Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

11. Animus Vox

Me: "Come on guys, don't be like this, I said I'm sorry! Look if we don't work together this time we will fail again!" I pleaded with all five of the others as we were forced into the same teams the next day and we piled into the scenario hall again. Bruticus had left immediately after recovering yesterday, grumpy after finding out he was left behind, D09, quietly went her own way too. Leaving '42, Jinx and Sam just straight up blanking me, even at breakfast this morning, which surprisingly we were allowed.

D42: "Well, you would know, eh?" He replied spitefully.

Jinx: "Yeah, it's not like I didn't tell you or anything." She added sarcastically.

Me: "Ok, yes, I got it, I fucked up, but you all ignoring me isn't going to help us today."

Jinx: "Ohh we're not ignoring you, well... Maybe we are, but WE are going to be working together, just don't expect is to pick you up when you're down this time."

Opposite us at the start line was the same cliff face that me and Sam climbed yesterday, but why was it at the start? I ignored this fact as the beeps counted down and we started, I pulled the same move, bounding and leaping from a small distance back to get the most height from the off and so did most of the others. I managed to climb more successfully than yesterday, reaching the top with little hassle, seeing the woods in front of me rather than the pole. Obviously they changed the order over night then. I turned around and looked down, seeing Sam reaching over the top, although the section of cliff top that he grabbed broke away, he slipped and started to fall, I leapt and grabbed his hand and he bounced back into the cliff, looking back up to me.

Me: "Got you!" I strained to say, he got another foot hold and together we got him on top of the cliff.

Sam: "Thanks." He panted as we rested on top.

Me: "Don't mention it." I replied, we sat in silence for a few moments, watching the others pulling them selves up the cliff face too.

Sam: "Look Alex... I never meant to hurt you, I couldn't control myself..." I remained quiet this time, actually finding myself willing to hear him out. "...Just wanted you to know that ok? They kept ordering to do it and pretty much mentally torturing me, they showed me things, got me all riled up with no way to release it... not that that's really any excuse, I know, I should have been stronger, but I am truly sorry." I looked back to him,

Me: "I said I'd never forgive you... I still don't, not right now anyway. But, given the circumstances, it would be nice to have my friend back, if you want to that is?..." I offered my hand out "...partner?" and he looked down at it, saw him smile, just a little, then he took it, giving a firm shake with his own bandaged hand.

Sam: "Ok, so what's first?" he asked and I looked back to him confused,

Me: "Why are you asking me?"

Sam: "Well, I'm not mentally strong enough, I'm not in the right place in my head right now to think about what we need to do for us all to get through this... And technically, you made it to the end on your own yesterday and before anyone else, you seem to know what you're doing."

Me: "Oh erm... ok, well, let's help get the others up and we'll discuss tactics and who's in charge." We did exactly that, he helped D42 and Jinx, I helped D09, and unfortunately, Bruticus...

Bruticus: "Warming up to me now are you?" he sneered, the look he gave me, reminded me of the nightmare the other night, it made me want to shiver,

Me: "Shut up." I plainly replied. Once everyone was up, Sam walked towards the center of us all

Sam: "Group up!..." and we all did, circling around him. "...Alex, if you please." he gestured me to step up and speak as he stepped back into the circle.

Me: "What? Me? I said we'll work it out!"

Jinx: "What?! I'm not listening to her! I'd rather follow you Sam!"

Bruticus: "She did leave us all behind yesterday!"

Jinx: "You made it to the end too, so you know what we're in for as well as Alex."

Sam: "A fact that I know, and which she is already sorry for... But she knows what she's doing, she was the one who lead me all the way to the end yesterday-"

D42: "Yeah, we know, you told us."

Sam: "-SOOO,... she'll be our 'guide', if you will."

D09: "She did 'Try' and help me I suppose and after you 3 went down, she did somewhat lead us out of trouble, so I'm listening, 'Alex'? Right?."

Me: "Yes... it's Alex... Thanks for the vote, but seriously, Sam, you get along with everyone here better than I do, they'll listen to you, you lead." Sam shook his head,

Sam: "You will make a better leader, I know it, plus, I'm not STRONG enough." He emphasised those last few words directly to me, clearly trying to reference our conversation from a couple of minutes ago.

Jinx: "Will someone just tell us what we're doing already or I'll start on my own!" she shouted frustrated. Sam took a step back from the group, shaking his head and everyone else stayed quiet, Jinx looking as though she was about to leave.

