Alchimia Rex

[014] [Destiny (Kiara)]

Kiara was pinned, surrounded by the bitter flavor of enemies.

The part she hated was how it wasn't even open hostility. They hid it under layers, changed the aftertaste and twisted it into something that felt slimy against her tongue. Urtha, the giant Orc, the one-armed brute, hers was the worst. Miss-aimed anger, betrayal, convenience, and fear. She was a brute who just swallowed her feelings and followed the strongest voice in the room because she'd run things exactly in that way. But there was a bell pepper eagerness for fight deep down.

She was the one keeping Kiara face-first on the ground, and her flavor almost masked that of the others. Not that the Succubus could focus too much on the Vampire and the Ghoul. Her bond was screaming at her, seething with fear and rage. Every moment was a trickle of sand. Rick was dying, her human was dying, and the bond demanded she do something about it even if she lost her life.

Were it any other situation, she'd tear her collar off and break the bond, just to regain the ability to think with a clear head. As it stood, being so keenly aware that starting a fight would get him killed was the only reason she could reign herself as much as she had. It wasn't like she wanted to lose her investment to losing control over herself!

"I told you. That human is mine!" she spoke, perfect pearly teeth grinding.

"If he dies, then consider it an admission fee." Every syllable on the Vampire's lips was poison. She spoke with envy. Because she was younger than Kiara, they both knew who was the stronger one. Trading blows had made it clear enough. But this age-obsessed blood-sucker was ruining everything just to make a power move! "Once you're free of the... sentimental attachment to the blood-bag, you will be able to fully dedicate yourself to our cause."

They were all the same, maidens who'd barely scratched the meaning of "unaging" thinking it all boiled down to a number. A counter for the years. Anything that couldn't reach their age was worthless. Anything that was older than them was competition. Any exception to either would be from ties made over a triple digit time-frame. The narcissism left a taste of rancid wine and ash on Kiara's tongue.

It was sickening to be near them, let alone interact with them.

Kiara's mind raced. A million answers she could provide or mislead. How could she convince the brat to keep her human alive without revealing the truth of what he was? Of what he could do? It was a miracle they hadn't caught the scent of his blood. Doubly so that they thought the Succubus' bond had been broken from the mere removal of the collar.

"Listen to me!" She pushed power outwards, thrumming with it, threatening. "I've been searching for someone like him for a very long time. This is no flight of fancy. He is necessary for me to become a Dark Queen."

A long shot. Truth but not quite all the truth. A show of weakness. Even the Vampire should realize that Kiara was intentionally revealing her hand. She wanted to play the power move? Then Kiara would give her a ladder to climb. Nothing mattered past her goal. If Rick died, would she even be able to find a new candidate?

How much of that panic was her bond?

Peppermint amusement preceded laughter. The Ghoul was the first to make the sound. Rumbling, low, and cruel. The half-dead flesh-eater stank of putrid flesh and tasted of fanatic loyalty. The sort of combination you could only get out of someone who'd been born and raised into their role. "You are deluded."

Vampire gave a mirthful chuckle, pretending she was trying to be less crass. "That which you seek is a title. Only a fool would believe that there is such a thing as a Dark Queen breed." Lady Aimes shook her head, smug amusement bitter lime. "Much less that a Succubi of all things could become one. No, you have achieved the pinnacle of your genus, much how Vampires have. Laying on your back for your meals is as high as you can hope to get."

Kiara's gaze flashed to Rick. He was, somehow, still alive. A feat on its own. But he would run out of miracles soon. She didn't have the time.

"I discovered the ruins of the Glass City, the capital of the Empire of the Sands." Having a massive Orc pinning her face to the ground was not helping her tone. How much could she reveal without it being too much? "It took me years, but I dug out texts, written by Dark Queen Djamila! From the ages when one could fly across the sky or sail across the sea without fear for ferals or pirates. It spoke of her ascension, her shift. She'd been a Succubus." She flashed her aura once more, in warning. "That human is a crucial ingredient, and the cost of his loss would be greater than any amount of gold or knowledge could cover. You know I speak the truth. Your spell can detect falsehoods!"

Perhaps it was the bond-induced desperation, or maybe something else. Some tiny part of Kiara screamed out. She could've played a thousand tricks and said a thousand half-truths. But she hadn't, and it was her best hope that this snotty Vampire took the win. For once, would someone believe her? Would the blood-sucker be different to the others? Or at least smart enough to understand the great deal of leverage Kiara was putting within her reach?

