Alchimia Rex

[024] [Safety][🍋🍋]

There were several things Rick had learnt about the tribe’s customs over the couple of days he’d been its “Father”. Chief among them was that his position apparently involved a lot more contact with the tribe than he’d originally expected.

“Let me see if I understand this question correctly.” Rick rubbed his eyes, having been woken from a rather pleasant nap with Dia. “You broke into an argument over… the sun?”

“Yes.” Orc and Goblin stood in front of his hut, arms crossed, looking at him expectantly.

“About whether the sun can go out?”

“Yes.” They both nodded.

The Orc stepped forward. “The sun has always been powerful, and gives us life, but in winter it becomes weaker. Even if it gets stronger again, older Orcs say it’s been getting weaker each summer.”

“I say it’s because the older Orcs are old.” The Goblin declared, rubbing her shoulder. “Even if they don’t like to admit it.”

Rick paused for a moment, shoulders slumping. “One sec.” Stepping back into the hut, he gave the half-asleep Dia a peck on the forehead, dressed up properly, and walked out, looking at the two. “I’m going to need a stick to explain this.”



“... in conclusion.” He underlined the number. “Though it is correct to assume that the sun has a lifespan, the nuclear fusion that fuels it still has about five billion more years before it runs out. At least if it’s anything like I’m guessing it to be. By then, unless civilization has ended itself in some spectacular fashion, then we should have found out some way to get to other places to live in.”

The two tribe-maidens had turned into fifteen, and several of the other maidens had also joined in. The crowd looked at him with a mix of confusion, awe, and horror.


One of the younger Goblins raised her hand, brown eyes wide, lower lip trembling. “So the sun will… one day go out?”

“The sun is a star, and all stars are born… and die.” His hand pointed at the sky. “It’s just that our sun is far closer to us than all the stars in the sky. So close that its light makes it very hard to see the other stars during the day.”

Another hand. “How large is the sun?”

Rick tilted his head for a moment, considering the thought. He approached the Orc, and picked up a speck of dirt from the ground.

“Do you know how large the world is?” Rick pointed in a random direction. “Imagine you could fly as fast as you could run, and that you could fly without needing to sleep or eat or rest. If you flew in any one direction, how long would it take you to travel through every nation and got back to where you started?”

“About a year, though only so long as they can ignore the weather, and ferals, and things like bothersome border guards.” Kiara’s voice came from above, startling Rick slightly. “So how large is the sun?”

How long had she been listening? He paused for a moment and rushed through the numbers. “If it takes a year to fly around the world… then it would take about a hundred fifty years to fly around the sun. Well, if you can survive the heat, and lack of air.”

“There’s no air!?” someone in the crowd gasped.

“The sun is a gigantic ball of fire, hotter than any natural fire. Were there air, it would burn all that air up.”

Kiara’s golden eyes coursed over him for a moment, then turned to the crowd. “The Father’s wisdom comes from far-away lands.” She smiled coyly. “I am sure his answers have only caused more questions to stir. But the Father has things he must tend to. And so do you.”

The maidens grumbled. Some glanced at the scribbles Rick had put on the dirt with severe attention. The Succubus took hold of his arm, pulling him away from the crowd. “And here I thought you were avoiding me.”


Her tail caressed his hip. “No reason.” She purred. “You know how it is with us maidens.”

Rick laughed. “I don’t think I do.”

“It doesn’t matter.” She whispered, caressing his forearm, drawing circles with a soft touch. “There’s a job in need of doing, right?”

“I… guess?” He frowned. “You’re acting weird.”

“Nothing weird here.” The Succubus cooed, leaning closer, pressing her sizable breasts against his arm through the dress. “Just looking to show some appreciation.”

Was there an angle? Or was he just being paranoid? He couldn’t sense that she was putting up a mask, nor that she was lying. But it still felt like there was something that wasn’t quite right. Maybe it was just him.

He wasn’t about to complain. “Lead the way, then.”

Kiara’s grin broadened.

Her wing stretched out, covering his shoulder and tugged him closer to her. The leathery surface was warm, like a towel that’d been under the sun all day. Rick raised a brow, but said nothing, following along as she meandered through the tribe.

The route she took was a beeline that avoided the other maidens, instead swerving him through the emptier places. “Your smile is dazzling.” She declared with a soft whisper, fingers tucking a lock of hair behind his ear. “You should show it more often.”

