Alex – Heart Of The Vanguard

9. Frost (Nehn)

WARNING: This next chapter will have a non-consentual sex scene in it, Ie. Rape.

The next few chapters will seem a bit dark but things start to turn around soon.

...Consider yourself warned....

I felt rough waking up the next day, shattered, due to a rather restless nights sleep. I pulled myself from the padded floor, stretched myself out and stood up. I needed to pee... but bloody hell, my crotch felt like it was burning again. I ignored the sensation and went to do my business shower room, once done I returned back into the main room. I spent ages sat there, bored, no one came to speak to me. And the fact that there could well be people watching me on the other side of that mirror in front of me was sending my anxiety into over drive, but I tried to ignore that fact as well. The main problem that left me with was that I was bored... bored out of my skull. I found my mind wandering, going through memories of anything and everything, Kayley, my family, my friends... the good times, and the bad times, that were had with all of them, I missed my old life, the freedom to do what I want with the people I loved... and god I missed Kayley most of all... sweet innocent, and sometimes, not so innocent Kayley. One favourite memory of her living up to the latter part, we were round my parent's house for lunch, I remember it well, she was sat right next to me but sent me a picture of her freshly shaven pussy spread in some crotchless lace underwear with the line: 'I took this before we left the house this morning... what you gonna do about it? ;) ' ... gaawwd... that was a long lunch, how we managed to make it home before we got down to business was beyond me. We went at it hard that afternoon and into the evening, she used to love being pinned down too, kinda with how I was liking the Idea of having Sam's weight on my back, I could see why she enjoyed it...

I shook my head,

Me: "Stop it." I told myself... it peaked my curiosity though, but would ever go through with it? More than likely not... I think. I tried to change the subject on my mind to something else, but instantly my mind switched to think about the attention I was getting from the males while in here. 'Back when I was a human, a man, trying to get a girl was almost impossible, it was a miracle that Kayley agreed to go out with me, let alone agree to marry me, stay with me all those years and put up with me. But in here, I had the interest of both Bruticus and Sam within the first week. Granted, I wasn't interested in the slightest in Bruticus, but his persistence filled me with a confidence that I didn't even think I'd enjoy... and Sam? Well, my feminine mind says that he was cute, in his own way, he was friendly, eventually seemed to understand 'No', even if I have essentially and unintentionally put him in the friend zone... and did I just call him cute? fuck sake...' my male mind spoke up and I rolled my eyes at myself.

'Just fuck him already and get it over with' my feminine self stated to me.

My male side argued back though,

'NO! He's a guy, you're a guy, you have a fiancée waiting for you at home, what would she think if she found out?!'

'Thing is, currently, you're not a guy, you're currently a woman, a Dragoness, and a rather horny one at that. You're leading a completely different life at the moment. Once you get back to your old one how will she ever know if you don't tell her?' she argued.

'And what if I get pregnant?!' male me retaliated.

'Ever heard of an abortion?' she suggested back.

I buried my head in my hands, resisting the urge to claw my face up as I pulled my hands back down it, stressing out due to the argument I was having in my own head. It was then I noticed my breathing was short and ragged, and that I was ever so slightly grinding into the padded floor. My eyes opening wide at my realisation and I stopped. I can't control myself and it's getting infuriating!, then I remembered what I had to do last time to curb my urges... I looked over to the shower, it was small and rather exposing, but hopefully up against the wall closest to the mirror side, it should be just out of view of the window... 

'Can't believe I'm doing this again...' I thought as I stood up and walked into the shower.

