Alchimia Rex

[095] [Deep breaths (Dia)]

Dia sat on a stump, her eyes might have been looking at the blackness of the forest, but her mind was very far away. Inwardly, she was going over the only important interaction she’d had with Captain Deneva, the singular time when they’d exchanged words while they’d lived under the Earl’s roof.

The image within her mind had her crushed down to her knees, bowing low as the pressure of the Swordmistress’ presence bore down on her like a mountain, driving the air out of her lungs, goosebumps running over her whole body. “I ask forgiveness for my sister’s behavior,” Dia had scraped and begged, apologizing for Monica’s crass behavior during the days since they’d become guests.

The fight between the two champions had occurred a handful of days afterward.

In the months since those events, Dia had looked back on that interaction, and wondered countless times whether Monica’s decision to fight the knight captain had resulted from having overheard the exchange.

Now she’d been ordered to seek Deneva out and engage her as an equal, both of them representing the interests of their human, looking for a convenient outcome for both sides.

Except she was fairly certain the only possible outcome from such an interaction would result in something terrible for Rick. She wasn’t sure what exactly; it could even result in him being persecuted by the Earl! He’d killed a noble in plain daylight! Had Dia really thought they’d be able to get away from any consequence indefinitely?

Her mind settled on a singular possible solution, an impossible answer to the dilemma she was facing.

Dia sought Kiara out.

The Succubus was currently overseeing the small defensive positions that were being dug out from underneath some of the trees. Three rooms in total, each one meant to be completely invisible to outside observers, hastily excavated under the intention of covering them. The humans would be left within, guarded by members of the tribe.

“I need help.”

The Succubus gave her a quick look over. “I’m surprised Rick didn’t get to you first. You reek of panic.”

Dia was not amused, but played along with the humor anyway. “I think he’s letting me stew a little just so he can ask me if I’d rather he go instead.”

Chuckling lightly, Kiara tapped her chin as she looked down at the healer. The fact that she’d been floating off the ground and had increased her height just a bit further had not gone unnoticed. Neither had Dia missed how the spade-tipped tail remained perfectly still in what could only be a sign of concentration or nervousness.

It seemed they were both trying to pretend nothing was amiss, and failing. Though the ageless maiden was clearly better at it, Dia wouldn’t have seen the sign if Rick hadn’t pointed out its existence in the first place.

“That does sound like him,” Kiara absently twirled her hair, avoiding eye contact and looking at the Orcs as they worked at a frantic speed. “Act like him.”


“When you meet the Swordmistress. Close your eyes, breathe, and imagine what Rick would do in your situation.”

“Die.” The statement was flat, immediate, and entirely devoid of hesitation. “He’d walk right up to her, right where he’s at his most vulnerable, and then he’d say something that would tick her off. The exact words that would push her into consciously holding back because he's human. I'm not, my head would be off my shoulders before I get the chance to finish.”

Kiara didn’t answer, seeming lost in thought. “I saw you take away meat from Monica the other day. Wouldn’t you say that would’ve been just as dangerous a situation?”

“Monica doesn’t want me dead.”

“And why would you think the knight would want you dead? You might be some harmless Rapha, but you’re bonded to a former guest of the Earl, telling truths of bringing an Orkish raid that seeks to rescue one of said human’s former students from the evil clutches of the wildlings.” Kiara made a dismissive gesture. “I might have seen little from this Swordmistress you’re so afraid of, but I did not find her to be very illogical or impulsive.”

Dia sighed, nodding a little, and just about ready to turn around and prepare but stopping. “Wait, how do you…?”

“You seem to forget I didn’t rush to approach Rick at the first opportunity.” This time she turned away in full, signaling the proper end of the conversation. “At the time, I wasn’t certain he was the one I sought, so I bided my time, did my research. That captain was worthy of some attention, particularly since the Earl had her standing right outside your rooms day in and day out.”

Of course, she had been spying on them at the time. Dia rubbed the bridge of her nose and turned to leave the ageless maiden to whatever ploy she was setting up. Hopefully, Eva could at least prove a hindrance, but she wouldn’t bet on it, seeing how the Vampire was focused on practicing her powers alongside the prisoner.

Moving one step closer towards departure and her horrid mission, Dia went to her bags and pulled out the blackened spiky armor they’d taken from the Vampires. Would wearing this be the right move? It could serve as further proof they’d fought the Vampires, and maybe if the captain caught some whiff of Eva’s powers, it might be more easily excused as lingering enchantments on the piece.

Putting on the whole thing was easy. The first few times she’d needed help, but she’d quickly learned how to handle all the straps and latches on her own.

Fully equipped, she sought Rick out.

She found him near the edge of the camp, with Urtha as his guard, and talking to Eli.

“...if you need anything at all…” he spoke, gaze flicking down to the stump where the Hound’s right hand used to be.

“This is nothing, my Lord,” she bowed, lowering her ears and tail in turn. “It is my duty.”

Dia kept from openly scoffing, watching the older maiden let herself remain the center of the Lord’s attention rather than excuse herself. Was this what had been keeping Rick occupied?

“Perhaps if I could request to stay here as one of the guardians?” Eli requested with careful demureness. “I do not believe I would be of much use in a direct confrontation.”

