Aka Amy

57. About That Ring (Tess)

"Good morning love," Amy greeted me in a cheerful sing-song voice the moment my eyelids first cracked open. "Coffee's ready!"

I grumbled, "What time is it?"

My way-too-wide-awake girlfriend replied, "Almost half past ten. So what do you think sleeping beauty, going to get up soon?"

"Meh," I sighed as I pulled myself upright.

Amy held out a mug of coffee for me, I took hold of it with both hands and had a deep sip as I processed what else she just said. Half past ten meant I'd had almost seven hours of sleep, but even that didn't feel like enough. Not after last night anyways.

Those thoughts left me with a smile on my sleepy face and a warm feeling in my heart, as well as a few other places. I realized things were back to normal now with her, the sound of her voice and the feel of her touch didn't leave me weak and needy like they did last night. And while I was mostly glad for that, part of me couldn't wait till the next full moon. I was positive she'd let her divinity out again, and leave me an exhausted happy mess like I was now.

After another sip of coffee I looked up at her and asked, "What did you do last night? You did something to yourself. Or was it to me? So your voice and touch had a...powerful effect on me."

My girlfriend smirked and shrugged slightly, "I didn't do anything to you. It was sort of like what I did when April was here? Call it my divine spark. I brought it closer to the surface again, but last night I brought it even closer. And I tweaked it a bit, so it would have the desired effect. I remember you weren't sure you'd be comfortable doing the worship thing, so I figured this would be easier for you, and more fun too?"

Her expression became serious as she added, "I hope it wasn't too much? Please tell me if I went too far."

"Not too far," I responded as I tried to suppress a grin. And my cheeks coloured as I admitted, "I think it'd be ok if you did that again, for the full moons?"

Amy smiled, "Of course love."

I continued blushing as I had another sip of coffee. My cute girlfriend sat on the edge of the bed and kept me company while I enjoyed my morning drink, but eventually she started talking about far-fetched ideas like getting me out of bed.

"I was thinking we could go out and have brunch, since we missed out on that yesterday?" she suggested. "It does mean you're going to have to get up. And get dressed, I'm afraid."

"Oh fine," I sighed. I drained the last of my coffee then handed her the empty mug and added, "I'm going to need a shower though."

"Of course," Amy grinned. "Take your time love."

I slowly dragged myself out of bed. I finally noticed my girlfriend was already fully dressed, and it looked like she'd showered and washed her hair too. It left me wondering how long she'd been up, and why she didn't seem tired. Those were questions that could wait till I was awake enough to deal with them, so I let them slide for now.

As I headed for the washroom I added, "We're going to need to do laundry today too, we need to wash the bedding."

She giggled but motioned me to keep moving as she replied, "I'll take care of it later. Go and get cleaned up, if you take too long we'll miss brunch."

The coffee helped, but it wasn't till I was in the shower that my brain was finally back up to full speed. And part-way through washing up I found myself standing under the warm water as I stared at my new ring with a wide happy grin. It absolutely looked like an engagement ring, and I just knew I'd be answering a lot of questions about it all week long.

I was just as excited about having access to magic, I couldn't wait to try that out. I decided the next unlit candle to cross my path was going to be my first test subject. Either that or the next empty wine glass I encountered.

The healing spell would have to wait till someone around me was hurt or injured. I was pretty sure it'd work on myself, but I wasn't going to intentionally hurt myself just for the opportunity to try and heal something.

And the big one, the miracle spell, that was incredibly exciting. Though I knew it also carried a ton of responsibility. I was eager for the opportunity to try it, but also a little bit scared of the potential ramifications.

Like with April, even though she was happy there was still the stress of explaining her changes to her friends and family, profs and coworkders. And in her case, even though her changes were definitely miraculous they weren't actually that drastic.

I ended up spending the rest of my time in the shower lost in thought, playing through different scenarios in my mind about how things could go brilliantly or how it could all go wrong, depending on the situation. Fortunately while I was towelling off my thoughts swung back around to the positive again.

By the time I emerged from the bathroom fifteen or twenty minutes later I was hungry, I wanted more coffee, and I was excited to start experimenting with magic. And to show off my ring.

