Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

53. Our Demons

Sora: "Mind if I talk to Alex alone? At least to start with?" Wrex looked at me as if asking my permission, to which I gave him the most subtle of nods.

Wrex: "Ok. Well, I'll be out here if you need me."

Sora: "Thank you Wrex." She replied while taking me by the hand and lead me past the Honour Guards stationed outside her living accommodation, who closed the doors behind us. She lead me in through her grand looking... I suppose penthouse would be the best description... Certainly well decorated unlike the basic guest apartments we were currently residing in. Don't get me wrong, our apartments were impressive. But this was a whole another level in terms of scale and exquisiteness. She pulled me along before sitting me down a large banquet sized table and disappeared from the room for a few moments. There was a couple of clinks of glass from behind and moments later she returned, placing a glass of dark green liquid in front of me, then placing another infront of the place at the table to the immediate right of to me and sat down herself next to me.

Sora: "Are you ok?"

Me: "As much as I can be." I said without moving my gaze from the glass.

Sora: "You want to tell me what happened?"

Me: "I don't know in all seriousness."

Sora: "Let's start from the top then shall we?... You were training... Right? But Wrex said something on the call about you looked as though you had a fit? But were in a lot of pain? Near the end of the session? But also that it wasn't actually you, something about a copy of yourself? and you disappeared? I can't make sense of that."

Me: "I've learnt how to make a copy of myself." I stated very quietly, I still hadn't adverted my gaze from the glass of liquid since it was placed in front of me.

Sora: "I don't get-"

To save me explaining, I thought it best to show her... I conjured up another copy of me, it appeared out of some red and purple mist, sat at the table opposite us. Sora's jaw dropped in shock with a gasp as my copy gave her an unenthusiastic, slumped wave, mimicking how I felt right now.

Me: "I made her so that I could train along side the others still, without risking the little ones." I made a grab for the drink in front of me which I still hadn't taken my eyes off of, but Sora quickly snatched from my hand.

Sora: "Heeeey!... Thanks for reminding me... You shouldn't be having that in your present condition." She replied sharply with a point of her finger at my belly before I could object to the drink snatching. I grumbled and slid further down in my seat.

Me: "At least give it to the other me instead then so I one of us can enjoy it still, she's not pregnant."

Sora hesitated and looked between us before sliding the glass over the table.

Copy: "Thanks." I promptly forced her to say as she caught it and took a swig. It was weird... Like I got the satisfaction and the sensation of taking the mouthful, it was definitely alcoholic, and tasted alright, but it was odd not having it fall down my own throat. It raised a curious question with me though,

'If I or the copy was to get drunk, would the other be affected in the same way without drinking?... Would make an interesting experiment at some point.' Sora shook her head slightly in confusion before continuing.

Sora: "So you had this 'copy', running for you. Where were you really then?"

Me: "In the apartment, in bed, asleep."

Sora: "So she acts independently of you?"

Me: "No. I control her completely."

Sora: "...While you were asleep?..." Sounding disbelieved.

Me: "Yeah, just because I can... Basically.."

Sora: " 'Basically'... Hmph... Nothing is basic about you..." She replied with a smirk before quickly continuing, "...So, the simulation - What happened?"

Me: "The scenario we were running was to rescue a hostage, the VIP being you. Initially I saw you, but once I turned back around it was Reikon... I was plunged into pain... Darkness... Due to that I obviously lost concentration on my copy. Lost it entirely, then woke back up in bed."

Sora: "...Then proceeded to obliterate Reikon's corpse... Why?"

Me: "Because she's not dead."

Sora: "How do you know?"

Me: "Because she spoke to me, before I woke up. She told me she was real and she interacted with me."

Sora: "Alex... Back in the morgue a few days ago. I asked you if she was gone from your mind. You said yes. Was that not true then?"

Me: "No! She is definitely gone!... Like I said, I could feel her before the Heart incident. Now it's true, I still can't feel her... But now I feel like... I don't know, something doesn't feel right... Like, after seeing her then, I can feel she's still out there somewhere. I did think actually, that that fight, where I killed her, it was just too easy."

She remained quiet for a full 26 seconds, staring at me... According to my own clock anyway... I had to say it was getting a little uncomfortable, before thankfully she continued speaking again.

Sora: "You know, Alex,- and this is just a hypothetical theory, but as an outsider to the situation, this is my take on it... But it sounds like you were dreaming."

Me: "I wasn't dreaming! I was there! In the training hall with the others!" I defended.

