Alchimia Rex

[006] [Green Greens]

“So… any thoughts on how to make her talk? I mean, before her friends suspect something’s off and come knocking.” Rick threw the question out for everyone.

He glanced down at White. He knew her name was Mara, but it was just easier to keep her as White. Not like she deserved the courtesy. The maiden was awake and glaring. But she was wrapped in enough metal wire to make a fence. And Dia had the tip of one of the long spears pressing against the maiden’s chest.

“Remove her collar, break her bond, have her fight against the feral curse. Then bond her yourself and beat her to a pulp with a stick.” Kiara spoke with the sort of casualness one would use for the weather. “She wouldn’t be able to defend herself against you, not without risking seriously hurting you.”

Eva’s head snapped up from the lifeless corpse of Black, staring at the Succubus with wide eyes. There was something in that look that felt… off.

“Or I just have my way with her until she’s drooling and begging for more.” Kiara added with a roll of her eyes and a shrug. “That always works. Though it’d be a waste of all the energy I took from her.”

“If it’s an excruciating amount of pain, I could help.” Dia chirped up.

The Succubus laughed. “Sure you can. Maybe you’ll stab her a bunch and patch her back up.”

There was a moment of pause as Dia looked at Kiara with an odd, pensive look, then turned to Rick. “Sir, may I?”

He suspected where this was going. He nodded. “Go right ahead.”

Dia placed the spear on the ground and approached. The bandit tensed, trying to escape and struggle again, but the only thing she managed to do was have the wire dig more into her body. “Keep that up and you will cut blood flow to your extremities.” The maiden warned.

“Fufff hyu.” White declared through the gag, going still.

The Rapha shrugged. “First a mild paralytic to avoid mistakes…” Her hands began to glow green as she caressed the wings tenderly. The limbs lost their tension in quick order, the movements becoming sluggish. “This maiden is a Neigix, sir. Do you know what that means?”

“Surprise me.”

“It means that she is hyper-sensitive to air currents. It is what allows the breed to navigate storms and also aids their powers to strengthen or weaken air currents.” Her hands were still glowing as she kept caressing it over the following minutes. “Their wings contain a great deal of nerve clusters, and if I bolster their responsiveness, then…” slowly, she wrapped her fingers around the tip of the wing, and squeezed.

The response was immediate.

“AAAAAHHHH!” White shrieked and thrash wildly, her whole body began to spasm out of control. Not even the gag was able to suppress the sound entirely. She was emptying her lungs into the cloth, eyes bulging with every heave.

The smile on Dia’s lips did not even twitch as she kept her gaze locked with a stunned Kiara. The Rapha tightened her grip further, driving the maiden to wail and jerk violently as if in the middle of a seizure.

After a good minute of not blinking or looking away from the Succubus, she let go.

White went limp, heaving lungfuls through her nose and drenched in sweat.

“I guess the experience would feel similar to having every feather plucked at the same time. Over and over.” Dia declared, keeping the smile as her hand hovered over the wing-tip, watching the maiden trembling like a leaf. “Are you feeling cooperative now? I could do it to both your wings at the same time, or maybe would you rather I try somewhere else? There are many places I am sure will be fun to try out. Maybe I should go for your eyes next? Do not worry, if the effects run out, I can just apply them again.”

The maiden shook her head violently. “FEAHE!”

“Will you cooperate?”

A wild nodding followed.

Rick tried to not show his surprise. His mind was immediately yanked to some things he'd discovered not too long ago. According to a heavy set of highly biased dusty books Rick had found in the Earl's library, maidens had popped into existence about five hundred years ago or so. And things had quickly gotten out of hand, and stayed that way ever since. The specific details of how they'd appeared in the world, as well as who was responsible, varied depending on the book. But if there was one thing everyone appeared to agree on, it was that maidens had been created for some great war no one remembered or cared about anymore.

