Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

48. Never Fade Away

Reikon: "This... This isn't possible!..."

I heard her scream worryingly as my eyesight and hearing returned... I looked down at my hands to see bare bones and claws rapidly regrowing flesh over and around them, skin and finally armour snapping back onto the rest of my body. I looked back up to Reikon, who was floating away from me slowly.

Me: "What's the matter Reikon?"

Reikon: "You! How is this possible? How have you learnt this level of control over the Shard?!"

Me: "What can I say, I'm a natural..." I replied smugly. And with that I focused my thoughts, focused the energy of the Shard and relayed that back to the Heart... I opened my arms wide and envisioned grabbing all the potential energy of the Heart and squashing it in on  itself by gradually closing my hands together. The closer they got the larger and more visually noticeable the ball of red and purple flaming energy appeared.

Reikon: "What are you doing?..." She asked, sounding worried again, but through my concentration I didn't reply. The crack in the 'roof' over us started growing and spreading and pieces started breaking off and falling into the maelstrom below us that was gradually getting larger. "... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!..." She screamed at me. She looked around at her surroundings one more time before deciding that enough was enough. 

Reikon opened a Jump behind behind her, which initially failed, it collapsed before she could pass through it,

Reikon: "NO! COME ON!" She opened it again and shot through, just as I clapped my hands together, crushing the ball of energy. The abyss we were in seemed to groan in pain as it fell apart, lightning, tearing around me.

Me: "Aaannnddd that's my cue to leave..." I engaged and burst my jets and shot through Reikon's portal that was still open to give chase, just as it started closing. I floated along the Jump, looking back as it started tearing itself apart behind me and gaining fast... "...Uh oh, not good..." I engaged the plasma jets again, not knowing if it was a good idea to do so inside a Jump or not, but I had no choice... Initially I pulled away, but I watched my speedometer slow right down to Mach 5 and continued dropping fast.

My jets boomed as I pushed them to the maximum that I knew I could push them to... but it still wasn't enough... At full throttle I was now sitting almost still and was actually just starting to being slowly pulled backwards, alarms started sounding and my HUD flashing warning me about the trouble that I already knew I was in...



My jets were screeching, seemingly almost howling in pain from the opposing forces that were tearing away at me, only just being heard over the strange combination of rumbling, creaking, crashing and clashing noises being created by the realm of the Heart behind me as it destroyed itself and the Jump collapsed and broke apart around me "...Gah! No no no no! Come on! COME ON!..."

Suddenly everything fell silent and explosion of bright light appeared from behind and like a kick in the ass... No... like having a planet hurled at my back! I was pelted forwards, "....AAARRRGGGHHH!!!"


Within seconds of Alex disappearing into the Heart it started rumbling unnaturally, I had never seen this happen before! I started stepping back uncertainly but the sound of a Jump opening behind me in the adjoining corridor, which quickly closed again, throwing out a black and red armoured Draconian figure crashing to the floor, much like Alex's old armour before she was changed...

Sora: "Alex?..." I questioned, hoping that she had gotten rid of Reikon and changed back to her old Dragon self, but as the Draconian heard me call that name she turned her head to me.

The face in the open helmet looked back at me was not Alex's, her eyes glowed yellow and the face plates promptly snapped shut as she leapt up from the floor, scrambling to her feet scratching down the corridor to get away. "...Reikon?! REIKON! WHERE IS SHE?! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH ALEX?!..." I screamed at her while giving chase.

I caught her up and tackled her as she stumbled while making her way into the main study. "...Where's Alex?! You piece of shit!" I growled at her while trying to restrain her but she flicked herself around enough to elbow me in the ribs, badly winding me. She clawed herself way from me. She didn't get far though as there was an explosion from behind, followed by a deafening sonic boom and a concussive wave that knocked us both back to the floor.

I rolled around on the floor, groggy, confused as the ringing in my ears disoriented me. I watched, what looked like hundreds of Shards, pieces of the Heart, scattered on the floor, melting, vaporising before my eyes into nothing as the ground loosened under my feet, the once solid stone floor now crumbling away beneath me. I then realised is wasn't just under me, the ceiling above was raining down upon me too... it was the whole room, the whole tower was collapsing! Reikon had the same idea I did... To get the hell out of here! The walls with the shelves gave way and she made a run for it through a gap that had appeared before the ceiling came down.

