Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

34. Regicide

I made my way up the stairs and headed into the room that myself and Wrex shared less than a week before, back when I was a full on Dragon and closed the door behind me. I sighed as I turned and sat on the bed behind me. I think I was just coming to terms with what's going on, now I just needed to figure what to do so as not to piss off as many of my friends as possible... Or kill them. I was already feeling quite bad about the way I just treated Wrex and especially Jinx, they didn't deserve that at all, yet I couldn't stop myself just feeling angry for no real reason. I looked down at my gloved hands, the armour certainly being a lot more streamlined than it use to be but yet still had that Alex/Sarah Jarvie joint effort styling... I wondered if the rest of the armour retracted the same way the helmet did. I held my right hand up, willing the armour to retract, then just like that, instantly it did. The fingers split apart and pulled back, the plates and flexible material sliding, folding over and melding into the rest, then into the top of the hand and palm, then those sections, spit and folded back, melding into the wrist section with subtle clicking and metallic sliding sounds.

All that revealing a scaly and slightly bony, Dragon-esque hand with clawed finger tips. Curiosity was getting the better of me though, and I wondered just how far and how much of me was indeed scaly. I jumped straight to it, willing the armour on my arms to pull back to the shoulders, again, as with the hand and head, the armour split, slid and melded with each other, the mass of armour seemingly diminishing as it retreated... The scaly skin from my hands actually completely covered my forearm and went almost as far as my elbow at which point the scaly areas thinned down to two roughly inch wide strips that ran up my upper arms, almost like dark, but decorative ribbons, one going up to my arm pit and the other over the the top of my shoulder, the rest of my arm was a normal pale human skin.

Me: "Fuck it." I said to myself, I stood and walked over to the full length mirror in the corner of the room, now impatient, I pulled all my armour back. The feet retracted into the legs, which was weird to feel it pull out from under my feet. The lower leg sections retracted to the thighs, then into my waist, the tail too, all the way back to my waist and then the waist area too climbed up my body. The shoulder areas opened, split, and went down, meeting the lower section and splitting apart at my abdomen, leaving my front completely uncovered now. I turned side on to watch the last off my wings become uncovered too. I turned my back to the mirror, watched over my left shoulder as all the remaining armour retracted back inbetween my wings, but not entirely. There were spider like 'arms' that went up at almost 45 degree angles toward my shoulders and downward towards my hips and a larger central one that covered my spine, down to just above the base of my tail, stuck to my skin.

It was as then I noticed a faint glow from between my wings, I moved the left wing that was blocking my view. In between my wings, right where my regulator implant use to sit was now a cradle and nestled in the center was the Shard, glowing ever so slightly.

'That's where the hole was! That's what was ripped out of the future me!' I reached around to try and pull at it, but it was stuck solid, imbedded in my back. I sighed and gave in, taking in the rest of the view instead. The bands of scales that went to my my armpits actually curved and continued down my back to widen and meet around where my wings were attached to my back, then continuing down and meet in the center to meet my tail. My tail met almost a bit unnaturally to my body, maybe just because I remembered and I was use to the fact that when I was a full Dragon, it was part and parcel of my body, sleekly continuing on from body to tail, much like a lizard. Now it was a lot thinner and shorter, you could say in scale with my smaller and slender frame, nestled and protruding between my rather firm looking arse cheeks. I turned back forward to take in the frontal view again. Following the bands of scales the started from behind the ears and travelled down to the the collar bones, they met with the bands that covered the shoulders just below the collar bones, travelled the short distance down my chest to merge and flowed between my, I had to say, rather pleasant, perky breasts, a solid C cup I reckon. I gave one a squeeze and yep, nice and firm, but the feeling of my scaly hand gliding over it sent a pleasing shiver over my body.

'Stop getting distracted.' I had to tell myself, as interested and curious as I was. I focussed back to the scales, they flowed down my naval, separated and flowed around my belly button... yes, I had one again, then merging again and widening as it arrived at my crotch, completely covering it...

'Noo, don't distract yourself again... Just come back to that in a minute.' The scales flowed down my inner thighs, turning outwards towards my knees. Basically from just above the knees down it looked as though I had thigh high socks on... But made with scales. Finally my lower legs, besides the scales, looked mostly Human apart from the slightly bony feet and claws again instead of nails. Now I wanted to get back to the interesting bit... I rotated the mirror, sat on the corner of the bed and spread my legs...