Me: "Alright alright... well we all know we have to make it to the end together right?, so we all need to keep an eye on each other. Ok, so, the woods, if we stay at ground level we're easy pickings for the sniper. Split up, run and leap through the branches, don't stop just keep going, they struggle to track us in the tree lines, they also have minimal defences from behind so get in behind them, make them surrender. Watch for the drones, they have taser rods attached to them, I can assure you, if they get you, you won't be able to get up for some time."

Jinx: "You seemed to be alright yesterday." She said snidely

Me: "Yeah I don't know why, maybe I'm just use to them, but you lot need to go careful. Anyway, get behind and disarm the sniper and his spotter and we'll discuss what to do next, clear?..."

Bruticus: "Do we get to leave you behind this time when you get downed?"

Me: "Are we clear?..." I asked again more clearly, ignoring his stupid remark. They all surprisingly nodded, even Bruticus, giving a reluctant but barely noticeable nod. We split up out down the tree line, me and Sam taking up the middle. "...Ready? Go!"

We all launched up into the trees, the odd crack of the sniper fire could be heard in the difference pretty much from the off. We elegantly leapt from branch to branch for some distance, right up until Jinx landed on a branch that was too weak. It snapped with a huge crack and both Jinx and the branch smashed to the floor, in the middle of no cover, with a groan of pain emitting from her.

Me: "Keep going!" I screamed at everyone else, but I bounded off the nearest tree trunk, launching myself in her direction landing on the ground next to her, shielding her as she started pulling herself up.

Me: "Stay down behind me, use me as a shield ok?..." There was another sniper crack and almost immediately I felt the familiar thud of a dart hit me in my thigh. I pulled it out and looked at it and so did she.

Jinx: "You idiot!" She shouted at me.

Me: "Just stay down behind me, don't get hit, I'll be back in a minute, trust me..." I said as I slumped to the ground, my vision quickly fading to black.


Muffled voices started filling my ears,

Jinx: "You got them?..... Ok Good... cause I'm gonna need help carrying Alex."

Sam: "Just leave her, she'll be fine."

Jinx: "What? You sound just like her yesterday! We can't leave her behind!, we need her at the end!"

Sam: "No, I literally mean, 'leave her alone', give her a minute, she'll be fine." I proved Sam right as I started pulling myself from the ground by the roots of a tree with a groan, causing Jinx to gasp in the process, apparently she had mostly pulled me into the cover of a nearby tree and wasn't predicting me to get back up at all.

Me: "What did I miss?"

Sam: "Snipers and drones are down." he reported.

Me: "Good, nice one... wait... sniper's', as in plural?"

Sam: "Yeah there was 4 nests this time and at least twice the number of drones."

Me: "Bloody hell, overkill..." I looked around me to see the rest of the team, except for Bruticus, who just looked pissed off, stood with jaws agape at me "...WHAT?!"

D42: "How the bloody hell are you awake already?!"

Jinx: "Yeah we were out for hours yesterday, you were out for probably less than 5 minutes!"

Sam: "Oh yeah, another reason why she's ideal to lead us, tranquillisers have little effect on her, not the first time I've seen her wake up soon after being drugged."

Me: "Yeah, that's why I covered you, I knew I could take the hit..." I aimed at Jinx before looking at the rest of them, " pick your jaws up everyone, let's get going..." I said, wobbling as I picked myself up. "...what's next Sam?"

Sam: "The river."

Me: "Right..." I nodded and started heading on feebly, gradually feeling my strength returning with each step.

At the end of the tree line past the sniper's nests was indeed the river. I walked along the river's edge towards rocks we jumped over yesterday and eyed them up... but there were less of them and further spread out, we definitely wouldn't make the jump this time.

D09: "We're not jumping them again... are we?" She asked, sounding worried.

Me: "You're right, we're not..." I looked back to the woods then to the 3 boys, "...gents, time to work for a living, each of you start chopping a tree, ladies, when they get so far with chopping we're going to help bring them down." The lads did as instructed, used their tail blades and loped chunks of out of the 3 foot or so thick tree trunks, once Sam had got though his enough, I ran and bounded of the tree while he still chopped away at it. I had to do it twice more before there was a crack and the tree fell, with me riding it to the ground leaping off last second then we helped the other 2 pairs with their trees.