Amy was talking on the phone as I went back into the bedroom to get dressed, and I couldn't help noticing our bed was made and the bedding was spotlessly clean. My white gown was hanging up in the closet again too, equally spotless. My girlfriend mostly didn't use her magic for those sorts of cheats, but I figured we could excuse it now and then.

It was nearly half past eleven by the time I was fully dressed and ready to go. As we took the elevator down to the parking garage I asked, "Who were you talking to on the phone earlier?"

"I spoke with your mom first," she replied. "We're going to pick her up from the hotel, she's coming to brunch with us. I hope you don't mind?"

I frowned, but finally shook my head. "I don't mind. She's been making an effort over the past couple days, to try and patch things up between us."

"Plus it'll give me a chance to show off my ring!" I added with a big grin.

Amy smiled as well, and as we got in the car and got moving she continued "After that I spoke with Hailey."

"Oh right," I grimaced. "I actually forgot she had an Amethyst-related thing going on last night too. So how'd it go, did you get a second box of cookies last night?"

My girlfriend grinned, "Apparently she and Alex had some long conversations about it before-hand, but yeah. Hailey made me an offering last night. That's why she called this morning? She had a look at her bank balance when she woke up, and found the deposit from last night."

I asked, "So did you sneak over to her place after you left me passed out in bed this morning? And what actually happened to the cookies? I forgot to check the plate I put on the dining table last night."

"That's secret Goddess stuff," Amy said with a smirk.

At that point we were pulling up in front of the hotel. Mom was there waiting for us so I didn't have a chance to question my girlfriend further, and I was positive she timed it like that on purpose.

"Good morning Theresa," mom said as she climbed into the seat behind me. "And good morning Amy."

Me and my girlfriend both greeted her as well while we pulled out onto the road again. Less than ten minutes later we were at our favourite brunch place, and it was busy at usual. We only had to wait a minute or two though, as soon as a table was available they had it cleaned and we sat down.

Amy and I were next to each other, mom sat across from us. And I didn't even get as far as picking up a menu before mom noticed the new bling on my left hand.

"Theresa?!" she gasped. "Is that an engagement ring?"

With a huge grin on my face I wrapped my right arm around Amy and pulled her into a side-hug while holding my left hand out for mom to get a better look at it. I gushed, "Isn't it beautiful! Amy gave it to me last night!"

I didn't confirm or deny the engagement question since Amy was kind of ambiguous about it last night, and we hadn't had time to talk about it yet today. I figured me and my girlfriend would have to have that conversation though, because people were going to be asking me that question quite a bit.

Mom had an uncertain smile on her face as she admired the ring on my hand, and I could imagine she was having some mixed feelings. Like on the one hand she'd been making an effort to get over her issues and accept that I was gay, but maybe she wasn't quite ready yet to find out I'd gotten engaged to another girl.

"It's beautiful hon," mom finally responded. "And you look happy Theresa, you're positively beaming. I'm happy for you."

"Thanks mom," I grinned.

At that point the waitress was already there to take our orders. I didn't actually need to look at the menu, I ordered my usual eggs benedict while Amy asked for french toast with bacon. Mom quickly looked at her menu while Amy and I ordered, then she picked banana pancakes. And we all ordered coffee.

As the waitress left Amy told mom, "We come here for brunch now and then. The food's good, and the portions are generous."

"This is the first restaurant you took me to last summer," I added with a grin. "The day after we met, we had brunch here before we went on our first hike together."

That made my girlfriend smile, "Hopefully the weather will be nice soon, we need to get out there and start going on walks and hikes again."

"It'll be summer before we know it," mom interjected. "Were you two planning a summer wedding? Have you set a date yet?"

Amy and I exchanged a glance, then I replied "We haven't actually discussed that yet..."

"We got as far as the ring, then things got a little busy if you know what I mean?" Amy added with a smirk and a blush.

She didn't lie and she didn't reveal any details, but her tone and expression was suggestive enough that mom's cheeks went red as well and she suddenly found something to stare at that wasn't me or my girlfriend.