Rick blinked at her, not sure whether he felt flattered, but he was certainly confused.

Kiara pulled her hand away, returning it to his forearm. “Your talk about the sun was interesting. Did you study the stars?”

“I did, when I was younger.” He glanced around for a moment.

“I have a privacy screen. No one can hear us.” Kiara reassured. “Why were you interested in the stars?”

“Why wouldn’t I be? I liked fireworks, and stars are sort of the biggest fires in the universe.” Rick shook his head, following her lead. “What about you? What did you do when you were young back in the day fossils walked the earth?”

Kiara scoffed. “I was a princess of a far-away place!” She spoke with a tone of exaggerated grandioseness, like she was performing before a crowd. “I spent every night looking at the stars from my silver tower. My father gifted me with a kijker, just so that I could have a better view.” The Succubus bumped her hip against him. “This is the part where you call me a liar.”

He returned the laugh. “What was the name of the kingdom?”

There was a strangeness to her expression. “The name was lost, long ago.” The tone was whimsical, but there was a forced edge to it. “Conquered, ravished, and erased.” The maiden nudged him to walk. “You look like a man who prefers a book with some good wine.”

“Can’t say I’d ever turn down either of those things.”

At his acknowledgement, she opened the door to a fresh-looking hut at the edge of the tribe, and as they stepped inside, Rick had to pause and blink to make sure he wasn’t imagining things.

Silk curtains covered the hut’s interior, so thin they were almost transparent. Their colors mixed in an array of pigmentation. Red was the predominant thematic, with golden inlays and blueish curtains. There was a singular massive pillow at the center, with a dozen soft lights floating throughout the room.

And in the very far edge, inconspicuously tucked out of the way, were two of the coffins that contained the ferals.

“Where did you get all this?”

“The Vampire didn’t leave just some ugly armor behind.” Kiara clicked the door shut, hands glowing for a moment against the frame. “Do you like it?” Her golden irises were studying him.

“I can’t say I’m used to being the one on the receiving end of these sorts of things… was this the reason Monica refused sex?”

His question caught her off guard. “The healer mediated. We came to an agreement.” Kiara shrugged in forced nonchalance.

“She still hates you.” Rick frowned. “How in the world did you convince her?”

“Hating someone and doing business with them are two entirely separate things.” She put her hands on her hips. “I’d rather not make you feel you were a transactional prize to be bartered for. Could we move on to the fawning and gawking instead? All maidens love having their efforts appreciated and I was not stingy.”

Rick decided he didn’t want to know the details. “You really didn’t need to go this far for… this.”

Kiara let out a teetering laugh, slipping back into script. “The decorations were a spur of the moment little thing that only took a day. Now that we are talking about the matter, how do your people usually seduce men?”

“It’s usually through little things, a batting of eyelashes, a soft touch, a little more laughter.”

“Your women sound very manly.” The Succubus paused for a moment, then shook her head. “Though... curious. Hm..." She tapped her chin. "I guess it makes a bit of sense.”

Rick gave her a look. “I think I liked it better when you were trying to seduce me.”

“I do not like that word." She smirked. "To try would imply I have a chance of failing.”

He stepped closer, meeting her gaze, the aristocratic curve of her nose, the blue hair cascading around her almond-shaped face. “I meant to ask, but have you been changing your appearance?”

She reached out to grasp his hips and pull him closer. “You tell me.” Her nails scratched deliciously at his abdomen. Her touch teased its way up, until she’d helped him remove the shirt. Those golden irises coursed over his exposed chest. The intensity of her gaze softened as she traced the irregular patterns with warm fingers. Her lips curled slightly, regret flashed across her features.

“Apology accepted.” His declaration startled her to look back up at him.

Kiara frowned. “And what would I be apologizing for?” She scoffed. “You’re the one that should thank me. They look good on you, they add a cute maidenly roughness to your-”

The kiss silenced her. She wrapped her arms around his chest, silken fingers moving down his back, honeyed lips laying claim to his own, her tongue pushing into his mouth and invading it, aggressively tasting him. His own focus was on undoing her dress, fumbling with the knots that held it together.