"Self-deception is not something any spell could detect." The Aimes sneered. "And charmers are talented in deception. I do not doubt that applies to themselves most of all."

Kiara's lips curled, fists clenching, pulling back her aura in preparation. Words would not work, and there was no time. This was just another fool. "If you're going to get in my way..."

She caught a hint of something in the air.

Kiara's attention snapped back to Rick. The human stood there, bloodied, half dead, staring at nothing with empty eyes. The aura, which would've normally been half invisible, was now entirely gone. Yet there was an overpowering flavor coming out of him. Cinnamon.

Rick screamed.

An unstoppable authority to dominate and stand over the world. A flavor sharp enough to cut. It overpowered all else. For a moment Kiara could only watch, blind to the feelings of everyone else. Rick's determination washed over the crowd. There was no measurable power behind the intent, no aura, no elemental energy, just raw emotion that shook you to the very core.

Even the Vampire stood frozen, shocked.

It was in the scorching sands I found my King.

Too feeble to even cast his own shadow.

Yet he could silence the mountains with but a glare.

Such was his weakness.

It would've been perfect, if only the flavor had not carried an underlying hint of a minty feral beast. Influence of the damnable barbaric cat, no doubt.

But Kiara didn't bother to pay attention to that. This was an opportunity, and she wasn't about to waste it. She could not allow Rick to die. A quick glance at the quivering leech confirmed she had the time to gather her strength while everyone else was distracted. The Orc was staring on with spicy awe, but the Vampire was of greater concern. The blood-sucker's flavor had shifted with buttery curiosity and greed. Like a spoilt child that just saw a new toy for them to break.

Kiara knew too well what Vampires did to their playthings.

"Rick, RUN!"

She only needed him to get some distance so that she could fight for an opportunity so they could escape. The wind was shifting, and with any hope, the little spectacle had left the audience far more ambivalent over whom to support. It would be a tight race, but if Kiara could sow enough discord...

There was a second roar, followed by an explosion at the edge of the camp. It brought with it a familiar taste Kiara would never admit to being relieved to taste. The minty raw brutality that was making her way to the center of the tribe was exactly what she needed. Not wasting a sliver of time, she pooled her energy faster.

The Vampire turned to stare at the feline brute that had shown up to save the damoiseau in distress like some gallant hero.

The sight of the two lovebirds staring at each other, human and cat, like there was nothing else in the world... it made Kiara want to puke.

“It seems we have gue-”

For all the brutishness, the Sabertooth knew what she was doing. With a kick, she sent a rain of dust and dirt over to the Vampire and made a run for it now that she'd caught Rick. Kiara let out an imperceptible sigh of relief at that. The bond stopped screaming. Rick was safe. No doubt he'd be in the healer's frantic care within the next minute, if not sooner.

Kiara's lips curled. Finally, she was in full control of herself. "They're getting away~."

"Hunt that Sabertooth!"

The Vampire had identified the species from just a glance? No matter. Kiara prepared for what would come next. Both the Orc and the Ghoul hesitated. Their distrust for Kiara was like a strong spirit splashing down her throat. They weren't sure if the Succubus was to be considered an enemy or not.

"I will get my human back." Kiara purred with an innocent smile. "And I expect you to not serve him as someone's lunch next time."

She could see the cogs turning. There was suspicion, of course there was. The blood-sucker surely suspected something was up. But could she afford to turn down the implied support? The hesitation was wasting time, and as long as none of these three maidens were chasing after Rick, that was perfect.

Time to tip the scales. If she gathered any more energy, the others would notice.

"Wasn't there a Vampire in Balet recently? Your pet said something about them being important..." Kiara nudged her energy at the Vampire, poking at it, sending a wave of frustration her way.

The prodding touch had gone unnoticed, but not the words. "My sister?"

"Right, Vampires and their obsessions with blood-relations." Kiara gripped the Orc's wrist. "I know how she died, and who took her life."

She unleashed her energy, focusing it at the three maidens. The Orc was hit hardest by the pleasure wave. Her hand loosened, giving Kiara the opportunity she needed to escape her grasp. Spreading her wings, she took to the air. Just in time to avoid the green brute from catching her. While the Vampire and Ghoul glared, wary of chasing right away.

But Kiara was more interested in the truth detection spell that was still in place. It seemed the Vampiric brat wasn't aware of the double-edged nature of such things, or how the last person she should focus on right now was the Succubus.

"The little blood-sucker died in a gutter."

"Speak!" The anger added a effervescent smoky undertone to the Vampire's frustration. Enjoying such an emotion wasn't possible for those that hadn't acquired the taste for it. But the genuine delight was watching the Vampire summon wings of ash and darkness, taking to the air to give chase.

