village say that it is a boy, and it belongs to the old man, so he protects him like something. Yes, as eyeballs, for fear of making mistakes.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Suizi, two months ago, did not quarrel with her aunt, but used the most stupid trick.

The second son, Lin Guodong, gave birth to three daughters. The heroine of this book, Lin Maizi, is the youngest of them.

The second son and the second daughter-in-law are honest and loyal by nature. They always cook the most and eat the least. They have no right to speak at home, and only work hard and diligently.

Oh, by the way, the second-bedroom family likes Lin Suizi very much, because Lin Suizi is the only person in the family who respects them and will say a few words for them from time to time.

Of course, Lin Suizi was good to them, just because he knew that with their kind-hearted characters like them, he would never raise a group of white-eyed wolves.

And her “sinister intentions”, no one can see through except the reborn Lin Maizi.

Until Lin Suizi committed suicide by hanging herself, her second uncle and second aunt treated her like her own, which was the only warmth in the final stage of her life.

This is probably why she is willing to make a side of Lin Maiziwang.

raised such a conflicting wish.

The third son, Lin Guowei, the father of Lin Suizi, is the most promising one in the family.

Because he married a city wife.

His father-in-law, Lin Suizi’s grandfather, was the logistics director of the power plant in the county seat. He first arranged his daughter into the canteen of the power plant, and then arranged his son-in-law, Lin Guowei, into the power plant as a workshop worker.

Logically speaking, Lin Suizi should also have an urban hukou.

But why does this happen now?

Alas, this matter has to start sixteen years ago, when Lin Suizi was not yet born.

At that time, her eldest brother Lin Guofu had been married for six years, but she still failed to give birth to a son and a half daughter.

I don’t know how they negotiated at that time, but the final result was that Lin Suizi, who was still in the womb, was adopted to her uncle.

Although after giving birth, they regrettably found that not only was a girl, but also frail.

To be honest, before the age of six, Lin Suizi had a pretty good life. After all, her eldest uncle and auntie were just such a child.

But after the age of six, Lin Suizi’s treatment plummeted since the eldest aunt was pregnant with her first child.

Although it has not reached the level of abuse, she has basically become a little girl with children.

When he was twelve years old, Lin Suizi, who was planning to go home to visit his family, discovered his miserable situation.

His face was yellow and he was timid. Standing in front of his adoptive parents was like a frightened bird, serving his little sister like a princess.

– This image is three percent true and seven percent false.

But Lin Suizi pretended to be seamless, and the adoptive parents were speechless.

Lin Guowei was instantly furious.

In fact, to say how much love he has for this daughter, who has never gotten along with him, is nothing.

But the impact of Lin Suizi’s image at that time was too great, and he instantly felt a strong sense of guilt and anger, and he had a fight with his own big brother.

As for the reason why Lin Suizi was not taken back to live with her biological parents in the city – it was because she didn’t want to.

She was twelve years old that year.

Been to the city a few times and spent a few days with my biological parents and siblings.

Enough for her to see everything clearly.

First of all, her biological parents did not have much affection for her.

Secondly, the brothers, sisters, brothers and sisters all rejected her as an outsider.

In the end, living conditions in the city are no better than in the countryside.

Their family and her have five children in total, living in a tubular building built by the power plant, with only two rooms.

In front of the door is a honeycomb stove, and behind the door is a family full of people.

Even turning around will bump into people.

The food is not that good. Although my mother works in the cafeteria and can open a small kitchen from time to time, there is nothing left for six or seven people, especially boys.

The father’s job is to be left to the eldest brother, and the mother’s job is to be left to the eldest sister, so there are still a pair of younger brothers and sisters left unaccounted for.

Now her thoughts are always changing. Maybe after a year or two of returning to the city, she will be sent to the countryside to become an educated youth.

So Lin Suizi stayed, the reason was “I can’t bear to be my grandma”.

Facts have proved that her choice is basically not wrong.

She was guarded by an old lady in the countryside, and her sister-in-law lived alone in the house before she got married. Her parents in the city felt guilty about her, and from time to time they would bring some good things back to her.

The close relationship in the past few years has made her get along well with her own brothers and sisters.

If it weren’t for Lin Maizi, the son of heaven, to restart his life, Lin Suizi would really be the MVP in the turnaround game. Every time he entered a new stage, he reversed all the bad beginnings into Happy Ending.

– It’s just that God doesn’t make beauty.

God = The author of this book just wants to spoil the heroine alone.

Let her travel through time and space, restart her life, and step on a scheming villain like Lin Suizi, who is kind-hearted and poisonous.

Promote the truth, the good and the beautiful, and criticize the false and ugly.


Under the scorching sun and the clear sky, Lin Suizi was called back to the rice field by the thunderous shouts one after another, and he saw a group of young daughters-in-law and aunts and mothers-in-law, and her cousin Lin Maizi was lying on the field stalk with her eyes closed and unconscious. personnel.

Her face turned pale with fright: “What’s wrong with Maizi?”

“I’m afraid it’s not over! It’s not a big deal to be able to breathe. But for such a small baby, I don’t know what’s going on, and it’s like a lifeless work. Then you say that the sun is scorching hot, Can you bear it?”

“Grab her a few times first, and help her to Jiang Zhiqing’s side, don’t lie down under the sun, or something will happen.”

“Suizi, go over there and call Maizi’s mother over and ask her to carry Maizi home and rest for a while. The girl’s family can’t work without life, right?”

“Hey, right, Suizi, go and call Maizi’s mother first. We’ll just take care of her here. Her mother is in the east side. Do you know where it is? Do you need my aunt to take you there?”

