Alchemist’s Apprentice

27. Surprising Visit

It was nearly time for me to close up the shop for the day when the door swung open and I found myself looking at an attractive young woman in what I took to be a sort of maid outfit. She was slim and about as tall as Cathryn, with fair skin, green eyes, and her fiery red hair was pulled back into a bun. Her dress hugged her figure, revealing a narrow waist, wide hips, and an ample bust.

She stepped inside then held the door open, and following behind her was none other than Lady Philippa.

The young blonde was just as beautiful as she'd been the first time we met, and her outfit today was as fancy as the last time too. In addition to a long dress and soft leather boots with heels, she wore a finely-embroidered shawl to protect her from the blustery autumn weather.

The young lady paused just inside the door, and beyond her I could see a soldier wearing the livery of the town guard. She addressed him, "Would you please wait there lieutenant? Ensure nobody bothers us, my meeting with the alchemist is private."

She didn't wait for a reply, instead moving past the maid and into our little shop. The lady walked straight through to stand next to one of the chairs in our 'sitting room' area. Meanwhile the maid let the door close while the officer stood on guard outside, then she made her way over to Lady Philippa's side. She carefully removed the shawl from her lady's shoulders, then the young noblewoman pulled out a chair and sat herself down rather than waiting for someone else to help her take a seat.

Lady Philippa finally looked to me and hesitated. She stared for a second then grimaced, "I'm sorry, I don't think I ever got your name."

That was a surprise since she never showed any interest in speaking to me at all before, let alone knowing my name. I curtsied, "Valeria, my lady. I'll fetch my mistress at once."

"Thank you Valeria," she replied, which was another surprise.

I hurried back to the workshop and half-whispered, "Cat! Lady Philippa is here to see you. She's got a maid with her this time, but no sign of Lord Marcus."

My sister was in the middle of something, focused on the bubbling elixir in a small copper pot before her. Without looking up she responded, "Thanks Val, I'll be there in a moment. Get her some wine or something to keep her occupied, and apologize for my delay?"

I quickly returned to the sitting area but before I could pass on Cathryn's apology I was caught short with another unexpected surprise. The maid had taken a seat alongside the young lady. And while I didn't actually know a lot about noble etiquette, I was positive that was a huge faux-pas. Servants did not sit with their betters. And I hadn't forgotten, the first time we met the person now known as Lady Philippa she refused to even speak to a mere servant like me.

Fortunately it only took me a moment to find my voice, then I passed on my sister's message as I pulled out two wine glasses and another bottle of that fancy wine.

"If you don't mind Valeria please pour a third glass," Lady Philippa commented, "Millie here will be participating in our meeting. Feel free to treat yourself to one as well, if your sister doesn't object."

She didn't sound sarcastic, if anything her tone was cordial and quite pleasant. And I had no idea what to make of it. Fortunately I didn't have to, as my sister arrived and she obviously overheard what the lady said.

"Four glasses Valeria," Cathryn confirmed as she moved past me. "Then please bar the door, and join us at the table."

Cat slipped into her seat as she greeted our guests, "Hello again Lady Philippa. To what do we owe the pleasure?"

I set a glass down in front of the lady first, then my sister second. I placed a third glass before the maid, and the fourth at the empty seat. Then I quietly barred the door, before finally slipping into the chair next to Cathryn's.

"You may call me Pippa while we speak in private," the lady responded. She gestured to the attractive redhead next to her and added, "This is Millie, my personal maid. She is aware of the changes Marc and I have experienced, so we may all talk openly here. And Millie, these are Cathryn and her apprentice Valeria. They're the two young ladies responsible for Marc and I exchanging circumstances."

The maid smiled, "On behalf of my former master, thank you both. You may not realize just how great a service you did him. You granted a life-long wish he'd kept secret from all others apart from myself."

When she spoke I noticed she had a pronounced accent. Not so thick that she was hard to understand, but enough that it was obvious she wasn't local. It reminded me of something my father mentioned, that some nobles or wealthy types liked to hire foreign servants because they thought it made them seem more worldly or something.

Then Pippa commented, "Millie was Marc's personal maid for the last five years or so. And apparently they've been lovers and confidantes for the past two, so it was impossible to keep what happened from her. Fortunately she's quite trustworthy."

Cat and I exchanged a quick glance. So far this visit had been one surprise after another, but my sister maintained her professional demeanour. She responded, "It's nice to meet you Millie, and I'm glad to know Marc is so pleased with what my sister and I were able to do for him."

Then she turned her attention back to the young blonde and added, "I thought perhaps Lord Marcus might return to discuss another commission. I admit I'm surprised to have you return to see us instead, Pippa."

The young lady's cheeks coloured slightly, "I'm sure he would have joined us if he could, but my father... I mean, Lord Bernard has been keeping him quite busy lately. Marc loves it though, he actually enjoys messing around with swords and horses. He even claims to like spending time with the Lord-Mayor."