Sora: "No no, you misunderstand... She... Your copy..." She gestured over to my copy, who I just made take another large swig, "...with you controlling her or not, SHE was out there, running training. YOU were in bed... ASLEEP. This is where my hypothesis comes in... What if your dream state was merging with the reality your copy was actually working in? Maybe the parts of your brain that control what you see in your sleep are the same parts that control, see and feel everything your copy is doing?"

I made my copy put down her mostly empty glass then erased her in a plume of red and purple smoke, Sora turned, watching her fade from existence... Even with us both not doing much I could feel the copy was draining me too much... Gonna have to work on the endurance for that... I contemplated what Sora had said though, staring down at the table in thought. It made sense in theory I suppose, but I still wasn't sure... Just the feeling I got from that experience... I turned my head back to her...

Me: "I sincerely hope you're right, I really do."

Sora: "I have another matter I'd like to discuss with you while I have you here, if you wouldn't mind?" I shrugged before replying,

Me: "Yeah, go ahead."

Sora: "Ok... The err... Ex-SkyTech?... Ex-Humans? I don't know how best to refer to them as. I know right now might not be the best time to discuss the details. But as you can probably imagine, some are having troubles adjusting."

Me: "Not at all surprising... But how so?"

Sora: "Details for another time. But in the last couple of days we have gathered names, addresses, date of births, any personal details we could. We have assigned them all to some temporary accommodation, but it's just that. The problem we have is that it will take them a long time to assign them to proper housing, even longer to integrate them into Draconian society, maybe... But many still are demanding to go home, which just isn't possible, not right now anyway, I'm sure you will agree."

Me: "Okaayy... So where do I come into this?"

Sora: "I know it's a big ask and you're probably already quite busy with Fury, but do you reckon you can maybe talk to them at some point? Try and explain again why this is important, for their own good of course."

Me: " *Sigh*, I will see what I can do. Maybe we can arrange something to try and settle them in?"

Sora: "What? Like welcome packs or something?"

Me: "I don't know, maybe? What about some sort of gathering? Like a party? Noo... Not a party... Not got anything really to celebrate." I finished, questioning myself more than anything.

Sora: "Celebrating their freedom? Maybe?"

Me: "Yeah... That's true."

Sora: "And maybe not just ex-Humans, make it a local event thing, I want my people to see that they're not a threat and no different to them."

Me: "Maybe it might even sway some of them to stay if they make friends here."

Sora: "Exactly."

Me: "-Just might cost a bit to organise-"

Sora waved a dismissive hand,

Sora: "Pfft... Skellion is not an issue. Money is rarely used unless it's on a corporate level."

Me: " 'Skellion'? That didn't translate to me, sorry."

Sora: "It probably won't, 'Skellion' is our currency, but as I say, it's rarely used. Most of the time our people work on either a bartering system or simply to better themselves."

Me: "What? Like charity?"

Sora: "Hey, don't knock it."

Me: "Oh, I'm not. Just, wouldn't expect the Draconians to be the charitable sort... No offense."

Sora: "None taken. I know we seem like a brash species at times, but don't forget, we've been around longer than Humans. We've had the time to realise that money has no real value as such on life and as a result, as a society, we started phasing it out in the last 7000 years or so."

Me: "Huh... You learn something new everyday."

Sora: "It was a step my ancestors tried to take to unite this world a bit. It is kind of working I suppose."

Me: "Ok then, so if we set up this gathering, you have people I can talk to arrange it?"

Sora: "I'll get it organised, if you want to chip in any ideas then be my guest. But you have enough in your plate, I just need you to show your face and mingle a little please, if that's ok?"

Me: "Yeah, I don't see why not."


---6 says after The Heart destruction---

'Fuck I'm horny this morning!' I awoke thinking to myself as I snapped awake. Pretty much since I destroyed The Heart and got rid of Reikon, I've actually been able to relax a bit more... Now I realise that with many of the distractions gone, my hormones and emotions are all over the place and were actually becoming a bit of a struggle to cope with. I spoke with some of the others about this, namely the girls, Jinx, Sarah, Sora and Kay because well... He use to be a she of course. I made the suggestion of being able to adjust my hormones, just by willing them to, they all instantly insisted that this might not be a good idea as could harm the babies in some way and that basically, I just had to put up with it, much to my annoyance.

But the fact I had woken up was not down to just hormones... This morning is the first time I had woken up with Wrex since being back as myself with him spooning me, and... Some good old morning wood. A slight shiver of excitement went down my spine with the feeling of his hot, throbbing between my thighs and actually jutting out between in front of my own crotch, almost looking like I had my own hard-on. I bit my bottom lip as I shuffled myself in such a way that his member parted my scaly lips. His meat was pulsing with his heartbeat, gently pressing against my clit, causing me to moan softly.

