Aka Amy

74. Final Stretch (Tess)

content warning: brief mention of lewdness

A loud grumble from my stomach distracted me once again, and I finally had to accept the fact that maybe I was hungry.

I glanced at the clock on my computer, and was surprised to find it was half past seven Monday evening. I'd spent my entire day off working, which felt like enough for now. I emerged from our home office to see if my girlfriend was around, and to find out if she was hungry or if she'd already eaten.

Fortunately Amy was easy to find. She was in the living-room, laying on an angle across the love-seat. Her head was resting on one of the armrests, one foot hooked over the back and the other hanging over the other armrest. She was reading something on her tablet, but looked up as I came into the room.

"Finally finished?" she asked with a smile. "I was starting to wonder if you'd ever come out on your own, or if I'd have to go in after you."

I rolled my eyes, "I lost track of time, and I guess I missed dinner?"

My girlfriend shook her head, "You haven't missed anything. Are you hungry?"

"Starving," I pouted. "So you haven't eaten yet? What do you feel like?"

Amy got to her feet, then left her tablet on the coffee table and headed into the kitchen. "We finished up all the leftovers last night, but I can make something simple. How's pasta sound?"

"That sounds great, thanks Amy!" I smiled.

"You're welcome love," she replied as she returned with a glass of wine for me. Then while I relaxed in the living-room and watched, my perfect wonderful girlfriend started making us both dinner.

We didn't talk much, I was almost as tired as I was hungry. Instead I just relaxed and sipped my wine while Amy went about the process of fixing dinner. Soon enough she brought me a bowl of pasta tossed with some shrimp, veggies, and a creamy sauce. She returned with another bowl for herself, and finally topped up both our drinks.

"Thanks again Amy, this is perfect!" I smiled as the two of us ate together.

There wasn't a lot of conversation while we both ate, then after we were finished I helped her with the washing up. And finally the two of us settled onto the sofa together to relax with some more wine.

"So what have you been up to while I've been studying?" I asked as we cuddled together. "I know you played your game last night, since you chased me out of the office at one point."

My girlfriend rolled her eyes, "I didn't chase you out. I suggested it'd be quieter out here."

I smirked as I had a sip of wine then conceded, "Ok true enough. It feels like this is the first time we've talked though, since Saturday night after Hailey and Alex left. So what have you been up to?"

Amy had some of her drink before responding, "Yesterday morning I did some chores around the apartment. Laundry, cleaning, generally tidied the place up. Then I was online for about an hour, learning a bit more about Ireland and Wales. And after that I spent most of the afternoon and part of the evening with Raven."

After a brief pause for more wine she continued, "We met some more demi-humans who needed my help and I picked up a few more faithful. Then after that we popped over to England to visit that other goddess I told you about last week, May Hawthorne? Raven found out where she was living, in a cosy little cottage outside a small village in the south-east corner of the country."

"You what?" I gasped. "I thought you said she was dangerous! Or potentially dangerous?"

Amy shrugged, "Yeah. I guess it was a bit of a risk, but I wanted to meet her. I was ready to make a run for it if things went bad."

I frowned as I had a gulp of wine. "So what happened? It went ok I hope?"

"Yeah it was fine," my girlfriend responded. "We had a little visit with May, I asked her about the enchanted plush toys that led to all the demi-humans last year? We didn't learn much, but she confirmed everything Raven's angel friend told us. We didn't mention the angel friend though, Raven didn't want to risk stirring up any trouble for Tanya or her family."

After another sip of her drink she added, "Then May asked me some questions, about what I was up to and why I wanted to help those people."

"So she's not as dangerous as you originally thought?" I asked. "What was your impression of her?"

Amy looked thoughtful for a few moments, then shrugged. "My impression of her is she seemed a little lonely, and maybe she feels a little lost or out of place? I can't help thinking there's some sadness there too, like it can't have been easy to see her daughter banished forever from the world."

"I don't know if she's dangerous or not, but I agree with what Tanya said last week. May's probably not evil, but she might be a little misguided or out of touch. She's a goddess of magic and witchcraft, and she's struggling to maintain her place in a world where most people don't believe either of those things are real."