'Having scales on my arm pits and my crotch was good for one thing... no public hair, thank god! Ha ha.'

I parted my genitalia with one hand. Once again, apart from the scales, my pussy, was very Human looking now. The scales went right to the edge of my lips and spreading them revealed my reddish pink flesh beneath.

'One thing I had learnt while being a Dragon, females didn't have a clitorus... Well not in the same sense as Humans did anyway, they weren't sexually stimulating so I found out, so I wonder if...'

I ran my finger along my inner folds, under my clitoral hood and gasped as the sensitivity shocked me enough to slam my legs shut.

Me: "Oh my god... I'm gonna have to have some fun with you later..." I grinned to myself and spread my legs again, carefully as running my clawed finger further down, entering my sweet hole. Again I gasped at the feeling, my smaller frame and more Human format must have meant I was tighter down there as well, it certainly felt it. My exploration was disturbed however by a rata tat tat at the door, causing me to jump up off the bed.

Me: "Err... Who is it?"

Wrex: "It's me, I just came to check up on you. Can I come in?"

Me: "Err, I'm not decent."

Wrex: "Come on, we spoke about this before."

Me: "Things are a little bit different now Wrex. In fact, very different." I replied taking in the full view again of my rather sexy hour glass figure, well, in my opinion anyway... If I was still a guy, I certainly wouldn't say no, put it like that.

Wrex: "Oh... Ok... Sorry, I'll leave you to it."

Me: "No wait!, Sorry, you can come in, but please don't be shocked or disgusted by what you see." I quickly willed a covering over the Shard that was buried in my back just as I turned to face the opening door and Wrex appeared. He slinked in, closing it behind him without taking his eyes off me.

Wrex: "You look..."

Me: "Different?, Mostly Human?, Horrible?"

Wrex: "I was going to say beautiful, yeah different, but in no way horrible."

Me: "You said I looked beautiful before as a full on Dragon, now you're saying I'm beautiful like this? And you said that you didn't judge me on who I was before, you know, as in when I was Human, but only what was standing right in front of you, if I remember correctly. So either you play around more than you care to admit or you're not that fussed about looks."

Wrex: "That wasn't what I meant, I didn't judge you before solely on appearance... you really have grown into a typical woman, picking out insignificant details in what men say..." He was sure to add a smile and chuckle, apparently to try and not upset me, "...What I meant before is I like you, as the person as you are now, and even if you look different from a few days ago, you're still the same person I first met and fell in love with."

Me: "So... we're at the 'L' word already?" I said smiling, he had, maybe unintentionally, lifted my mood slightly.

Wrex: "Er... maybe..."

Me: "It's ok, I've already heard you say it before now." I gave him a wink.

Wrex: "When?!"

Me: "Back when you saved me, in the SkyTech building, you got me into my armour and I... died... I could still hear things fading away, just about... but I could hear you screaming at me to come back, including you confessing your love for me. Crystal brought me back to life... But it was you that made me want to come back..." My sappiness was making my cheeks heat up... 'fuck! I'm mostly Human again, my face!' I just about caught my reflection in the mirror with my cheeks going red... Yep I could blush again... Great. "...So, unless you didn't mean it...? Did you?"

Wrex: "I... Of course I did."

I stepped towards him, throwing my arms around him, the cold metal armour pressed against my breasts sending a shiver down my spine and setting me off in a series of goosebumps.

Me: "I am sorry by the way, for the way I spoke to you down stairs."

Wrex: "I think if anything, Jinx was the one you upset more." I could feel my nipples going erect on his cold chest plate, giving me tingling pleasurable sensations that I had never experienced before.

Me: "I know, I'll apologise to her, but not right now, later. Tell me Wrex, I'm standing in front of you, completely nude, we have some time to kill, I'm horny and I could do with the distraction... If you do still love me, then I expect you to give me everything that comes with love..." I gave him another wink, "...You gonna keep me waiting?"

Wrex: "I err... Erm..." I had clearly caught him off guard judging by the shocked look on his face.

Me: "Well...?"