Again I gave chase but I didn't make out, due to being hit by the debris from above, I started to panic, then noticed that the doorway to the study simply wasn't there anymore, leaving a large opening. So I darted for that, spreading my wings as I launched myself out, leaping off of one piece of debris on my way out and narrowly avoiding another falling section of building falling from above me and glided to safety, my slowly returning hearing was deafened again by the crashing building that I had escaped in the nick of time. I swooped out further to take in the bigger picture, panting in fear and distress of barely making it out alive... The entire Eastern wing of the palace, roughly a third of the overall structure was reduced to rubble along with my mother's body.


I panted as I clawed my way out through the rubble, I couldn't see where I was, I just kept pushing debris out of my way until finally, day light... Or as much light as the hazey dust filled air would allow. I opened a channel,

Wrex: "Fuck... *Pant*... Guys? Team!? Sarah?! 42?! Jinx?!... Sound off!"

Sarah: " *Grunt* I'm good."

42: "Here... Jinx? JINX!? She was right next to me then the floor gave way beneath her!"

Wrex: "Relax, we'll find her. Jinx please res-"

Jinx: " *Cough cough* here... I'm here!... I think I'm... Yeah, help! I'm stuck! Please!"

Wrex: "Ok ok, keep calm, relax..." I pinged her location, tracking her armour, a pin point marker appeared on my HUD, "...we got you, on our way!"

Jinx: "AARRGGHH! oh my god! Someone's buried here with me! They're grabbing my leg!"

Wrex: "We're coming we're coming!" I scurried over the rubble, past beams and all sorts towards the marker. As I finally made my way there I could see that Sarah had already arrived and started digging and I started helping straight away, 42, joining us seconds later. Finally after some digging, a black, blue and pink armoured arm pushed through the rubble, grasping at the air, 42 took her hand.

42: "It's ok, we're here." He said while still digging around with his free hand. I uncovered her head and it moved slowly but freely.

Sarah: "It's Star Light!" I glanced over to see where Sarah was digging revealing a very battered looking Star Light in her Honour Guard armour, minus her helmet, which she must have lost at some point. Jinx was almost free so I jumped over to help Sarah.

Star Light: "Gah!... *Wheeze* what the hell happened?!" She asked as I grabbed her hand and helped Sarah pull her from the rubble.

Wrex: "I don't know, something exploded... took out the tower... Shit! Sora! The Queen! They were still in the stu-" I didn't get a chance to finish my sentence as Star Light's face turned from one of pained exhaustion to fear and shock as she looked behind me over my shoulder. She shoved me to one side, that's when I heard a plasma weapon build it's charge and fire... *POW* *BANG*

I watched Star Light fall, landing on the rubble we had only just pulled her out from, a large hole blown in her chest armour...

'She just took the hit for me!' My eyes widened and jaw dropped as I scurried up to her side, she was squirming and gasping in pain. I had no further time to react though... *BANG* ...A round of plasma hit me in my flank bouncing me off the rubble, narrowly missing Star Light and rolling to the floor. I hissed and growled in pain as I turned to see who had shot us... There stepping towards us out of the dust clouds was Alex, the way she use to look, fully Draconian in her armour, one arm raised in my direction. Sarah, Jinx and 42 raced in front of me into defensive positions.

Jinx: "Stop it Alex, this isn't you!"

Sarah: "Take back control I know you can do it!"

A Jump opened a dozen feet to Alex's left and a white blur shot out from it, tackling and completely wiping out Alex. They bounced along the floor as they fought each other, the white armoured figure picking up Alex and jetted upwards. But Alex's squirming caused them to smash off the top of the rubble pile and both of them rolled over the top out of sight. I quickly turned my attention back to Star Light, scrambling back up beside her.

Wrex: "Hey. You're ok, Right? You're gonna be ok." I tried to reassure her by holding her hand, trying to ignore the hole in her chest. She took a few staggered painful looking breaths as she turned her head to look at me.

Star Light: " *Wheeze* You know... *Wheeze* ...I always loved you."

Wrex: "I..." … I didn't know what to say, I had certainly missed her. But I had given up a long time ago with her, years before I left even. But now seeing her in this state, the guilt was hitting me harder than ever. "...and I have always loved you..." I replied to comfort her, "...but hey, why are you talking like that? You're going to be ok." She smiled slightly, slowly shook her head in amusement then went still, her smile faded and her head dropped to one side, her hand going limp in mine at the same time. A hand was placed on my shoulder as my lip started trembling.