"The status quo actively works against her too," she added, "The way it encourages people to discount or ignore those things they don't understand? And she's definitely scared of it. Actually now that I think of it, she's probably terrified of ending up banished like her child was."

I winced, "That makes a lot of sense actually. Between capitalism crushing everyone's spirit with work and debt, and the status quo encouraging people to ignore anything supernatural, I can see how that'd leave her feeling very threatened."

"Not to mention the mainstream religions tend to be very exclusivist," Amy pointed out. "They don't tolerate other religions, and on top of that they specifically persecuted witches for centuries. Even village healers and wise women became untrusted pariahs I think?"

I sighed, "That's why she worked in a high-school, right? She'd have more success finding people who still believed in magic and the supernatural among a population of teenagers than she would among adults."

Amy nodded, "Exactly. She even said that last night."

"So what was the outcome of your meeting?" I asked. "Are you and May friends now?"

My girlfriend shook her head, "Not friends. Not yet anyways? We agreed to meet up again though. I think it's possible we might become friends in the future. For now I'd say we're professional acquaintances. We're in the same line of work, but we've only just met each other. And like I said, she's maybe a little out of touch and isolated."

After draining the last of her wine she smiled, "May seemed kind of old-school to me, and my impression is she's a traditionalist? And obviously I'm a rookie, full of new ideas and doing things my way. Much to the chagrin of my angel."

I smiled too, "I'm glad she's not an enemy. And as much as I wish you'd told me you were teleporting around the world and meeting dangerous Goddesses, I'm also a little glad you didn't. I'd have been sitting around worried about you the whole time if I knew you were doing that."

"Not that I'm giving you permission to keep doing it though," I added as I gave her a squeeze. "I know you're a Goddess cutie, but meeting other Gods is the one situation where you're not invulnerable or indestructible."

Amy squeezed me back, "I know hon. Like I said, I was ready to flee if it went bad. And anyways, I'm not invulnerable or indestructible regardless."

I frowned, "You're a Goddess. That means you're immortal, right?"

"Yes and no," she shrugged. "I'm immortal, but my body is still human. Same as Amy Sullivan's, and we both know what happened to her."

"But now that you know who you are that won't happen again," I said as my frown grew deeper.

My girlfriend nodded, "Sure, I can keep myself free of disease. And if I got hurt I could heal myself easily enough. But if I made my body truly immortal and all that stuff, I'd also stop aging. That might not seem like a big deal now, but it's going to be noticeable in a few years. Like folks will eventually realize I still look twenty-two, while all my friends and family are aging normally."

I thought about that for a bit, then asked "Do you know what other Gods do? The ones living here on Earth I mean?"

"I've only met two other gods so far," she reminded me. "And I don't know either of them that well."

After a slight pause she added, "Having said that, if I was to guess I'd say May has made her body functionally immortal. I get the feeling she's been hanging around on the mortal realm for a long time."

I thought about that for a bit, but remembered what Amy said about May seeming lonely or isolated. It made sense if she was purposely avoiding getting too close to people, since they'd obviously notice after a few years that she wasn't aging.

In the end I decided to let the subject drop for now. Instead I leaned closer and gave her a kiss before asking, "So which of us is getting up to refill our wine glasses? Or shall we cheat?"

My girlfriend grinned as both our glasses magically refilled themselves.

"Thanks cutie," I smiled as I had a sip. Then after a slight pause I commented quietly, "So, four more weeks of college, then we're off on vacation with Hailey and Alex."

Amy made a little face, "That's why I started studying today. We're in the final stretch now, and suddenly I'm feeling the pressure."

"Better late than never," I teased.

She rolled her eyes but she was also smiling.

We ended up spending the rest of Monday night like that, just relaxing and cuddling on the sofa while we enjoyed some wine and each other's company. Then Tuesday morning it was back to college, and like my girlfriend said, we really were in the final stretch.

The next couple weeks followed the same sort of routine for me, with three days of classes followed by two days at the clinic. My evenings and weekends were just as busy, as I prepared for all my final exams.

