Alchemist’s Apprentice

22. Developing Rapport

content warning: masturbation, sex

My back arched and my hips bucked as I saw stars, while my scream of ecstasy rattled the floorboards. My orgasm hit so hard I squirted all over my right hand, while my left gripped my boob hard enough to launch a spurt of milk onto the floor halfway between me and Cathryn.

"Nnngghhh," I groaned when it was finally over.

Every muscle in my body went from tighter than the string of a drawn bow to jelly, and I slumped back to lay sideways across my bed. My legs were dangling over the edge, spread wide as the flood of juices dripped from my thighs down onto the floor.

"A good effort Val," my sister stated calmly. "But that's not how the second cultivation method is supposed to work."

I let out another long low groan, followed by a frustrated sigh.

The two of us had been doing our cultivation practise since we finished dinner an hour ago. I was still stuck on the second method, and it felt like I hadn't had any progress since figuring out the first method.

"I just don't get it sis," I grumbled as I lay there staring at the ceiling. "I keep doing it like you said. I can visualize my core really easily now, but every time I try to push some mana into my median it goes straight to my clit and my nipples and I explode."

I sighed again, "I'm never going to get this."

Cathryn sounded sympathetic as she replied, "Don't let it get you down Val, ok? I told you, that happens to everyone at first."

"This isn't the first time though," I pouted. "It's every time. Every single time."

She reminded me, "You're still new to this cutie. And I'd tell you how long I was stuck at that step but honestly I'm embarrassed to admit it. Let's just say, you've got nothing on me sis."

I finally pulled myself upright, so I was sitting on the edge of the bed facing her again. "Seriously? So this happened to you as well?"

"It sure did," she replied. "So trust me, ok? You're doing fine."

"Thanks Cat," I smiled. I wasn't entirely sure I believed her, it wouldn't surprise me if she was just saying that stuff to be nice or to keep me from getting too discouraged. It was still nice to hear though, and it did make me feel a bit better.

After another few moments I grimaced, "So I guess I should get back at it then? Time for another attempt."

My sister watched for a moment, then offered "If you want to have another go at that I'm all for it cutie, but if you'd like to try something else I'm up for that too? How about your first lesson in cultivating together?"

"Oh?" I grinned. "Yes please! I've been curious about that since you first mentioned it."

Cat smiled as well, "All right then!"

"It's school though, sis. So before we get to the fun stuff we'll start with another lecture," she added with a smirk.

I didn't mind. It was bound to be more fun than trying and failing to move my mana around for the umpteenth time in a row. Cathryn was already in lecture mode, so I focused on paying attention to what she was saying.

"Like I told you earlier, the second method of cultivation includes learning to cultivate with a partner. Back at the academy we started out with whatever roommate we'd been assigned? That wasn't ideal, since it was a bit random and not everyone got on well with their roomie."

She grimaced and added, "I suppose that was a sort of lesson in its own right, that we don't always get to work under ideal circumstances? But it wasn't a great way to start out, and it wasn't hard for those students to be envious of the ones who did get along with their roommates. Because as you can probably guess, this is easier if the participants get along."

"So this should be easy for us?" I asked. "Since we definitely get along well?"

Cat nodded, "Correct. But having said that, I don't want you to think you're doing badly when you don't master this on the first try cutie. All this stuff takes time, it's learning a skill. Or think of it like this, someone might really enjoy listening to music, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's easy for them to learn to be a musician? Not a great analogy, but anyways you get my point."

"So back to the lesson," she continued. "This doesn't involve moving your mana around, so you don't have to worry about that. It's a lot more like the first method ok? Visualizing your core? Except what you're trying to do in this case is visualize your partner's core."

"It's all about developing that rapport," she added. "Just like visualizing your own core is necessary before you can start working directly with your mana, being able to visualize your partner's core is required before you can work directly with each other's mana. This is why that rapport is so crucial? If you don't have that connection with your study-mate then neither of you will be very efficient when it comes to working together."

