Aka Amy

94. Confidentiality (Amy)

"I still can't believe you didn't say anything," I mumbled as I sat curled up in the corner of the sofa with my second mug of coffee. I'd returned to my normal size then pulled on leggings and a tunic top, but I was still blushing about accidentally exposing myself to both Siggy and Raven.

My girlfriend was sitting at the opposite end of the sofa, dressed in a nightgown and sipping some coffee as well. She grimaced, "I'm sorry Amy. I guess I just assumed you'd know your angel and another goddess were here. I thought you'd be back to normal and dressed before you came out of the bedroom."

"I heard them both talking when I woke up," she added. "I figured even if you didn't somehow sense them, you'd hear the three of us talking. We weren't being especially quiet."

I had another sip of coffee then sighed, "You're right. I should have been paying more attention. I heard some voices but I guess I thought it was the TV or something."

"Sorry if I made it sound like I was blaming you," I added. "I know it's not your fault. I'm just a little freaked out about those two seeing me like that."

If all they saw was me naked I wouldn't have been so uptight. But I wasn't just naked, I was also tiny. And that made it feel like I'd been caught showing off one of Tess's and my kinks. Which is pretty much the truth.

Tess gave me a sympathetic smile, "If it's any consolation, I think Raven was probably even more embarrassed than you? She teleported away almost as fast as you did."

That was actually part of the problem. I knew my angel traded gossip with her angelic friends, which left me scared she was going to tell them all that her formerly tall strong powerful goddess liked being tiny and weak and submissive in the bedroom. I could already imagine the whispers and the quiet laughter next time I met with Moira and Fergus and the others.

Except logically I knew Raven wouldn't do or say anything that might make me look bad. She was even more worried about my divine image than I was. Which meant rather than rushing away to tell all her friends, she was probably looking for a way to purge the image from her mind.

I ended up suppressing a bit of a smile as I nodded, "She's probably looking for the angelic equivalent of eye-bleach right now."

My girlfriend looked sceptical, "I don't know about that cutie. You're not exactly hard on the eyes, you know?"

"Yeah but she doesn't see me like you do Tess," I reminded her. "She probably sees me more like a parent or a boss? For her it's probably like walking into the office and finding your boss in fetish gear."

"Maybe. I'm sure she'll get over it though," the tall beautiful redhead responded with a shrug.

We were both quiet for the next minute or so. I had another sip of my coffee, then grimaced again. "That just leaves the cat. Did they leave too? Or where'd they get to?"

"I'm here," a small voice said from behind the sofa. "I've been exploring, scouting out all the places to hide and finding all the best sleeping spots."

I sighed, "This is why I told you me and Tess need our private time. I don't want to have to think about strangers in our home all the time, and I don't want us to have to start changing how we behave in our own home to accommodate a goddess who wants to be our pet kitty."

"I don't see what the problem is?" the little torty said as they came into view at the other end of the sofa.

They hopped up onto the coffee table then sat down there with their head cocked to one side as they looked at Tess and I, "If you think you're the first god to get adventurous in the bedroom think again. Any god who's been around more than a couple centuries has already tried everything you can imagine, and about a hundred more things you don't even want to know about."

My girlfriend and I were both blushing by that point, and I couldn't help thinking that the last thing I expected today was to end up talking about divine sex with a small asexual enby cat god.

"Just promise me you won't tell anyone what you saw, ok Sigrun?" I finally responded. "Or better still, tell me you won't divulge anything you see or hear in our home."

"I promise I won't tell anyone," Siggy responded in a solemn tone. "All your secrets are safe with me."

I gave them a hard look and stated, "They better be, or your friends are going to hear all about the belly rubs and the purring and the asking to be our pet cat."

The small torty actually cringed, "I'll be good!"

"Uh-huh," I said as I watched them for another second or two. Then I frowned and asked, "Why are you still here anyways?"

"I was hoping someone would give me another saucer of cream?" Siggy replied in a completely innocent tone.

