Aka Amy

60. Friends of Friends (Tess)

Friday morning I did my best to say focused on my work, but in truth I was just as distracted as I'd been the previous day. Yesterday I'd been worried about my girlfriend's meeting with Kai, today I was thinking about everything we talked about last night.

First there was the revelation that the world was crawling with different supernaturals, and I couldn't help wondering if I'd already met one and didn't know it. Or if any of my current friends or acquaintences were something other than what they appeared.

It was just as surprising to learn that I counted as a supernatural as well now. I was still human, but I carried Amy's blessing. She didn't like the word but I was basically a saint. If a medieval artist ever painted me, I'd have a big gold dinner plate floating behind my head.

Then there was the whole 'status-quo' situation, and all the implications that went along with it. In retrospect it made sense, but it was also worrying to know that the same force that kept rogue Gods from wreaking havoc might also stop Amy from helping people if she was too public about it.

All those thoughts continued to distract me until yet another distraction came in the form of my phone buzzing with a new text message.

It turned out to be from April, she wanted to know if I was available to meet her for lunch again. I texted her back, and the two of us quickly made arrangements for her to pick me up at noon. After that I finally forced myself to focus on my work for the rest of the morning.

When noon arrived I grabbed my purse and hurried out to the parking lot, so I was already there when my friend arrived.

"Hi Tess," April greeted me with a smile as I slipped into the passenger seat of her car.

I greeted her as I pulled on my seatbelt, then asked "So where are we going for lunch today?"

She pulled out of the parking lot in front of Bev's clinic, and once we were on the road she replied "I saw a Thai place on my way here, I figured we could try that?"

"Sounds good," I smiled. "Are we going to start making a habit of this? It's the second week in a row you've picked me up for lunch."

April shrugged, "Maybe? I hope you don't mind?"

I shook my head, "Not at all. I hope everything's still going ok?"

We were already pulling into another parking lot. As we emerged from the car she replied "Everything's great for me! Honestly, I'm still giddy from everything your girlfriend did for me."

"Seriously," she added as we went into the restaurant, "Every morning I wake up with a huge smile on my face, I almost have to pinch myself to be sure it's real. And every day I thank the Goddess."

That comment left me momentarily distracted again, as I thought about how it sounded like April had already started worshipping Amethyst the Goddess. Or at the very least she was an active believer, praying and giving thanks.

Once we were seated April and I both ordered soda to drink, then we spent a few minutes looking at the menu. I noticed she seemed a little excited, but also a little nervous for some reason.

The waitress came back shortly with our drinks, then took our orders and finally moved off. I had a sip of my cola, and April had some of her drink. The way she was looking at me left me thinking there was something serious she wanted to talk to me about.

I asked, "So what's up April? You look like you have something on your mind."

She smiled, "I do. I hate to ask, I don't want to impose, but I was wondering if I could come and visit you and Amethyst again? Only this time, I'd like to bring a friend with me."

"Keep in mind my girlfriend's name is Amy," I reminded her. "Amethyst doesn't live with us, at best she 'visits' when she's needed."

April apologized, "Right, sorry. I just meant, um, that I was hoping Amethyst would be there too? For my friend."

"That's what I figured," I nodded. "Want to tell me about your friend?"

She smiled, "Her name's Ada, she's a year younger than me. She's still living with her family right now, but we're talking about her moving in with me soon. The two of us met online last summer, and we started dating a couple months ago. She's going to college out in the east end."

"She's trans as well," April added. "That's why I was hoping we could visit you and Amethyst? We're hoping your girlfriend might grant Ada a miracle too, like she did for me?"

"My girlfriend's name is Amy. Amethyst is the Goddess," I reminded her again. "Have you already told Ada about Amethyst? Does she know the Goddess granted you a miracle?"

April confirmed, "Yeah. I didn't say anything about you or Amy, I did like you both asked and kept the personal stuff out of it. But obviously she noticed how I'd changed. We're dating so it's not like I could keep it hidden from her, right? So she asked what happened, and of course I had to tell her."

She blushed and grimaced as she added, "Ada didn't want to believe it at first. You know it's kind of unbelievable right? But she couldn't deny how my body's changed. Some of the stuff Amethyst did for me would have taken years, some of it would have taken surgery, and some of it just wouldn't be possible no matter what."

"Right," I nodded slowly. I didn't actually know all the details of what Amy did for her, but what I could see was impressive.

I ended up staying quiet for a few moments as it struck me, this could be a good opportunity for me to do my first miracle. That thought was equal parts exciting and frightening. I wanted to try using the most powerful magic Amy granted me, but I was scared of getting it wrong or having it fail or something along those lines.

Though if we had April and her friend come over to our apartment then maybe I could do it with Amy's supervision. Or it didn't have to be at our place, we could do it at April's apartment or her friend's place. All we really needed was someplace private.

I was still thinking about that when our lunch arrived. As we got started eating I finally responded, "I'll have to talk with Amy of course. I'll let her know, and assuming Amethyst is on board with the idea maybe we can make arrangements for next weekend?"