"As for why I'm here," Pippa continued, "Marc and I have reason to celebrate, and I thought it would be nice to present him with some personal handcrafted gifts from a skilled alchemist."

Cathryn inquired, "May I ask, what's the occasion?"

The blonde smiled and held out her left hand, displaying a rather fancy gold and diamond ring. "Lord Marcus and I are officially betrothed. Marc and Lord Bernard sent the count a letter a few weeks ago to ask for my hand. The count's reply and his blessing arrived yesterday."

This time my sister couldn't hide her surprise. I couldn't either, and we both stared. A moment later Cat responded, "My congratulations. I confess I'm surprised how you're handling all this, Pippa. May I ask you a few personal questions?"

"You may," the young lady nodded as she finally picked up her wine glass and took a sip of her drink.

"Sorry for being blunt, but did Marc order you to come here and commission some potions?" my sister asked. "And did he order you to act pleased about the impending marriage?"

Pippa had another sip of her wine before she set the glass down. She had a small smile on her face as she shook her head, "Neither. Apart from the first week or so, he's actually given me very few direct orders."

"Outside the bedroom that is," Millie stage-whispered as she picked up her drink. After a swig of her wine she added, "Inside the bedroom's a very different story."

The Lady's cheeks were instantly bright red, while Cat and I were both startled by the maid's impudence.

"Forgive my curiosity Millie," Cat said as she addressed the redhead. "You were in a relationship with Marc for a few years prior to this abrupt change, how are you handling the new circumstances? And I gather you're rather familiar with your new mistress now too?"

The outspoken redhead smirked, "Pippa said we could talk openly, right? So yeah, it's the best of both worlds for me. My lover's got a body he's comfortable with, and now I get to help him enjoy it. But I also get to help my new mistress get accustomed to enjoying her new body as well. Which is especially fun, because I know it better than she does."

By that point Pippa was blushing right down to the low neckline of her fancy silk dress. She busied herself with a deep sip of her wine, while Cat and I finally sipped our drinks too. For me it was my first taste of the stuff, and I found it was nice but a bit heavy and cloying. And it was strong, I doubted I'd be able to handle the full glass.

"Did you have any more questions," the lady asked my sister, once she got her expression under control.

Cat set her drink back down and nodded, "A few I suppose. Are you truly happy like this? Did you perhaps secretly want this, like Marc did?"

The lady blushed again, "I'm still embarrassed to admit this, but this past month I have been very happy. Much more so than I ever was before. And I must confess my interests have always been more aligned with my life as Pippa rather than the person I was previously."

She drained the last of her wine and explained, "I've always enjoyed literature, music, fine art. I hated all the sweat and...ruggedness of training with horses and swords and fighting. I especially hated having to live up to my father's ideals and demands."

"I'm happy I can wear soft fine things and not worry about getting them soiled or torn roughhousing in the courtyard with the sword tutor. I'm happy I can wear my hair long without a single unkind word from the Lord-Mayor. I'm happy I no longer need to shave to maintain a smooth complexion. I'm even happy about most of the clothes I'm expected to wear now, although some of the elaborate gowns are a bit much."

After a pause she continued, "I don't know that I'd have wished for this ahead of time, and I was very upset and unhappy immediately after it happened. But since then it's only gotten better. I don't regret having made this permanent. Our marriage is one of convenience that will benefit us in several ways. As Marc he's now my father's heir. As the daughter of a count I bring prestige and a sizeable dowry."

"Honestly the situation is ideal for all three of us," she concluded. "Marc and Millie are in love, and both of them are becoming close friends with me. Marc gets to be who he wants, I get the lifestyle I desire, Millie gets to be with her lover, and from the outside we shall appear a happy young noble couple with my loyal maid at my side. So yes, I'm happy."

Cat and I exchanged another glance, then I got up and fetched the wine bottle. I topped up our guests' glasses, before taking my seat again.

While I was doing that my sister asked the young lady, "Forgive me for being blunt, but right now you come across as a sympathetic, sensitive person. A far cry from the young man who threatened my sister and I if we wouldn't produce an enslavement potion for you."

Pippa blushed as a guilty expression settled on her face. She grimaced and responded quietly, "I'm sorry Cathryn, and Valeria. I know my actions were unconscionable. My father had been pressuring me to take a wife. He arranged for Count Lambert's daughter to visit, and he made it clear there would be consequences if I failed to make an impression on the young lady. Enlisting your services seemed like the fastest and easiest way to meet Lord Bernard's expectations."

With a quiet sigh she added, "I'm not trying to make excuses for my actions, just explaining why I did what I did."

Cathryn looked thoughtful for a few moments, before nodding, "Very well Pippa. Thank you for indulging my curiosity."

"I'm pleased to hear you're happy," she continued, "And I'm glad Marc and Millie are also happy with the situation. And I apologize for taking so much of your time before finally coming to the point of your visit. What can Valeria and I do for you today?"