Both of them pulled away, her tongue remaining inside his mouth for a moment longer than he’d expected. The Succubus gave him a sly smirk, forked tongue flicking at her collarbone before retracting into her mouth. “Can’t handle little old me?” With a shimmy of her shoulders, she freed the soft pink skin from the constraints of her dress.

“More old than little, I’d say.” He shot back.

“You mean these?” She moved back to the attack, using her forearms to push her hefty breasts upwards, increasing the cleavage. “A trick of the eye. These clothes do me no justice.”

He sidestepped, reaching up to grab at the dress, face so close he could make out the black speckles in the gold of her irises. “Then better take it off.” He whispered. She assaulted his mouth as her dress dropped.

The Succubus did not have a stitch of clothing underneath, only creamy silken skin with plump curves. His hands explored her body as her tongue did his mouth. Hers was a figure that had all the curves in all the right places, plump and taut. Yet it was her breasts where the generosity of her figure was most pronounced. They overflowed around his hand, his palms practically sinking into their warm embrace.

“Feel how eager I am.” Kiara smiled as she shifted her hips, pulling his hand to the warmth between her thighs. Rick groaned as she returned the favor, grasping the bulge in his pants and giving it a squeeze. “Do you want me as well?”

It was rhethorical. The Succubus assaulted his mouth once more. His fingers only found warmth and wetness. Kiara let out a soft cooing sound at his exploratory touch, shuddering, pushing him down to the large pillow.

Free from her assault, it gave him a chance to get a better look at her. Where her body felt like a silky pillow, it looked like someone had ripped it out of some horny teenager’s fantasy. A homely figure without a blemish. “Don’t.” He spoke, noting as the maiden had shrunk her wings, horns, and tail.

Kiara hesitated. “What is it?” She wondered tentatively. There was an edge to her words, an uncertainty.

“No need to hide.” He stretched out his foot, trapping the spade-tip of her tail between his toes.

The maiden scoffed, flicking azure locks of hair over her shoulder. “Who says I was hiding anything?” A bump of her hips and the tail escaped his grasp. The maiden floated down to straddle his lap. As she did, her wings flared out, the appendages enveloping their heads and removing the light. Only her glowing irises remained. “Maybe it should be you who hides from the monster.”

Rick reached up, clasping her horn in his hand and yanking her head backwards as he sat up, forcing her wings to move out of the way. “I don’t see any monsters here.” He used the leverage to twist her head so that he could assault her neck with nibbling bites and kisses.

The maiden’s strength faltered, and Rick turned his focus to his free hand, grabbing her ass and pulling her closer. The Succubus adjusted herself automatically, her warm wetness pressed against his cock. They shared a soft gasp.


Her voice spoke in a hesitant whisper, and he obliged. Rick bit into her neck, the hand on her ass moved to locate her tail and wrapped the leather appendage around his fist, pulling on it until she moaned. His skin tingled, the air around them becoming thick and charged. Not too far away, he heard ruffling against the boxes. Kiara shuddered in his arms, then relaxed. A soft trembling sigh told him she’d just came.

The Succubus pulled away, looking at him with a hungry smile.

“What is it?”

“It is good to see you can withstand that.” Her wings spread wide, practically twice her height. She almost looked like a dragon, body glowing a soft purple, her touch electric against his skin. “Anyone else would be… well, you will see soon enough.”

Rick squirmed, feeling the Succubus slowly grinding her sex against his cock. “I feel you’ve been holding back some information…”

“Does it matter?” she cooed, a wide smirk on her face as she increased the pressure, humping him. “You want this, I want this. That’s all that matters right now, Rick.” She reached down, caressing his chest. “And we both get to let loose for a change.”

Let loose.

His mind spun through the handful of weeks since she’d “joined” the team.

Kiara derailed his train of thought, reminding him of what his position was exactly, raising her hips so that his cock poked at her entrance. “Let me show you the monster.” She declared, biting her lip and impaling herself on him one delicious inch at a time.

The tightness was agonizing, Rick’s hands grasped at the pillow with a white knuckled grip. The Succubus leaned over, forcing her tongue into his mouth, uncaring of how tightly he clenched his teeth. And as she bottomed out, cooing into his mouth, the maiden grabbed his hand and put it on her ass, at the base of her tail, the other against her chest.

