Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

31. Devil In I

We pushed our way through the remains of the city, ducking in and out of alley ways, through shops and houses, the scene was repetitive everywhere we went. Partially destroyed buildings, debris and waste in the road and bodies... At varying stages of decay... Some looked as though they had been mostly eaten, some fresh in the last month or so maybe, some in the last year... Vanguard, civilian, males, females... Even children... But the smell that was the worst thing... I dried heaved silently on a couple of occasions on which the second time the Stranger caught me.

Stranger: "You get use to it, eventually." She whispered to me.

Me: "How anyone can 'get use to it' is beyond me. Besides, how can you talk? You have a helmet on, which if it's anything like my old suit, your air is filtered." I argued back in a whisper.

Stranger: "Smells don't get filtered unless it's toxic."

There was a Draconic snarling roar off in the distance and the stranger gave the hand signal to hold, hand hovering over the grip of her cannon. We held still in silence for a good 30 seconds before she relaxed and she beckoned me on.

Stranger: "Word of advice, if you find one, kill it quickly and quietly. They tend to roam the areas in spread out packs, rarely on their own. If one sounds off, the others usually pour in quick." I nodded to show I understood.

Me: "So, was it you that brought me here? Or did I just end up here by chance?"

Stranger: "No... The other me did, the one you met in the dining room."

Me: "Are you not the same person then? Earlier you spoke like you were."

Stranger: "We are and we're not... think of her as a time traveller, but within your own head, she will crop up now and again. But me, this is my timeline, where I'm meant to be."

Me: "Oh, so why was I brought here anyway? Why to the future?"

Stranger: "Well, the other me told me, that your conscience was adrift, lost in your own mind, cast out. But you wouldn't have even known it. She pulled you back, brought you here, to me in this time, because this is the next best opportunity to get you to the Heart and back to your time and reality."

Me: "So why not just use the Shard? Why does it have to be the Heart?"

Stranger: "Because although the Shard's powerful, it's still not as powerful as the Heart itself. The Shard can't be used to travel time... And the other important thing is that we don't have the Shard."

Me: "Wait, have you not seen the Terminator? All this time travelling thing, if you send me back, can't others do the same? Stop me from doing it? Or even kill me?"

Stranger: "No, because it's never been done before."

Me: "Wait, what? But I'm here? In the future? And what about others further into the future? Won't people come back from there?"

She stopped and turned to me, gesturing hand movements to try and help explain.

Stranger: "Look, it's not quite time travel as such like that... think of it as your mind and soul were brought here after being lost, because it's the next best opportunity to get you back... now, when you do go back, if we succeed that is, your mind will be reunited with your body. Clear?..." I gave a few short nods, "...Good... As I said, it's VERY complicated, you're here but you're not here. Same as I'm dead, yet I'm alive... The Shard doesn't make sense so you have to start thinking that anything is possible."

Me: "So... We get to the Heart, somehow use it to send me back... how do you know it will work?"

Stranger: "I don't."

Me: "Oh brilliant." I replied sarcastically.

Stranger: "All I know is, we have to try... Undo this mess that's been made."

We pushed through into a building, made our way through so far before we both heard panting. The stranger stopped, turned to me, placed her index finger against the front and middle of her faceplate and continued in. The panting got louder, now along with some soft growling as we entered another room, which looked like a living area. We rounded a bar type of set up to see a table knocked on it's side in a scuffle by the looks of it. I peered over to see the source of the sound, then kinda wished I hadn't. There was a female dragon, pinned down on her front by a male from above. He was squashing her to the floor, had her neck in his bite to make sure she didn't try and get up, little trickles of blood flowed slightly from around his teeth. He wasn't trying to eat her, no, he was fucking her! In one hand he had her tail held up and over her back, revealing more of her underside to him, arching his back up to get as much of him in as possible. I watched his cock disappear out of sight with each thrust. With each thrust he made a satisfied growl into her neck. Thankfully he was facing away and couldn't see us, then I saw her face and the Stranger held me back. Although panting away, she was only just opening her eyes and looked at us, her eyes widened and with her free hand waved us on quickly. The Stranger gave a curt nod and quietly guided me out if the room. Once we out of the building and moving on again, we were able to speak.

Me: "What was that about? Why didn't she raise the alarm on us?"

Stranger: "I strongly suspect, she's not SkyTech."

Me: "Wait, what do you mean?"