Me: "Right, we're all going to need to help move one tree at a time, gather around, we're going to have to drag it." We all put full effort in and heaved the first tree into the river under my direction, I was amazed at how relatively easy our combined strength moved the tree. Using the rocks as stoppers to position the trees against, we then done the same with the 2nd tree, dragging it along side the 1st tree, it was a pain to get the branches past each other, but we eventually managed it. We then done the same again with the 3rd, dragging it over enough so we could make the last jump over to the far bank with ease.

Me: "Nicely done everyone." I said between pants, same as everyone else was. Sure, these Draconic bodies might not look much bulkier than your well toned Human being, but looks were deceiving in this instance. I doubt there were many Humans that could move trees as large as these in groups of just six like we just did.

Bruticus: "Not how I would have done it."

Me: "Well, there was nothing to stop you suggesting any ideas at any time, just stop bitching already." He only growled at my reply. I ignored him and gazed over the meadow that now lay before us. I could see the grass was longer, high enough to reach the top of our heads, this was going to make it harder to get to the turrets.

Me: "Ok, it's the turrets now. I think, the best plan, I'll move up on my own, take out the turrets and signal the all clear."

D42: "If it's just you though, that's going to make you the only target, you'll have more chance of getting hit."

Me: "Advantage though is that I'll get up within 5 minutes, you lot won't."

Jinx: "What if I come with you?"

Me: "If you get hit, you're out, for hours, and I have to come back for you, no offence."

Jinx: "Alex, we know from yesterday, I'm just as fast and agile as you."

Bruticus: "It does give them another target, I'm too big and slow as we found out yesterday..."

Me: "Ok ok, come on..." I gestured to Jinx and we started entering the tall grass. "...We run ok? Don't stop even if the other goes down alright? But if either of us go down, shout it before we pass out ok?"

Jinx: "Got it, let's move!" She said bounding away, I bounded off away from her, zig zagging my own pattern as darts already started whizzing past me through the grass, they were still reasonably accurate, as the rounds were getting close to me, despite the lack of line of sight. I was struggling to see where the end of the meadow was, every bound I made gave me a split second view of the edge of the meadow, but distance was difficult to judge and I couldn't tell exactly where the turrets were. Before I knew it I walloped straight into a one, knocking it flying, but not before it fired, hitting me straight in the gut with a round. I crashed to the floor with the turret, lying on my back,

Me: "Fuck! I'm down!" I shouted up to the sky, pulling the dart out and dropping it away from me... dazed and weak, starting to get that tired feeling again.

I looked to the side of me that I knew Jinx was on, dragging my somewhat unresponsive body along the dirt towards the turret. I needn't bother though as Jinx rolled through the grass line appearing as a green blur, the turret folding in half as she passed it. Then my eyes fell shut.


Jinx: "Hey, you with me?" Her voice came through partially muffled as my hearing returned. My eyes slowly opened to see her crouched in front of me and the others just approaching from the grass, the turrets all silent.

Sam: "Well, you did it, you got us to the end, all of us." He said pointing past me, I looked where he was pointing to see that indeed, in the clearing was the pole.

Me: "Go and ring it then." I said weakly, I could feel myself shaking slight as I tried to move, maybe 2 doses so close together wasn't exactly good for me... but Sam shook his head.

Sam: "Nope, you got us here."

Me: "I can barely stand at moment, let alone walk, one of you need to do it..." None of them moved, even surprisingly Bruticus, I struggled to sit up. "... come on guys... We need to get a quick time in! Sam! '42?..." They just stared at me, I turned back to Jinx, I could tell from her face, she was itching to go, I could see she understood, " it." I instructed her. With nothing more than a nod as she got to her feet, she ran over to and up the pole, Sam calling her name in disappointment as she did so, but she ignored him and rang the bell anyway.

Skiff: "Congratulations Delta team on completing this scenario. While it may not always be an option in the field, hopefully you all understand the necessity, advantages and importance of team work." Dr Skiff's voice announced and the door in the scenario wall opened, just past the pole, allowing them all to leave.

Sam: "Jinx, it was Alex's thinking that got us through this, she should have rung it, even if we had to wait a few minutes, she should have been the one to ring the bell." He said to as she walked back to us and I struggled to my feet. She looked directly at me before speaking,

Jinx: "It was harsh truth that you taught me yesterday, sure, I didn't want to admit it at first, but you were right."

Sam: "Wait... What? Right about what?"