Sarah: "Wrex... I am so sorry...… but we've got trouble."

Skylen: "Pity... All the times she's saved your arse... And you couldn't return the favour."

Hatred filled me as I looked at Star Light's lifeless body, tears of pain and rage filled my eyes and my jaw trembled slightly as I slowly looked around me... We were surrounded by SkyTech and Reikon supporters, and Skylen came to a stop a few dozen paces behind me, still in his armour. He squated into a 'braced for attack' crouch, loudly roared and charged in with the rest of the group that were surrounding us

Wrex: "Circle up!" The others followed my order bumping into our each others backs.

Sarah: "Wrex... I didn't get myself changed into a Dragon just to be killed so soon after."

Wrex: "A valiant death is preferred as opposed to dying in a hospital bed, surely?..." I asked looking over my shoulder at her, her black and purple helmeted covered face giving no indication of her emotional state except for the disapproving shake of the head. My face plates slammed shut "...Fire at will!..." I exclaimed, bringing both of my arms up and started instantly firing rounds of plasma at whoever was closest, except for Skylen, who was closing in fast. "...Keep an eye on each others backs! I'm going to have to take care of Skylen!" I ran forward, ducking under and slicing one Draconian with my tail before pretty much stepping right up to Skylen, we exchanged blows initially. He stopped the exchanges by giving me an upper cut, knocking me to the floor, onto my back, then curb stomped my chest. Thankfully my armour held up to the force. He raised his foot to stomp me again so I burst my jets, sliding along the floor and shot out from under his foot, leaving him to stomp on the floor.

I spun over on to all fours then charged at him but before I got close enough he spun and smacked me in the face with his tail, sending me flying away crashing to the floor, judging from the thud I felt at one point and the scream that went with it, I wiped someone out until I came to a stop... Hopefully they weren't one of the many Vanguard now arriving to assist... I shook my head clear from the whiplash and looked up at Skylen slowly stomping towards me. A SkyTech jumped on me and started tearing at the top of my head, so I grabbed him, flung him over my head and onto his back, ramming him through with my tail blades. Sarah burst through on the coms straight after...

Sarah: "Wrex... Gah!... There's too many of them!" sounding desperate. I looked over to Sarah, Jinx, 42 and Sora, getting swamped Reikon's forces, for each one they killed they'd then seem to have a least two more fall in for an attack.

Wrex: "We can do this, we have to, we can't fail..." I said as I started pulling myself back up ready to go again.


The whisper appeared in my mind, the scene at the exit of the Jump in front of me... Wrex was huddled over an Honour Guard in the rubble, three Jarvie Tech armoured Dragons all had arms raised at a single Draconian... in MY old armour!... REIKON! I adjusted the exit of the Jump to point straight at Reikon, accepted it and lit my plasma jets. I charged forward, blasting through the red and purple mist and straight into Reikon, tackling her to the floor, we rolled along the ground as she tried to fight me off.

But she was weak, I had destroyed the Heart and I had separated her from me and therefore her connection to the Shard was also cut off... she was powerless. I picked her up but she tried to resist as I took off, so we ended up smashing her off the top of a pile of rubble. Our grapple with each other separated as we both fell and rolled down the other side, landing at the bottom of the pile.

Reikon: "Why...? Why can't you just leave me alone? I never harmed you... you could have just stayed out of this!" She growled at me as we both slowly got up and straightened ourselves up.

Me: "Because you can't see what you've become! I've seen your life Reikon, near enough every memory of it! You had everything you ever needed but it was never enough! And just because you wasn't given it, you saw fit to try and take it!"

Reikon: "If you've seen my life then you know! You've seen it yourself! There's poverty on this world Alex, separation of classes! Axis Mundis believes it's better than everyone else and bullies the little guy into submission! That's the way the Vanguard work!"

Me: "Yes Reikon I get it! And I agree, it's wrong! But you could have fought with the people to help their future! Not rile them into a blood-frenzy!" Reikon panted in a rage, even behind the face plates it was obvious she was at wits end.