I started grinding my hips, slowly and  gently parting and riding my slit up and down his shaft, already sending electrifying tingles through my nether regions. I was trying so hard to keep my mouth sealed shut, due to my involuntary moans trying to escape, the last thing I wanted to do was wake Wrex and ruin my fun. But I wasn't going to let my noisy self stop me, so I continued my slow and gentle grinding. Using Wrex while he slept?, trying not to wake him?... I don't know... Just added another level of excitement and challenge to it, something I was really enjoying, maybe a little bit too much. I could already feel an orgasm building, the buzz that I could feel through my entire body, the tingling in my clit being the epicenter. I was clearly excited, even under the bed sheets, I could hear my folds squelching in wetness with each grind.

I started shaking, almost like I was having a fit, I was still only griding away slowly, but it was just too hot, and fuck I was sensitive... Nope... It was too much... I bucked in a spasm as I came, trying to stifle my moans into the bed sheets and pillows that I just about managed to collect up and stuff my face into. I quivered for a good 10 to 15 seconds, restricting my breathing until I stopped the subtle moans. I moved the duvet and pillow away from my face and took a big but quiet gasp of air, sighing it back out in relief as I came down from my high. Suddenly Wrex's grip tightened around me from his left arm that was under me, he lifted my right leg up with his free hand and started angling himself, his slightly pointy top now almost perfectly lined up with my entrance and actually just starting to open me up.

Wrex: "A bit inconsiderate and selfish to have fun without me, isn't it?" He playfully growled in my ear. I whimpered in playful fear in return as he started sliding into me.

Wrex: "Fuck, you're tight this morning." He said as he came to stop after only maybe and inch or so, then withdrew and pushed in again, causing me me to moan and tear and bunch up the duvet in front of me again.

Me: "I-, ohh... I was going to say, you seem bi-biiigger than last *gasp* time."

Wrex: "Well, I don't think it's that..." He playfully taunted in reply as he tried pushing in again, "... you're just tight, that's all... *Grunt*... Hang on, this isn't going as well as I hoped..." And he withdrew the couple of inches he had managed to get into me... I was already missing him, feeling incredibly teased now.

I was about to complain about the lack of attention when he knelt up, and, with ease, picked me up by my hips, rolling me over and placing me on my knees and on my front. He quickly knelt up behind me, placing his cock up against my opening again and pushed with reasonable force. My already excited and sopping wet pussy gave way to his girth now with relative ease, squelching on the initial penetration,

Me: "Oh fuck!" I screamed into the air as due to the sudden spreading, my head smashing back down, face first into the pillow. He grabbed my hips and pulled me back into him as he pushed his hips forward. With a contented growl he slid further into me, spearing me, stretching me open, my walls reluctantly giving in and allowing him passage. He would push in another inch or so before pulling out, then piling in some more...

'God I love this feeling! Every ridge of muscle, every vain, every slight "imperfection" as some might call them, was, in fact, perfect... The feeling of every detail rubbing up through me, I have missed this so bad!'

He must have been a good seven or eight inches in now and still more to go, I could feel, but he grabbed my tail, closer to the tip that had been resting off to one side and against his thigh. He pulled it up and over and held it down against the small of my back and pushed down, really arching my back, then with his free hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me into him, hard.

Me: "Ohhh...!" I squealed in pleasure while already shaking, but that only made him start pounding hard, "...fuu-uu-uu-uu-uucck!" I stuttered with each pound... yep... I had REALLY missed this...

He pounded away, my enjoyment and excitement was now becoming audible from below even above my moans and cooing, every thrust and every pull now just sounded so sloppy. I could feel it, my juices running down my inner thighs... If there wasn't a wet patch on the bed when we are done I'd be very surprised indeed. Suddenly he stopped, buried deep inside me, grumbling slightly... No he wasn't done... He placed his right leg by my right flank reached forward and around, placing his grip around my neck and hoisted me up. He was gripping tight, not tight enough to cut of circulation, but tight enough that I couldn't easily escape. He then released my tail and reached around, gently stroking over my slightly extended belly, contradictive in comparison to how he had a hold of my neck and held me still against him, the only distance between us was created by my folded wings against his chest. He snaked his head beside mine as I breathed heavily in his grip,

Wrex: "Not hurting, you am I?" He said with genuine care, I could tell.

Me: "N-No, just fuck me already!" I begged unintentionally a bit hoarsely, to which Wrex chuckled, any sort of care now gone from his tone, replaced with only low dominating tone,

Wrex: "As you wish." And fuck he did, there was no warm up, no gradual increase of speed, just straight back to the same rhythm he had before he had pulled me. The angle I was being pulled pretty much upright at was causing his cock to grind so hard against my G spot... I tried to air my pleasure, vocalise my moaning, but all I could manage in his grip and at this angle was exasperated breathing. Yeah I was getting way to into this... I was Wrex's bitch essentially, his fuck toy to do with and use how pleases and I loved it!