Standing on my hind legs with my back up against the front wall, I looked to my side, out of the shower doorway to see if I could see the mirror, I could still just about, so I shimmied into the corner away from the doorway as much as possible. I put my hand straight down there, to my slit, I ran my finger up it, barely parting my lips, but enough to feel I was soaked. I let one finger slide in, I didn't even tease myself, I needed it all of it, I needed relief now, I slipped it in all the way, as much as I could get it, god I was so wet and so hot in there. I pulled my finger out almost entirely then pushed it back in straight away. I could feel my vaginal walls gripping, eager to take in and massage my invading finger. The image came to mind again of Sam's cock, the size of it, trying to imagine the feel of it filling my aching snatch, picking up the pace of my finger thrusting, I could feel my walls starting to grip my finger tighter, my legs slowly starting to shake and turn to jelly. I pushed the top of my head against the wall, immensely concentrating on trying to keep silent, the odd small moan appearing defiantly in my throat. Then, as it had done before, the wave quickly built up and crashed over me, my vagina clenched tight around my finger and I shook all over, my legs shaking so much that I was struggling to stay standing upright, breathing heavily through my nose to try and keep quiet. I withdrew my clawed finger, moaning slightly as I did. I looked at it, glistening under the bright LED lights in here, showing up splodges of my thicker white cum that was slowly seeping down into my palm. Then I did something I had never even considered before... I straight up placed said finger in my mouth, being mindful not to bite it with my sharp teeth and sucked the juices off of it, wrapping my tongue around it to get every little bit off. It neither tasted nice, nor foul, it just tasted, 'alright', maybe somewhat... I don't know... 'metallic'?... But it was good enough that I carried on sucking my finger clean before moving onto and licking up the bits on my hand.

'...Did I really just do that?...' I shook my head pulled myself away from the wall and returned to the main room and laid back down in the center. Even though I felt somewhat disgusted again, I at least felt relieved, for now anyway... I had to admit, experiencing an orgasm as a woman? It wasn't any better, but it certainly wasn't any worse, just... Different... It seemed to last longer, and rather than the feeling being focused over one area it was more of an all over body experience. I did feel slightly more disgusted with myself now for thinking about Sam in that way, at the time it was a great turn on, now thinking back to it, it just feels wrong. Suddenly and unexpectedly, interrupting my trail of thought, the mirror changed to transparent and once again, there stood Dr Skiff, arms folded. 'I hope she didn't see what I just did...' *Click* '...grrr...'

Skiff: "D-two four, you are to be returned to your cell with no further action to be taken." she stated, sounding rather disappointed...

Me: "What's wrong? Request got denied?" I grinned smugly.

Skiff: "So it would seem..." Sounding more annoyed than before, "...proceed into the pod and we'll send you back." The glass changed back with no further comment from her. I kept smiling as I climbed back into the pod which closed on me. I sat waiting patiently as the pod whirred along, but it didn't take all that long surprisingly, seemingly taking less time than usual. I stood to the sides as the pod lowered, the doors opened and I leapt out, landing on an odd shaped table, like a 6 point asterisk, which only stood about a foot off the floor, in a room that was definitely not my cell.

Me: "Hey... What the ..?" I looked around, the room was badly lit but had a reddish maroon tinge to the small amount of light that was in here. It was as big as the main room of my cell, but it was square as apposed to bubble shaped. It also had a glass window along the front, but rather than the cell being raised up along the walls of a great chasm of a room, it was level with the floor outside, I could see other rooms like this one up and down each way opposite me. Dr Skiff walked up from the right with a tablet under her arm, along with Dr Paul, and a couple of other scientists and they stopped and turned to face my window, Dr Skiffs annoying smile had returned, but looked more threatening than before.

Skiff: "I warned you to take this seriously D24, did I not?"

Me: "I thought you were returning me to my cell?" I demanded.

Skiff: "Well, maybe I lied about that... oh, well that bit, and also the bit about my request being denied. You see D-two four, you are here ultimately to do one thing, which is to do as you are told. So... This is your last warning and a lesson you need to take heed and learn from, and you can't blame this on anyone else, you only have yourself to thank for this punishment."

Me: "What punishment?" I growled to her.

Skiff: "You'll see soon enough." She brought out the tablet from under her arm tapped twice, the *Click* happened in my head again and tapped the screen 3 more times. A white smoke started spraying into the room from each bottom corner, I looked around there was no way out, the smell of the gas was almost sweet, but I started feeling dizzy, the room span and I felt myself falling, I don't even remember hitting the table...


I awoke slowly, my vision blurry, my hearing muffled, but it was slowly returning. I was lying on the table, on my back, my head facing the window and all the scientists still stood there, but they were upside down to me. I tried to pull myself up but I couldn't, my head was held down, I tried to reach what was holding my head but my arms couldn't move either, none of my body could move in fact, all of me was restrained. I was starting to panic now, I pulled at all of the restraints with every limb, but there was no give in anything.

Me: "Let me go!" I shouted at them.

Skiff: "What ever you have to say, I'm not interested, I'm done trying to have any meaningful conversations with you..." Skiff said, bringing back up tablet, she tapped once before putting it back under her arm again, "...have fun." She said with that annoying smile and as she and all the other scientists walked away out of sight. A clunk came from behind me somewhere.