I nodded slowly, "I guess that makes sense? But how do we actually visualize someone else's core?"

My sister smiled, "I'm getting to that cutie. Obviously it's not quite like visualizing your own core, but it's not as different as you might think. I know it might seem like you're using muscles or internal sensations to feel your core, but we don't have eyes inside our bodies. The muscle control, meditation, breathing, and so on help us but they don't directly touch your core."

After a brief dramatic pause she stated, "It's magic, it's intangible. If someone cut one of us open they wouldn't find a magical core. So the process of visualizing it is itself magical. And if you can use magic to see your own core, then you can use magic to see mine too."

"Have you already visualized mine then?" I asked. "Since you said you've mastered the second and third methods already, so you know how to do all this stuff."

Cat shook her head, "No. I have an idea what to look for, since I got you to describe it for me when you mastered the first method? But I haven't seen it myself. I might get a glimpse today, but I'm not counting on it. This will be our first attempt cutie, I don't expect to succeed myself and I definitely don't expect you to master it either. So don't get down on yourself when it doesn't work."

I pouted, "You know it's not exactly the greatest motivation telling me in advance I'm going to fail."

"Sorry sis," she apologized, and by her tone and expression I could tell she was sincere. "This is new to me too remember? I'm not really a teacher, I'm just kind of winging it. And I don't want to set you up to think you'll get it on the first try, only to have you feel depressed or dejected when it doesn't work. I guess I want to set realistic expectations? So yeah, you will get it eventually. That's not a promise, it's a fact. But odds are it won't happen today."

"Thanks Cat," I blushed and smiled at the same time. "Sorry I'm such a troublesome student. I know you're doing your best."

She got up off her bed and in two strides she was standing directly in front of me. She leaned forward and pulled me into a tight hug, "You're not troublesome Valeria. There's nothing I'd rather be doing than this. Teaching you, working with you, is the best thing I can think of."

I hugged her back, "Thanks sis. Me too, this is everything I ever wanted."

We held each other for a few more seconds, before she finally let go.

"Ok, on with the lesson!" she announced. Then instead of returning to her own bed she sat down next to me on mine. She was on my right, close enough that our thighs were pressed together.

She placed her left hand on my right knee then lightly ran her fingers up and down my slick inner thigh as she resumed her lecture, "This is where the 'cultivating together' stuff actually happens. Up till now you've been working alone, touching yourself while focused on mediation, breathing, muscle control, and visualization. What we're going to do is almost the same thing, except instead of touching yourself you'll be touching me. And at the same time, I'll be touching you."

"It's important to try and synchronize our movements," she continued. "I'll be taking the lead, so all you need to do is focus on copying what I'm doing. You'll have to focus on that while you're also concentrating on the meditation, breathing, and muscle control at the same time."

"Oh and the visualization too," she added with a smile. "That's the whole point right? You'll be trying to visualize my core instead of your own. So are you ready? Or do you have any questions?"

I frowned slightly as I thought through everything she said. I was sure I'd come up with a question after we started, but for now I couldn't think of anything.

"I guess I'm ready?" I replied, with a touch of nervousness in my voice.

Cat smiled, "Then let's begin. Close your eyes cutie, and start mirroring my movements. You'll be using your right hand where I'm using my left, but try and imagine you're actually looking in a mirror? Try and imagine that the fingers you feel on your body are your own, not mine. And try to imagine the flesh you feel under your fingers is yours, not mine."

"Except you've got a rather obvious difference sis," I pointed out with a frown. I nodded down at the rock-hard girlcock standing up between her legs and stated, "I don't have one of those."

She rolled her eyes, "Just mirror my movements, don't move your hand anywhere that I don't put mine."

"Oh," I blushed. "Right, sorry."

"Now close your eyes and focus," she stated. Her fingers were still lightly stroking up and down my thigh as she added, "Start stroking my left thigh. Try to match my movements ok?"