Me: "Thanks Jinx, I am sorry, for the way I acted, I still shouldn't have left anyone behind..." Bruticus scoffed, but I wasn't even sure exactly what at, but I wasn't about to ask, he was starting to get really annoying, "... But Sam, the thing is, yes, teams should always stick together, but you also need to do what's needed to be done, we were all present, there was no sense in waiting around for me." He stayed silent and I patted him on the shoulder before I feebly made for the exit, with the others in tow.

The Drill Sergeant was oddly nice to us as well once we made our exit, simply told us to head and wait in the dining hall for the others to finish. When we arrived at the hall, apart from the guards, we were the only ones present in the room. We sat at an empty table, although Bruticus sat away from us at a table on his own.

D09: "So... apart from you D42, why do you 3 have names like 'Sam', 'Alex' and 'Jinx'? I thought we all had numbers." We looked amongst ourselves, unsure of what to answer.

Sam: "What do you remember before you woke up in this place for the first time a couple of weeks ago?"

D09: "Nothing..." She said glumly "...wait, do you remember the explosion they kept talking about then?" I noticed that all eyes were now on me, clearly none of the group wanted to say the wrong thing.

Me: "Erm... I won't go into detail, not until we get to know you a bit more, but, we had lives, before this place. Just try and think hard about anything that about a life before you woke up in this place. It seems to be that little things can trigger whole bits of memories to come back, but once you have something, let us know ok but don't say anything to the scientists."

D09: "Erm, ok." She seemed a bit confused and deep in thought.

Jinx: "But don't stress about it though ok." The hall gradually filled as teams returned, and due to D09 sitting with us, it was rather quiet at the table up to and through dinner, conversations limited to only revolving around the events in this place, with a few questions from D09 directed at me about what the taserings and punishments were like. I went quiet thinking about the last punishment, and actually felt myself getting warm down there again, the gentle little reminder that my body wanted some attention again.

I explained what being tasered was like, the warnings that they give, the 3 strike system, and briefly touched on my latest punishment, stating that it was something that I never want to through again. I somewhat regretted what I said though, seeing Sam's face just drop into a depressed state. We ran out of things to talk about but it wasn't long until the claxon sounded and immediately Sam leapt from his place at speed, headed for the tunnels. Saying bye to the others, I followed Sam as close as I could. I let the door close behind me once I was in before I spoke to Sam who was sat staring out of the window, not turning or saying anything to me as I entered the room.

Me: "Sam, I'm sorry about the way I said that earlier, I didn't quite mean it to come out the way it did."

Sam: "No it's fine, I get it." Still without turning.

Me: "No I shouldn't keep on about it as if it's an issue." I replied sitting a few feet away, facing him, he turned to look at me,

Sam: "Ohhh-ho-ho, 'rape' is an issue, Alex." He said as a matter of factly, turning back to the window after.

Me: "But it's not that big a deal-" I started replying about to explain myself and the mixed feelings I have on the personal subject, but his head snapped back to me, his eyes could be seen tearing up.

Sam: " 'Not that big a deal'?! How can say that about such a thing! Even after how you've been acting towards me recently?!" He snapped at me.

Me: "I meant for me! It's not that big of a deal for me... Mostly because I think a part of me... Kinda... Enjoyed it..." I embarrassingly admitted. He sat there in silence, still staring at me, a mixture of hate, disgust and almost envy crossing his face as he raised an eyebrow.

Sam: "How could you enjoy it, yet when I was the victim of it I hated every second of it?! I have constant nightmares, was scared to leave the house and scared for my life?!"

I was more confused now than ever looking back at him, tears now rolling down his cheeks.

Me: "Sam? I'm sorry, I don't get what you-"

Sam: "When I climbed off of you the other day, after all your begging and pleading, after I had... 'Done the... deed' ..." He interjected, "I had most of my memories come flooding back... 'Sam' is short for 'Samantha Bryne'... That's my real name, yes, I am meant to be a woman, which is why the other day when you were rightfully shitty with me, I still wanted to explain that to you, because I knew you'd know exactly where I was coming from." I wasn't sure how to reply to this new revelation, he, or she... 'God here we go with this confusion again...' Was clearly upset about something that had happened to her, him... It.'