Mostly because of the "and things got out of hand ever since" part. The fall of civilization, a dark age of anarchy, and right as things were getting stable again ferals, all of it written by people more preoccupied by some noble's lineage or another and the great deeds they had accomplished.

But the thing that had caught Rick's attention in those musty old books had always been the part that insisted maidens had been made for war.

Looking at Dia happily looking over her shoulder, he found his doubts on the claim dwindling further. “Sir? I think she is ready to answer questions.” The healer pulled her hand away from the wing, though not far enough that she couldn’t quickly reach out again. “And I’m sure she will even be polite, too. Isn’t that right?”

White nodded quickly.

If maidens had been made for war, then what had their purposes been? He put the question of intelligent design aside and focused on the task at hand. Kneeling in front of White, he met her gaze as he reached out to remove her gag. “So, what do you have to share?”

“Fifteen others. Five Orcs, four Doggirls, three Goblinas, one Hound, one Hobgoblin, one human toy."

"You're part of a larger group, correct?"

"An Orc warband, or tribe, or whatever. Never been there!" She spoke in a rush.

"What are your orders?"

"Recruit or kill maidens, capture humans. Make sure none go through this area." She stumbled through the words, shuddering as she glanced at Dia with terror. "Please don’t let her do that to me again, sir, please!”

There was a moment of consideration. He looked at the others. “Warband?”

“An Orc tribe that doesn't have a permanent settlement," Dia muttered. "They're more common in the northern desert. These Orcs are very far from home."

That didn't answer why they were recruiting bandits or blockading roads. Were they using the feral rush to their advantage? Now that the southern portion of the kingdom was more isolated... "You said recruit maidens."

"If they surrender, they're sent to the tribe."

"What direction?" Kiara inquired, looking thoughtful.

"There are some groups that patrol the area. They pick up humans and recruits, take them to the tribe. Each group gets paid with good coin for every capture. That's all I know!"

"The human. Who is he?" Eva's words sent a chill down Rick's spine.

White hesitated, lowering her gaze to the ground. "Just... someone that was given to us. The group leader claimed that the tribe-leader had put some sort of spell on the man, that it would kill him if we strayed too far from the tribe."

Rick turned to look at Kiara, the Succubus frowned at him. "What?"

"You're the one with all the weird spell knowledge."

"There are any number of ways it could be done by a maiden with the right powers." She crossed her arms and shook her head. "But in this backwater corner of the world? It's likelier some enchanted item or just lies."

"Or a Vampire." Eva's fangs gleamed as she snarled.

"Calm your tiny tits, little leech." Kiara snorted in amusement. "No coddled little blood-obsessed princess would ever step into an Orc tribe unless it was to gloat."

Rick hid the grimace. He really hoped this had nothing to do with Vampires. One attack had been more than plenty in his book. He focused back to their prisoner. "How close are we to Sinco?”

“Two, maybe three weeks with a human? Erm, sir?”

"How many of your friends are there between here and there?"

"I don't know."

"Feather for brains indeed." Kiara shrugged. “We should pretend to be recruits.”

“No one would be stupid enough to keep us together.” Rick replied. “Besides, if anyone finds out what you are, and word gets out? They'd sell you for the bounty alone.”

“Pfff, yeah, like you’re much better. Mister I’m from-.”

“You know what I mean.” He cut her off.

Eva had shifted slightly, leaning closer and abruptly looking the other way, pretending she wasn't paying very close attention.

Kiara smirked in amusement. “It doesn’t matter. We either fight or we pretend to be recruits. Not my first ride on some motley group of maidens that like enslaving humans.”

“Of course it wouldn’t be.” Dia glared.

Rick ignored the spat and tried to focus on the problem at hand. A group of fifteen maidens. Even if they had Monica, it wouldn't be an easy fight, much less a certainty. There were some options, sure, but none he'd trust without the large feline around. Which left them with running away, an option that wouldn't get too far since... well, Rick was there.

And that would slow them down. He shouldn’t have sent Monica out. Fuck.

Could he even call her back? At least it would be worth a shot to try more seriously.

