Aka Amy

51. Meeting Mom (Tess)

"Hey mom," I said as she approached dragging her luggage behind her. "Want me to take that for you?"

It was half past six Friday evening, I'd had a long day, and I was very much not looking forward to this. And all that was blatantly obvious in my voice as I greeted my mother.

She gave me a disappointed look, "You don't sound very happy to see me Theresa. I thought you'd be more excited, we haven't seen each other in eleven months."

I sighed, "Of course I'm happy to see you. I'm not so happy that you made it a surprise visit though, and that you gave me less than twenty-four hours notice you were coming, or that you decided to come at all without checking with me first to see if I had time."

Mom started fussing and protesting that she only wanted to see me for my birthday, while I picked up her suitcase and carry-on.

"Come on," I sighed again. "It's a bit of a hike to get back to the car."

She walked alongside me as we headed out of the Arrivals area and into the parking garage. It took us seven or eight minutes to get to Amy's car, then mom sort of gave it a judgemental frown. Like she was disappointed I came to pick her up in an old beater instead of something new and luxurious.

As I stuffed her suitcase and carry-on into the trunk mom complained, "You haven't even given me a hug yet."

I rolled my eyes, "I was carrying your luggage mom, my hands were full."

Still, I hugged her after I closed the trunk of the car.

She held me for a second or two then frowned again, "Are you taller? I'd swear you're taller than I remember."

That actually made me smile. Last May when mom moved out west with my step-dad I was about the same height as her, now I was a couple inches taller.

"Yeah I am," I grinned. "I had a bit of a growth spurt last summer, grew at least two more inches."

She looked confused, "Theresa you were twenty-two last summer. You don't get growth spurts at age twenty-two."

I had to hold back a giggle as I shrugged, "Call it a miracle I guess?"

Mom was still confused as she finally got in the car. Then she went back to being judgemental as she looked around the car's interior. It was the same one Amy had when we first met last summer, an old Hyundai she picked up used when she started working after high-school.

The two of us talked a couple times about getting something newer or nicer, but we didn't really need it and it'd take more magic one way or another, so we agreed to just keep driving this one as long as it worked.

As I followed the signs to get out of the parking garage mom asked, "Have you eaten? There was food on the plane, but you know what that's like."

Fortunately I'd anticipated that she'd want to eat as soon as she got here. "No mom, normally me and Amy would order in right about now? Pizza or Chinese or something? But since I had to come get you, she was going to look after her own dinner while you and I did something."

I paused to pay for the parking, then as we emerged from the garage I continued "So I figured we'd stop at a restaurant somewhere, then I'll drop you off at the hotel."

"Oh," mom was disappointed again. "I was hoping to at least meet your friend? I don't even know what she looks like, you've never sent me so much as a picture. Couldn't we go to the apartment and pick her up, so she could join us for dinner?"

For a second or two I thought about calling Amy and suggesting it. I knew she'd agree if I asked, I was positive she'd cancel her own plans and join us instead. After another few seconds I decided not to. She was hoping to patch things up with her online friend tonight, and I didn't want to impose or take advantage of her.

"Amy already made plans for herself tonight," I told mom. "Since she and I had to cancel the ones we already had, so I could come get you from the airport."

Mom suggested, "After dinner then? Before you rush me off to a hotel, we could stop at your place so I can meet her?"

"Maybe," I sighed. I didn't want to distract Amy from her game, and for that matter I wasn't particularly interested in a late night entertaining my mother.

I was also worried about how mom would react when she finally saw what my girlfriend looked like. I hadn't sent mom any pictures or anything because I knew she'd be critical of Amy's appearance. Mom would assume my girlfriend wore colour contacts and dyed her hair, and she'd probably start talking about how that was unsafe and bad for her health or something.

There was also the fact that my girlfriend had all Amy Sullivan's memories, she remembered another life where she was practically a second mom to my mother. I was positive she'd feel weird about meeting mom now in this life.

By that point we were on the highway, and I tried to push those thoughts aside as I focused on the drive and the traffic. There was a lot of traffic, the airport was not a great place to be on a Friday afternoon or evening.

It was about half past seven when we finally got to the restaurant. Fortunately the service was pretty good, and I'd picked a place that was fancy enough mom couldn't find too much to complain about. Dinner was nice and mom paid for it which was also nice, then by half past eight we were back in the car. And I ended up letting mom talk me into taking her to my place first, instead of going straight to her hotel.

I had some growing anxiety about the impending meeting, as mom and I rode up in the elevator. The doors slid open and I walked her down the hall to our apartment, then opened the door and led her inside.

I motioned towards the living-room area, "Why don't you make yourself comfortable? Can I get you a drink? We've got white wine in the fridge, or I can put some coffee on if you like?"

Mom looked around the large open-concept main room, and to my surprise she didn't look judgemental or disappointed. I almost felt optimistic that maybe she approved of my and Amy's home.

While she was looking around I moved over to the door to our office and peeked inside. Amy was sitting at her desk with her headphones on, she was already playing her game. I didn't see any of her friends on the screen though, so I figured she was doing a solo thing at the moment. And fortunately she was still properly dressed, in leggings and a tunic top. I'd been worried she might already be in a nightshirt or something.

"Cutie?" I asked as I approached her. "Can you spare a few minutes?"

She paused her game and slipped off the headset as she looked up at me and asked, "Sure Tess, what's up?"