Me: "Sam... What happened?" I asked as solemnly as possible. He turned back to the window before starting to explain,

Sam: "I had known this guy, Derek Thompson, for a couple of years, we started getting close enough, and he seemed alright, so we agreed to start dating. I was 20 at the time, but believe it not for that age, still a virgin. About 6 or 7 months down the line and he's getting really insistent on us having sex, I keep telling him, 'I'm not ready yet.' Even my best friend, Maggie, kept telling me to do it because 'It's the best feeling ever!'...." He did a mick taking impression of his old friend at his faint reflection in the window, then scoffed before continuing, "...Anyway, we go out clubbing one night, as we regularly did, 2-3 times a month sort of thing. I got drunk, like really drunk, but not the first time I had done that either, but Derek... Derek was meant to take me home, but ended up taking me in a taxi to his place... dragged me in... And..." he dropped his head as tears were flowing fast now between the gasps for air as he sobbed, I moved up and sat next to him, placing my hand comfortingly on his shoulder.

Sam: "...I tried to resist him, but I was too drunk and weak to fight back, just as you couldn't fight me off. I begged him to stop, just like you did, but he didn't listen, he didn't care, just like I didn't... All I cared about was the need to finish, just as he did... As soon as I climbed off you, all the similarities, just brought all my memories come flooding back to me... And instant regret of putting you through the one thing that I would never, ever, want anyone to go through, worst of all, I was the one who did it... So you see, I know and completely understand what you went through. I would apologise again, but I don't get how you can go against what you said before and now you say enjoyed it?!" He spat turning back to me, giving me a disgusted look, I pulled my hand away and looked sheepishly straight out the window.

Me: "I know, I'm sorry, It's hard to explain... I've done it as a guy, plenty of times, and I mean, come on, who at some point hasn't at least tried and imagine what it's like as the opposite gender. So I guess it has spiked my curiosity and partly enjoyed it because of that, but partly because... This is the hard bit to explain... Since being changed, I feel like there's 2 sides of me formed. One part is the guy I use to be, who you talk to and deal with day to day. The other part of me is the new part, definitely feminine, apparently enjoys the sex, begs for more and who I feel is slowly taking over, to the point now that I'm embarrassed to say, I don't know if I want to change back any more, and I'm not referring to just this body's physical abilities either." His stare had gradually calmed as I explained and turned away once I finished, which I could only take as he understood where I was coming from.

We both stayed quiet for a few minutes, but I was getting uncomfortable... My admission to enjoying sex as a female had not alleviated my need at all, if anything it had made it worse, I could feel myself getting hot and wet down there again. I tried changing the subject somewhat.

Me: "Did you report Derek to the police?..." Sam shook his head "...why not?"

Sam: "His dad was high up in the police somewhere... he got away with so much it was ridiculous. I never would've got anywhere with it if I did."

Me: "Sam... I'm sorry... I didn't know..." I went to put my arm around him but he got up before I could and he headed for the back of the room. "...Sam?..." I called after him before following him towards the double doors where he laid down. "...Sam... you know it's your turn for the bed tonight?" He paused thinking.

Sam: "Oh... well, yeah, you have it tonight, you earnt it after pulling uss together today." I thought about it, then about something else...

Me: "Sam... do you..., do you wanna join me?..." I said somewhat embarrassed, it came out more invitingly than I intended, he pulled an analytical look at me "...I mean I feel bad as it is... if you want the company."

Sam: "Alex, I don't know..."

Me: "It's up to you, Sam, I'm not going to force you to do anything." I headed off to the bed and laid down to chill out. I was only there for about two minutes when Sam walked up to the edge of the pit bed and looked down at me.

Sam: "I felt lonely." He quietly stated, I gave a small smile and shifted over in the bed to allow him some space and he climbed down next to me.

Me: "Let's be clear, this doesn't mean anything though." I clarified to him.

Sam: "I know, I wasn't expecting this to be honest." He said as he settled.

Me: "So... what else can you remember? About your life before this?" I asked looking up to the ceiling, he laid the same way staring upwards and sighed.

Sam: "What do you want to know?"

Me: "What can you remember?"

Sam: "Well, since Derek, I'm single and live alone, in a flat in Brighton, I'm 21, I use to work in a Costa shop... Want to know what the stupid thing is?"

Me: "What?"

Sam: "I really, really, hate coffee." There was a few moments pause while that sunk in, a small snigger accidentally slipped out, but then Sam sniggered, setting each other off and before we knew it we were both in a fit of laughter.

Me: "Any family or friends?" I asked after we fell silent.