Amy was putting the hours in too, although not quite as many as me. She still played that game with her friends one evening a week, and she took care of the housework and did the shopping on the weekends. She also made dinner for us almost every night, except Fridays when we ordered in like usual.

On top of that she even found time to help a couple more trans people, and some more demi-humans too. And as much as I wanted to help and play my part as her cleric, I was more focused on my course work. Amy understood, she knew this was a temporary situation and once it was finished I could devote more time to being her cleric again.

We kept up that routine until the last week, which brought two big changes to our schedule. Monday June thirteenth was the first day of exams for both of us. And that night was the eve of the full moon, which meant instead of cramming for my Tuesday exams I was setting out a plate of cookies and a glass of icewine for Amethyst.

My girlfriend said that was enough and I could skip the worshipping part since it was exams week, but I insisted. I'd committed to it, and I wanted to see it through. And to be honest, I also really wanted to have another night in bed with the Goddess. Which predictably led to me sleeping in the following morning.

I was finally roused from sleep by my girlfriend's overly-cheerful sing-song voice, "It's time to get up sleepy-head! I've got a fresh mug of coffee here for you, but you can't have it unless you're up!"

I groaned and rolled over, pulling the blanket up over my head as I mumbled "Five more minutes."

Amy stifled a laugh, "No can do Tess. You've already hit snooze four times. You've barely got time for a shower now, unless you don't mind being late for your exam."

My brain was still clawing its way up through the layers of sleep, but something about the word 'exam' stuck. It was a few more seconds before I was awake enough to realize this was Tuesday, and I did indeed have exams today.

"What time is it?" I gasped as I pushed the blankets aside and sat up.

Amy had a sip of my coffee then handed me the mug, which I happily accepted. I took a deep gulp of the hot sweet creamy caffeinated goodness as I finally registered that my girlfriend was fully dressed.

Not just dressed either. It was practically a replay of the last full moon, her hair was already washed and dried, her make-up was done, she looked like she'd been up for hours. More to the point, she didn't look like the two of us were awake until sometime after two in the morning having one mind-blowing orgasm after another.

"It's about quarter to eight," she finally replied, with a slightly amused look on her face.

That sent a shock of adrenaline through me as I exclaimed "Crap!"

I downed another gulp of coffee then got up out of bed and rushed naked straight into the washroom, mug still in hand. I had another couple gulps then left the rest of the coffee on the counter next to the sink and hopped in the shower.

On the one hand I needed to get cleaned up as quickly as possible, but on the other hand the hot water felt wonderful as it soothed some of my sore and stiff muscles. And it was a little too easy to think back to the night before, and how those muscles got so stiff and sore in the first place.

I couldn't really blame it on Amy though. Or Amethyst either, for that matter. She gave me several opportunities to call it a night. I wanted to keep going, and I got completely carried away. Then again I couldn't really blame myself either. Sex with a Goddess was literally heavenly.

Unfortunately I had to push those thoughts well off to the side. I quickly finished my shower and got dried off, then rushed back into the bedroom to get dressed and ready to go.

"How about we grab a bite to eat on the way?" I asked Amy as I emerged from the bedroom.

My girlfriend smiled, "Sounds good. We'll hit up the usual drive-thru."

"Are you going to be ok with your exams today?" she asked as we made our way out of the apartment.

"I'll be fine," I responded, in the most confident voice I could manage. As we got into the elevator I added with a smile, "After all, I've got my Goddess's blessings. Right?"

Amy giggled before her expression became more thoughtful. She asked, "I wonder if that'd be considered cheating? Is it ok to pray for divine help before an exam, when you're sleeping with your Goddess and can reasonably assume she'll answer your prayers?"

That ended up being the topic of debate for our morning drive. We discussed whether or not Gods and Goddesses should be bound by the ethics and morality of mortal humans, or if their divine nature gave them a pass or meant they got to decide on their own rules.

It almost made me wish we could tell a philosophy prof and an ethics prof about Amy, so I could get their feedback or hear their opinions on a non-hypothetical application of the problem.

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