“I thought that was already the case?” Rick glanced at Urtha.

The Orc shrugged in response. As she did, she noticed Dia and gave her a quiet look of exasperation, rolling her eyes. Urtha wasn’t amused by the Hound’s attempts at such a brazen attempt to cozy up to Rick.

Time to snuff this little chat out.

“I am ready to depart.” Dia raised her voice. “How much longer will it take for preparations to be finished?”

“Not much longer,” Urtha quickly answered. “Then we stuff the husband into a nice safe hole and go see what this whole knight situation is about.”

Rick turned away from Eli, focusing on Dia and giving a slow nod. “We’ll be keeping someone ready to take me to the frontline if negotiations go well.”

“To be clear, my Lord.” Squaring her shoulders, Dia raised her chin. “Under what situation should we attack?”

The question made Rick flinch; he scratched the back of his head and awkwardly glanced between all three maidens. “Seeing how quickly penetrating the palace is outside our capabilities, any confrontation would need to be one with retreat in mind. Aubria and the Darktons we can piss off; they want my head already, but the Earl is someone we can’t turn into our enemy.”

"And if we can win?" Urtha's question lingered.

"With Deneva with them, I doubt that's going to be possible. But even if we can win," Rick insisted, "the primary goal is to lower tension and open communications. If we can get Embla to that palace, then we might be able to get Barry either out of the equation or back in Sinco. Either option will make life easier for us."

Dia nodded. "What if they insist on keeping Barry and the prisoner?"

Closing his eyes, Rick sighed and shook his head. "Play it by ear."

Sucking in air sharply, Dia shared a look with Urtha. "In what sense?"

"Do not make promises if you can avoid it, and keep in mind that Embla and Barry would be good to have on our team. If we can get them without a fight, then they will be forced to keep things civil," Rick's expression hardened. "If that's not possible, getting them both into a situation where they can run away would be preferable."

The claim made Eli's whole body twitch in a deliciously satisfying way. Urtha was nodding along, and Dia had mostly expected this. But it was something she liked to hear all the same. Rick thinking about the city's future... She smiled a little. "Anything else, my Lord?"

"Yes." He approached, close enough that Dia had to become very still to avoid piercing him with the many spikes that covered her form. Rick's fingers latched onto the underside of her helmet and unclipped the clasp that prevented it from being removed. His black eyes met her purple ones, his hand caressing her cheek. "Stay alive."

The kiss was far too brief, but the bond soared with a flood of emotions. Dia staggered at the wave that he'd sent her way, a naked revelation of too many things too quickly. Affection, concern, trust, pride, and many other things she couldn't properly pin down.

Suddenly she wanted nothing but to remove her armor and hug him so tightly she'd crack his ribs. Instead of doing such a foolish thing, she stood proud, raising her chin as she hastily put the helmet back on so as to hide her flushed expression. "Keep our Lord safe." She commanded Eli with a tone that carried as much of a threatening undertone as she could put into her voice. It wasn't her place to give the order, and Eli's glare was enough proof of that, but Dia couldn't care less.

She was Rick's right hand, she was above the older maiden.

No more words were said; she couldn't speak without risking herself to waver. Dia hastily made her way towards the Orcs that would be accompanying them into this prospective battle and poured over their gear. The time flew by as she made sure to drill into each of their heads how to properly use the tools the Lord had provided. It was a lesson they claimed they knew already, but none dared to stop Dia.

Internally she was soaring on the gusts summoned by the emotions revealed to her through the bond. She poured over that tiny little gesture that carried so much with it, committing it to memory, and promising herself she'd get Rick to do it again the moment she got back.

Everything was in place before she'd even realized it.

The burrows had been dug out, the humans tucked away safely, the guards chosen, the gear prepared.

Monica sat quietly at the edge of the camp, her eyes boring into the hole Rick had been left in. The maiden's stare was intense, posture tense, and expression completely dissatisfied.

"Are you ready?" Dia asked, approaching her.

"Talked to Rick, Monica knows what to do, what not to do." The words were spat out, bitter, growled as her nose wrinkled. "Say Monica not fight. Run away even if win."

Dia's gaze lowered, focusing on Monica's trembling white paws. The feline had clenched the massive weapons into fists, perhaps to hide the way they shuddered on their own. Stepping closer to the Sabertooth, she took one of the paws into her hands, pouring her healing powers into her wrists and forearms, weaving her energy into a mild sedative.

Slowly, the trembling came to a stop.

"It's not because he thinks you're weak," she whispered. "He wants you to be safe."

Monica pulled her paw away brusquely. "He still not understand."

Without another word, the maiden pulled the darkness over herself. A blanket of black that rose over her skin, turning its shape into something amorphous right before plunging into the shadows as if falling into a pool of slick oil. There was not a trace left in her wake, as if she'd never been there to begin with.

Dia bit her lip.

For a moment she stared back towards the trees where she knew Rick was. Monica was clearly in a delicate mood right now, and the healer feared that meeting with Captain Deneva could prove disastrous if the Sabertooth couldn't reign herself in.

Tightening her resolve, she shook her head.

No, this was something Rick had entrusted her with.

One way or the other, she would see this succeed.

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