Sam: "I have a brother in east London, and my mum is separated up north somewhere, can't remember where, my dad, no idea. Maggie, WAS, my only real friend."

Me: "Why 'was' ?"

Sam: "She left her phone lying around, just days after the... 'Incident'... with Derek... I saw a message pop up on her screen actually from Derek... Turns out reading back through their messages, she had put him up to it, told him I was secretly playing hard to get and that I just wanted him to be forceful apparently..."

Me: "What the fuck?!" I looked over to him,

Sam: "I know right, well I confronted her, apparently according to her, I was 'being a stuck up immature bitch that needed a good shag to make me grow up'."

Me: "Wooow... What a bitch!"

Sam: "Yep..."

Me: "What happened after?"

Sam: "Well, I was so upset at this point I have to admit, I just slapped her and left. That was about a year and a half ago now."

Me: "And you've not had anyone else since?" He turned to look at me, pulling slightly repulsed face.

Sam: "What? A bit of a personal question isn't it? But other than you, no." If my cheeks were human they'd be suddenly bursting red with realisation of my poor choice of words.

Me: "Oh, I meant, friends, not had any friends since?, not, erm... sexual encounters."

Sam: "Oh..." I think Sam's cheeks would also be doing the same now judging by the look of his face, "...erm, well again, apart from you, and of course '42 and Jinx, no. In fact, it's odd that I've made more friends in here in little over 2 weeks than I have done in the years since school."

Me: "He he, well, that's good then." I smiled at him.

Sam: "Yeah... Hey Alex?"

Me: "Yeah?"

Sam: "Thanks for talking to me again, and  I am still so sorry."

Me: "Oh, that's alright... And please stop apologising, let's just... I'll just chalk it up as a life experience and you just forget it ever happened ok." We both smiled at each other, then more or less simultaneously looked back to the ceiling.

After a few moments silence, Sam broke it again.

Sam: "Hey Alex, what if... From this incident that I'm supposed to forget, but never will, what if you get pregnant?"

The thought that had only crossed my mind a couple of times since, and that I admit, should probably have been a main concern of mine had finally come up in conversation.

Me: "Well... I don't think there's exactly an abortion clinic in here... But from what Skiff told me, it won't be a problem."

Sam: "What do you mean?"

Me: "*Sigh* they promote breeding in here, presumably for numbers, take the females out of action while pregnant, take the baby, then return female."

Sam: "Seriously?! So even if you do become pregnant, I'll never see it?!"

Me: "Afraid not. You sound almost disappointed though?"

Sam: "Well... Kinda... I've always wanted kids... Just never found the right partner."

Me: "That doesn't mean I'm the ri-"

Sam: "-the right partner-, I know I know... But I'd rather have kids with someone I know and like, rather than someone I didn't and would have no support from... Plus, kinda hoped that one day I'd have that feeling of a little someone, growing and kicking in my belly, guess I won't now... Well, for now, until we get out of here and change back anyway."

Me: "So you want kids that badly, you'll even consider little Dragons?"

Sam: "I've just learnt over the years to accept what life gives me. Haven't you ever wanted kids of your own?"

Me: "Well... Yeah... But I never thought I'd be the one carrying them..." I sniggered, slightly worried though, I hadn't seen a pregnant Dragon yet, I was starting to worry as to how much being pregnant could ruin this excellent physique I had. "...Hey Sam?"

Sam: "Yeah?"

Me: "Why did you instantly jump to thinking I meant that sexual?" He paused.

Sam: "I... Don't want to answer that."

Me: "Why not?"

Sam: "It's personal."

Me: "Oh, well, you haven't got to tell me, but may I point out, we both know a lot about each other, you know you can tell me anything, there's not a lot we haven't shared..." He shot me a dirty look, "...I didn't mean it to sound like that, sorry." He sighed before hastily replying.

Sam: "I'm horny, alright?" His abruptness did take me aback a little I had to admit.

Me: "Oh... Sorry I pestered."

Sam: "It's ok, not a lot I can do about it anyway eh..." He mumbled that last bit but I heard what he said.

Me: "Do you want any help?"

... 'Why the fuck did I ask that?!' His head snapped back over to me,

Sam: "I thought you said I talk to the male side of you? I can't believe you just asked that?" I looked away slightly before replying,

Me: "That's what I mean... the female side of me is taking over and winning." I said depressingly.