He squeezed, and she pulled up, pussy suckling at his shaft and fighting for every inch, refusing to let go. Rick clenched, gripping at the tender body with everything he had, gasping for air. Kiara took it all with a moan, shuddering around him, cunt rippling and tightening, demanding his seed.

With a supreme effort, Rick pushed off the cushion, spinning them around. If she was going to drive him insane, then it would be under his terms.

The Succubus liberated his mouth just so that she could moan. The maiden wrapped her legs around his hips, preventing escape. Her warm hands caressed his chest, his neck, his face.


He met her demands, pushing deeper into her and groaning as her nails dug into his skin.


Her body was glowing a brighter shade of purple. His skin was crawling, body feeling hot flashes that made him feel like she’d trapped him in a volcano. The human could only pull out half-way before her legs would tighten and push him back inside. The groans turned into moans.

The pace moved from a slow rhythm into an incoherent rush. Desperation pushed him to wildly hump into her. Her tits flopped wildly as they rutted, her tail squeezed his hand almost as tightly as her pussy. Orgasm came and went, a searing flash that washed through them.

And he was no more satiated than when they began.

Rick’s mind spun its wheels with no traction, leaning down to maul her breasts with his teeth, gnashing and biting on those plump nipples with abandon. And all Kiara did was demand, more, more, always more.

By the time he recovered his senses, he was lying on his back, and someone else was on top of him. His vision was blurry, but his cock was hard, his body burned, and a woman with black hair and dog-ears was being lowered onto his dick. The face was familiar, though right now hers was an expression without focus, eyes delirious and weakly humping at the air.

“The first little gift.” Kiara was holding the maiden by her thighs, tail wrapped around the base of Rick’s shaft and aiming at him as she lowered the maiden. “All nice and drained. Practically a puppy, ready for someone to take her leash.”

Rick moaned again, sinking into the pillow. Where Kiara’s pussy was tight, this one was a pulsating wet mess. Trying to get his thoughts in order was fruitless. He could only reach up and maul at the new maiden.

“Here, just like this.”

Kiara’s touch led the maiden to her knees, and Rick to continue fucking her from behind. It was the Succubus’ touch that put one of his hands on the canine’s tail and the other in her hair.

“Harder.” she whispered into his ear. “Bond her, bend her.” Her tail squeezed the base of his shaft, Rick pushed. “Conquer her.”

“Kiara…” He whispered.

A devious smirk followed her momentary surprise. She kissed him once more, caressing his hair with one hand, pushing his hips to claim the maiden underneath. He could feel her through the bond, an impression that washed against him like the gentle waves of the sea.

For a moment, he was certain he heard a voice. It was singing. Was it Kiara’s? Or the Hound’s? His brain was being inundated with alien sensations from every direction outside his own body.

Then the orgasm crashed through him, and something else reached out within him. A burst of emotion that left something new in its trail, something that led to the black-haired maiden slumped on the floor in front of him. It was a bond, weak and fresh, but impossible to miss.

“That’s it…” Kiara cooed, her feelings were exposed, pride and arousal above all others. “Breathe, recover your strength. There is still one more to bend over.”

Rick grimaced a little, flopping to her lap, breathing in the scent of sex. “Damn.” He muttered between gasps.

“Something wrong?” There was only a touch of concern in those words, her fingers caressing him, filling him with… she was using her power to restore his stamina?

He shifted to get more comfortable. “Think I’ll get a chance to try the other way?”

Kiara scoffed.

Now it was his turn to ask. “Something wrong?”

“Yasir is a man that comes from the Golden Sands.” Her finger trailed down his chest, reaching for his crotch. With a flick of her finger, his cock sprung back to life, drawing a groan out of him. “I have been there. It is a land where humans are the pets. It is there that maidens rule with powers that bend minds and hearts.” She grasped at his length, slowly pumping him. “They teach men to cower and fear and obey. A land without kings.”

Rick grit his teeth, fighting to push the words out. “Does that matter?”

“A Dragoness cannot learn how to kneel any more than the sky can be made to fall." She smirked. "But some lessons are best learned through experience.” The Succubus laughed, her golden eyes shone softly as she took a claim of his lips. “For now, enjoy the night. You’ll have plenty to worry about once morning comes and the two feral bitches wake. You had many questions for them about your next target, right?”

“Don’t remind me.”

He kissed her again, moving to pin her to the floor. Kiara obliged.

It would be a long night.

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