With a heavy breath, Rick closed his eyes. He focused, feeling out his bond with her. The emotion was vague and dispersed, clearly too far off. She was… currently exhilarated, eager, happy. Gritting his teeth, he tried to push a sense of panic and caution towards her. It felt as if he were trying to move a massive block of moldy cheese, his hands sinking into it but barely shifting it. Again, he pushed.

There was the barest twitch from the other side. A mild note of... something. Like hearing a word through a channel full of static, impossible to decipher. That was it. Rick couldn't be sure if Monica had turned around, or if he'd even caught her attention. It looked like he'd failed. Better prepare for the worst, then.

As much as he trusted that the Succubus could handle things to a degree… “Kiara, against the enemies she described, what do you figure our chances are?”

“Orcs are the bigger threat to me. They don’t rely on elemental energy much. It’s a bad matchup. Taking them all in a direct fight would be stupid.” She shrugged. “I’d be able to get them all if we had the time to work them over, though.”

Time he was pretty sure they didn't have. Not with the tribe not too far off.

"I need a minute."

Straightening up, he paced, trying to put his thoughts in order. His eyes turned to the dry grassland that surrounded them in every direction. Nowhere to hide, not from a group that could use Doggirls to track them by scent. And no ferals they could use for a distraction. What did that leave them with? Yellowed tall grass, shriveled bushes, and withered trees as far as he could see.


“You.” He looked at the bird-woman. “You want to live?”

The nod was vigorous enough her head might as well have popped off. “Yes, sir.”

"You're a Neigix, right? Can you control the wind even from the ground?"

She grimaced. "It... is not that simple. I'm no Dragoness. I can only change the wind a little at a time. And I’d need to use my wings... and I'd need some of my energy back. Sir.”

He nodded. “Dia, you heard her. I need her hog-tied but with her wings free. Kiara, I’m going to need you to check how far away the rest of her group is and whether they’re coming our way yet. Eva, I need you to make a campfire.”

“Slow down there. You’re looking to start a fight without the cat around?” The Succubus asked, crossing her arms. “You’re better off letting me do the talking. Play pretend, and-.”

“First, I’d rather-” Rick shut his mouth with a pop, a heartbeat away from admitting he'd rather fight than watch the Succubus sell her body for their benefit. His mind whirled back to that scene, with White pinning her down... his fists clenched as he tried to dispel the thought. She was a Succubus, she'd made it clear she didn't care. Why was he against the idea?

"Yes?" Kiara asked, clearly confused at his silence.

He switched tracks, shoving aside the inner dilemma and changing the angle of approach. "I'd sooner go down swinging than let someone in the tribe bond me." He touched his throat, staring directly at the spot in Kiara's throat where her collar was currently missing.

Because being a human able to form bonds without an enchanted collar would make his situation a precocious one. The singular thing that kept the kingdom in power was their monopoly over the things. Any local wanting to break a feral from the feral state would need to get their hands on a new collar to ask for permission. And if people got too rebellious, all the kingdom would need to do was cut the tap. Once the collars broke and maidens started going feral, the problem would practically resolve itself.

It was why bandits relied on attacking villages periodically, otherwise they wouldn't survive.

Fortunately, White didn't catch on to the meaning of his words, but the others did.

"Shit." Kiara cursed under her breath. "We'll do it your way." She didn't wait another second, grabbing one of the spears and taking off.

The others began to move.

"I don't know how to start a fire." Eva stated as soon as Kiara was out of hearing range.

"Are you-?" Rick rubbed at his temples, complaining wouldn't help. Eva might be a maiden, but she hadn't been one for long. For a fraction of a second, he wondered, and not for the first time, what kind of life Eva had lived before getting stuck into the magical rock they'd accidentally nabbed from the duo of maidens that attacked them over a month ago. "You'll be helping with the bags."

