Alchemist’s Apprentice

35. Rare Treat

content warning: mind control, sex, threesome

I was just about to close up the shop for the afternoon when the door swung open and Lady Philippa stepped in. She had a smile on her face as she greeted me, "Hello Valeria! How are you today?"

"Hi Pippa," I smiled back. "I'm fine thanks. And you?"

"Very well thank you," she replied as we shared a tight hug, followed by a passionate kiss.

The kiss and hug were enough for me to know she didn't mean this to be a quiet friendly social visit, she made it clear she was eager to get me into the bedroom.

A couple months had passed since that fateful afternoon when she confessed her feelings for me then took the second obedience potion. She willingly accepted me as her mistress, which freed her from Lord Marcus's control. There'd been some concern how the young lord would react when he discovered Pippa was no longer compelled to follow his commands, but after a few uncertain days they worked things out and everyone involved was pleased with the outcome.

It turned out Marc's previous instructions weren't terminated when he lost control, and there were only a few of his commands Pippa specifically asked me to rescind. The relationship between my girlfriend and her betrothed and her maid changed slightly, but all three remained happy.

In public she would be Lady Philippa, the smiling devoted wife of Lord Marcus. In the company of other nobles it wouldn't be any secret that their marriage was one of convenience, nor was it much of a secret that Marc had taken Millie as a lover. Just like it was known that Lady Philippa had a lover of her own on the side. Such things were apparently very common among the upper class, I learned.

Meanwhile Pippa continued to enjoy having sex with both Marc and Millie on a regular basis, while seeing me every week too. And I'd quickly figured out that she had an even bigger submissive streak than I did.

Fortunately Cathryn was happy to help me learn to be more dominant, so I could do a better job of pleasing my lover. Though I was still just as submissive for Cat as Pippa was to me. Finally, thanks to those lessons with my sister I discovered my new girlfriend could be a complete brat on occasion. Which proved to be a source of even more entertainment for the both of us.

"Not that I'm complaining but I wasn't expecting to see you again so soon," I commented as we continued to hold each other. "You were just here two days ago after all."

Her weekly visits were always special. Sometimes we'd enjoy each other's company, perhaps share a little snack or something to drink, and catch each other up on gossip or what was new in our lives. Or we'd forgo all that and head straight for the sex, which seemed to be her plan for today.

"I wouldn't dare miss the opportunity to come and wish my girlfriend a happy birthday," Pippa replied with a grin. She followed that up with another passionate kiss.

That put a little blush on my cheeks but my smile got wider. I kissed her back then responded, "Aww thank you! I didn't even know you knew when it was."

"I asked Cathryn shortly after you and I became lovers," she explained. "Speaking of, do you suppose your sister would grant you the afternoon off? I'm available for as long as you and she will have me today."

I really hadn't planned on doing anything special for my birthday. Cat would expect me to spend the rest of the day working or studying, but I figured she might let me take a few hours off to entertain Lady Philippa.

"I'll ask her," I replied. "I'm sure she'll say yes."

A thought crossed my mind though and before going to see my sister I hesitated. "Now I feel like an awful girlfriend because I don't even know when your birthday is. Please tell me I haven't missed it Pippa?"

Her cheeks coloured as she admitted, "As Lord Marcus it would have been in the early spring. Instead Marc celebrated his twenty-sixth birthday just over six weeks ago, and the Lord-Mayor made quite the fuss about it. Both Millie and I spent a long evening and the entirety of the following day 'celebrating' with Marc in private afterwards. You might recall I was a little stiff and tender for a few days after that."

"As for myself," her blush grew brighter as she admitted, "As Pippa I won't celebrate my nineteenth birthday until the end of summer."

I grinned and pulled her into another hug, "So you're the youngest, very cute."

"Apparently so," she mumbled, clearly embarrassed about her renewed youth. "Regardless, we're supposed to be celebrating your birthday love, not worrying about mine."

"Right," I gave her another kiss then let go and finally barred the door before saying, "I'll check with Cat and see if she'll give me the afternoon off."

Pippa followed me as I went back to the workshop, where I quickly explained to my sister that my girlfriend showed up unexpectedly and I was hoping to spend some time with her.