Then... Someone had to go and ruin the moment... Sora was calling, the connection ringing in my head... I cancelled it...

'Not now Sora please... I'm in the middle of something... Or rather, someone's in the middle of me...' I mused to myself as my concentration returning to being sexually chocked and my poor G spot and cervix being smashed, sending me into an orgasm, I quaked in his grip, but he Didn't relent, I couldn't escape his grip to collapse on the bed to recover, he just kept going, my drawn out breaths now falling silent too...

Sora called again... I can't bloody answer when I'm getting fucked like this, I'd need at least a couple of minutes to recover before I can talk properly, let alone even think about walking... I cancelled the call again, just as Wrex suddenly let me go and I fell forwards, slipping off his well  lubricated cock, landing in a heap but having just enough strength to angle myself so that I didn't land directly on my belly. I writhed on the spot, rolling on to my side, my quiet moans perfectly aligning with my spasmed breathing as wave upon wave of orgasmic pleasure washed over me.

Wrex gently finished rolling me over using my upper arm and thigh onto my back so that he could look at and talk directly to my twitching form.

Wrex: "Are you ok?" He asked with a bit of a smirk.

Me: "W-why... How are y-you so- so fu-fucking good?!" I just about managed to expell as I started to calm from my high, my who body still twitching, my legs shaking violently.

Wrex: "You bring out the best in me..." He said with that annoying charming smile, " open your legs, I'm not done yet." He finished with a dirty expression and proceeded to force apart my quivering legs and they parted invitingly for him as he made his way over top of me, his twitching cock hovering over my twitching cunt, eager for its return. He pushed forwards, my well lubed pussy allowing him access once more, even if it was still a stretch over his girth. I came again just from him reaching his hilt in me, I tried to hide it but failed miserably as I shook all over again and a whimpered moan escaped my sealed lips. He chuckled and started lowering himself onto me, even in my quaking state I realised this wasn't good, my hands shot up to his midriff and stopped him.

Me: "Careful, n-not on the babies." He grimaced in realisation as he looked down at me.

Wrex: "Sorry!" He said pressing himself up back off of me.

Me: "It's ok..." I assured him " can still pound me though." I said just managing a wink. He smiled and started his slow thrust...

Sora called again...

'Oh for fuck sake... Real off putting! It must be important then... How can I tell Wrex he needs to stop? Especially when I don't want him to...

Actually... I don't have to... He doesn't have to, neither of us have to do anything...' I traced Sora... Not in the palace per say... But the dungeons... They were linked to the palace but were primarily under the the Vanguard military base. I projected a copy of myself to her location, my mind's eye showing me  duplicated version of myself could see and hear and creating a copy of my conscience, just as I had done every time before...

__________*_Alex's Copy_*__________

Sora: "Come Alex, pick up already!"

I came into form, armoured up, less the pregnant belly and my helmet open once more. I stood in a dimly lit corridor, despite this place being connected to palace, it didn't actually look like the usual decorative stone or marble like walls, it looked more like the inside of a ship, kinda like Thor, metal clad ceilings, walls and floors, but with the corridors not being anywhere near as wide. Utilitarian, built for purpose, not to be fancy and decorative like the Palace itself. I came into existence a couple of meters behind Sora as she looked intently down at her bracelet. I had the real version of me cancel the call, with slight amusement as I watched Sora growl in annoyance as she saw presumably the message on the screen of her bracelet showing her as such.

Me: "You called?"

Sora jumped about a foot off the floor with a large gasp and spun to look at me.

Sora: "Gods! Don't do that! Where have you been?! I've been calling for five minutes, you didn't actually have to come down here you know, you could have just answered my call."

Me: "Yeah, well, I was busy... And still technically am..." I had to admit, I was having to put a lot of effort into thinking about what I was saying and doing... Trying to act natural while Wrex was smashing the shit out of the real me in the bed at our apartment was making it incredibly difficult to concentrate.

Sora: " 'Busy'? Oh, you're the copy I presume?"

Me: "Indeed... Anyway erm..." I stared off into space as I felt yet another orgasm building, '...Fuck Wrex is REALLY distracting...' - "...sorry... What's so urgent?"

Sora: "I was going to tell you, but now you're here, I might as well show you... She only woke up an hour ago apparently." She started leading us into one of the cell block doorways.

Me: " 'She'? Who's 'She'?