Wrex: "Erm, I... Are you sure you're up for that? Given your current, ahem, 'condition', are you comfortable with that?"

Me: "As I said, I could do with the distraction."

Wrex: "That's... fair enough. But you're also a fair but smaller than before, and I don't want to hurt you."

Me: "Relax, please? We can take it slow, to be honest, I do actually want to find out what this body's limits are." He reached down and took my hands with his, looking down at me.

Wrex: "Only if you're sure."

Me: "Mm-hmm." I tried to give him a smile. I was sure I wanted it, I had wanted him again since that last morning we woke up together before I got captured. Was I sure about if it work? Given his size? And I didn't just mean his entire form. I knew the average size a human woman could take comfortably was about 6-8 inches on average, but I remembered Wrex being about a good 10... with some girth... And there was a lot of potential power behind it there.

Wrex: "You will tell me if you need us to stop, yes?"

Me: "Yes! Now please! Start stripping off already!" I demanded keenly. He smiled and obliged with my request, starting with his helmet and removing the rest as quickly as he could, dropping pieces on the floor at the base of the bed, as I very slowly rounded the side of it, all except for the right gauntlet as usual. He stepped around to the other side.

Me: "Still use the chemical protection then? Even in the new armour?"

Wrex: "Yeah, I asked if Sarah had duplicated or moved the system over from the old armour and she told me it's all still on my right gauntlet. So... How do you want to do this?"

As much as I wanted to be pounded again as before, I needed to be sensible and be the one in control. I did kind of miss being the one mostly being in control when I was a guy, but being female, certainly brought about a different experience and I certainly already loved the thought of being used. And Wrex? He was so caring, so much of a gentle giant, sure he could pound when needed, but he was so in control of himself, unlike some guys who get carried away, I don't think he'd ever hurt me.

Me: "Can we start how we started last time? Please? With me on top?"

Wrex: "Whatever you're comfortable with." He smiled and we both climbed onto the bed. He settled on his back and looked over and down to me as snuggled up next to him, lying on his shoulder.

Wrex: "Are you ok?"

Me: "Yeah, just preparing myself mentally."

Wrex: "As I said, you don't have to do this if you're not comfortable or ready- argh!" He was so intent on looking at me that he had clearly missed the fact that I had reached and stuck my finger in his slit, working on trying to coax out his cock.

Me: "I'm mostly ready, just preparing you as well." I winked at him. I felt his cock head push out against my fingers and I started gently massaging it as I leant up to give him a kiss. I had to admit, it was kind of awkward now, first of all there was a size difference in our heads, I mean, at a push if he wanted, he could probably just about fit my whole head in his mouth. Secondly, I had a nose again, as opposed to a snout, which I had forgotten about. So the initial kiss didn't go smoothly because I basically smashed my nose into his snout. Yeah... Real smooth... However in that time of messing around with kissing I had excited him enough to get out 4-5 inches and had already got him dribbling some pre so I made sure to spread that nicely up and down his shaft with small massaging strokes then took my opportunity. It wasn't so easy any more to swing my dainty form of his comparatively large, muscular, mass. I lowered myself down on him, feeling his tip poke my anus and I jolted forward slightly,

'Yeah, definitely not ready for that... Not yet anyway.' I thought to myself smirking.

I angled my hips more, bringing my arse and tail up slightly more and slid back again. I had perfectly lined him up, I could just feel his tip poking at my entrance. So I pushed back down again and felt his pointed tip start to open me with relative ease, clearly I was wet, but was I gonna need it... God he was already spreading my wide. I had to use a bit more force as I got to the base of his head and it popped inside of me, causing me to moan softly. He was already getting thick for me, if I had to guess from what I had seen before, at the base of his head it was a about 2 and a half inches thick, and probably the widest point of his shaft sat at about 3 inches from what I remember before...

'This was gonna take some work... But it's gonna be fun' I smirked to myself again. I pushed back, getting another couple of inches in, I felt his head rub to a halt on my g-spot, already causing my legs to tremble slightly.

Wrex: "Are you ok?"

Me: "Yeah... Just you're very thick for me... and I'm very sensitive it seems." I replied with a slight quiver in my voice, but with a smile and biting my lip at the end.