"Oh," Cat hesitated as she glanced at the young lady then looked at me. My sister grimaced slightly, "I was actually thinking of stopping early today so we could celebrate together, but..."

My girlfriend's shoulders slumped very slightly before she caught herself, "Of course, I should have realized you would already have plans. I don't mean to intrude Cathryn, I can always come back another day."

Cat looked torn, like she obviously didn't want to come between me and my girlfriend. And my girlfriend didn't want to come between me and my sister. And for that matter I didn't want either of them to feel left out.

So I suggested, "I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but maybe the three of us could spend some time together? I really don't want either of you to feel like I'm choosing one over the other, I love you both."

Pippa's cheeks flushed again as her eyes flicked up and down over my sister. Like myself, Cat was wearing a very light sleeveless dress that did little to hide her figure. About the only thing that was properly concealed was between her legs.

"I've no objections," the young lady said with a cute blush. She was no stranger to multiple partners, having spent countless nights with both Marc and Millie, now she seemed excited at the thought of sharing a bed with me and my sister.

And the prospect put a little smile on Cat's face too, "In that case neither do I."

"Thanks sis!" I beamed happily. Not only did I get the afternoon off but I was going to spend it with the two people I loved. Before I got carried away though I asked Pippa, "You said you could stay as long as Cathryn and I would have you. When exactly do you need to leave, so we know not to keep you too long?"

"Technically I should be back at the manor before dark," she replied with a smile. "But I could perhaps stay the night this time? Millie knows it's your birthday, she and Marc will cover for me should Lord Bernard notice my absence."

Hearing that sent a happy flutter though me, since we'd never spent a night together before. I grinned as I gave her another tight hug, then asked "So what's the plan? How do you want to do this Pippa? I don't want to make any assumptions, but if Cat's joining us then..."

My girlfriend acted a little coy and shy as she glanced over at Cathryn again. Then with a little smile she responded, "After everything you've told me of your sister, I'm rather looking forward to this Valeria. I wouldn't be opposed to Miss Cathryn being in charge of me alongside you."

That didn't surprise me, and from the look on my sister's face she liked the idea as well. So I addressed my girlfriend with a firm commanding voice, "For the duration of this visit, you will obey my sister Cathryn as you would me. Her orders are my orders. Do you understand?"

"Yes Miss Val," Pippa replied with an excited grin.

There was a smile on my sister's face too, and she wasted no time taking charge of us. She ordered, "You'll both address me as mistress. Now strip naked. Pippa you are not allowed to wear clothes while you're in our home. Valeria, you're not allowed to wear clothes while your girlfriend is visiting."

"Yes mistress," my girlfriend and I both responded at once.

It only took a moment for me to pull my dress off and step out of my sandals. Meanwhile Pippa quickly removed her fancy dress, followed by her bra. Her garter came off next, then her low-heeled shoes and finally her stockings. She wasn't wearing any panties today, which made me smile. I didn't comment though, neither did Cat, we both just watched quietly as the young lady finished stripping herself down.

My and Pippa's clothes ended up on the table where I normally worked, and the two of us stood side by side as my sister made a show of looking over our naked bodies.

After a few moments Cathryn commented, "I can think of a lot of fun things to do with the pair of you, but if I wasn't invited what would you two be getting up to without me? Pippa, what were you hoping for this afternoon? Be honest."

The young lady blushed slightly and bit her lower lip. She lowered her eyes as she replied, "I was hoping perhaps Miss Val would punish me. After all, it was rather naughty of me to arrive unannounced and disrupt both her day and yours."

"Good answer," Cathryn smiled. Then before we left the workshop she grabbed three vials of the stamina potion and suggested, "We may as well all drink one of these now. I plan on keeping you two busy for quite some time."

That put smiles on both my girlfriend's and my faces, and we eagerly drank the potions while Cat did the same. Then she led the both of us upstairs and into the bedroom.

Cathryn removed her dress and sat down on one of the beds. Then we both noticed how Pippa was staring wide-eyed at my sister's girlcock.

My girlfriend mumbled to herself as she stared, "That's even bigger than Marc's..."

"Sorry Pippa, I guess Val didn't warn you about this?" my sister asked my girlfriend. "Is it going to be a problem for you?"

