Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 17: Picture Book

This is a work of fiction with a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

Alexander went full good boy until he finally felt less constricted with Miss Hansen and the bell ringing to signify lunchtime.

Whether it was the cafeteria or the teacher-less room, his classmates would always steal glances at him.

They wanted to mingle and talk with him as he felt somewhat different from how they remembered him to be.

He drew without care for anything else, went head to head with the teacher, and also happen to answer math with surprising ease. True math nerds were looking at him with scorn but everyone else was impressed.

Any other kid would be wowed and treat him like a star but Alexander's broody loner behaviors left them stumped. Before they could initiate a conversation, he just pulled out another page of paper and filled the pages without caring for others.

In any case, he was accumulating dissatisfaction from his entitled and childish classmates as he did so but he didn't bother his energy with making amends.

On the other hand, Barty, Clarky, and Olly were much more caught up in their 'Ee'-group expansion to care for the doodle Creed being as doodle crazy as he is.

Alexander could more or less surmise what was going on in their young minds and just kept to himself.

He had much more important matters to take care of and that was what the rest of the afternoon class was going to be about.


Miss Hansen was now accepting of his weirdness as he would somewhat participate in activities while still keeping working with art on the side.

She noticed that the boy was now reining his actions and compromised with class. She could go for disciplinary actions to put a stop to that unnecessary deskwork but knowing of the boy's backstory made her feel sympathy and made her compromised as well.

She didn't even bother looking into the contents. Unbeknownst to her, Alexander was writing a supplement to his art and his final product could very well be a multi-million dollar franchise.


He was writing a cohesive story and sketching supplementary smaller images and opted to not use color so wouldn't gain as much attention as before. If he went full coloring mode, having his work confiscated is the least of his worries.

While the students were working on the 'who do you want to be in the future' paper, Alexander was already working in the present as he used all of his filmmaking and scriptwriting know-hows.

Sullivan has been hoarding up on film books to help his film business and Alexander continued that tradition and all the while learning and growing from it.

He hadn't had practical experience but he had a soiree of theoretical knowledge from books and all the MasterClasses that he took his free time to try out.

20 years in CREED wasn't just an advancement in his drawing and coding skills but with his film theories as well.

While someone called Barry Diller is still proving his theoretic belief via the success of his run on Paramount, Alexander had already read up on all the advancements of film history and how different it was from here and then.

He also has paid for Neil Gaiman's Masterclasses and some notable screenwriter's Skillshare lessons so restoring a classic film series from his imperfect recollection of them is just a matter of effort.

It also helped that he remembered that certain Big Bang Theory episode where the group of doctorate nerds made a scribbled and simplified timeline of Doc Brown and Marty's temporal travels.

A Youtube channel earning money from making series timelines also helped bolster his shoddy Sheldon timeline with a much more educated recounting of events.

All that Alexander had to worry about is all the background characters, scenes leading up to the moments, technological designs, and world-building that supplemented the acclaimed near-perfect film trilogy on time travel.

What else could he be working on other than the Back to the Future film trilogy?

Back to the Future I is all about fixing up parents, fixing up a time machine, and getting back to the present.

Back to the Future II is all about an antagonist that changes the course of times to leverage himself, an almanac that keeps account of every major event, and 2015 being way too futuristic than what Alexander knows it to be.

It would be a stupid decision though to use the two-wheeled hoverboard and not the scifi-esque one.

Alexander can't help but relate to Biff and Marty though as he is essentially doing the same. To leverage their knowledge and time prowess to their own advantage.

Back to the Future III was all about time travel as usual but with all the Old West goodness and gunslinging.

Alexander did his best to consolidate what he knows and it took a while to form a more coherent film script in his head.

It would be highly improbable for him to be able to do it within a span of a school day though.

As such, the lessons eventually ended with the ringing of the bell and the kids rushing to wherever they want to rush.

Alexander just did as how his usual young self does and headed home while having a sense of neutrality to his teacher and classmates.

It would seem that everyone has a tacit understanding not to bother someone that didn't want to be bothered.


Alexander just put those class weirdness in the back of his head as he took the school bus home.

His grandpa would be home late as usual so a babysitter would be the one to wait for him at home. Although Alexander knew that their true jobs aren't anything to be proud of, they still had the disciplined decency to do their nanny job well until old Sullivan comes home.

As far as Alexander could surmise, babysitting him was the Hollywood red sofa equivalent in Sullivan's porn company.

The porn ladies must have fought for the babysitter position even fiercer now that the old Creed is transforming his industry into mainstream feature films.

Alexander just gave his pleasantries to the well-bossomed lady that won the competition and went to his room to continue what he couldn't finish.

Procrastinating the script creation wouldn't do him any good as he still wasn't sure whether his heightened memory would stay as it is or fade with time.


On the small table in his room, he dedicated himself to making the story and even went as far as sketching the scenes he found supplementary to convey what he wrote in words.

Alexander's childishness still has some linger towards him as he essentially made what should be a movie script into a picture book.

Making a picture book as a kid would be much more believable to his grandfather than making a full-blown script after all.

This was his best option with an added advantage that Alexander found much helpful.

Hollywood directors do employ drawings to help visualize their sub-shots and scene coordination. Making a picture book just did that director's responsibility while still being a screenwriter.

Back to the Future was made in the 1980s and rejected about 40 plus times until it started production in 1984. It was a way too different a story from the one we love and it was only by July or so that the classic was finalized.

I'm not too sure though but at least I can semi-justify Alexander's theft of it. This is still within February 1984 after all and the rectification of it all with make sense soon.

 Still, this is a work of fiction so don't bash my trashy work too much.

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