"My mom's here," I grimaced. "She'd like to meet you, before I take her over to the hotel."

Amy glanced at the time then said, "Ok. I'm supposed to meet with my friends at nine, and I'll need some time to get out of what I'm doing and get back to the town in time to meet them. I hope your mom won't mind if I only visit for a couple minutes?"

I rolled my eyes and replied quietly, "She probably won't understand but that's her problem not yours. Thanks Amy."

She got to her feet and gave me a hug and kiss, "It's ok hon."

I returned the hug and kiss, then turned and headed back out of the office with Amy following behind me.

"You mentioned something about coffee Theresa," mom said from where she was standing by the sofa. "That'd be..."

Her voice trailed off as she noticed Amy with me. She ended up just staring silently at my girlfriend while I did the introductions.

"Mom? This is my girlfriend Amethyst," I stated. "Though everyone calls her Amy. And Amy, this is my mom -"

"Hello Jodie," my girlfriend interrupted. There was an odd lilt in her voice when she spoke, but she had a warm smile on her face as she greeted my mother.

Mom was still staring, and she didn't respond at all. I was about to tell her off for being so rude when I noticed her face had gone pale.

"Mom?" I asked as I moved closer. "Are you ok?"

She finally tore her eyes off my girlfriend and looked at me, but she almost looked like she'd seen a ghost. After another second or two she finally responded, "Theresa, I think I could use that drink."

It wasn't hard to figure out my mom was freaking out about Amy for some reason. So my girlfriend excused herself then went back into the office and closed the door behind her to give us some privacy, while I put the coffee on then got my mom seated on the sofa.

And as soon as the coffee was ready, I fixed mom's with a double shot of Irish cream, while I made mine without. When it was all ready I handed my mom the mug with the booze then sat down on the sofa with her.

Mom quietly thanked me and had a deep sip of her spiked coffee. She stayed quiet for a while longer, just sipping her coffee while staring at the wall with a thoughtful look on her face. It wasn't till she was almost done her drink when she finally spoke.

"A few days before your granny died, she told me an impossible story. It was unbelievable, I thought she was delusional. I listened and humoured her, but I never really believed her. And I all but forgot about it after she passed away."

I felt a pang of anxiety as I gulped, "What story?"

Mom's voice was quiet as she described the tale my granny told her from her hospital bed a few days before she died.

"Mother told me her grandmother was a witch, that her granny taught her the old ways when she was a little girl. She said after her assault she used those teachings to summon someone to help her. She claimed she called upon a Goddess, someone who used to protect our family hundreds of years ago. Mom claimed this Goddess appeared to her in the night. Mom asked the Goddess to help her leave Ireland, so she could start a new life here."

My mom drained the last of her coffee then continued just as quietly, "My mother described this Goddess as a tall, beautiful woman with long straight silver hair and violet eyes. She said the Goddess was kind and compassionate, and promised to grant mom's wish. Mom met Amy Sullivan the very next day, and the two became life-long friends. And Miss Sullivan was already planning to emigrate to Canada, she offered to bring your granny here with her. Mom said at the time she was convinced the Goddess arranged for her and Miss Sullivan to meet. She said she thought the Goddess planned for them to fall in...to become close friends."

I stared wide-eyed at my mom as all that sank in. I had no idea she knew that story, but I could understand why she never bothered sharing it with me. From the sound of it, it was basically like a death-bed confession, and it made sense mom thought it was just the fanciful rambling of her dying mother.

"There's one more thing Theresa," mom added. She gulped again and confessed, "After she told me that story, my mother also said she became convinced Amy Sullivan was actually her silver-haired Goddess in disguise. Mom said she never asked Miss Sullivan if she was really the Goddess, because she was grateful to have her in her life and didn't want to risk ruining what they had together. Mom was convinced when Miss Sullivan died, that was really her silver-haired Goddess going back to the heavens."

By that point my heart was racing. I had no idea to say, and for a few moments I just continued staring at my mom.

Mom glanced towards the office door then stated, "That girl in there, your friend with the silver hair and purple eyes... The way she said hello to me earlier, her voice, her tone, it was exactly the way Miss Sullivan used to greet me when I was a little girl. Who is she Theresa? How did you meet her? Where did she come from?"

I hesitated as my thoughts raced.

On the one hand it seemed like she'd already guessed the truth. And in retrospect I realized how naive I'd been. I was worried how Amy would feel meeting my mom again in this life, but it never crossed my mind that mom might recognize Amy. Despite mom's claim that she didn't know granny and Miss Sullivan were lovers, the bottom line was Amy Sullivan helped raise my mom. She was mom's other mother, and they'd just been reunited after twenty-two years.

On the other hand, I wasn't sure it was safe to confirm what mom already suspected. I didn't know how my mom would react, or what she might say or do. Plus it wasn't the sort of decision I could make on my own anyways, I really needed to discuss it with my girlfriend first.

And finally I didn't want to lie to my mom, I didn't want to play innocent or ignorant tonight only to turn around and admit the truth tomorrow or Sunday.

It felt like I was caught in a trap, with no clear way out. I didn't want to lie, I couldn't tell her the truth without checking with Amy first, and the longer I hesitated the more suspicious my mom would get.

After a few awkward seconds I pulled out my phone and texted Amy. I just hoped she had her phone nearby and she wasn't ignoring it while she was online with her friends.

"Mom emergency - Amy my mom suspects who you really are and I don't know what to tell her. Please help!"

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