Craven: "Good to see you again, Alex." Her voice emanated from inside the room as I followed Sora in. A small gasp unwillingly emitted from myself upon laying eyes on Craven... Stood in a militaristic stance, feet placed shoulder's width apart and hands held behind her back in a futuristic looking cell on the right side of this bright room. In contrast to the corridor, this cell block was well lit, only contained 4 cells, all of which were empty, apart from Craven's of course. There were no bars holding her in place, merely a see through wall that shimmered in multi coloured, minute little squares... Kinda reminded me what the holograms were made out of in the training halls, which Craven was watching me intently between them...

I fell weak at the knees, stumbling back slightly and just about catching myself on the door frame to support myself as I gasped.

Sora: "Alex?, Are you ok?" She asked looking very concerned for me, even her Honour Guards in the room had turned to look at me. My vision fuzzed as I panted heavily, my legs just giving out on me and I slid down the doorframe, but before I even touched the floor, I lost the connection to my copy...


...I came back wholly to myself in another earthquaking orgasm and the feeling of Wrex tensed up over me, grumbling in satisfaction as I could feel him unloading into me, each jet making sending me back into a more violent shake, which was becoming too much as I had barely started calming down from the last one each time. I was still shaking as Wrex unscrewed his eyes and looked down longingly at me.

Me: "Are you ok?" I quivered out between my heavy breathing. He nodded slowly before replying,

Wrex: "I love you." Making me feel a bit mushy inside.

Me: "I love you too..." I replied with a smile and leant up closer to give him a kiss. He leant down to meet mine. "...Now, if you'll excuse me, Sora is being demanding, I need to go back and see her."

Wrex: " 'Go back'?"

I grimaced as I realised I had dropped myself in it,

Me: "I err... May have copied myself to start talking to her..."

Wrex: "Really?, While we were busy?" He asked sounding rather disappointed.

Me: "Don't worry, I can assure you, I had full concentration and enjoyment here, in fact, more than I had there, so much that you made me lose the copy, you were that good."

Wrex: "Hmmm... Ok." He replied still sounding slightly disbelieved.

Me: "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you...." I leant up and kissed him on the lips again, "... However, Craven is awake and up and about. I should really go to see what she has to say, sorry for ruining the moment." Wrex rolled his eyes and sighed before kissing me on the forehead.

Wrex: "Very well, I'll see you in the training hall then, unless you need my help?"

Me: "Nah, I'll be fine." I replied just starting to sit up. Wrex got the hint and removed his gradually shrinking member from my pussy, causing me to whimper slightly and my legs to shake again. Apart from his load of cum that was making it's way down my twitching pussy, I now felt so empty, once again missing the feeling of him making me feel so stretched out and full.

He jumped off the bed, offering a hand to me, which I gladly accepted, assisting me to slide off the bed to stand in front of him. Even with me being a good six foot tall, he towered over me by a good foot and a half, looking down at me as he held my hands, once again looking longingly at me.

Me: "You sure you're alright?"

Wrex: "I just want to cuddle up back in bed with you."

Me: "Don't say that, I might end up taking up the offer, we got things to do. But later we can, ok?..." He forced on a smile and nodded. "...ok, come on, I've got to call Sarah back..." He nodded again, let go and moved over to the side where his armour was rested and started putting pieces on. I armoured myself up to my neck, pieces appearing and covering from seemingly nowhere as usual and made the call back to Sora, "...Hi Sora, sorry about that, I got distracted and lost the connection to my copy. Sorry if I scared you. I'll be back with you in a few minutes for real."

Sora: "What do you mean? I'm still talking to your copy."

My eyes widened in horror...

Me: "What do you mean, you're 'still talking to my copy'?"

Even Wrex stopped to look at me, clearly worried about my anxious tone, so I quickly put her voice to external output of my armour.

Sora: "You collapsed, but got back up pretty much straight away and said you were fine, we've just been discussing Craven for the past few minutes." I looked to Wrex in horror before replying to her.

Me: "Sora... I'm not in control of that copy anymore... I lost the connection about the same time I collapsed." Wrex now looked horrified too, then hurried putting his armour on.

Sora: "GUARDS! SURROUND HER!" the line cut off.

Wrex: "I'm coming with you!"

Me: "You need to hurry then." I said quickly stepping over to assist him.


Within minutes we were leaving the Jump right in the doorway of the cell block where 'I' had collapsed earlier, jumping out, gauntlets raised and ready for attack. But there was no need...

Craven was stood back away from the cell 'door', regarding the scene in front of her. Sora was stood close to the doorway meanwhile ten Honour Guards surrounded a shackled version of myself, knelt on the floor - my copy, still helmet pulled down to her collar as I had left her. She looked up at me as she heard myself and Wrex arrive, both of us training our arms at her.