Reikon: "I had hoped that the bond we shared would have shown you... but clearly even you will NEVER UNDERSTAND!" She threw arm up in a batting motion... but nothing happened... her movement gestured confusion, so she held her arm out at me and made a grabbing gesture... but again, nothing happened.

Reikon: "Wha… what's happened? What have you done to me?!"

Me: "You mean... you're wanting to do something like this?..." I held my hand up to one side of me and willed it to catch fire, purple and flames ignited over my armoured arm, from my forearm and circled up to my palm, "...The Shard is still a part of me so quite simply, you can probably feel the Shard, but I don't want you to use it's powers, so therefore, you can't. The Heart is destroyed as well meaning that you are nothing more than you're average Draconian...." I clicked my fingers and the flames extinguished, "...Give it up Reikon, call off your forces... you're finished."

Reikon: "You... YOU IDIOT! You think my power comes solely from the Heart or the stupid Shard?! No! I have a following! They believe in me!"

Me: "Which is why everyone's been telling you that could have made an excellent queen! Lead the people! Not drown them in blood! Oh- ok-" I braced as she had obviously had enough talking and raised her arm again, but this time charged and fired a plasma round and started making a charge for me. I side stepped the round as it passed me then grabbed Reikon as she got to me and made a swing with her fist. She threw me off then swung her tail blades by doing a spin the opposite way, scraping them across my arm with little effect other than a scratch, the paint merely fizzling back together.

She tried to swing her tail again, I blocked this time but she immediately followed with two shots of plasma at point blank. Both shots impacted, stunning me, both otherwise had no effect on me the plasma merely rolled across my armour. I smiled inwardly as I stepped backwards into a Jump, just as she raised her arm again and fired, the shot sailed through the position where the Jump had vanished. I leapt out a second later right behind her and landing flying kick into her back, knocking her to the floor. She flipped onto her back and shuffled backwards uneasily.

Reikon: "HOW?! How can you survive a Jump like that?!!" She spat at me while still lying on the floor.

Me: "Anything is possible... I just had to believe it is... that, and I've just learnt the finer control of the Shard."

And with that I turned invisible and she scurried to her feet, cautiously looking all around as I side stepped around her.

Reikon: "Where did you go?! Stop hiding you coward!"

Me: "As you wish." I decloaked right in front of her while pulling my fist back and smashed her right in the front of the helmet. She collapsed to the floor with a large groan, the front of her helmet buckled, the light in one eye slit was out, the other flickered. She groaned again as she started dragging herself backwards. I saw her face plates try to part and open but they were too damaged so using one hand she ripped the remains of them off, revealing her face with a bloody snout and yellow glowing eyes. She held her hand up to me as I stepped towards her.

Reikon: "Wait wait!... Stop..." I did as she asked, hoping that she was finally going to give up now, "...Alex... You really should be thanking me. After all, if it wasn't for me and my plans which Skylen carried out perfectly, you would still be stuck as a Human, in a dreary life."

Me: " 'Thank' you?! It's because of you I lost the love of my life! Because of you, you've divided so many families!"

Reikon: "Yeah but, let's face it... you love a bit of dick now huh?..." She panted with a mocking grin. I brought my leg back and booted her hard in the jaw plate, causing her to roll on to her front and groan into the floor. She spat some blood out as she pulled her head up, glancing over her shoulder at me as she spoke again while I slowly circled her, "...*Pant* You act so defensive... but you can't deny it, I've been in that deranged head of yours. I know... I know deep down, you love this new life I've given you... all that power... and you don't even use it for the right purpose!" She croaked out, spitting more blood out at the end of it.

Me: "You're right..." She turned to look at me more directly, "...thank you. For this life, the love that I've found, the friends I have made, the family I've gained... I've got more than I ever had before. And you can bet your pathetic, and frankly, quite psychotic ass that I will do anything and everything I can to protect them... which is why you've lost... because you have no one...."

I reached down to grab her but she grunted in frustration and instead tried to run, kicking my hands away as she bolted up the pile of rubble we came over earlier. Her jets ignited and she started lifting off, "...Oh no you don't..." I quickly took off myself and tackled her, crashing back to on top of the pile and I could see the fight happening below... Wrex was taking on Skylen in his oversized armour, Sarah, Jinx, 42 and a few Vanguard that had turned up to assist were greatly out numbered and getting their arses kicked. Reikon wriggled under my hold, trying to break free but I forced her down more, Sora landed next to me to help hold her down "...Call them off!" I barked at Reikon.

