Alchimia Rex

[004] [Barrels]

“Men shouldn’t be running themselves ragged, you're pushing too hard.” Dia’s diagnosis came with a soft, chiding tone that was far too concerned to have any actual sting. Her hands moved from Rick’s forehead down to his chest, the green glow under her palm cool to the touch and refreshing. It made him feel lighter, and under the intense summer heat, it was exactly what he’d needed.

He hated that she had a point.

But he was holding them back. Being the human in a group of maidens meant it was physically impossible to keep their pace. If anything opted to chase after them, he'd have to ask Monica to carry him around. The mental image of the three meter tall powerhouse carrying him like a sack of potatoes was no balm to his thoughts.

“He should have taken the Centaur girl before leaving the city.” Kiara snorted from above, lazily flapping her wings.

“Too expensive to rent.” He replied with a snap.

“Weren't you friends with the noble there? The... was it an Earl?" The Succubus rolled her eyes.

"The Earl of Balet was our host for a bit. It didn't make me any less penniless." He growled.

It was in Eva's curious glance that he felt something was off. Mostly because he'd expected more of a shock out of her.

Nobility in this world was prone to gift giving. Rick had burned through it by assaulting the guy's library every available minute he had that wasn't spent keeping Monica out of trouble. Because a giant combat-ready feline and a palace devoid of things she found interesting did not mix well.

Kiara had caught the look as well, frowning ever so slightly. "Well, if you didn't have the gold, we could have made her willing either way." Her lips curled into a wide smirk. "A caress here, a touch there, and she'd happily follow us along."

Rick ignored the caustic look Dia shot at the Succubus. “So you meant stealing them by putting a charm on everyone involved? Yeah, that’s skillful.”

Kiara instantly bristled. “What? WHAT?” She called out. “A ‘charm’? Do you take me for some kind of petty psychic!?" she seethed the words out. "No, my trade takes far more skill and a far more careful touch. The mere act of piercing through a maiden's trained and natural defences is no-"

"You say that, but you can't even get me to agree you're useful half the time."

Dia giggled at his proclamation, and that snapped Kiara into a deep glare.

The Succubus floated lower, poking his forehead. "If you had any power at all, I would've been able to twist you like all others before you."

"So that's why your seduction sucks. You're used to having everyone just look at you, blush, and beg."

There was an attempt to respond, inhaling to speak up, but stopping herself before uttering a sound. "Perhaps." Her gaze fell on Eva for a moment before she turned to leave. Spreading her wings, she rose into the air and continued further up, until she was finally out of ear-shot.

There was a brief silence before Dia giggled again. “You did that on purpose to shoo her away.”

He shrugged in response. “If I’d told her I wanted to be left alone, she’d have stuck around harder.”

The Rapha flinched. “Does that-?”

“You know what I mean.” He reached out to give her shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

She relaxed, nodding. “Should I seek a deaf Doggirl as your next companion?” The maiden rested her head against his shoulder.

"Why do you ask that?"

"Just wondering." She sighed. "It would be less out of place than the latest oddities under your care."

Well, that was an amusing thought. “This coming from the Rapha who jumped into a fight and gutted a Sorceress?” He poked at her arm, enjoying the little squirm and bashful look on her face.

“She tried to kill you.” Dia muttered, her button nose pointed at the ground. The pout was adorable in its own way, the dejection not so much. Her hand wrapped around his waist, lowering down and giving his ass a playful squeeze. “You have a cute butt. Very manly.” She whispered, her tone teasing and low.

He pulled her hand up to his waist.

“I am thankful to know that if I ever get roasted, you would turn the perpetrator into Swiss cheese.” He steered the conversation back on track.

“Swiss?” Her head spun as she checked the area, looking for something. Once she’d confirmed Eva had moved on ahead of the group, walking slightly behind Monica, only then did she speak. “Is that a word from your world? Like penniless?” She spoke in a whisper.

It had been a general agreement on their part. Rick didn’t care about Eva’s past, and he wouldn’t share his own. No need to complicate things. “Penniless just means not having money. Swiss it’s a place. Swiss cheese is the one that’s full of holes.” He declared.

“Oh. I wouldn’t do that. I would turn them into green cheese.”

“How do you figure?”