Me: "What was that?..." I asked rather scared now, it was a couple of seconds before I heard the unmistakable sound of a Dragon walking into the room from the claws tapping on the floor with each step. "...Who's there?!" I demanded, trying my best to get some movement in my head restraint to look around me.

Sam: "Alex?" The familiar and very welcome voice said my name.

Me: "Oh Sam! It's so good to hear your voice!" He walked round to one side of me, but when he finally walked into my view I almost wish he hadn't.

Me: "Oh my god! Sam! What's happened to you?!" His right hand was bandaged, ok, so that waas probably down to me when he touched the regulator. But otherwise he looked dishevelled, tired and his eyes were blood shot.

Sam: "They've been pretty much torturing me for the last couple of days."

Me: "Fuckers... But how? What did they do?"

Sam: "They kept me awake constantly, showing me... things... sending me messages in my head, telling me to something I couldn't do..." His gaze wandered to the floor.

Me: "We'll make them pay Sam, ok? Just.... Help me get these restraints undone and we'll try and get out of here yeah?..." He stared back at me in silence, "...Hey, whatever they told you, you don't have to listen to them, ok?..." I said again to reassure him, his vacant expression rather worrying. He suddenly wobbled unsteadily on the spot, holding his head, shaking his head after a couple of seconds, I knew that look, I knew that feeling, they just sent a command through to him, "...Sam?... You can ignore it, you don't have to do as they tell you, you can fight it!"

Sam: "That's the problem Alex..." He started walking further around in front me, and then I saw it... His pinkish red rod, hanging erect from between his hind legs as he walked past "... I don't want to fight it because I want it." He said as he walked out of my view circling me. My eyes widened with fear as I realised what he was talking about.

Me: "Sam... Please don't, this isn't you..." I felt him step up onto the table, bumping my leg in the process. I heard a huge nasal inhale,

Sam: "You smell good..." He said completely ignoring my plea.

Me: "Sam, I'm begging you, please don't do this, fight it, for me, please, I don't want it to happen, not like this..."

Sam: "Alex, you can't deny me this any more, I need you and think you feel the same about me."

Me: "No... Sam... Don't... I don't..." I pulled again at the restraints, desperate to get free and get away, but my attempts were interrupted by my own shocked gasp that I took as I froze in fear, after feeling him lick my slit.

Sam: "See, you liked that, I can tell."

Me: "No Sam I did not! Please stop!"

He licked it several more times, his strong slimey appendage, pushing further in with each lick, causing me to whimper and pull away at my restraints more. Then on the last go he stopped mid lick, forced his tongue as deep as he could get it, a good few inches I guess, maybe more, but I couldn't tell, I didn't want to think about it. But it was enough for his nuzzle to push into my crotch, his hot breath rolling over my belly and inner hip areas. I was frozen solid again, eyes wide as his thick tongue spread me open wide, my slit having no choice but to give in and spread to accept the invasion, then he started working away with it, pulling in and out slightly, feeling around and licking up my walls. I whimpered again, I hated it... But it felt good... NO! This is wrong! Feeling good or not, I didn't want this! He suddenly withdrew his tongue and I gasped in shock as my slit, now vacant of his warm breath, felt sensitive in the cold air of the room.

I felt him move over me, his appendage sliding over my belly side to side as he stepped over.

Me: "Sam! No! Please! No more..." I begged him again, tears of fear now rolling up my head and onto the table.

Sam: "Your smell and taste says otherwise, you're ready and you want it."

Me: "I don't, I really don't." I whimpered, choking back on tears. He wasn't listening at all, I felt the warmth of his member slide up and down my slit.

Me: "Stop!"