Stranger: "When this war started, the Vanguard were outnumbered and outgunned, ten fold. It wasn't a war, it was a slaughter. 90% of the Vanguard were wiped out in the first month. Those in the civilian population that chose to stand by the Vanguard also perished and all Males were killed as well. What was left after that culling was mostly females, they were given a choice, side with the Vanguard and die, or live and renounce them. Those that chose to live are now attempt to live out their lives in these hell holes, but are used by the SkyTech, they like to use the to breed more numbers."

Me: "That's sick! So she was being raped?! We need to help her!" I went to turn back the Stranger grabbed me by the shoulder.

Stranger: "Don't bother, it's her choice."

Me: "Rape is not a choice! How can you even say that?!"

Stranger: "It's either that, or death."

Me: "Yeah?! What would you choose?! We could still help her!"

Stranger: "That's a question you should be asking yourself, I mean, you're still here aren't you? And you know what I'm referring to, in the prison?..." I was flabbergasted, how did she know so much about me?, "...That's right, I know, and yes, twice, I also know that, and that you killed Bruticus for it." She turned and carried on walking, seemingly happy she had gotten her point across, I made a quick glance back to the house before following the Stranger again.

Me: "But you could help her though, admit it."

Stranger: "Believe it or not, in the early days, I tried. The SkyTech males made a habit though of killing them if I tried. They seemed to think it was the female that somehow called for help, then they were considered Vanguard supporters and were killed for it quickly before I could save them."

I followed her relatively close and silently after that, checking the area around me constantly, but where I was resorting to walking on all fours for the stealthier approach, I couldn't help but notice on a few occasions, as worn torn as it was, how well her armour hugged around her nice firm arse, even with the tail dividing the view. Her lovely, well proportioned hour glass shape swinging her hips quite nicely in front of me as well as she walked and stepped over debris and rubble. The earlier scene, despite the situation behind it, had still seemingly somewhat have gotten me aroused, annoyingly.

Me: "So you won't tell me who you are, but can you tell me what you are under there? Like, are you Human?, and the wings and tail are just attachments of armour, controlled by your mind?"

Stranger: "Ha, no, my 'extra' limbs are real, I'm a Hybrid."

Me: "Oh, I didn't realise Humans and Dragons could... Erm, 'cross breed'. So you just got wings and a tail?"

Stranger: "*Sigh* No, they can't, Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, Dragons have 24 it is impossible to cross breed. I actually have 24 myself. I am the result of... An accident, lets call it. And No, I have scales in some places, my hands are more Draconian, still with claws. I have the heightened senses and agility of a Dragon too."

Me: "But your form seems very Human otherwise? And, if you don't mind me asking, what about your head? You have a helmet shaped like mine use to be, as in like it's shaped for a dragon's head, smaller yeah but-"

Stranger: "Yes... My head is Human too, I just like the shape, reminds me of my Draconian side more. Why so many questions about me?"

Me: "Well, you're different and an unknown to me, a complete stranger and I have to admit, you do look quite hot, if you don't mind me saying."

She stopped abruptly and spun round to me.

Stranger: "Oh no, you don't want to be thinking that way about me, that would just be weir- shh!"

There was a scurry near by and she placed her hand on her cannon grip and slowly removed it from the holster. We peered past the rubbish container we were near by in this alley to see 3 odd looking creatures, the size of a large rat, but 6 legs, bald, serrated carnivorous teeth and with a thin, long but highly useable tail. They were chewing on a... Urgh... A dead Draconian, tearing at its flesh.

The Stranger relaxed, but too soon. One of the creatures was pounced on by a live dragon, a SkyTech it seemed. The creature screeched in pain as it was immediately torn in half by the SkyTech's powerful bite, chewing and swallowing that piece. The Stranger backed us away, quietly as possible as the Dragon went in for the next piece. All was going well, we hadn't been spotted... Until I partially tripped over a piece of rubble as I walked backwards. The Dragon stopped chewing, looked over to us, dropped what was left in his mouth and started stepping towards us with a rumbling growl. The Stranger extended her tail blades, intent on the silent kill obviously, but the creature had a different idea in mind clearly. He reared up, making a howling roar into the early dawn sky.

Stranger: "Go! Run!" She fired at the SkyTech, just a short charged round, but it caught him in the neck, flipping him over on the spot, enough to kill and silence him. But it was already too late, the call was made. Now the once seemingly dead streets were coming alive with answering howls and movement. We wasted no time, as soon as our whistle blower was dead we were running.