Wrex: "So I can feel." He chuckled, which could the vibrations inside my pussy which wasn't helping my sensitivity.

Me: "Not funny!" I said as I pulled off a few inches and pushed back down, my own eagerness causing me to moan softly as I got another inch or so in. I continued the small progress of movement, each time I pushed back down, my pussy gave away a bit more, accommodating his thick meat, each movement getting me closer to a climax already,

'Fuck! I was REALLY sensitive.' Every time I brought myself down to take a little bit more in, he had extended a bit more, it was seemingly never ending. Then as I brought myself down again I moaned internally and I had to brace myself as I shook violently as my climax suddenly hit me and I came hard. I looked to Wrex, who was smiling smugly,

Wrex: "And I'm still not even all the way in yet and we've barely started." He taunted with a wink.

Me: "mm-mmm... I said s-shut up..." I quivered again, leant forward to give him a kiss, having to stretch a bit further than I was use to to meet his mouth. I sat back up, gasping again as he slipped in a bit more. "...How much more is there though?, I feel like I've taken a lot, but I'm still not quite, erm... full?"

He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down onto him, thrusting up at the same time, I shuddered and moaned as I almost climaxed again, the last few inches of his length force it's way inside and catch on my cervix.

Wrex: "There you go." He said with a smug smile again.

Me: "There's is no way that's all of it..." I said still quivering, "... you're... BIG... how have you been able to get all that inside me?" He shrugged his shoulders,

Wrex: "I don't know, why don't you stop asking questions and start getting to work, because... 'I'm not done yet'." He said with another wink.

Me: "Hm-mm." I moaned in playful complaint as I tried not to blush again at his comment. But I did as he ordered and started riding him. I started off slow, pulling off him a good 5 inches then pushed back down. I could almost feel every detail of him as he slid back inside because of how tight I was gripping him, every vein, every ridge of muscle in his meat I could feel through my walls. I repeated the action, screwing my eyes shut and enjoying the sensation, already feeling another climax quickly building. I threw my head back, pulled myself up of him partially, then collapsed back down his shaft twice more, shuddering as I did. The last being too much for me, as I forced myself back down, taking him all the the way to the hilt again, my orgasm peaked, exploding from deep within my belly, rolling through my body in quick and powerful waves, causing my head to flop forwards and once again to shake uncontrollably, moaning loudly as I balled my hands up into fists, resting on his chest for support.

I looked up to his face after I had partially recovered, the aftershocks from the orgasm still making me shake every now and then as I smiled at him, almost embarrassed that I had cum so easily yet again.

Wrex: "Really?" He taunted with a smile.

Me: "Wha-at?"

Without warning he flipped us over in the bed, such power in him sent shivers down my spine, then his weight landed on me... It didn't hurt, but the added pressure of him squashing me into the bed and therefore somehow seemingly squashing more of his cock further inside of me made me tremble again. He sat off of me slightly to look me in the eyes again.

Wrex: "It's all well and good you being that 'easy', but I just have needs that you clearly can't keep up with... As I said before..." He snaked his head down beside my ear and in more of a growling whisper... "...'I'm not done yet'." I closed my eyes enjoying his playful yet powerful tone reverberate in my ear, then he gave a long lick from the front of my collar bone up my neck to just behind my ear, sending more shivers down my spine and making my pussy twitch, gripping his cock tighter again.

Wrex: "Oh you liked that did you?... What about these? From what I've seen of your Human porn, ladies love these being licked..." Before I ask what he was talking about and open my eyes to see, he had already started circling my left nipple with his tongue. I squirmed from the off, the sensitivity was intense! Almost too intense, but Wrex was clearly in an evil playful mood... He repositioned his stance above me, moving from supporting himself with his hands either side of me to pinning my palms to the bed, either side of my head, I couldn't escape the onslaught of his tongue! Then, he took it a step further... He started gyrating his hips, pulling his long shaft out at least half way before forcing it back in to my achingly tight pussy. I moaned and cooed with each thrust and swirl of the tongue he made, then he jumped to the other nipple, now switching to sucking it.

Me: "Fuuck!" I growled out as I almost instantly cum again upon the contact of his lips.