He ignored me kept sliding back and forth, angling himself to apply more pressure with each slide. My lips parted under the pressure and his head slid in, I gasped again in shock as my sopping wet slit, all thanks to my earlier antics and Sam tongue, parted and gave way to his thick meat. This was it... It was now going to happen... and not under my own terms either, I had no choice now but to lay hete and take it. He slid slowly up my body, every inch he moved up me was an inch of his cock penetrating deeper into me, slipping in with ease. I lay there in silence, my heart thudding away in my chest, my eyes fixed on a point out of the window, but my vision was blurry due to the sheer volume of tears. He stopped at one point, and started to pull back out, I had a small amount of hope that he had changed his mind, instead he simply only pulled out a couple of inches then carried on driving in, our mixed juices making it easy for him, my walls stretching open naturally to accept him. Finally, when it was starting to feel like it was never going to end, it did, he reached his hilt, with a satisfied groan from him now that he had all 10 inches or so of his meat, buried in me, he repositioned himself on me, resting more of his weight on me

Sam: "Mmmm... Feels nice don't it?" He said in a pleasured grumble in my ear.

Me: "Please... Get off..." I sobbed.

Sam: "I'm only just starting... You'll enjoy this Alex, I promise you." He started withdrawing his cock, almost entirely, before gradually driving it back in, slowly, but definitely quicker than the initial insertion. He repeated this, gradually picking up pace with each thrust, going far deeper and spreading me wider than my finger ever could. I could feel my pussy and my body betraying me, each thrust made me grip his cock tighter, my hips trying to thrust against him, my whimpers gradually turning into soft moans... But it was 100% my male mind in charge of my thoughts right now... And it was full of disgust with the betrayal of my body and my so called friend, I wished I was anywhere but here right now. I tried thinking about something else, anything... But I was just constantly brought back to reality, the reality of being bounced up the table, by each thrust, merely the restraints holding me in place along with the animalistic grunts and growls coming from Sam in my ear.

Me: "Sam... St-stop..."... And he did, he paused, buried deep in me, but not to pull out, only to reposition himself to sit up more on me, placing his hands on my shoulders to support himself, pushing me harder into the table and straight away went to pounding me. Dr Skiff walked back into view, alone this time, arms crossed holding the tablet to her chest, wearing the most irritating smug smile I've ever seen on a person. A loud moan escaped me... in my head, I wasn't enjoying this at all, but my body said otherwise, I could feel my orgasm building, that wave inside growing with each relentless thrust he gave, then it hit me, I screwed my eyes shut, opening my mouth in a quiet scream, my back arching as much as my restraints would allow, the rest of my body spasming and shuddering, my pussy gripping Sam's rod tightly, which must have been all he needed to send him over the edge... He gave one more sharp shuddering thrust, a long drawn out and pleasurable growl emitting deep in his throat as I felt his member throb, jetting his hot liquid deep into my belly, I shuddered again at the feeling. He partially collapsed on me, panting hard. I laid there in silence, still feeling his member twitching, eager to expell it's last few drops.

He stood up, slowly pulled himself from me, my body aching for him to come back and do more, my mind screaming for him to leave. He stepped off the table and stood beside me,

Sam: "Alex... I-" He started saying, rather thankfully Skiff interrupted, I had no interest in anything he had to say.

Skiff: "Thank you D-zero three your services are no longer required, enter the tunnels and return to your rest day." There was a long pause before I heard the tapping of claws make to leave the room and the door close behind him. Dr Skiff pulled the tablet out from her chest, tapped some commands and I felt all my restraints release. I slowly pulled my shaking body from the table refusing to look at her. She leant over toward the window,

Skiff: "How was that for an answer to your question of: 'what else can you do to me?'?..." I didn't answer, I merely looked up to to her and stared at her in hatred, thresh tears rolling down my cheeks. "...hmph..." She mused, grinning smugly again, "... hopefully you get this now then, because you're on your last chance, if you disobey again then we have a fate ready and waiting for you worse than this. You will added to the breeding program, your hormone levels will be adjusted in a way that you will begging to be bred by any male that enters you cell. You will be bred and bred until you conceive, you will bare offspring which will promptly take to be properly trained. Then you be bred again and again and again until you conceive again. And this will only end when your body gives up. You current option however, is that you follow orders we give you from now on. You will be remain in the warrior program, mate if you so wish in your recreational times, that is your choice. If you conceive from this session, or from any future sessions then we will only take you out of action while you are pregnant, joining again once you have given birth. So, if you behave, at least you know and like D-zero three, at least you will know who the father is. Final warning D-two four, I suggest you heed it. You're confined to your cell for the rest of the day, get into the pod and you'll be taken straight there." She tapped her tablet and the pod door entrance to the back of the room opened. I stared at her for a few more seconds, allowing the hate to fester more before turning to leave, I wanted out of this room anyway.