Reikon: "Gah!... Never!" She ignited her jets once more but Sora and myself wrestled her back down. I ripped at her armour, between her wings, digging my armoured claws in and like a hot knife through butter, peeled the armour back. There it was... her armour's plasma core. I plunged my hand in, grasped it and ripped it out, crushing it in my hand once removed, plasma pouring out between my fingers and onto the floor as it sputtered and died. Instantly her jets cut out and I let her go, she dropped the small amount of height she had gained before I had ripped the core out leaving Sora pinning her to the rubble floor.

I emitted a large scale pulse, destined to do one thing, send a message... The red and purple field expanded out from me at a great rate, washing over everyone below... But specifically targeting SkyTech Dragons, giving them one order...

"Cease your attacks, report to the following location..." I included the coordinates for the council chamber inside the section of palce that was still standing. " not engage anyone and do as ordered by myself, I will see to you shortly."

The abrupt halt of the SkyTech in the scuffle below showed that my message they received and understood by their implants, shortly followed by them all scurrying to run away over the rubble in one direction, Vanguard, Reikon's followers, Skylen, Wrex and the others... everyone alike stopped their attacks, confused.

Skylen: "Stop! Where are you all going?! Get back here! I command you!" But the SkyTech Dragons ignored him as they disappeared out of sight.

Me: "It's over Skylen!" I shouted down to him. He growled in annoyance as he drew his attention on me, stood atop the crest, Wrex and the other Jarvie tech armour armoured Dragons surrounding him, each raising the gauntlets at him. He snarled as he reallised he was surrounded. Sora now relaxed her hold of Reikon and started to pick her up.

Sora: "You owe me a debt." She growled angrily. For a split second, Reikon looked as though she had given in, allowing Sora to pick her up, but as soon as she was close to standing, Reikon spun around Sora, twist her arm behind her back with one hand and grabbing Sora's neck with the other while I simultaneously raised a gauntlet at them.

Reikon: "Thank you Princess, your assistance is greatly appreciated..." She hissed at Sora as she snaked her own head by Sora's ear. Sora growled in irritation as she pulled at Reikon's arm with her free hand. "...Alex, here's what is going to happen, you will all allow myself and Skylen to leave, unharmed, unfollowed along with Sora here as a safeguard. Once we are away we will release her..."

Sora: "Just fucking shoot us Alex!"

Reikon: "...Or yes, you could do that too, but you'll have the death of your friend and the only surviving heir to the throne, beside me that is, on your conscience."

Me: "I call bullshit. You've tried to kill her once, what's to stop you doing it after we let you walk?"

Reikon: "You'll just have to take my word." She replied menacingly as she brought her open tail blades up to Sora's flank.

I slowly lowered my arm, I had no clear shot on Reikon...

Me: "Ok Reikon, you win."

I saw out of the corner of my eye, Skylen was slowly stepping away from my comrades and with a stretched out hand, opened a Jump a few meters behind Reikon and Sora, grabbing his cannon from his back and started aiming it amongst Wrex and the Javie tech armours, who kept their own weapons trained on him.

Sora: "What the fuck are you doing?! Kill her! Doesn't matter what happens to me!"

I projected my thoughts to Sora's mind...

*Me: "Sora, if you can hear me, blink three times quickly..." Her face changed as I spoke telepathically to her, from an angry distressed look, to a slightly confused expression. Then thankfully, she blinked three times in quick succession, telling me she could hear me, just as Reikon started wrestling her backwards.

Reikon: "Good choice Alex, I knew you weren't completely stupid."

*Me: "Sora, I'm gonna charge and electrocute her suit, it will probably get you too but I don't see any other options, as soon she's stunned get away. Ready... three, two, one, now!" I built up a charge of energy, invisible to the naked eye, and sent it to Reikon's armour. With a snap of electricity both she and Sora screamed in pain as purple bolts of electricity pulsed through them both. It was all Sora needed though as Reikon's hold loosened, elbowing Reikon in the stomach, knocking her away and Sora fell to the floor.