Kiara laughed in amusement. The brat was inexperienced. Not just in warfare, but in combat. The core of a Vampire's powers relied on blood, the more the better. And with their ascent into the sky, they were getting further and further away from the fight.

"She died like a pathetic and weak little mortal."

The Vampire summoned a blood-blade, snarling, pushing her immaterial wings to grant her more speed.

"The little leech begged me for help. For just a sip of blood." Kiara weaved her energy into a privacy bubble. To cut off any sounds coming in or going out. To cut the Lady from the cries of her grovelling pet. "She begged me to spare her life."

The anger was frothing, growing, spilling out in every direction. Kiara reached out to feel the Vampire's defences. The calm exterior of her bloody energy had the smoothness of an academic who'd thought the best protection was to imagine a shell. This was a maiden who'd spent her years in a box, safe, looking at the rabble from her tower of silver and glass.

"I stepped on her head, pushed her face into the filth."

The Vampire didn't notice Kiara's power nudging more frustration into her. No, Lady Aimes was too worried with her aggression. The blood-energy of her blade stung, but did not pierce through the Succubus' skin.

Kiara laughed. "And she told me everything, about her little 'foray' into the human's city, how the sole reason she was there was because someone ordered her to get rid of a human."

Rick, specifically. Not that it was relevant.


Kiara laughed harder. "Your sister was a pathetic minion, a disposable tool. And she couldn't even finish the job."

"Shut up!"

Another swipe, too wide to hit.

Kiara pushed, laughing louder, using a flicker of energy to shift her own voice. "Oh Lady Aimes! Sister! I failed you!" A mockery of an imitation of the Vampire's, changing her own hair to a deep black. "And then she drowned in sewage!"

Lady Aimes burst forth, an explosion of power and emotion. The brat unleashed the same ranged spell she'd used in the 'test'. Hastily put together and entirely too easy to subvert. Redirecting the blood-energy beam so that it would crash down to the ground was child's play. Kiara's aim had been slightly off, but she caught a few leeches in the attack, tearing their bodies to shreds, the energy of the attack causing their own blood to boil and explode.

"Is this your attempt to avenge your sister? Or are you just trying to put up a show!?"


The Vampire cast something on herself, and Kiara's sense of danger flared. With a burst of red light, the Vampire's speed increased, glowing veins spreading across her own body. The blood-energy trailed thick, and the Succubus' abruptly found her foothold in the Vampire's defences slipping.

Lady Aimes caught up, swinging the blade. This time, it dug into the flesh. The scratch drew blood, and Kiara grit her teeth at the exaggerated amount of pain it caused. Blood energy was a troublesome to deal with once it entered the body.

Were this an experienced Vampire, the tiny wound would've given her leverage to put pressure.

But the brat was too blinded by her anger, swinging wildly instead.

“Ahn~. Sister, that feels so good!” Kiara moaned through an overly nasal voice. She ignored the pain. Whatever the Vampire had done to herself would be dangerous if she recovered her senses. The Succubus put up some energy in defending herself, but her focus was on finding a way into the Vampire's aura.

“Stop it!” A second blade emerged.

Every attack was intent on killing and nothing else, to skewer Kiara and cut her to ribbons. An anathema to the ways Vampires fought. The wrongness of the style was almost as painful as the blood-energy crawling through her skin. But in the end, the Succubus could only laugh.

“Is it in yet?” she asked.

Ignore the pain, ignore the sting, ignore the blood-energy trying to rip its way into her muscles to the bones. She was a Succubus, her body would withstand the most sadistic of pleasures. She's experienced the limits of her flesh. This brat was nothing but an annoyance. One she would be rid of soon enough.

“Thrust deeper! I beg of you!”

“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”

The soup of emotions coming from the blood-sucker was horrible, acrid and foul, desperately enraged. The pain and anguish of the loss fueling the fire that consumed her mind in a berserk state. Kiara wanted to gag just being near it. There were far better things to do with one’s energy. But she couldn't be a picky eater, finding the cracks in the Vampire's shifting aura and worming her way inside.

Until she reached deep enough that she could not be shaken off easily.

“Ah, there we go.”

With a ripple of her power, she extinguished the Vampire's spells. The bloody blade exploded in crimson rain, the power pulsating through the Vampire's veins withered out. It was always so easy to make the carefully crafted balance crumble when launching the attacks from within the caster themselves. It was a bit of a shame none of the spells had enough power to cause significant backlash, but the look of shock in the brat's face was more than worth the effort.