“no, I’m fine.”

Lin Maizi took off the straw hat on his head, waved his hand and said obediently, “I just went there to deliver food, I know where the second aunt is.”

She crouched down and was about to put her straw hat on her cousin’s face to block the sun.

I found that the girl lying on the ridge suddenly opened her eyes.

Without warning, the sudden vicissitudes of life and sadness in his eyes made Lin Suizi’s hand abruptly stop in the air, and he couldn’t let it go.

Lin Maizi frowned slightly, staring at her without blinking, her voice clearly still familiar, but with a chill that made people feel cold from the bottom of her heart: “Lin Suizi?”

Lin Suizi was a little stunned.

Maizi would never call her Lin Suizi before, and was always the affectionate and affectionate “Sister Suizi”.

Even if they are only half a year apart in age, they are the same age.

But she said nothing.

Half-squatting down, she carefully put the straw hat on her forehead, let out a soft voice, and asked warmly, “Maizi, are you feeling better? Are you uncomfortable? Do you want to drink water?”

“Don’t touch me!”

– Even with that straw hat on, Lin Suizi was pushed to the ground.

Because of the frightening force, he was unprepared for a moment. If someone hadn’t blocked it from behind, he would have almost fallen into the rice field.

Lin Maizi’s abrupt move frightened the aunts and wives around.

They looked at each other, not knowing why.

…not just a moment’s effort.

It was only when they were sisters that they were arguing, but they didn’t take it too seriously, but persuaded: “Oh, you little girls don’t know how important it is, why are you making trouble at this time, Maizi, look at you. Aunt, are you dizzy? Can you still hear me clearly? Aunt helps you sit up and grabs you, so that you won’t be able to get out the heat, and it will go away later.”

Another mother-in-law patted Lin Suizi’s hand and winked at her: “Go and call your second aunt, don’t bother with Maizi, her child is ignorant, you are a sister, go quickly, and grandma will talk to her for you in the future. ”

Country people don’t take such a fall seriously.

They didn’t even think Lin Maizi’s fainting was a big deal.

At most, Lin Suizi was asked to call her mother over, but she never thought of disturbing the elders in the family.

So even if Lin Suizi was so shocked that he couldn’t even speak because of this abrupt move, they still thought it was just a little awkwardness between sisters and girls.

Lin Suizi nodded, barely stabilizing her mind, got up from the ground, and smiled obediently at the old lady in front of her, “Okay, I’ll call the second aunt now, don’t worry, grandma, I know. Maizi she I just woke up, but I can’t figure it out yet, so please help me, I’ll be right back.”

“Hey, hey.”


Lin Suizi quickly walked towards the east side.

She didn’t wear a straw hat, her braids were a little messy, and she had some dust and grass clippings on her body, and it was too late to pat her off.

Her cheeks were flushed red by the sun.

– At least when he walked in front of Jiang Shi, he looked like this.

You don’t need to go through the warehouse to walk from here to the east, but probably because Jiang Shi heard the movement just now, so he came to see the situation, and the two happened to bump into each other on the ridge.

The man nodded slightly to her and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“My cousin passed out. Maybe the weather was too poisonous and she suffered from heatstroke, but she’s awake now, so she should be fine.”

“Then who are you now?”

“I’m going to call my second aunt to come over, so I can send Maizi home later, so she doesn’t have to work in the field.”

Jiang Shi said “oh”, nodded, and said nothing more.

It’s just that his eyes fell on her slightly messy head, and he raised his eyebrows, as if he was a little unhappy: “Where’s your hat?”


Lin Suizi touched her head subconsciously, and it took a moment to react, “Oh, isn’t my cousin suffering from heat stroke? I gave her the straw hat when I was there just now.”

Jiang Shi glanced behind her and saw that Lin Maizi had already been supported by someone.

Because the person had already woken up, everyone felt that there was no big deal, so the people who were watching the situation just now had all returned to the field to work, and only a young daughter-in-law was left to help her out.

“Then Jiang Zhiqing, I’ll look for it first…”

“She threw your hat away.”

Jiang Shi suddenly interrupted her.

Lin Suizi raised his head in a daze.

She saw the man lift his chin behind her, shook his head, and sighed, “Look, she threw the hat you gave her.”


Lin Sui turned around subconsciously.

Sure enough, her cousin, who was about to walk in front of her, had returned to her normal expression, and she no longer had the creepy feeling that she had just brought her.

It’s just that there really isn’t a straw hat on his head.

The other party’s eyes fell on this side, with a smile that was not a smile, and his voice was clear and loud: “Sister Suizi, what are you and Jiang Zhiqing talking about here alone?”

In fact, the field where Lin Maizi worked is relatively small. Most of the fields are old, weak, orphans, and young and middle-aged laborers are rarely seen working here.

And the fact that there are many women means that this place, plus the grain drying field, can be said to be the two largest sources of gossip in Nanyuanling Village.

When Lin Maizi shouted like this, most of the people raised their heads.

He pricked up his ears eagerly to hear something.

Jiang Zhiqing – they know wow, a young girl who is the favorite of young girls in the village.

Lin Suizi – of course they also know wow, the girl that all the young boys in the village like.

If there is something between the two of them, it will be enough for them to discuss it for more than half a year.

It’s just that before Lin Suizi could speak, Jiang Shi, who was beside him, curled his lips, half a smile, and replied in the same loud voice, “Talk about you throwing the hat your sister gave you just now and stepping on it a few times. What’s going on?”

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