"Ok sis," I nodded.

I closed my eyes and soon my right hand was gently moving up and down along her left inner thigh, in the same slow gentle motions she was using on me. There was still a bit of a mental disconnect since I could tell my hand was in the wrong place to be touching myself like that. I did my best not to focus on what was wrong though, and instead focused on what was right.

My hand ran from the knee up almost to the crotch, and I felt the light touch stroke up my inner thigh from my knee almost to my groin. Then the direction reversed. Up and down, back and forth.

After a sort while Cathryn spoke again, but her voice was quiet. As our fingers stroked up from the knee she whispered, "Breathe in Valeria... And hold."

"Now breathe out... And hold," she added softly as our fingers stroked back down towards the knee.

"In... And out..." she continued. It was a bit strange but also oddly relaxing, and combined with the physical sensation of stroking my thigh it actually helped me to forget that the fingers on my body weren't my own.

We continued this for a few minutes, just breathing in and out while gently caressing our thighs. Then she softly whispered more instructions, and on cue our hands stroked once more up from our knees, but this time instead of reversing direction our fingers finished at our moist labia.

The strokes remained just as slow and gentle, in time with our breathing, up and down along our outer lips. And where stroking our thighs had been sort of sensual and relaxing, this was the opposite. My body wanted more, but I had to force myself to follow Cat's lead and move at her speed.

Fortunately she didn't keep us waiting too long. It was maybe only a minute before the strokes moved inwards. Fingers were brushing my wet inner lips now, still moving in time with our breathing in and out. Then after perhaps another minute, the strokes were punctuated by a finger circling our clit, before stroking back down between our labia.

And through it all, my sister continued gently whispering to me. Giving me instructions, guidance, or just reminding me to breathe. In, and out.

The pace was still really slow, but it finally started to pick up. Rubbing up and down eventually became sliding in and out. Inner walls were stroked and rubbed, fingers curled, and clits were flicked and rubbed.

Somewhere along the way I lost control of my breathing, while my heart-rate started to spike. I'd been so focused on mirroring Cat's motions I forgot entirely about trying to visualize her core.

I also forgot my hand was on her pussy instead of my own, so she knew when I lost control and she knew when I forgot about the lesson before I did, as my fingers started frantically fucking her. I just hoped she didn't realize I was struggling to find my g-spot while my fingers were buried up to the knuckles in her pussy.

Fortunately she had better self-control than me, but unfortunately she wasn't above messing with me. So when I stopped mirroring her actions she started mirroring mine, and I happily humped her hand thinking I was humping my own.

She let me get right to the very edge before suddenly pulling her hand away. The sensory disconnect left me confused and frustrated, since I was still fingering her while my brain struggled to comprehend why I couldn't feel it anymore.

By the time I figured it out the moment had passed and my body was already starting to come down again without actually getting to climax.

"Caaaaat!" I whined in frustration. "You're evil!"

My sister giggled, "Sorry cutie. You did pretty well though for a first try."

"Not really," I grumbled. "I didn't even try to visualize anything, apart from your hand on my pussy."

"And you did that so well you thought it was your own," she pointed out as she got to her feet. "So you get nine out of ten for today's lesson."

I rolled my eyes, "Do I get a gold star?"

Cat smirked, "Better. You get to be the teacher's pet. Now how about you get on all fours for me, and this time I promise I won't stop until you've come. Maybe two or three times."

I stared at her with wide eyes for a second, then scrambled into position for her on the bed.

"Good girl," she cooed as she kneeled on the bed behind me.

I felt her hands on my hips, then the tip of her hot throbbing shaft pressed against my soaking wet lips. I didn't even get a chance to beg before she thrust into me, filling me completely as her hips bumped into my ass.

We rarely ended lessons like this, but it was definitely the perfect incentive for me to do my best in class.

And true to her word, Cat didn't stop till after my third orgasm.

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