Copy: "About time you got here. Will you tell them please I mean no harm?"

Me: "Who are you?"

Copy: "I'm you, you numpty, the one you keep referring to as 'The Stranger' or just simply your future self." My arm dropped ever so slightly.

Me: "But if that's true, you've never met me in the real world before."

Copy: "Yes that's true, but until recently you only just started making copies of yourself, eh? I just merely hijacked it when your connection dropped."

Me: "How did you know when that would happen?"

Copy: "I felt it."

Sora: "How is this even possible?!"

Me and Copy: "Stop thinking about what's is impossible-" we both said at exactly the same time and speed, abruptly stopping when we realised we we both saying the same thing...

Me: "...and start thinking about-"

Copy: "-making anything possible."

Sora: "So what? There's two of you now?"

Copy: "No, I'll be gone again, along with this copy, as soon as I am done here."

Wrex: "And what are you here for?"

Copy: "To talk about her..." She nodded her head towards the still quiet Craven, " gonna release me already?"

Me: "Let her go, she's me, I can tell..."

Sora: "How?"

Me: "Same quirks as me, and if she actually wanted to break free, those restraints won't hold her, trust me." The Honour Guards around the copy looked at Sora, who oddly smiled...

Sora: "Go on then, I want to see if she can actually do it..."

With no warning at all, my copy stood up, ripping her arms apart, sparks flying. The thick metallic clasps around her forearms split and the restraints fell to the floor with a loud clunk, the sections where she had ripped her arms through were glowing molten red and sizzling as they  drooped toward the floor. This action caused the Honour Guards around her to all leap back, raising their staffs at the potential threat, who was now casually brushing he remaining pieces of metal off of her arms. "... impressive." Sora stated with a nod of approval.

Copy: "Thanking you kindly."

Sora: "Can you really be trusted?..."

Copy: "I am giving you any reason not to?"

Sora: "Relax you lot." She gestured to the Guards who all did as ordered, lowered their staffs and retreated back closer to Sora.

Me: "So WHEN are you from this time?"

Copy: "Four years from now, I'm actually the same version of you that you spoke to when you were in the Heart. Well done by the way."

Me: "You only ever turn up when there is some life altering decision at hand or the world is about to end or something. So what is it now? I don't sense any impending doom..."

Copy: "As I said, I'm here to talk about this one." She gestured her thumb over to Craven, who was still silently watching us all.

Me: "What about her?"

Copy: "What do you make of her?"

Me: "I barely know her, I know she followed Reikon around like a completely loyal attack dog, but that's it."

Copy: "Look deeper." She suggested, adverting her gaze from me and intently staring at Craven. I did as she suggested, switching through my different visions... She looked fine, healthy, no issues as far as I could see... Wait... She was emitting radiation, low quantities, not harmful, even to your average Human. But there was definitely an output from her like what I had. I tried to scan deeper... But I couldn't. Like there was a brick wall there, I couldn't see past it, I couldn't pick out anything at all inside of her.

Me: "Why can't I read you, Craven?"

Craven: "Because right now, I don't want you to."

Wrex: "It would be in your best interest to let her."

Craven: "I'm protecting myself. Right now I'm being held prisoner, I need certain assurances-"

Sora: "You think you're in any sort of position to make any demands?! You had a hand in killing my mother!"

Craven: "So did she." She gestured towards me. A little gasp escaped me at the accusation, the guilt returning and I looked to the floor.

Sora: "You know damn well that Alex had nothing to do with it!"

Craven: "The same way that I didn't?"

Sora: "What are you on about? You were there! You witnessed my mother's murder and did nothing to prevent it!"

Craven: " *Sigh* ... Maybe we're getting off on the wrong foot..." She fell silent for a moment, then looked back to me, "...Alex, would you care to scan me again?" I did so, going through different visions... Myself and the copy of me... Or rather, future me gasped loudly at what we found.

Me and Copy: "A Shard?!" We both looked to each other again at our copied and in-sync speech.

Sora: "You what?!" Myself and the copy ignored her for a moment while we had a little exchange.

Me: "Are you saying you didn't know about this?"

Copy: "No... Something's wrong... The wole reason I'm here is because I felt something was wrong in my memories, it sounds stupid I know... But I remember Craven dying at the tower, being crushed to death in the rubble, but also being alive right here, right now. Almost like the timeline doesn't know what path it wants to take."

Me: "So you're saying she shouldn't be alive?"

Copy: "I'm saying I don't know, and that I don't know why. She isn't meant to be alive, no. But there must be a reason."

Sora: "What do mean she has a Shard?"  She asked slowly and plainly, I looked back now to acknowledge her this time.