I sighed, "You're a goddess Sigrun, just turn yourself back to normal and pour your own cream. Or for that matter can't you just conjure some up?"

"That would be weird," they replied in a tone that suggested this was completely obvious and self-evident. "Putting my own saucer of cream on the floor then taking on my feline form to drink it would be strange and unusual."

"But looking like a cat while asking in your normal human voice isn't strange or unusual?" I asked sarcastically as I raised one eyebrow.

"Yes exactly," the cat replied as they stretched their front paws out ahead while their tail stuck up at the back. "I knew you'd understand."

My girlfriend had been quiet for the last minute or two but she finally asked, "Aren't dairy products bad for cats?"

"Other cats, yes. I'm a goddess though," they replied as they jumped from the coffee table onto the sofa. "So I can ensure I won't get sick."

Then they moved closer and started rubbing against my arm and nudging my hand like they were looking for pets or a belly rub. While they did that they asked, "Anyways isn't alcohol a poison? Yet you humans still consume it all the time. Along with a hundred other things that are 'bad for you'."

"That's not really a fair comparison," Tess responded with a frown.

Siggy continued rubbing their head against my hand as they kept up the debate with my girlfriend, "Of course it is. Humans drink alcohol because they like how it feels, despite knowing that it's potentially harmful. And cats like cream or other dairy products because it tastes good, even if it leads to an upset stomach later."

"Really the only difference is humans know that alcohol is a poison," they added. "Most cats don't know they can't digest lactose."

My girlfriend raised an eyebrow and asked, "Only 'most' cats?"

By that point the little torty was actively bonking my hand with their head, as they seemed to be getting frustrated with the lack of attention they were receiving. They paused long enough to reply, "Correct. Some cats know a lot more than they let on. I'm not the only clever kitty around."

I finally acknowledged the little fuzzball, but not with pets or belly rubs. Instead I picked them up and set them down on the floor, then straightened up and looked to my girlfriend. Meanwhile the cat immediately jumped back up onto the sofa, but this time they tried to beg pets from Tess instead.

Rather than comment on that I went back to ignoring the torty. I had something else in mind as I asked my girlfriend, "Did Raven say why she was here earlier? Did she need to speak with me about something?"

Tess drained the last of her coffee while Siggy continued nudging and rubbing against her thigh. Then she shook her head and replied, "She was actually here to see me. She wanted to know if I'd be willing to start seeing supernatural clients? Apparently a friend of hers was looking for a therapist who was 'in the know'."

"I told her I wasn't quite ready to become known as a supernatural therapist," she added as she set her empty mug down on the coffee table.

Then she started stroking her fingers through the persistent little pest's fur as she continued, "On the other hand, I told her I didn't mind seeing her friend if they were in need of a therapist. I'll see how it goes with one supernatural patient, and if I can handle that ok then maybe I'll be open to seeing more. It might be a good way to get more business, especially if the supernatural community doesn't already have other therapists doing that sort of thing."

I was a little surprised at first, but figured it was probably rare finding someone who had that intersection of being a trained therapist who was also part of the supernatural community.

"Just be careful ok?" I finally said. "Remember what Raven and I said about other supernaturals, they might be able to sense you or be aware of you? I'm not saying Raven's friend is dangerous, in fact I'm confident that whoever it is she wouldn't be sending anyone dangerous your way? But other folks out there might not be safe."

After a pause I added, "Maybe just let me know when or if you do get any supernatural clients?"

"I can't do that," Tess shook her head. "Sorry Amy, but I can't discuss anything about my clients with anyone outside of the practice. That would break all kinds of confidentiality rules, and get me fined, and probably fired."

I sighed, "I'm not asking you to tell me their names or anything identifiable? Just, I guess if you start getting angels or demons or even other gods showing up as customers? I'd appreciate knowing."

She shook her head again, "I can't even promise that Amy, I'm sorry. I'll think about it, and maybe review the regulations and things, but right now my feeling is anything about my clients is confidential."