Me: "Now that we're spotted, can we just fly there?"

Stranger: "We can now yes, but you need to be on your guard, SkyTech have patrolling squadrons around the palace, but you also have this lot on the ground to-" she short charged again, firing at one that just rounded the corner in front of us. "-to deal with as well, I was going to say." We both spread our wings and took off, but I was quickly tackled by another SkyTech that had emerged from the same corner as we passed it and we crashed to the floor. I tried fight it off me, but she was vicious, intent on trying to slice me up with her claws, actually landing a few swipes and cutting my arms open which I hissed in pain at. Never in my time of being a Dragon had I felt so vulnerable without my armour.

A white blur blew past me, wiping out my attacker. I rolled over to see the Stranger quickly stab her blades into my attacker's back, her thrashing slowly died out to nothing. The Stranger then fired two more shots ahead of us, each catching a SkyTech, square in the face as they ran towards us and falling down instantly.

Stranger: "What are you waiting for?! Go! I'll cover you!"

I took off flying up as hard and as fast as I could. It wasn't long before there were three SkyTech on my tail, howling and screeching away as they followed. I kept an eye on them as best as I could as I aimed for the palace. The Stranger again appeared from no where, swiping her tail at the rear most Dragon, slicing one wing clean off. That SkyTech spun wildly out of control, screeching in fear as it plummeted to the ground. She flew up to the next one, which was alerted by his falling comrade, but had no time to react as the Stranger swiped at him with both sets of claws, causing him to drop back and allowing her to finish him off with a deep slice of her tail blades up his chest. The final one tried to breathe fire on her, to now avail, she simply retaliated by firing two rounds of plasma at him. He too then dropped from the sky. Then came our next issue... The aforementioned squadrons... A group of seven lightly armoured SkyTech up ahead had witnessed the Stranger's little scuffle and had changed course for an intercept.

Stranger: "Evade at the last second, they will try to capture you first." Sure enough they did, they clashed into each other, trying to grab a hold of me, but I had already allowed myself to drop out of their reach.

The stranger had shot the initial two that had gone for me but was now getting swarmed herself. I adjusted my course, headed for the pack of four surrounding her while keeping an eye on the last one trailing behind me. I landed on the back of one of the, stabbed him in the back, through the gap in his armour for his wing, before he could react and leapt off onto another as he fell. This one reacted quicker, snarling as he put us into a barrel roll, I tried to counter it using my own wings as he tried to pull me off. I managed to grab a hold of his head as he looked over his shoulder to me and gave it a sharp twist, I felt the cracking of his neck snapping beneath my hands and we dropped. Little did I realise we were heading straight for the palace wall, a covered walkway to be precise, I used my wings, angled myself and the SkyTech's body up, my intention to use him as a cushion. We skimmed through the window and smacked into the wall on the other side. I felt many more bones crunch under me as the SkyTech's armour gave way as I squashed him in the wall and bounced off it myself, falling to the floor with a groan.

"Wait! Don't kill her!..."

I groaned again as I pulled myself off the floor to look at the familiar voice. There were two armoured SkyTech standing near me, looking at the faces in the open helmets... One of them was Sam!

Me: "Sam! You're alive, oh my god I am so happy to see you!"

Sam: "I know you... Don't I?" Looking though he was questioning himself more than me.

Me: "Sam, yes it's me, Alex!"

Same: "Alex... Alex!... Vanguard scum! Threat to the new order of the SkyTech and Queen Reikon!" He started shouting furiously at me, I started backing up.

Me: "No Sam, I'm your friend!"

Sam: "Friend?! You'll never-" I white blur crashed to the floor between us and immediately fired two shots, one for each of them and they dropped to the floor

Me: "Noooo!..." I ran over to Sam's body. I looked over to the stranger who was just standing up "...HE WAS A FRIEND! THIS-"

Stanger: "-was Sam?... I know, I knew him too." She stepped past unsympathetically.

Me: "Yet you just killed him! Just like that! He was my f-" She turned back to me.

Stranger: "-Your friend! I know, you already said!..." She stepped back closer to me, "...I just killed him, just now, so guess what that means? Spoiler alert! He's still alive in your time! So killing him here, won't matter to you!..." I looked back at his lifeless body, a large blackened hole melted away in his chest, still smoking, trying to make sense of what the Stranger was saying. She crouched down next to me "...Going back, you will change this, this won't be his fate, as long as we succeed... Come on, let's get you home." She pulled at my upper arm to pull me up from the floor and away from Sam's body.