The Vampire tried to cast a defensive spell, something to protect herself as the Succubus lunged in for the attack.

It failed, of course.

Kiara had aimed for her heart, but the Vampire had twisted in the last second. The attack connected anyway, and Kiara's hand was smeared in blood as she ruptured into her opponent's gut. “I’m so deep inside of you, sister! Do you feel it?” She whispered in a mocking tone, pushing deeper as Aimes cried out.

The next attack would finish her.

“My Lady!”

Kiara recognized the teleportation spell for what it was. Kiara's wings flared out, pulling away from her victim just in time to avoid the Ghoul's glowing claws. She tried to hold on to the Vampire, but the Ghoul had grabbed hold. In the next split second both Zagan and Aimes dropped, Kiara hot in pursuit.

She couldn't let the Vampire escape.

The duo vanished into the shadows.

Kiara was left floating over the tribe, looking around wildly for her prey.


All it would take her would be to dry a couple of Orcs to recover! The Succubus spread out her senses, looking for anything that might hint at the direction the two had run off to. But all she got were the Fledglings flaring out their own powers and drowning everything in their energy that stank of panicked discipline. They were making a coordinated effort, clearly not the Vampire's idea.

If both Ghoul and Vampire were trying to hide, then it would be impossible for her to find them like this.

"Succubus!" The roar came from the mob of fighting maidens underneath. It was the Orc she'd mutilated, and her giant metal club... Urtha, was it? “We have a score to settle!”

“Sure!” She twirled her tail, gesturing around herself. “Right after I kill the blood-suckers.”

Kiara hoped she'd read the former tribe chieftain properly. That the hatred the massive Orc hid from the Vampires would be of use now. That, and the Orc's skill in throwing spears was not something she wanted to be on the receiving end of. She'd seen what it had done to the feral Angels and it was a rather worrying prospect.

“I will help.” The maiden nodded a bit too easily.

The Succubus stared at the oversized maiden with some suspicion. Though she could taste the determination of her words, and the underlying sweet thirst for revenge. Was that revenge aimed at Kiara? Unlikely, but not impossible.

Urtha continued speaking. “The blood-suckers used the tribe's traditions to turn Orcs into slaves in all but chains.”

Her words held truth, but also an undertone of minty greed. Not that it was unexpected; creatures like this would always follow the rules until it became inconvenient. Not that the Succubus was much different in that regard.

Still, she couldn't leave the Orc running around thinking she could consider back-stabbing them. "The Sabertooth you saw pick the human up will kill you all. One by one, if need be. And I will help her." She made a gesture at the tribe. "Surrender, join forces, stamp out the blood-suckers. And the male is mine."

Urtha did not like that. "The blood-suckers have their shadows threatening our humans. They can kill them all with just a signal." Rage simmered in her words. "They took our daughters. I will not lose our men as well."

There was a minor point of contention there. Orcs were a special sort of maiden. The feral state did not rob them of their wits, merely pushed them into higher levels of barbarism and violence. Still, it was a fair concern. "I will get rid of the leeches threatening the humans. And you rally your maidens."

"Good." The Orc turned to the brawl and yelled out. It wasn't a word, but it carried meaning. The green-skins on both sides of the encounter shifted, similar yells, shouts, and screams echoing out in every direction.

Kiara could guess at what had just happened. “Let’s just get moving before-”

The air trembled, a wave of power washed over the brawl. It made Kiara’s blood shudder and heat up. The energy trembled in the air and tasted of flesh. A chorus of wails raised into the sky. All around them, the shadows trembled and shook. Most every Fledgling within the brawl sank into the shadows, vanishing from sight.

It was too soon!

"What's that!?"

How had the Vampire pulled this off? How had she healed herself fast enough to unleash this power? "It means everything is going to shit soon." Kiara spoke through gritted teeth. "Look." She pointed at the ground. The blood from the fallen was running across the dirt like rain falling down a stone wall. It was moving in one specific direction, pulled by the force the Vampire had just unleashed.


"Gather your women. If nothing is done, then we will all be Fledgling meals by dawn."

The damn Vampire. A brat, coddled, isolated, cared for. Of course she'd know some grant ritual.

"Do you know what's it doing?"

Kiara glared, reaching out with her senses. The energy was growing with every second, taking shape. It would become a proper spell given time. But the patterns were foreign to her. The complex patterns in the elemental energy tickled an old memory, one she didn't have the time to dwell on.

"Whatever it is, we don't want it to succeed."

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