But he was in control now, no matter how loudly I moaned, how hard I clenched his cock, writhed my body under his, he was relentless... He stopped sucking and raised himself back off me, placing one hand by my head for support and the other to grasp me around the neck tightly, not to the point of cutting of circulation, but there was no way I was removing it, even if I did pointlessly grasp his forearm. His new position now allowed him to take longer thrusts, pulling almost entirely out, all but his head, then slammed it back in with a loud gasp escaping me. He did the same again with more speed, this time getting a small moan from me, now he increased the speed of this repetitive motion, not allowing me to recover from the last thrust... I was never into this kinky stuff like strangling, not even as the guy, as the giver, but now... Now I was just Wrex's fuck toy... And I loved it!

He pounded me for so long, I came... I don't know how many times, I lost count, it was a blur, I think I might have even passed out at one point, not because of the strangling, but because the pleasure was just so much, without the time to recover and stop for a breather it was inevitable really... I remember coming back to, just as I felt Wrex tensing up and slowing his rate of thrusting with increased growling on each. He released my neck and quickly scooped his arms under my neck, pulling us close, thrusted one more time and growled in my ear while shaking. Pulse after pulse, I could feel his cock erupting deep inside me, spewing wave upon wave of his cum into me. His hot seed and the sensation of him cumming hard into me made me climax yet again. I moaned and shuddered as I buried my head into his shoulder, digging my claws unintentionally into his back, panting away.

We lay there for a minute or so, our orgasms and panting subsiding in a loving sexaul embrace before he pulled his head up to look at me.

Wrex: "Are you ok?" He said with a hint of a smile.

Me: "Ye-eah... Just... Just don't ask me to walk anywhere for a little bit." I said, feeling my legs were still shaking like jelly. He chuckled in reply with a big grin.

Me: "God don't laugh! I'm too sensitive..." He chuckled again, "...grr... stop it!... Fuck, I feel so full."

Wrex: "He he, you referring to my cock or my cum?"

Me: "Both... I think if you pull out I'll probably spew and deflate... Didn't feel like that much when I was a Dragon."

Wrex: "Well... You caught me off guard before, so to speak. I hadn't, ahem... 'finished' in a few years... Then you give me some action, so I'm probably up to full, how do I put it... 'Production' now?"

Me: "Still felt like a lot."

Wrex: "Well, we do produce about half a cup full, and you are, putting it politely, quite small now, so probably will seem like a lot I would imagine."

Me: "Jeez... And yeah, I suppose... Can we sleep now?"

Wrex: " 'Sleep'? You've been asleep for the last three days! Besides... Give me five minutes, I'll be ready for round two." He gave me a wink and a smile.

Me: "You're serious?! I know I can feel you're still rock hard but you really want to go again?!"

Wrex: "Erm, maybe? Unless you don't wan-" I leant up and gave him a kiss.

Me: "Well, since you offered..." I gave him a dirty smile and wink back. "...Come on... off, I want to try a different position." He obliged, pulling his meat from it's home, I instantly felt empty and felt his cum try to escape my pussy, I was determined not to let it happen. Using the combined assistance of my wings and tail I rolled over into a doggy position, with my chest flat on the bed, my arse raised in the air for him. The only problem was my legs were still very weak and wobbly so I quickly slipped down, flat on my belly.

Me: "Ohh... I wanted you to properly mount me, but I can't hold myself up." I said disappointedly. He stepped over the top of me on all fours, pulling my tail to one side, as I was about to try pushing myself up again.

Wrex: "No matter, I just take you like this..." He said behind my head then rested his weight on me, I felt his cock, in one swift motion, glide between my upper thighs and bury itself, with ease, into my well slicked pussy.

Me: "Oh fuck!" I cooed into the pillow, gripping hard onto the bed sheets.

Wrex: "Are you ok?" I turned my head to him to reply,

Me: "Of course, but why are you waiting?"

Wrex: "*Chuckle* Oh I do love you." He said lowering his head beside mine, I lifted mine up to kiss him on the lips.

Me: "I love you too... But can you just fuck me again already?!"

Wrex: "*Chuckle* As you wish."

He leaned on my shoulders, pinning me to the bed, and with no mercy, no warming up, went straight to pounding my poor abused, sloppy sounding pussy.

Me: "Oooh-oh-oh... Fu-u-u-uuuck!!!" I screamed into the pillow...