Me: "When I get out of here, I'm going to kill you." I muttered to myself stepping into the pod.


I dropped from the pod into my cell, not as gracefully as I usually do it had to be said, stumbling forwards to stay upright. I walked immediately to the shower, laid on my back on the floor where I had done before to stay out of camera view and looked down at myself. I could see my snatch glistening, I ran a finger up my slit, scraping up a mixture of Sam's and my own cum and stared at it on the tip of my finger, running down the side slightly. My eyes welled up again,

Me: "Fuck..." I cried as I flicked it at the floor, trying not to burst into tears again. I stood up, turned he shower on and washed my self down, concentrating mostly around my nether regions, trying my best to get the worst of it out of me, essentially doing my best to douche myself. I gave up after about 15 minutes or so I guess, I got out as much as I could, but I know he went deep... Fear crossed my mind at the thought of getting pregnant... I couldn't go from being a guy to a pregnant woman in a space of a month, I just couldn't.

Anyway, it didn't matter, it was done, and they just added fuel for fire, if they wanted me to behave they've gone the wrong way about trying to get me to do it... Sure I'm gonna play along for a while longer, but first opportunity I get, I am gone, on my own, if my Bluey friend doesn't arrive before then that is. Fuck Sam, fuck Skiff, fuck anyone else in here... If they get in my way they're dead. I shook my head in disbelief and disgust,

Me: "Fucking Sam!... Fucking prick! Typical hot headed male, only goal was to get his end away... Fucking wanker!" I said to myself through gritted teeth, pacing around in the main room. I walked up and punched the nearby wall hard, "RAGGHH!!" Leaving a dent in the wall. I stared for a couple of seconds, my anger rising again... I punched the same spot again... and again and again and again, over and over... Growling with each punch, tears streaming from my eyes, I stopped when I couldn't deform the panel anymore and my my knuckles were dripping with blood, leaving nice crimson stains on their white wall. I stepped back sobbing, I caught an odd shape out of the corner of my eye, near the door, blurred by my tears, I looked over and focused... It was Sam, looking horrified...

Sam: "Alex... I-" I didn't let him finish, I cut him of by dropping back to all fours and giving an almighty screeching roar that lasted for a good 5 seconds, even to myself, I sounded almost possessed, he took a few steps back towards the window out of uncertainty. I pelted towards him, he backed up completely to the window in fear for his life and rightfully so but he had no where to go. I stood up as I got to him and grabbed him by the neck, throwing and pinning him high up to the window, his feet frantically kicking and scraping at the ground and him holding my forearm, trying to relieve my grip on his throat, even with his bandaged hand that he was gingerly trying to use.

Sam: "Alex... Please..." He choked and gasped for air.

Me: "YOU DARE BEG?!" I snarled in reply, tightening my grip, he wheezed and I saw his eyes rolling back into his head...

I could easy do this, get my revenge, choke the life out of him for what he did to me!, this body gave me the strength and ferocity to do so... So I could do oh so easily... But at the same time, I couldn't...

Me: "RARRGGH!" I screamed as I threw him toward the door, he landed and skidded along the floor, bouncing off the wall slightly, taking a long gasp of air, holding his neck and choking.

Me: "Get out..." I said quietly to him.

Sam: "But, Alex, I-"

Me: "OUT!" I screamed, trying to hold back the tears again. He got to his feet, still coughing and headed to the tunnel door... But it didn't open...

Sam: "Shit..." He croaked and started pulling at the door but it didn't budge. He slowly turned and looked woefully at me... I snarled at his stupidity,

'Seriously what did he think was going to happen coming straight back here, that I was going to instantly forgive him or thank him for what he did to me? Fucking idiot...'

Me: "I guess you're not going anywhere then... If you ever say another word to me or even come near me, I'll kill you... Understood?" He slowly nodded, looking down at the floor. I turned and headed for the bedroom...

Me: "Best find yourself somewhere to sleep away from me too..."

(- Axius Link - This song is actually Russian, but is a beautiful yet bassy track - the title, which looks like 'NHEN', basically translates as "Frost")

(A note on the Russian track, as this was chosen long before the war broke out... I don't condone what they've done to Ukraine at all, but I do not believe that the majority of Russian citizens agree with what's happening either - Russia's military and government are the issue and I'm sorry that the Russian people are going to suffer the consequences of their leaders actions for generations to come.)

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