We made our way through halls, occasionally coming across more patrols, but the Stranger quickly put them down. As we made our way further through yet more halls the route we took started to look familiar, the same route Sora and myself took when we were escorted to the queen's private study. Sure enough, that's where we arrived at... The doors that usually had large quantities of Honour Guards stationed by them were open, unguarded and we made our way inside. The study was a mess, the once neat shelves of books and artefacts were demolished, spread over the floor, the drapes that were once decorated the ceilings were burnt and gone. The Stranger slowly rounded the desk in the center of the upper second half of the room and simply stared at the floor, I walked around to see what she was looking at. A large dried maroon blood stain on the stone floor. She crouched down and started touchingly it, almost stroking it.

Stranger: "This is where it happened."

Me: "Where what happened?"

Stranger: "Queen Arisu... Murdered, on this very spot."

Me: "You watched it happen?"

Strange: "Yes... because I was the one who did it..." I slowly stepped back. "...This very tail..." She brought around her tail, flexing the blades.

Me: "Why did you kill her?" I asked cautiously.

Stranger: "It wasn't so much me, but certainly this body. I wasn't in control at the time, I could see it happening, but I couldn't stop myself."

Me: "So this... This can be changed as well? I need to stop you from doing this?"

Stranger: "By all means, you can try, but I don't think it will work..." She stood back up from the floor. "...I get a feeling this is always meant to happen. But I will admit, I made a mistake. On this spot, moments after, I partially regained control of myself. The one who did this, she relaxed, feeling that the deed was done, and in that opportunity, I chose to take myself, and therefore her, away from the Heart..." She turned, walked past me and opened a set of double doors on the right side of the room... There up ahead along a corridor was a very large crystal, like the Shard, only much, much bigger, the size of a car I'd say. It faintly glowed red and purple. "... I... she became too powerful, sharing this body, I couldn't fight her, not until she separated herself from me and it was too late, she was too strong by then. I should have let her believed she had well and truly won, and let her get to the Heart. That's when all of this can be changed, separating her from me before she was ready." She said looking all around the room.

Me: " 'She' being Reikon?..." The Stranger merely slowly nodded to me. "...She was controlling you? How?"

Stranger: "It's rather complicated... you'll work it out, hopefully sooner rather than later. But again, I can't tell you."

Me: "Because it will affect my choices, yeah I know... So when I meet you, who am I talking to? You, or Reikon?"

Stranger: "Erm... that's complicated... You need to work that out for yourself... like, you REALLY need to work that out."

Me: "Is anything ever easy with you?" There was a loud screeching wail that echoed through the halls, we both stared down the hall from where we came, nothing showed itself... yet.

Stranger: "Come on, we're out of time." She pushed me down the corridor toward the Heart but something bounced us back, knocking us off our feet before we even crossed the threshold. A Dragoness appeared out of red and purple mist in front of us, stood arms crossed in front of us and looked down at us as we pulled ourselves off the floor.

"YOU!... So you are still around!"

Stranger: "In the flesh..." She gave a little mocking bow before continuing, "...or so to speak, no thanks to you, Reikon!"

'So this was Reikon? She just looked like a normal Draconian.'

Reikon: "Yeeess… How's that working out for you?" She mocked with a chuckle.

Stranger: "Quite well, as you can see." She nodded in my direction. Reikon's gaze then locked onto me, the smile faded.

Reikon: "This...? You're really going to try this?! Where did you find her?- Don't answer that because it doesn't matter. I know you're desperate, but you can't over power me, not now!"

Stranger: "Indeed, not me and not now, but what about her and two years ago?" You can see Reikon was seeing straight through the Stranger's plan.

Reikon: "No! You can not!"

Stranger: "She's not really here Alex, she's currently decimating Earth, this is just an image, kinda like the ones Sora use to make to disguise herself but more of a projection. It will take her too long to get here to try and stop us, and she knows it."

Reikon: "She's right Alex, I can't..." She clicked her fingers, sparks of red and purple momentarily being emitted, "...But they will." Multiple roars, screeches and howls could be heard echoing through the halls of the palace.