Sam: "I guess you didn't mean to say that then?..." I shook my head. "... It's ok, I'll pretend you didn't say it then." he said smiling as he settled back down again. My mouth spoke again before I could think about what I was going to say.

Me: "But what if I meant it?..." ...'You know what? I give up.' I heard my male self say in my head.

Sam: "What? That you do actually want to help me?... Alex... Listen to yourself, that's not what you want is it? Let's be honest."

Me: "But what if it is?... I think I give up denying it Sam... While we're stuck like this, we've already gone to fourth base, we might as well enjoy it from now on, right?" His head dropped at my reply,

Sam: "Alex, I don't want to put you through that... Not again... It's not a good idea..." he said, shaking his head.

Me: "But I think it is, think about it it totally makes sense, you said you wanted kids!" I replied pulling myself closer to him and I reached down towards his crotch but he grabbed my arm.

Sam: "I AM thinking about it, but you are not, you said so yourself, we're just friends, and what does it matter about kids when you said they take them away."

Me: "That's why it's so perfect! We just get the fun of making them!" I replied putting more effort in trying to get to his slit, I needed to excite him, I needed his cock. His hand released my arm, I thought he had given in, allowing me access to my prize. But as my hand landed on his crotch, his hand landed on the side of my face with a hard slap.

Sam: "ALEX!, SNAP OUT OF IT!" I withdrew my hand quickly and sat bolt upright, holding the side of my face where he slapped it. He slowly sat up, looking defensive, probably expecting me to retaliate. I breathed heavily in shock, 'Indeed, what was I doing?!'

Me: "I... Sam... I'm so sorry."

Sam: "You alright now?" He asked cautiously, I nodded slowly in reply.

Me: "I don't know what came over me... I'm sorry..." I was actually a bit frightened of myself, "... I had no control over myself."

Sam: "Doesn't feel good does it?" He replied back solemnly, I shook my head,

Me: "I have never lost control of myself like that before though."

Sam: "Me neither..." he replied. I sat in silence, staring into space, trying to get my mind straight again.

Me: "I think I know what's going on... Skiff mentioned something about adjusting my hormone levels... To make me want it more... What if they're doing that with all of us? What if we can't help ourselves?"

Sam: "Then we need to keep an eye out for each other, if one of us gets randy, the other needs to stop them."

Me: "What if both of us are randy?" I asked worried, looking back to him, he simply stared back.

Sam: "Well then we're both fucked... And quite literally I guess..." That thought kept us awake for hours, we both stayed in bed but didn't get close, neither of us saying a word more, with Sam falling asleep before me and eventually myself some time later.


We were rudely awoken next morning by the usual 'Wake up' Message in our heads, followed by being instructed to head for the dinning hall. But something wasn't right... Me and Sam unwillingly pulled ourselves up out of bed, both of us feeling like we had barely slept. And for good reason too, although there was never any clocks to go by in this place, I could tell it was early, lights out was still in effect. Also, other than Jinx, '42, '09 and Bruticus, we were the only ones waiting in the dining hall, all of us equally confused while taking our seats at a table. Our questions were soon answered when the guards on the catwalk were joined by Dr Skiff, Dr Paul and some of the other scientists looking down upon us.

Dr Skiff spoke directly to us, her voice echoed through the unusually empty room,

Skiff: "Good morning Delta 4, you may be wondering why the early rise... Well, we have been monitoring your training and we are so impressed by your progress that we have a little... 'Challenge', for you, to throw you in the deep end, so to speak. We have a real world mission that we need you to complete. Late yesterday evening we had a defector present himself from our own organisation, stealing our sensitive data to sell on the black market... We can not allow this to happen, all our hard work in trying to get the upper hand on our enemies of peace will be undone. It is up to you, therefore, to move in on his last known location, target's name is David Parker. You will be deployed a couple of kilometres out from said last known location, make your way through the suburban zone, find your target and await further instructions. D-two four, you have been noted as leading this team quite efficiently during the last scenario, I am placing you in charge for this mission, your team will follow your orders...." Bruticus gave a subtle throaty growl of disapproval. "...You will receive the rest of the details en route, please follow the guards and they will escort you to your transport."

I turned to the others,

Me: "Something's not right."

Bruticus: "Oh shut up, this is an opportunity, a chance to prove ourselves!" The double doors below the catwalk opened and the guards beckoned us to follow so we did.

(-Glitch Mob)

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