Wrex growled and shuddered again, digging his claws into my shoulders.

Me: "*Gasp* Ohh... Fuuuuuuuuck... Mmmmm..." I cooed into the pillow, shaking beneath him... I just loved the feeling of the seemingly boiling hot sensation jetting into my belly from his cock as it twitched, causing me to grip it tighter, it wasn't something I don't think I could ever get bored of. Wrex collapsed on my back, panting away, and I turned my face out to the right from the pillow so that I could breath, panting as well. Wrex pulled his head up, grabbed my right side and heaved us over onto our left side,

Me: "Whoa..." I said uneasily, not expecting him to do so. With him still buried deep inside me, he looked over me as he slid his arm under my neck and placing the other on my hip, and gave a hearty chuckle.

Me: "What?"

Wrex: "Oh nothing."

Me: "Something amused you."

Wrex: "I don't know if I should say."

Me: "Just tell me."

Wrex: "Fine... You... You're so full, you almost look pregnant." He ended in a chuckle. I looked down, sure enough, I looked maybe a month or two pregnant, just the slightest little bulge from the base of my belly button downward.

Me: "*Chuckle* Yeah... He he... I use to want kids."

Wrex: " 'Use to'? so you don't anymore?"

Me: "Well, it's not a case of that I don't. I just wanted when I was... You know... A guy... With a normal life. Now... Things are a bit different... Well, very different, now I'M the one that will carry the child, it's not something that I ever imagined doing or being able to do. It's not that I don't want to, I think, but it's not a good time to."

Wrex: "No, you're right."

Me: "You sound disappointed."

Wrex: "No... Well, a little, but what you say makes sense, so I'll go with it."

Me: "So, you want kids then?"

Wrex: "One day, it would be nice. Myself and Star Light spoke about it before, but it never never happened, I guess it was just never meant to be." There was a few moments silence as we laid there in our spooning embrace, I could feel his cock was just slowly starting to shrivel and retreat. But with Wrex bringing up Star Light's name after us just doing it, had me worried slightly.

Me: "Do you miss her?"

Wrex: "Only as a friend... Don't panic, you have nothing to worry about, you're all I need now."

Those words were all I needed to hear, but I had a nagging thought that I had to share,

Me: "Wrex... I don't want to disappoint you in the future... But you realise, that if I'm stuck like this, I'm not sure if we'll even be able to have kids... You know, with you being a Dragon, me being some, weird, hybrid, thing... It might not work. I Just want you to bare that in mind, ok?"

Wrex: "Don't ever refer to yourself as a 'thing' got it?... But hey, worst case if we can't conceive then maybe we'll adopt?"

Me: "You really want to do that after Skylen?"

Wrex: "Hmmm... good point... surrogacy?"

Me: "He he, maybe... You really think we'll make it through all this long enough to be able to try?"

Wrex: "I know we will." I stayed quiet after that, if he knew what I knew... I just didn't have the heart to tell him the details of what happens if and when we fail.


Darkness surrounded me by the time I started waking up... the cold chill in the air sending unpleasant shivers up my body. I reached around, trying to find the duvet, but it was gone. I reached around for Wrex, to try and steal some of his body heat... but he too was gone!

Reikon: "Wakey wakey Alex."

I sat bolt up right to the source of the voice. Two strong glowing yellow slitted eyes looked back at me a few paces from the end of the bed and the silhouette quickly filled in with detail as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. We were no longer in our room, the stripped bed lay in the middle of this endless dark expanse. Reikon stood, in her Dragoness form staring at me.

Me: "What is this?"

Reikon: "This... is in your head... I tried to trap you here once but something intervened... but that doesn't matter. I tried to do it the nice way, give you everything that you could have wanted. Your old life back, your male Human body, your girl, your house, your car. Then you ruined it, threw it back in my face, now we do it the hard way. The longer I spend in your mind the stronger I get Alex. It's inevitable that I will take full control of your body, and when that happens you will be stuck in somewhere like this... a world full of nothing, like I have for the last 1,142 years... But time has no meaning with the Shard, that 1,142 was an eternity, let me tell you, it's enough to drive you insane... if it wasn't for my grasp on the Shard's power I might well have done. You might even say I've had a few years of boredom to unlock a few more of it's secrets."