Me: "She has a piece of the Heart, like the  Shard, buried in her chest cavity, rather Ironically it's fused to the side of her Heart."

Craven: "It was very painful, let me assure you..." She lifted up her left arm, showing a circular-ish shaped scar, "...When you destroyed the Heart Alex, this piece impaled me, I was just regaining consciousness after her majesty here had knocked me out when it exploded."

Sora: "I should fucking rip it out of you!"

Craven: "And what of Alex? Hmm? She has one stuck to the inside of her as well, why is she still allowed to walk freely?"

Sora: "Alex hasn't committed a crime."

Craven: "Neither have I."

Wrex: "It's called aiding and abetting, Craven."

Craven: "I'm not Craven... I'm not quite Reikon either... Same as I'm not quite Alex."

Copy: "What are you dribbling on about?"

Craven: "When Alex and Reikon entered the Heart, both of their souls are so strong that they left imprints of themselves on the Heart... Same as when Reikon's soul was absorbed by the Shard, just as she's left an everlasting imprint on you, Alex. She hasn't entirely left you, has she?"

My thoughts wound back training hall incident combined nightmare... If what Craven was saying was true, was this what Reikon meant in my dream by she wasn't actually dead?

Sora: "Alex... You had told me she's gone... Is-?" I turned back to her again.

Me: "It's as I said, I have her memories, she made me understand her motives... But I don't agree with her. She's gone from my head definitely..." I turned back to Craven, "...but what about yours?"

Craven remained quiet for a very long time before finally answering, just when I was about to enquire again,

Craven: "I hear her. In my head. But then I also hear you equally."

Copy: " 'cause that's not creepy..."

Me: "Agreed."

Craven: "It's no different to when Reikon was in your head."

Me: "Which was still creepy and wrong."

Craven: "But it affected you, didn't it?"

Me: "Where are you going with this?"

Craven: "I'm not just Craven any more, I'm a combination of all three of us, I'm not entirely who I use to be, I've changed for the better, I feel as though I have better judgement now, better morals, thanks to you, Alex."

Me: "And what about the Reikon side? The evil bitch?"

Craven: "I'm ignoring her, I don't want anything to do with her."

Me: "Ok, so what are you getting at?"

Craven: "I'm asking what your plans for me are?"

I turned to Sora, who was stood, arms crossed, at the far side of the room, looking for her opinion.

Sora: "If it was up to me I'd have her executed, for crimes against the throne and Draconia."

Me: "But it is up to you?"

Sora: "I don't know what's going on here. That's what I want to do, but after what your future self has said, is it a good idea to leave that decision to me? I would guess not." I turned back to my copy,

Me: "So you have no idea what we should do with her?"

Copy: "As I say, this is new to me, unknown, and most certainly, not right... I don't know what is best to do with her either, she should be dead, but fate has decided otherwise."

Me: "What would you do?" She shrugged her shoulders,

Copy: "I don't know... I kinda want to say, that maybe this has happened for a reason. Maybe if she was to be executed then we might do more harm than good."

Me: "You saying we should let her live? Walk free?"

Copy: "Live, yes. Walk free, no, not necessarily."

Sora: "I think letting her live is a bad idea altogether."

Wrex: "What if Alex's future self is right? What if this is fate that she survived."

Sora: "You're on her side? You believe in fate?"

Wrex: "I don't pick sides, you know that. I somewhat agree that she should be executed, but I like to think that everything happens for a reason."

Me: "I have another question... If Craven has her own Shard... If she was a threat... Why hasn't she escaped yet?..." The room fell silent as we all pondered this question. "...I think I believe her, she has her own Shard so she should have similar abilities to me. One way or another, I could probably get out of this cell in a heartbeat..." I stepped right up closer to the cell door, a mere couple of feet now between myself and Craven as she stared me down, " either she's playing us, or she knows it's the right thing, because that's what I would do."

Wrex: "Like your future self earlier?"

Me: "Exactly. I think there's more of me in there then she cares to admit." Craven rolled her eyes,

Craven: "Yes... Damn your nobility."

Sora: "Ok... so she lives then, I think you've decided that. But this still doesn't answer what we're actually going to do with her." I looked to my copy who just shrugged,

Me: " *Sigh* ... Keep her locked up for now. Care for her. I suppose she will only be a threat if she is threatened." I saw Craven visibly relax slightly, and I thought I saw her subtly mouth the words 'Thank you'

Sora: "As you insist... Guards, I want extra security on this one, as soon as anything happens, myself and Alex are to be informed."

"Yes, your majesty." They all chanted in unison.

Copy: "There's nothing more I can do here I guess-"

Me: "You weren't really much help in the first place!"