Stranger: "Go!..." We ran forward, bouncing off of the invisible wall in front of Reikon again. We both forced ourselves forwards, pushing against the invisible wall, which was slowly flexing, bending into an opaque white colour and creating a static sound the more we pushed, suddenly the stranger pulled away then ran into my back instead, pushing me into the wall. "...Keep pushing Alex!" Suddenly I broke through, falling flat on my face.

Me: "Argh!.." I pulled myself up standing next to Reikon, who was still stood, arms folded, looking at me, side on, shaking her head.

I turned around behind to see the Stranger holding her hands against the invisible wall, like it was a pane of glass.

Stanger: "It's up to you now Alex!"

Reikon: "Yes, it's all up to you now Alex, silly little girl, what can you hope to accomplish?" I ignored her.

Me: "I can't leave you, I need your help!"

Stranger: "All you need is yourself... Get to the Heart, It's just like your old armour, it reacts to the user's wishes, just think about where you want to be and it will take you there..." I slowly stepped backwards and paused again, "...GO!..." She stood away from the wall and unholstered her cannon, "...I'll hold them off for you, stop stopping and get going!"

Me: "Thank you, for giving me a second chance." She nodded after a few seconds and walked away into the study, cannon at the ready. I walked down the rest of the corridor towards the Heart, the large floating and rotating, almost perfectly formed crystal, except one corner of the crystal, looked sharp, jagged... The Shard was literally a slither of the main crystal, it would perfectly fill the missing piece! Reikon made me jump slightly as she appeared and stood by me.

Reikon: "Honestly, you haven't got a clue what you're doing, do you?"

Me: "Well, winging it has usually served me well in the past..."

The sound of the Stranger's cannon started firing in the background down the corridor

Reikon: "Ha! 'Winging it'? Seriously?! This is an ancient magic! It takes years, even decades! of practice and growing up along side to even master the basics!" I glided my hand above the surface of it as it slowly turned in front of me, ripples of red and purple appeared on the surface around my hand.

Me: "Hmm... Something tells me that I won't need anywhere near as long."

The sound of firing stopped and I heard the Stranger scream in rage.

Reikon: "Yeah?, And what makes you think that?"

Me: "A good friend of mine once told me, I have a Heart of a Vanguard." Thinking back to Wrex, and how I wanted to be back with him in my own time, I pushed my hand forwards and touched the Heart and was instantly was pulled into a red and purple mist as the air crackled and screeched around me.

__________*_The Stranger_*__________

I couldn't get through the wall as well, not that I could join Alex anyway to where she was going... no, I knew what I had to do... I unholstered my gun,

"...I'll hold them off for you, stop stopping and get going!" I told her as I stepped back.

Alex: "Thank you, for giving me a second chance." I didn't really know how to reply, the situation was oh so complicated. If I told her what I knew, what I had been through, she would go insane on the spot. So I merely gave her a nod, turned and walked away to stand at the main double doors of the study...

"Oh Really?..." At least a couple of dozen SkyTech bounded down the hall towards me. I pulled my gun up at the closest and fired, moved to the next and fired again and so on, I almost got through them all as the closed in but the last couple got too close for comfort. I shot and killed one that was just two foot from me, it's momentum of it's bounding towards me causing it's carcass to slide past me. But the last one tackled me, his blades sliding off my leg armour, I kicked him off and jumped to my feet. Before he had the chance to get up I smashed him repeatedly with the butt of my gun until it didn't move any more. I screamed in rage at him, so powerfully that it caused me to run out of breath. There was a screech from down the hall... I couldn't count the number of SkyTech that had amassed and were now bounding down the hall towards me. I held my gun up, only to see that in my rage, I had broken it, the casing was cracked, the gun was bent like a boomerang and plasma was pouring out of the right side, hissing as it melted the floor...

"Well... shit..." I threw it to the side of the hall. A loud crackling sound emanated from the study behind me, along with bright red and purple lights which quickly died out. "...Good."

Reikon: "You know she won't succeed, look at this... all around you... this has already happened, how can you ever hope to change this? Face it, I've won, there's nothing anyone can do about it, not even you, past or present." She said, suddenly appearing from nowhere beside me. I ignored her, flicked my arms down, a long blade flicked out from each of my gauntlets... Reikon walked round to stand in front of me to face me, holding her hand up to pause her horde that was rushing towards us and they all obediently halted.

Reikon: "How can you possibly hope to survive this? You're doomed, and you just threw away you last opportunity by coming here and sending her back."

