Akali from Naruto World

Chapter 457 A Big Hidden Danger

Chapter 457 A Big Hidden Danger

"Then, after hearing these words, is someone moved?" Akali asked.

Dayai shook his head and said: "That's not true. Many people who were present at that time were frightened by the change of that person and the disaster they brought. Therefore, the fear of the existence named Xumu even surpassed that of the people outside the village. That restricted area."

"However, although after experiencing the pain, everyone became more vigilant about that place, but as our village gradually became more stable, many people's minds became active again."

"Especially the newly born young people, because they have not experienced the pain of that year, so they have no experience of that horror at all."

"With the passage of time, some people began to be unwilling to stay in such a place for a long time, and wanted to go to the outside world. Therefore, after they heard about what happened back then, many people actually rose to the same level as that year. People have the same idea, want to go to the deep mountains, look for the existence named Xumu, get that powerful power, and then break out of this cage and go to the outside world."

Dayai said sadly: "This is the stability that our ancestors spent their blood to fight for us, but these people don't feel any gratitude at all. For themselves, they even forget that their current stability is ours. It was fought at the price of blood, and now, not only do they not remember the hero of the village, but they still yearn to become that devil, it is simply unreasonable! Hateful!"

"After the great war, only 30 years have passed, and we haven't even completely recovered from the pain. As a result, some young people in the village have already started secretly going to the mountains to find Xuki. gone."

"At that time, the senior officials in the village were very angry, especially my grandfather who was the village head at the time. His father was a hero who died with that demon in order to protect the village. How could he tolerate the future that his father worked so hard for? Such a group of heartless bastards failed?"

"Thus, he issued strict instructions. Anyone who dares to leave the village privately will have his legs broken after being caught, and then fend for himself. There will be absolutely no mercy."

"Such severe measures have indeed achieved certain results, but there are still some lucky people who want to take risks and sneak out at night."

"And these people, without exception, were caught."

"Because, the high-level people in the village have learned the lessons of the past, and they have set up a very tight defense in that place. Moreover, in order to prevent the guards from sneaking away while taking advantage of their positions, those high-level people in the village will always be in command, Take control of the overall situation and eliminate the small thoughts of a group of people."

"However, it is already so strict, and there are still some people who are unwilling to give up. They would rather insist on going out when they have conflicts with the guards. Some people who have their legs broken, even though the situation is so difficult, are still thinking of ways to get out." where to."

"Until my father succeeded my grandfather as village head, the situation still hasn't improved."

"My father has a tougher character than my grandfather. He found that although his measures were strict, he was still a little soft-hearted. For these people who have no conscience, it would not be a pity to die."

"Therefore, my father issued an order. Anyone, including the elderly and children, as long as they step out of the village, they will be killed immediately without hesitation. When the time comes, the family members of the deceased should not blame them. After all, it has been said in advance If he commits the crime again, he deserves it. You family members have not taken full responsibility for supervision, so you have your own problems.”

"After the promulgation of this measure and the killing of a few unsightly people, the people in the village settled down suddenly. Few people dared to risk their lives to look for things that might not be found. It’s too late.”

"Not only that, but my father also strengthened the ideological teaching. Any child who reaches the right age must carry out the history education of the year, and instill in them from an early age how dangerous it is in that deep mountain, and how dangerous the existence in it is. How horrible, how cruel, once it comes out, it will bring endless disasters, all relatives and friends around will die in its hands and so on."

"Such double measures are indeed effective. Since then, for a long time, no one dared to go out of the village."

"Originally, my father thought about changing the name of the village, because the name of the village was named after that weird existence, and he wanted to completely cut off the connection between the two parties."

"However, this proposal was opposed by most people. After all, this name has existed since the establishment of the village. Many people have become accustomed to calling it, and even have some feelings. If it is changed, many people will not be able to accept it."

"Father also thinks it's just a name, it's not a big deal, so he doesn't insist on it anymore, so we still use this name until now."

Akali nodded, understanding why the village kept using this name.

At this time, Daai's tone became a little sad again: "However, although my father's tough measures have effectively prevented the people in the village from continuing to search for Xumu, it also caused him to be hated by some people."

"During a festival on a certain day, a group of people who were eager to find Xumu got entangled and suddenly launched an attack while my father was alone in the house."

"Although my father is not weak, he was attacked by so many people, but he still couldn't hold on and was assassinated."

"Of course, those raiders were also caught up by the following guards and killed one by one."

"I was only 20 years old at that time, and I was not familiar with many things. However, since I was the heir designated by my father, I could only rush to the position and preside over the overall situation."

"Fortunately, my father has already laid the foundation for me, and those rebels were also exposed in this assassination, so my succession is considered stable."

"However, we still left a huge hidden danger at that time. Although those who assassinated my father were basically beheaded, there was still one person who escaped."

"At that time, we didn't pay much attention to this person. We thought that he could only linger on his last breath and could not cause any troubles. We just need to block the entrance to the deep mountain and prevent him from taking this opportunity to find Xumu. There is no further trouble."

"But we never expected that this was a huge mistake. This person really caused us great trouble in the end."

(End of this chapter)

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