Reaching into the backpack, he pulled out the chemistry sample box and grimaced inwardly. He had some very impure potassium permanganate that could be used with some glycerin and water to get a flame going. Were they in that kind of rush, though? This was going to be a marathon, not a race.

“They’re not moving yet, roughly six or seven kilometers off.” Kiara declared, as she touched down. “What’s the plan?”

Rick put the box away. “Help Dia. We need that wind first.”

She let out a bored sigh. "Sure."

He wasn’t sure what to expect out of the comment until the Succubus snatched the cables right out of Dia’s hands and started her work. Rick had to stop and blink, watching as Kiara untangled the wire with barely an effort and tied new knots even faster. It was as if she were a sailor in the middle of a storm and the metal wire had gained sentience. White barely struggled, but it wouldn't have made a difference. Rick realized what he was looking at when the cable drew forms around the winged maiden’s chest, how it hugged her curves and accentuated them even as the maiden's arms and legs were strangled behind her back.

It was a work of art.


Kiara ignored him, focusing on the prisoner, fingers glowing a dim purple. "Get the wind started."

Rick quickly caught himself. "In that direction." He pointed vaguely south east, in the general direction of the group of bandits. “How long can you make it last?”

White moved her wings tentatively. “If it’s just a gentle breeze? Maybe an hour or two.”

“Over how large an area?”

“Just… around?” She made a gesture with her head to point at their surroundings.

He didn't like the vagueness of it, but it would have to do. “Get to it.”

“And don’t get any ideas about flying off.” Kiara warned, looping the wire around White’s throat, taking the improvised leash into her hand. "Or your head gets popped off."

With a hesitant nod, the captive began slowly flapping her wings. The surrounding wind tickled against Rick's skin, and White's flapping became deeper, slower, as if the snowy feathers were struggling against an invisible force. The look on the maiden's face was a mix of concentration and fear as she kept pushing.

One minute turned into ten.

A sudden gust blew through the area, then slowed, turning into an ongoing breeze.

“It is done. Today is a calm day, so it should last at least until past noon.”

Now with the wind blowing towards the bandits, they were on a timer. “Great.” He pointed northeast. “Kiara, I need you to fly off in that direction to the edge of the breeze. Light a fire, and then fly towards us, spreading more of it as you go. We need a wall." He pointed southwest. “We'll be moving in that direction.”

“Wait.” White hesitated, then frowned, connecting the dots. “You’re going to surround them with fire! You… you’re going to burn him!” Immediately, she thrashed against the wire, flapping madly. “I have to-!” Whatever she was about to say, she began choking as the metal dug into her throat.

“Rick?” Dia looked at him as Kiara began pulling at the cable

“Knock her out.”

The healer moved fast, glowing hands grasping at White's head. The Neigix let out a garbled squawk, giving one last flap of her wings before going limp entirely. "This should keep her down for… a few hours.” She said.

“Why keep her alive?” Kiara snorted, loosening her grasp on the wire.

“She kept her end of the deal. Not her fault the bond pushed her to protect the human.” Rick replied, shaking his head. “Just drag her somewhere the fire might not get her. We should be long gone by the time she wakes up.”

“She’s betrayed the kingdom. She should not be allowed to live.” Dia whispered under her breath. Eva nodded emphatically with the statement.

“She's not a threat anymore, and she collaborated.” There was a warning in his voice as he met each of their gazes. “Let’s get a move on.”

“Just a warning, a bushfire won’t stop an Orc, you'd need something stronger to get through their skin,” Kiara pointed out. “They’re tough and can regenerate.”

“Hopefully they'll react like this one here and will be more concerned with protecting their human than chasing after us.” He gave a small kick at the slumped body of White. “Worse comes to worst, it should at least split them up. Fighting them should be easier."

Taking one last look at the surrounding scenery, he nodded at himself.

“You… look excited.” Eva commented, staring at him with a dubious look as she hefted the third backpack effortlessly.

Rick nodded. “What kind of chemist would I be if I weren’t at least a little fascinated by the prospect of fire?”

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