"I agree, it's too late for me, I'm dead anyway, I have nothing to live for, you saw to that, you took everything away from me! Wasted this last opportunity?! I don't think so, this has allowed me return the favour... She will take your life as you know it away from you, everything you ever meant and stood for and bury it deep! Along with yourself, Skylen, the SkyTech and anyone else who is stupid enough to fight by your side! You're the one who's fucked now, Reikon!"

Reikon: "It's a real shame, you had so many opportunities to step out, from Skylen and myself... pity, I would have preferred to kill you myself, but I can't allow you to escape again, now consider this revenge for what you did to my mate..." She clicked her fingers and the horde resumed their charge "...pleasure knowing you... Alex." She spat at me, and in a wisp of Red and purple smoke she disappeared, leaving a clear image of my impending end charging towards me.

"...COME ON THEN YOU BASTARDS!" and I slowly walked towards my fate...


Someone was whispering... I couldn't quite work out what they were saying but it was enough to disturb my sleep... wait... I wasn't meant to be asleep, I just used the Heart and fled the palace! I woke up, staring up to a concrete ceiling, my vision was different... it was like my natural vision was shifted more forwards, like a Human, but with an overlaid image of what was around me... I was in a helmet again. I sat bolt up right and the sound of china smashed, I looked to the sound. Jinx was stood in a doorway, arm in a sling apparently had just dropped a bowl of some kind of noodles, spoon near mouth and her jaw wide open. She was frozen staring at me. Was I still trapped in the dream and the same thing had happened to Kayley had happened to Jinx now? I cocked my head as I thought I saw her blink and then she dropped the spoon and ran off shouting...

Jinx: "GUYS!!"

Me: "What the fuck? Whoa..." My voice... was still feminine, but sounded slightly different to how it use to, but yet still familiar at the same time. I swung myself off the table... everything... felt different... I looked down at my self...

Me: "Oh shit!" I had tits! Albeit hidden behind my armour but there was no doubt, they were tits! I looked down at the rest of me. Black and red armour, same style as use to have it but covering a very Human feminine body! Curvy hips leading to modestly wide thighs and very Human plantigrade legs. I looked behind me as much as possible and to still see wings and a tail. I placed my hands on my head, or rather, my helmet, in shock...

Me: "Oh my god! I'm the Stranger! The Stranger was me?! Fuck!... Fuck Fuck Fuck! *Gasp* I kill the queen! I start a war! Kill millions! Maybe billions! It's all me! All my fault!"

Wrex: "Easy, Easy..." I had been spazzing out so much I hadn't even noticed Sora, Jinx and Wrex in his full armour with faceplates open, all enter the room.

Me: "No no! Stay away from me!"

Wrex: "It's ok, we won't hurt you as long as you don't hurt us. I just need to know, where's Alex?"

Me: "What? Wrex, it's me, I'm Alex! I think..."

Wrex: " 'You think'? Gonna need you to be more precise than that."

Me: "Does the armour not give it away?"

Wrex: "It might look similar to Alex's, but that wasn't her that spoke to us the other night and you don't exactly look or sound like her right now."

Me: "The other...? What? Wait, when was Iceland?..." Without even intending it to, the date and time appeared in front of my eyes... '12:49 - Friday - 21/01/2022' "...3 days ago?!" I answered my own question before he could.

Wrex: "Err, yeah, that's right."

Me: "What's happened in the last 3 days? What happened since Skylen shot me and my suit ran out of power?!" They all looked to each other.

Wrex: "You've been unconscious here, on that table most of the time... if you're really Alex, prove it." I racked my brains.

I pointed to Sora first,

Me: "The first time you met me, you kicked me in the face from the flight of stairs above, kept accusing me of being SkyTech before arranging a meeting to talk on the Observatory!"

Then pointed to Jinx,

Me: "You, you have a thing for D42, your real name is Jenny Halewood, you have a little brother named Oscar who likes a game called League of Legends, which is where you got the name Jinx from." Both Sora and Wrex looked at her for confirmation.

Jinx: "Yeah, that's all true."

Me: "And you..." I pointed to Wrex, " ...'I'm not done yet'..." Jinx and Sora both looked confused, but that seemed to be all that Wrex needed to hear.

Wrex: "Alex?!" I nodded back and he took a step forwards.

Me: "No please, keep away from me!... but tell me, what the fuck happened?"


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