I jumped out of bed and armoured up, plates sliding over each other covering my whole body. I charged my plasma jet as soon as my arm's armour had completed and fired, *POW* the shot blew through Reikon, exploding her to pieces and vapours of blood leaving a small pile of flesh scattered along the floor behind where she stood. But the vapours reversed and all the flesh pulled itself back together, growing in height and in seconds Reikon's form was staring back at me again.

Reikon: "How comical..." She gave a wave of a joined an index and middle finger, which blasted my armour from me, sending me flying backwards and armour scattering on the floor around me, " think you can overpower me with your quaint little weapons then you've got another thing coming. You can't hurt me in here, I have the Shard to back me up, and you're just like a child playing with a grenade. You have no idea what you're doing with it and eventually it will blow up in your face."

Me: "*Grunt*… You talk too much." As I started to pull myself up off the floor. Reikon gave a tilt of her head and a look of agreement on her face as if to say 'Maybe so'.

Reikon: "Want me to dumb it down for you?... You want to see how it happens?"

Me: "*Grunt* How what happens?"

She clicked her fingers and in an instant, her appearance changed and she looked like an armoured reflection of hybrid me with the faceplates open. She walked backwards while still looking at me, clicking her fingers again, out of a red and purple fog just to one side of her Wrex tumbled out of seemingly nowhere. He was injured, stumbled across the floor, his armour battered, burnt, a few armour plates even missing including his whole helmet, blood was also leaking out on his left flank.

Me: "WREX!"

Reikon stepped up in front of him, helping him up.

Wrex: "Alex... I... boy I'm so happy to see you..." He strained out at Reikon's imitation of me.

Me: "WREX! I'M THE REAL ALEX! DON'T TRUST HER!" As I tried to stand back up, Reikon looked sideways to me,

Reikon: "He can't see or hear you dearie…" she looked back to Wrex as she stood him up, "...It's ok my love, I'm here, I'm here...let me sort that for you..." She brought her arm up, made a fist against his chest and a blade shot forth from her gauntlet, piercing through his back, a pained choke erupting from his mouth.

Me: "NOOOOO!!!" I screamed falling to my knees again, I watched my own face smile with delight at Wrex's own pained expression, they gazed into each others eyes and Reikon looked back to me again,

Reikon: "Oh... and just for added effect..." She said with a devilish smile. Suddenly I was warped from my kneeling position to exactly where and how Reikon was stood just now, in my armour... stabbing Wrex through the chest! I looked into his eyes...the look of betrayal written across his face as he gargled slightly on his own blood.

Me: "No no no no, NOOO WREX IT WASN'T ME, I WOULDN'T...! I COULD NEVER...!" He started dropping to his knees so I followed to mine as well, "...Stay with me... I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!..." Tears now rolling down my cheeks, I daren't remove the blade, he'd bleed out otherwise "...I'll get help, Just stay with me Wrex, please, I love you, I'm sorry! I love you!" He started flopping to one side and I fell with him, smacking my head on the floor, but I didn't care. I stroked his face as I watched the life leave his eyes, I pulled my head to meet his and sobbed hard.

Reikon: "This is your future you pathetic whimpering maggot, I'll bring you out of your prison, right at this moment, just so that you know, YOU were the one that killed him! That's my promise to you." She said crouching down beside me.

I felt a gust of air hit my face. I opened my eyes. Wrex was lying in front of me, lightly snoring away, unarmoured and unharmed and I too was unarmoured. I lifted my head up and looked around for Reikon, but we were back in our room and she wasn't in sight. I looked back to the happily sound asleep Wrex and I made my decision. I silently crawled out of bed, crept around the room to the other side of the bed where Wrex laid. I could feel our combined fluids starting to ooze out of me, not off putting at this moment at all. I gave him a quick peck on the top of his head and he almost seemed to do a quick happy purr. I pulled away, walked and stood in the doorway, looking back at him. I felt bad for leaving him... but I can't do that to him, I'm not going to be the one responsible for his death, I couldn't. I stepped out onto the landing, armouring up as I walked, once again it all seemed to appear and grow from nowhere, clicking and sliding over each other.

(-Michael Salvatori, C Paul Johnson, Skye Lewin)

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