"Alright. Just try and be careful, ok?" I replied with a frown. "But if you ever do find yourself in trouble or you think you're in danger, call me. You don't even have to use a phone, just pray to me and I'll be there to help."

"Thanks cutie," she smiled. That faded after a second or two as she asked, "Speaking of prayers I don't suppose you heard anything from Ada last night? I really hope my talk with her yesterday paid off."

"Sorry Tess," I grimaced. "Same thing, confidentiality rules and all that."

My girlfriend nodded once, "Right, you told me that yesterday."

A moment later while she was rubbing the cat's belly she asked, "Is that true Siggy? Do gods have rules about not discussing their worshippers' prayers?"

The torty started to purr as they replied, "No. Some gods would gossip all the time about their followers' problems or the countless silly requests people sent them in prayers."

"Traitor," I grumbled as I glared at the little cat.

They ignored me and continued purring as they added, "Having said that, it does feel rather rude to me. Especially if it's done for laughs. Some gods have no class whatsoever."

Tess suppressed a smile as she gave Siggy a good belly rub in thanks. Then she asked me, "So can you at least tell me if Ada prayed? I won't ask for details, I just want to know if she took anything I said to heart and asked for help."

I nodded, "Yeah she did. I sent her a message in her dreams overnight that she could expect help soon. I was thinking maybe I'd get involved tomorrow while you're at work? I'll put on my Amethyst outfit and go play goddess. Hand out a couple miracles here and there, get some lives back on the right track."

As soon as I finished saying all that I suddenly felt my cheeks going pink as I stared down at the cat my girlfriend was still spoiling with affection. After all the times Raven drilled into me that I couldn't afford to let other gods know how new and inexperienced I was, I momentarily forgot there was one sitting on my girlfriend's lap and talked about my divinity like it was a part-time job or something.

"Uh, Siggy?" I said as I tried not to cringe. "Maybe you can just forget you heard any of that?"

They were still purring and basking in all the attention Tess was providing, but they replied "Don't worry Amy. I already promised your girlfriend and your angel not to tell anyone else you were newly ascended."

My eyes widened as I started to ask, "How did you know..."

"Apparently you don't act aloof or stuck-up enough," Tess responded.

The cat clarified, "I'm not saying that all gods act that way all the time. But a lot of them do, especially around mortals. I saw how you were with your girlfriend before you knew who I was, and you don't act like a god at all. And honestly that's a good thing. I think a lot of gods could learn to be a little more humble."

"Huh," I frowned as I thought all that over.

Kai, the first god I met, definitely came across as an unpleasant entitled jerk. The second god I met was May, and while I didn't think she was stuck-up she did seem a bit aloof or stand-offish. Although after our second meeting I felt like I had a better understanding of her. And I knew she had a recent set-back with her little group of high-school worshippers, which may have given her a taste of humility.

As for the group of gods I'd met most recently, I wasn't sure yet what to make of them. I was pretty comfortable with Siggy, but I was also fairly confident they weren't exactly typical.

"Ok," I finally said. "I don't actually know a lot of other gods, but I've already met one insufferable prick and I'm sure there's others like him around. I'm glad to know you don't think I'm like that."

Tess gave me a smile as she commented, "I've never thought you were like that either cutie."

"I'm certainly glad to hear that," I smiled back.

As I finished my coffee the three of us were quiet again, except for the sound of Siggy's purring. They were still stretched out across my girlfriend's lap, enjoying a belly rub and lots of attention.

Then as I set my empty mug down the purring got a little louder, just before our furry little pest spoke up again.

"So now that we've got past all the awkwardness of me seeing you naked does that mean I can stay here with you?" they asked in a hopeful innocent voice, complete with big doe-eyes. "If it helps, you two are welcome to use my cottage on Vancouver Island whenever you like."

Tess and I looked at each other, and I let out a long quiet sigh as I couldn't escape the feeling that my girlfriend was right all along. We really had just adopted a cat.

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