After that we found something safer to talk about, like the weather and mom's plans for the week and what me and Amy had going on at college. Breakfast arrived during that conversation, and the three of us got started on the food.

Then while we were eating we figured out some plans for the rest of the day. I really wanted to get some studying done, so Amy suggested dropping me off at the apartment after brunch. Apparently she wanted to spend some time visiting with my mom, which felt kind of awkward but also understandable, considering Amy Sullivan's relationship with mom.

Mom looked uncertain as well, but she agreed to Amy's idea so I went along with it as well. Then as we finished eating we made some loose plans for next weekend too. Mom was probably going to be back here Friday afternoon. She'd visit with me and Amy some more, then next Sunday I'd drive her back to the airport.

With all that sorted out, Amy paid the bill then we got back into the car. Mom rode up front this time while I was in the back, and when we got the apartment I hopped out then waved as the two of them headed off.

Awkward or not, it worked out ok. I got a good three hours of studying done before Amy came home. It helped make up for the time I spent not studying Friday night.

"How's it going Tess?" she asked as she joined me in the office.

I sat back and stretched, "It's going well. This was helpful, thanks for taking care of mom this afternoon. What did you two do together?"

She leaned against the edge of my desk as she replied, "We went for a drive actually? Nice quiet Sunday drive out in the country. And we had a good chat. I guess I was sort of channelling Ms. Sullivan? It gave Jodie a chance to have some closure in a way. Like you were saying, she's trying to patch things up with you? I gave her a chance to patch things up with the parent she was estranged from, two decades after that parent died."

"And yes," she added with a grin, "It was very awkward for both of us. At first, anyways."

I smiled as well, but I was quiet for a few seconds as I just leaned back in my chair and watched her. I thought about her and mom out driving around the country, talking about what it was like when mom was growing up and Amy was mom's other mom.

It was something I mostly avoided thinking about. Like I told Amy last summer, there was a certain degree of weirdness that I was girlfriends with someone who used to sleep with my granny.

"I'm glad you did that," I finally said. "And I'm glad it went well. I hope both of you got some closure out of that."

"Thanks," Amy smiled. Her expression became a little more serious as she changed the subject, "We should probably talk about the whole engagement thing? Like you said, that's going to come up a lot as more people see the ring."

I sat up straight as I nodded, "Right. What are we going to tell people? Should we just say it's not an engagement ring?"

"How about we say it's a long engagement?" she suggested. Then in a smooth motion she slipped down off the desk and onto one knee, before taking my left hand in hers. She smiled up at me and asked, "What do you think? Wanna get married in a couple years?"

My heart skipped a beat as I stared at her. "What? Are you serious?"

Amy nodded, "Two years gives you time to get established with work. I've got another year before I graduate, so it'll give me a year after that to figure out what I'll be doing with myself too. So let's say two years. Does that work for you?"

I let out a happy squeal as I pulled my fiancée up off the floor and onto my lap. I hugged her close against me with a wide giddy smile and said "Yes! Oh my goddess Amy yes!"

Her smile was as big as my own as she hugged me back.

When we finally let go her expression became serious again as she said, "There's another half to that conversation, and we should probably at least broach the subject now."

"What do you mean?" I asked with a slight frown.

After a deep breath she explained, "I'm not opposed to the idea of having a child or two with you at some point, but it's way too early to think about that now. I'm going to need about four or five years to get ready for that kind of thing, and we'll both need to put some serious thought into it before-hand. And finally, I think adoption should be on the table because if we have a kid of our own she's going to inherit a lot of supernatural baggage. If that's the route we decide to take we need to be prepared to handle that."

It took another minute or so for my brain to parse everything she just said, because it was a lot and some of it was completely unexpected. Especially the realization that if she and I had a child together, she might literally be a demi-Goddess.

"Right," I finally nodded. "And I agree, that's a subject we can revisit in a few years. But thank you for considering it. I honestly hadn't thought about it at all."

She pulled me into another hug and we exchanged some passionate kisses, before I got back to the mundane reality of studying while my girlfriend and fiancée went to the kitchen to start making us both some dinner.

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