“If anyone were to seriously hurt you, I would look for a way to turn them inside out rather than just stab them. Though there’s no inside-out cheese, and I figure green cheese is the closest to that.”

That... was quite the mental image.

Dia flushed. “I’m being gross again, aren’t I?”

“It’s… cute. Scary, but cute.” He replied. Dia stiffened a little, then sighed, sinking her cheek into his shoulder. The gesture caught him slightly by surprise. “You weren’t going for scary?”

“Strong, womanly, reliable, protective… As all maidens should be.” She muttered. “I don’t want to be scary like some feralborn…”

“Well, I think you’re the maidenest maiden out there.” He kissed her cheek, enjoying the way they dimpled.

Still, the Rapha scoffed slightly. “Second only to tall, perfect, breastiful Monica. She who scares a thousand ferals with a mere look.”

Where was this coming from? Rick leaned slightly closer. “Something bothering you?”

She made a gesture at the others. “Kiara’s skin is thicker than her big fat butt. Eva can regenerate. And the only way for Monica to get seriously hurt would be if the sky opened and struck her down.” She sighed, shoulders slumping. “As a healer, I do not feel all that useful.”

“You say that as if I’m not standing right in front of you.” He rolled his eyes at her.

She grumbled, squeezing him. “It’s the man’s job to stand on the sidelines and look pretty. Maybe you’d get a scratch or a bump in the head. Then and only then would the beautiful and capable healer kiss your bruise away after having made victory possible only through healing every other member from the brink of death.”

The unflinching conviction of her words made the stab to his pride all the deeper. No matter how long he spent in this world, it would forever remain jarring how the roles felt reversed in so many ways. Not that he was going to let it slide. “If my job is to just be the man in distress, then I guess there's no point in tying you up.”

And just like that, her cheeks took the same color as her hair. “Minor correction.” She coughed. “It’s the human’s job to stand imposing, to direct the-.”

“I can sense the horny all the way up here!” Kiara yelled from overhead. “Unless someone’s about to get nailed against a tree, and I’m a part of it, then cut it!”

Rick chuckled.

“What a cunt punt.” Dia glowered under her breath, marching along.

This time he burst into laughter, unable to stop himself.



With summer coming to its end, the dryness lingered in the air like parchment. Blue skies dotted with cotton clouds, a scorching breeze blowing gently. The grass was yellowed and cracked underfoot, the golden plains were massive, extending every direction, interrupted only by the occasional tree or bush. The forest was well out of sight.

And if the lack of ferals, bandits, or problems showed anything, then it was that going off the road had been the perfect choice.

Or at least, that was what Rick would’ve thought normally.

But the villages had warned them that there had been a feral rush that had gone through the area.

The signs were there. Monica could barely find any wild animals to hunt. That was concerning. Despite her massive size, the Sabertooth’s ability to find food no matter the situation had been a near certainty throughout their travels. It was thanks to her that their supplies lasted far longer than they otherwise would have.

“The ferals moved through here, probably not that long ago. Had we been faster...”

“If you allowed the brute to carry you like the man you are, we would have less of a problem.” Kiara stated with a bored sigh.

Sometimes Rick suspected the Succubus had mind-reading, other times she missed, but this was not one of those times. “If this dry spell keeps up, I just might do that.”

He chewed the inside of his cheek, not wanting to feel as bothered about the idea as he did. Would their supplies last long enough to reach the next village that wasn't a heap of smouldering ruins?

“Monica has plan.”

“Not eating ferals.” Rick snapped.

The feline frowned and pointed a claw at Eva, raising an inquisitive brow at him.

He sighed. “She needs blood and a dead boar isn't enough. It’s… complicated.”

Eva flinched as he said this, turning her back to the group.

“Other plan.” Monica rolled her eyes, nose scrunching up as she shook her head. “Long hunt.”

Just hearing the proposal caused four knots to form at the base of Rick’s neck. His first instinct was to refuse. “Give me a moment.” He let out before any other opinion made its way through his lips.

With a heavy sigh, he rubbed the stubble on his chin. Monica was the strongest fighter in the group. Not having her around was a very harsh blow to their combat capabilities. Any trouble that came their way would be that much more dangerous. And that was ignoring the threats that Eva or Kiara might pose if they became a bother.