"Perhaps we could meet at your place," I added. "We don't have to do it at our apartment, and your girlfriend might be more comfortable in a familiar location."

April looked equal parts hopeful and disappointed, "No chance we could get together sooner? What about this weekend?"

I shook my head, "Sorry. Amy's not available tonight, she's already got something on. And my mom's visiting from out west, so I'm going to be dealing with her all weekend. But I'll definitely talk to Amy this evening. I'll text you and let you know, and we can go from there."

"Thanks Tess, I appreciate it. And sorry for being impatient," she apologized.

"It's fine," I assured her. "I get that this is exciting and I understand not wanting to wait. Unfortunately Amy and I both have obligations, we can't give up our lives completely for the Goddess and Her work."

We were both quiet for a bit after that, just enjoying our lunch. The food was nice, we both got one of the specials. Mine was a small order of pad Thai and April had a curried coconut shrimp dish, and both of them came with a spring roll and a small salad.

Towards the end of the meal April's eyes widened as she finally noticed something. "Woah Tess! Is that an engagement ring? When did that happen?"

I grinned as I held my left hand out so she could get a better look at it, "Yeah! Amy gave it to me on Saturday. It's going to be a long engagement, neither of us are quite ready for marriage yet? But we agreed on two years."

"Wow!" she smiled as she admired it. "It's beautiful. And you're so lucky! Congratulations!"

I blushed, "Thanks April. I wasn't expecting it, but it was a very nice surprise."

"I'll bet," she laughed.

By that point we were both done, and the waitress came to gather up our dishes. April paid for lunch since she invited me out, then we got back into her car so she could drop me off at Bev's clinic again.

"So you're going to be married to a Goddess?" she asked as we got on the road. "That's got to come with some extra benefits or something right?"

For a moment I hesitated. I was about to tell her about being a cleric, but I decided that would wait. If I ended up doing the magic for her friend she'd find out then. Otherwise I figured I shouldn't be bragging or spreading that information around.

Instead I reminded her, "Amethyst is the Goddess. I'll be marrying Amy."

April grimaced, "Right, sorry I keep forgetting. But still, that's like the Goddess will be your sister in-law or something? You'll still be connected to her, through Amy. That's pretty impressive Tess."

"Maybe," I shrugged. Then as we pulled up in front of the clinic I added, "Thanks for lunch April. I'll get back to you over the weekend, once I've talked to Amy. We'll make arrangements and figure something out for your girlfriend."

"Thanks Tess. Take care!" she smiled as I got out of the car.

"You too," I replied, then watched as she drove away.

The afternoon went by slowly, and despite my best efforts I remained distracted. Now in addition to all the other stuff on my mind, I was also thinking about April and her friend. And potentially working my first miracle in Amethyst's name.

Just before five a whole new distraction arrived, as my mom unexpectedly showed up at the clinic.

"Mom?" I asked quietly as I met her in the waiting area. "What are you doing here?"

She replied as she looked around, "I just wanted to see where you worked. I thought maybe you could show me around, introduce me to your coworkers or your boss?"

I sighed, "Bev's with a client right now, and I don't think it's appropriate for me to be giving tours."

Mom gave me a sad look as she apologized, but she still wanted to at least meet my boss and supervisor. So she had a seat in the waiting room, while Bev finished up with her client.

After the client left and Beverly was alone I motioned to mom then I did the introductions. Bev was polite and everything, but I was positive I'd be hearing from her next week. After the way I'd been so distracted the past two days, having my mom show up unexpectedly and ask for a tour wasn't going to make me look any better to my boss.

Fortunately mom was satisfied after meeting Bev, and the two of us headed out to the parking lot where mom's rental car was parked.

"I spoke with Amy a little while ago," she explained. "Since you said she's busy tonight, I offered to pick you up from work. I thought you and I could have a little more time together, I'll take you out for dinner, then I can drop you off at home later?"

She added, "I've already checked-in at that same hotel, I'll be there tonight and tomorrow night. I have to take the rental car back tomorrow though. And I'm hoping either you or Amy will be able to take me to the airport on Sunday?"

I suppressed a sigh as I nodded, "Of course mom. I'll take you to the airport. And I'm sure either me or Amy or both of us will come with you tomorrow when you take back the rental car."

She smiled as we got into the car, "Thank you Theresa. So what shall we do, do you have any preferences for dinner?"

I wasn't really in the mood for anything big or fancy, partially because I already had a nice meal with April earlier. And partially because I'd been expecting to just order a pizza or something with Amy. I figured mom wanted something nice though, so I let her pick.

She wasn't that hungry either, so we ended up at a little cafe-type restaurant. Not one of the big chains, but an independent place. It was licensed too which meant we could indulge a little.

I ordered some wine while mom got an Irish coffee, and we split an apetizer while I listened to mom tell me all about her week visiting old friends. Eventually we both ordered something small for dinner, then after that we finished with coffee. And at long last mom took me back to the apartment.

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