The young lady smiled nervously, "As I said, we have reason to celebrate and I thought some additional potions would be a good way to start. You know I'm aware of your school's reputation, so I do have a good idea of some of the potions you're likely able to brew. And of course we know what you did for Lord and Lady Olivier..."

Cathryn had another sip of her wine before prompting, "Then please, tell me what you'd like? Be specific Pippa, the more detailed your request the better I'll be able to fill it."

Our guest hesitated, then stalled by drinking some more of her wine. In the end it was Millie who spoke up again, and where the young lady was embarrassed and flustered, the maid had no trouble speaking bluntly and frankly.

"What she's trying to say is she wants you to make her tits bigger," the redhead stated.

She sat up straight with her shoulders back and her chest out, emphasizing her own ample bosom as she added "Marc's got a thing for boobs. As does Pippa. And while my former master was happy his own body was lacking in that department, the new Lady Philippa feels a little inadequate next to my impressive pair. I'll bet she's even more envious of your magnificent jugs, Valeria."

"I don't want anything that big!" Pippa insisted. Her blush was so bright I could almost feel the heat coming off it across the table. After a moment she added in a quiet embarrassed tone, "Something more like Millie's size would be better I think?"

Her voice got a little quieter again as she continued, "And while Marc is in no way lacking, Millie and I both thought he'd appreciate more..."

Once again the maid didn't pull any punches. She snort-laughed, "I doubt you've had much experience with other fellows Pippa, and I wouldn't be surprised if you've still got some manly pride left over? After all, Marc's new equipment used to belong to you. It's adequate, but believe me I know he'll be happy with more. If we can put a figure on it, half-again as long, and half-again thicker too."

Pippa was left blushing even brighter, and she busied herself with another gulp of wine. I couldn't help feeling some sympathetic cringe on her behalf, but my sister was as unflappable as the redhead.

"That won't be a problem," Cathryn replied. "Pippa, are you sure you'll be satisfied with a bust to match Millie's? There's no sense letting some embarrassment get in the way of long-term happiness. If you'd rather something more like Val's, just speak up. There's no shame in it, this is what I'm here for."

The lady quickly drained her second glass of wine, then mumbled an answer. Which Millie repeated at full volume, "She wants to be a bit bigger than myself. Between you and me, I think that's one part her noble blood thinking she needs to get one-up on her maid, one part for her own enjoyment, and one part hoping she'll impress Marc with them."

"Millie!" Pippa hissed with wide eyes and blazing red cheeks.

The maid smirked, "Just speaking the truth your ladyship."

Cat maintained her professional demeanour and simply nodded, "Understood. And don't worry, Valeria and I will deliver exactly what you want Lady Philippa. Now, was that everything? Or were you interested in anything else?"

Millie responded, "There's more. I doubt Pippa'll be able to speak up over her blush so I'll spit it out for her. All three of us are interested in something to spice things up in the bedchambers. Not that it doesn't get spicy already, what with the three of us taking turns with each other. But Pippa claims you'll know some potions that'll fit the bill."

That led to a brief but graphic conversation which left both Pippa and me blushing brightly. Mostly because Cat mentioned a few of the potions she'd used on me, then got me to describe the effects for our guests.

My sister and the maid did most of the talking, but Pippa was involved at the end when it came to the final decisions. In the end they ordered the two minor transformation potions we'd discussed for Pippa and Marc, plus a pair of sensitivity potions for Pippa and Millie, and a volume potion for Marc. And finally they wanted permanence potions to seal all the new effects in place.

Cat explained she wouldn't sell them the permanence potions at the same time as the others. She insisted they'd have to come back afterwards for that. And Marc would have to come get his in person, so my sister could talk with him and ensure he was comfortable with everything before it was made permanent.

And while we had everything but the transformation potions in stock, our guests agreed to hold off until the custom brews were ready so they could take everything at the same time.

In the meantime though they did purchase a half-dozen vials of arousal to take home with them. Those were relatively safe to experiment with since the effects were short-lived, and from the way Pippa was blushing but smiling I could imagine she'd be having some intense fun this evening.

Finally the young lady handed over a hundred platinum sovereigns as downpayment, plus a few more to cover the arousal potions, and Cat promised to have their custom order ready in ten days. Our two guests finally got to their feet, then Millie replaced the shawl over her lady's shoulders as the two moved for the door.

Prior to leaving, Lady Philippa turned and mentioned "One last thing Cathryn. You might want to be wary of my former bodyguard, Serge Guitton. He confronted and threatened Marc three days ago. He knows your potions did something to Lord Marcus, though of course he has no idea what really happened. And I think anyone would agree the change is for the best all-round? Anyways Marc was forced to dismiss the man after that, but it occurs to me that Serge might try confronting you. If he does, get word to myself or Lord Marcus and we'll try and take care of the situation."

That left me feeling anxious, but Cat just nodded "Thank you for the warning Lady Philippa. We'll see you again in ten days."

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