Copy: "I still fell I pointed you in the right direction... Hopefully... Good luck, Alex." And with that the copy, and my future self possessing it vanished in a cloud of red and purple. I turned to Wrex,

Me: "Come on, we're going to be late for training as it is."


*Alex: "See? I'm not so bad am I?"* She spoke to me in my head as I watched Alex's real life self leave the cell block, along with Wrex, Queen Sora and some of her Guards, leaving 4 Guards posted and watching me intently.

*Craven: "Oh please, I know what you're really like already, the real you is just curious about me."* I thought back to her

*Reikon: "I still think that if it was me, I would have broken out as soon as Alex and Wrex had arrived, killed them all in one room in one fell swoop."*

*Craven: "Then I am thankful, that it's not up to you..."* I sighed audibly as I turned back to my bunk and laid down, *"...Alex...? What do you reckon is going to happen to us? And more importantly, to me? Will I ever get rid of you 2? I don't fancy sharing my head with you both for the rest of my life... No offence."*

*Alex: "None taken, you think I want to be stuck here talking to you and my arch enemy?"*

*Reikon: "Speak for yourself. I plan on getting out of here as soon as possible, and if that means using your body to do so, Craven, then I will."*

*Alex: "Well guess what?, I am NEVER going to let that happen. The whole time I'm here, I will stop you doing so."*

*Reikon: "That's what you think-"*

*Craven: "Oh shut up you 2, you're giving me a headache..."* I massaged my temples with my eyes shut, trying to remain calm, *"...but thank you Alex, for keeping her at bay, even though you don't have to."*

*Alex: "You're welcome, and I kinda do have to, not for your sake so much but for everyone else's. Although I don't like you as such, as you're a bit of a blinded fool really, but I see good in you, you seem to want to do your best at least."*

*Reikon: "Blurgh... You're unbearably disgusting Alex... And you Craven, there I was believing you were one of my most loyal, yet you're falling for this crap?!"*

*Craven: "You left me for dead and are now mentally torturing me just by existing in my mind, why should I follow your will anymore?... But thank you Alex... Can't help but notice you avoided my earlier question though."*

*Alex: "Honestly?... I don't know... Unless either the real me finds a use for you or you find a way to prove yourself, I can't see you getting out of here any time soon."*

I sighed audibly again and rolled over in defeat, trying to get some shut eye.


Sora: "So... What do you think?"

Me: "On Craven? Her story?" We spoke as we walked side by side down the corridor on route back to the palace, the Honour Guards in tow.

Sora: "Yeah."

Me: "I don't know... Craven is a loyal lap dog, she did Reikon's bidding without question or remorse. I don't get the same feeling that I did before from her."

Sora: "So you believe her? You think her personality has actually changed?"

Me: "Possibly. I certainly believe she might be telling us the truth about the voices she's hearing, I could tell from the way she was acting, she was distracted."

Sora: "What do you want to do with her in the long run?"

Me: "I don't know... The whole time she willingly stays in her cell then she's the least of my problems."

Sora: "And if she becomes a problem?"

Me: "Then you send me after her. Simple as that."

Sora: "Quite... Alex, this gathering we have planned. I'm arranging what I can, I've given some Human recipes to my kitchen, they will do what they can with them. I have a venue in mind, that's sorted. I feel though it probably wouldn't be right without music. Draconians have music, of course, but it's more instrumental and not as diverse compared to Humanity's, is this something you can help with?"

Me: "Oh Sora, that's right up my street that request! I'll Sort something out, don't you worry."

Sora: "Good, good... Well, that's the nicer stuff, but I feel I need to give you an update on the ex-Humans."

Me: "Oh?"

Sora: "This evening can't come quick enough, I've already pulled it forward a week to bring it closer. But the ex-Humans, many of them are showing signs of depression and distress."

Me: "Can we help them? Must be something we can do in the mean time?"

Sora: "I have Doctors and therapists doing what we can for them, but Alex more than half haven't left their accomodation since they were given them, and... Worst of all... We've had 7 suicides in the last 6 days."

I abruptly came to a stop in shock...

Me: "I'm sorry??"

Sora: "I'm sorry Alex, I feel I needed to tell you. Most have accepted what's happened, some are showing signs of depression as I said and expressing the desire to return home. But it's just too much for some of them. The Doctors and therapists are under instruction to report any suicidal thoughts or signs. But we can only comfort them so much. They're home sick and missing their own lives, I don't know what else we can do."

I looked to the floor in thought... I needed to think of something to help them, but what? Short of taking them home... I need to work on that idea still though, not something I can turn around in a day.

(-Glitch Mob)

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