The young lady took a few moments to think it through, then finally shook her head. "No mistress. It's a surprise, but..."

Her cheeks flushed and she hesitated briefly before finishing, "Now that I'm past the surprise I'm rather intrigued."

My sister grinned, "Excellent. I'll make sure you have some time to get more intimately acquainted with it later. For now though, this is all about my little sister's big day, so let's focus on her."

Cat had me lay back on the other bed, with my head on the pillow and my legs spread. Then she ordered my girlfriend into position on all fours atop the bed, with her face between my legs.

"Now Pippa it's time to help Valeria celebrate her birthday," Cathryn stated. "Use your mouth to make your girlfriend come. Don't stop until I say."

"Yes mistress," my girlfriend grinned.

She immediately got started, licking and kissing, probing and nibbling. It didn't take long before I was moaning happily. My hands moved to my boobs, I massaged and kneaded them a bit before I started playing with my thick hard nipples.

Cat was sitting on the edge of her bed facing us, stroking her big rock-hard girlcock as she watched my girlfriend make me squirm. And I was definitely squirming. Pippa really was an expert at cunnilingus, she certainly got lots of practise between me and Millie.

I spent the next several minutes writhing on her talented tongue before I could feel my orgasm fast approaching. Cathryn could tell I was close, and chose that moment to speak up again with a couple more orders.

"Valeria," she stated, "You're not allowed to come until I say so. Pippa, when she does come you'll do your best to lick it all up. Show your girlfriend how much you love drinking her juices."

After that I soon found myself squirming and writhing even more frantically as I remained trapped on the edge, desperate for climax but unable to reach that release.

Cat kept me waiting another couple minutes, just long enough for me to start to beg. Then she gave me permission, and my mind went blank with the rush of white-hot ecstasy that flooded my senses. After what seemed like ages I came back down to find myself still moaning and writhing as Pippa hungrily lapped up my juices from my dripping wet labia, my thighs, and anywhere else I'd coated with my squirt.

Cathryn had my girlfriend keep going, and Pippa brought me to two more screaming mind-numbing orgasms before my sister finally decided to give me a bit of a break. Then she had Pippa and I kneeling on towels in front of Cat, and I got to watch while my girlfriend spent the next half hour worshipping my sister's large throbbing girlcock. And I got to lick Pippa's face and boobs clean each time Cat painted my girlfriend with hot thick white ropes of her seed.

The three of us rounded out the afternoon with me on all fours, my face buried in my girlfriend's sex while my sister stood behind me and pumped my needy pussy till I was overflowing with her come. Which she then ordered Pippa to lick clean.

At that point we took a break, everyone got freshened up, and I made a proper dinner for the three of us. It probably wasn't anywhere up to the standards Lady Philippa was used to, but it was a bit fancier than what my sister and I usually ate.

Then we enjoyed some wine and idle conversation for a while, before Cathryn decided it was time to get back to the fun.

The evening picked up where the afternoon left off, and both Pippa and I were in heaven as we enjoyed yet more depraved debauchery with my sister and each other. The stamina potions we'd taken earlier kept the three of us going till about midnight, but when the potions finally wore off the exhaustion hit pretty hard and our fun came to a somewhat abrupt end. The three of us collapsed into bed together and sleep took us soon after that.

When I finally drifted awake in the morning I found myself cuddled up on both sides. My sister was behind me as usual, her girlcock and boobs pressed against my back. This time I also had my girlfriend cuddled up against my front, her chest tight against my own, one of her legs resting in between mine, and a hand around my waist.

Waking up between the two girls I loved was a very rare treat indeed, but one I'd cherish forever. In fact it was the best birthday I'd ever had.

Honestly, I couldn't help marvelling at how perfect my life had become.

Just one year previously I'd been alone for my eighteenth birthday. My parents had recently been killed, our family fortune lost. I was still in my masc body and had no idea Cathryn was working on potions to change that. I'd recently moved into this place and was struggling to hang on to what few coins I could.

If someone told me how wonderful and perfect my nineteenth would be I'd have called them mad.

Yet here I was. A cute girl, an alchemist's apprentice, sharing a bed with both my sister and a noblewoman.

It was the best birthday I could ever imagine.

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