Skylen: "NOOO!" I heard him scream in pain from below, but he wasn't my priority... I quickly retrained my gauntlet on Reikon, charged and fired. The round caught her square in the chest, blasting the metal, damaging it, glowing red hot and knocked her backwards, stumbling on the rubble in shock. I charged and fired again... This blew a hole in the top layer of armour in the same spot... Charged and fired one more time... This shot blew a hole in her chest and without another sound from her, she fell back, collapsing on the rubble, completely motionless.

Skylen: "No... Noo..." He solemnly mourned as he watched on from below, just as everyone else did. "... This... THIS ISN'T OVER ALEX!" a Jump opened next to him and he quickly stepped through before anyone could make a move on him.

Me: "Damn it!"

I could remove his connection to my Shard, just as I had with Reikon, but the Jump was already made and he was in it... Once he steps out he won't ever be able to use my Shard again, I'll make sure of it. The remaining Reikon supporters suddenly looked fearful, some ran, some had no choice but to surrender as Vanguard rounded them up. I looked down Sora who was also motionless on the rubble. She was alive, I could see her blood flow and heart pumping away. I knelt down next to her, retracting my helmet.

Me: "Hey, wake up sleepy head." I jested as I gently nudged her. She groaned in response and slowly opened her eyes.

Sora: "Well... It has to be said... That was not enjoyable in the slightest..." She exclaimed as she slowly pulled her self up. I chuckled, offered my hand which she took and helped pull her up.

"...Thank you though."

Me: "What for?"

Sora: "For not killing me." She smiled at me.

Me: "Wouldn't be a very good friend there would I?"

Wrex: "Alex? Is it really you?" He asked from the bottom of the pile, face plates open, I smiled down at him, then helped a weak Sora down the pile to meet with the rest of them.

I launched myself into an embrace with Wrex as soon as we reached solid ground.

Wrex: "Oh God... I thought I lost you. *Sniff* " I pulled away from him.

Me: "Awww!... Are you getting upset over me?" I mocked playfully to him, seeing his eyes well up slightly.

Wrex: "No not at all!... Ok, yes... I've missed you, ok? But please, promise me  you'll never leave me again."

Me: "I promise Wrex, I'm back to being 100% just me again, Reikon's gone... I can't feel her any more, so I have no reason to leave again."

Wrex: "Soo...? You did it? You won?"

Me: "WE did it, we all did..." I said looking around the group. The other three Jarvie Tech armoured Dragons stood around us, face plates all open so I could finally see their faces, "...I couldn't have done this without any of your help guys... Jinx..." She nodded with a smile, "...James..."

42: "Please... Just call me '42'... 'James' is... It's a story for another time." He somewhat grinned back. I nodded acceptably in return,

Me: "Er, ok, 42 it is... And... Sarah? Is that you?" I asked the final Dragoness in black and purple armour, her smile beamed back at me. If it was, this would be the first time I've seen her in her Dragon form, she looked good and healthy actually  from what I could see.

Sarah: "In the flesh..." She launched herself into a hug with me, "...thanks to you... It's great to have you back as yourself."

Me: "It's great to be back." I replied honestly as we broke our embrace.

Sarah: "Didn't like your old colour scheme then?" She gestured down at me as she stepped back. I looked down at my white and black accented armour, momentarily forgetting I had changed it.

Me: "She ruined it for me... Plus I kinda feel like, new-me, new-colour scheme sorta thing."

Sora: "Guys... I'm really sorry to break up the happy reunion and be the depressive one of the group... But my mother's body is under all this somewhere... can I have some help recovering her please?"

I clasped my hands over my mouth and gasped, momentarily forgetting the recent events.

Me: "Sora! I am SOO sorry-" she waved me off, teary eyed.

Sora: "Don't apologise... It wasn't you, I know it wasn't." I gave her a big hug as well.

Me: "Of course I will, I'm sure we all will. But still, I am so sorry... If I was stronger I-"

Sora: "Stop. Just stop... Seriously, what happened had nothing to do with you ok? You did what you could. I just *sniff*... Need some help."

Me: "Of course I will."

That's the end of Arc 3... My real life has been rather busy of late. I have a few more chapters drafted and the rest of story in my head, but finding time right now to put it down into words is becoming near impossible... This is not the end, I am writing at every opportunity I get. So watch this space, Arc 4 will be here soon, which will mark the end for the Alex - Heart of the Vanguard Story. (Maybe... Undecided yet... 😜 )

(-P.T. Adamczyk & Olga Jackowska)

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