“Have her take Eva.” The Succubus pipped up, twirling a lock of azure hair and failing to look innocent. “Let the little leech have a meal or two. Maybe she’ll learn how to hunt for her own food.”

Monica perked up at that, looking at Eva thoughtfully and nodding. “Yes. Learn.”

“What!?” The Fledgling snapped, jumping from her shadow, turning to him. “You can’t let this charmer use her powers to-.”

“She’s not using her powers.” Rick sighed.

“She is a Succubus, you cannot trust her!"

"First, trusting her or not is my choice to make, not yours. Second, this has a lot less to do with trust." He rubbed at the bridge of his nose. “Dia, how’s our food situation? Exactly.”

“I’ve already been rationing meals.”

She mentioned it with such casualness it took him a moment to register the words. “Rationing… whose meals?” He asked, slowly.

“Mine? I’m a maiden, I-.”

“And you didn’t tell me… why?” He spoke slowly. “We’re a team, you should’ve…” Rick recognized he was about to snap at her and stopped. This was not the time. “How far are we from the next village?”

“Shouldn’t be too far, maybe a couple days?” The nurse declared, then grimaced.

“I’ve been flying all day, no smoke.” Kiara said. “Are you sure you’re reading the map right?” Her golden gaze focused on Dia, lips curling upwards, impish tail swaying.

“The map is shit.” Rick proclaimed before anyone could respond. “It’s unreliable at best, useless at worst, you’d think-.” Another heavy groan. “You can still spot the road from up there, right?”

The Succubus nodded. “Sure.”

“Then we’re not totally lost and the road’s got to go somewhere, but we’re not sure if we’ll starve before we get there.” His shoulders slumped, eyes turning to Dia. “How long will it last if Monica isn't around?”

“Just you and I? A week, two if we ration them." Her gaze flickered to Eva and Kiara. "Those two however..."

"There are ferals here and there, leech can eat, I can get snacks." Kiara spoke with casualness, but there was an undertone of annoyance that had not been subtle. Not to Rick's ears at least.

“Big hunt it is." He nodded, turning to the Sabertooth and raising his hand. "But you need to be back in three days. Go without Eva.”

“YES! BIG HUNT!” Monica shot forward, wrapping him into a tight fluffy hug before he’d even gotten the chance to lower his arm. She kissed the crown of his head twice, and dropped him right after, letting out a deep rumbling chuckle.

She was gone before he’d even gotten the chance to regain his balance; the dirt spraying all around as she’d bolted out of there at a speed worthy of a cartoon. “Hunt! Hunt! Hunt!” she shouted as she left.

The maiden was running fast enough she looked like she'd been trying to break the sound-barrier.

He also noted Eva's glare.

“She appears pent-up." Kiara commented idly, watching the feline go. “At least someone is having fun.” She glanced at the black-haired Fledgling. "I think I will have some of my own as well, I am feeling peckish." Rick winced, feeling something sharp prickle his neck as Kiara walked past him. "If you'll excuse me..."

Rick swerved, looking at Kiara as she’d reached out and lain an iron grip on the smaller maiden’s shoulder. Their gazes met, and the Succubus grinned like the cat that had just caught the canary. The two standing next to one another made for quite the sight in contrasts. Eva, pale, short and lithe, wearing shirt and pants that were several sizes too large, black hair making her head look like a crow's nest. Kiara, bronze skin with curves to kill, her simple dress impeccable, tight in all the right places.

He almost missed the drop of blood on her fingernail, or the way Eva was sniffing the air having caught the scent of it.

“We'll do some talking, some feeding, you know, that kind of thing.” She continued, shooting him a wicked smile. “Don’t worry, the cat scouted the area, and I made sure there weren’t any ferals for a suitable distance. You'll be safe with just the healer.” There was a slight pause as she winked. “You can just… walk, or stick around and watch. I don’t mind either way. Eva certainly won't... once I've warmed her up.”

“Don’t you-AH!” The Fledgling went mute, her pale face turning into a tomato red, eyes widening.

Her next attempt to talk came out as a garbled moan. She rushed to cover her mouth, struggling and failing to break free from the Succubus’ grasp

It was a sight of sharp contrasts.

"I'm sure you'd rather have me fully charged, at least while the cat isn't around." Kiara purred, licking every syllable off of her lips like she was tasting a lollipop.

Eva looked at him, then at Kiara. There was an edge of fear in those red eyes, wide and vulnerable. She turned to Rick and hesitated, meeting his gaze and knowing what his answer would be. "I-" She stopped, shoulders drooping.

"Do we have any alternatives?" His question was asked openly, but his eyes were locked on the Fledgling's. The silence sealed the deal. "Just be quick." Eva turned, following Kiara as they walked away. Each step brought a growing redness to her features, until they finally vanished behind some larger bushes.

Kiara hummed a tune the whole way.

Rick grimaced. "A blood sucker and a sex-eater." He combed his fingers through his hair, glancing at Dia. "I would've expected a complaint from you." They started walking southeast, to get a bit more distance with the duo of maidens.

"They are both energy leeches." Dia shrugged. "Fledglings need blood and complement their diet with their victim's energy. Succubi only ever eat energy. I'm the only one nearby, aside from Eva, that could feed that tumor." The maiden sighed. "I'd still prefer if we handed both of them to the kingdom for the bounty on their species', but short of that, better let them eat each other."

"Heard you loud and clear the first thirty times."

"And you will hear me say it another hundred." She crossed her arms, clearly annoyed. "They will betray you, and then you'll get hurt again."

"Kiara saved my life." He declared humourlessly. "I'd either be dead or a hostage to whoever had sent that Vampire and Sabertooth after us."

The healer didn't falter. "It is only out of convenience for her."



"Then? It's mutual."

“But you said-.” Her mouth snapped shut, squirming as soon as Rick looked her way.

“I said…?”

Dia hesitated, coughing. "You told her she’s… useless.” She avoided his gaze. “Your voice… carried over when making camp.”

“Mhm.” He stared at her skeptically.

"But it's true."

"Only partially." He replied. "You've seen her when she wants to make a move. I'm banking on her wanting to show off once we try to settle down. So-"

A hot flash ran through his body, setting every inch of his skin tingling with sensation. Rick's eyes widened as his body was hot and bothered in every single way he had not expected. There was a shrill sound not too far behind, exactly where Kiara and Eva were supposed to be. It was followed by heavy gasps. A part of Rick knew he should feel… something, maybe regret or… at least hesitation about the whole thing.

But he couldn’t find it.

It was as if the notion was gone.

Why would a spider bother with the thoughts of a fly?

The feeling left as soon as it came, but not without leaving his body feeling hot all over. The bond lashed from two different points, live wires that weren't blocking out the pleasurable experiences they were having.



“Are there ways to block emotions… from the bond, I mean?”

Dia turned pensive, the slight coloration on her cheeks the only betrayal that she too was hearing the chorus that came from a spot roughly twenty meters behind them. “You don't have any latent elemental energy, even for a human, so you can't really learn protection spells. And I'm a healer, not a psychic. I guess the best I could provide would be to numb your senses partially? If not that, then perhaps meditation?”

“Great. Human otherworlder parents for the win.” He groaned.

"Maybe an enchanted item? I heard that the noble merchant families of Aubria specialize in those, I saw a few when we passed through." She hummed thoughtfully. "Perhaps there will be some options in Sinco. Why do you ask?"

With a sigh, he shifted, looking around before speaking up. “Because neither of them are blocking anything.”

"Oh." She stopped and then grinned impishly, gaze flickering at his pants. "There is always the... direct approach to the problem." The pink-haired Rapha leaned closer, lowering her voice to a whisper. "As a healer, I could give you a therapeutic massage..."

Rick felt like making some offhand comment about having two Succubi in the group rather than just one. But he was also sure she would’ve taken it as an insult. But before he could say a word, something caught his attention, right at the corner of his eye.

He turned his head and swore.

Several figures had just split from the horizon off in the distance, climbing towards the sky.


Dia had broken off, shielding her eyes from the sun. "They seem to be clothed and armed."

Rick wasn't too sure whether it was a testament to her life-style that she'd been able to determine such details within seconds, or whether it was just another aspect of maidens having supernatural senses. What he was sure of was that he didn't need to have a sharp sense of smell to catch the reek of trouble.


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