Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 364: Beachside Fun

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much. 

With that said, work can be done later...

The calls will arrive when they arrive...

And they were at a particularly nice beach...

Why not make the best of it?

When one thinks of the beach, people might imagine themselves relaxing on a chair with the cool ocean breeze brushing by, with a drink at hand, and the sun setting on the horizon.

Alexander was already doing those... with unconventional beauties by his side.

Of course, aside from that, there are plenty more fun things to do at the beach than meets the eye.

So why not do it?


Top of the list. Building a sandcastle.

Although it can be quite hard for beginners, building a sandcastle is one of the most enjoyable activities that people of all ages, especially kids, can do on the beach.

Plus, it can be a great bonding moment with family or friends, not to mention it can also put one's creativity and skills to the test.

Before long, Alexander already set up his sandy-wet foundation and was ready to castle it all out...

However... with a stomp and two swimsuited figures flopping... the foundation was as good as ruined.

"Look what you've done, Jovo-bitch!" Drew quickly reprimanded. "You ruined mine and prince charming's castle. It was supposed to be our home when he turned king while I'm his queen."

"What the...!" Milica was livid. "You're the one who pushed me."

Drew smirked. "I just found both beach and bitch to be too much, so I decided to get rid of one." 

"If there's someone that should be gone, it should be you?" Milica clapped back. "You're the unwanted third party that shamelessly invited yourself along. Once a party girl, always a party girl. And Alex dislikes party girls and third-party girls alike!"

Drew didn't say much and just pounced. The duo then tangled and rolled... ultimately destroying the sandcastle template back to white-sandiness.

"..." Alexander didn't have much to say.

He should be reprimanding but he just found this beach-side, swimsuited, girl-fight spectacle to be quite...


It's not every day that you get to see two famous girls duking it out.

Oh yeah... aside from Milica, Drew also happened to hi-jack this vacation of his.

Making an odd fixture to the two-girl poolside vacation he had last year at the secret San Fernando Valley country club.

This time, Cocky Cox was busy. Drew stepped in. And it was now at a San Diego seaside.

Fortunately, this year's vacation place was one of those rented beach houses with a lot of privacy.

If it weren't, then Milla and Drew's current entanglement would have made national tabloids. Probably national news.

Soul girl Milla versus E.T. girl Drew Barrymore. Mysterious boy in the middle.

No joke cause it really would have been a field day.


Anyways, sand castling was toppled and these rowdy girls were somewhat annoying...

So, it was "fun" beach activity number 2.

Bury someone in the sand.

A popular tradition for beach-goers is getting buried in the sand, or in this case, burying someone from the neck down.

For experienced builders, one can also make small sand sculptures or creative sandy shaping to simulate their torsos.

It worked as a rowdy girl inhibitor and allowed him to work on his sandy creativity.

Two birds with one stone.

Or two mermaids in one body, from how Alexander saw it.

"Hey, Milla. What did prince charming make?" Drew asked. She can't quite make out the creation. Especially with her stuck in the sand.

"Oh, so you're nice now, Shrew." Milla snickered. "I'm also buried like you. How should I know?"

It was only when they were un-buried that they realized Alex's art.

It was weird, to say the least.

Counting the two connected necks that were by the place their heads were at...

The creation as a whole should actually be a two-headed, two-tailed, breast-naked mermaid doing the splits.

What's that supposed to be?

Could it be that he wanted us to get along? Merging the two of them to be the same creature?

Why was it breast naked and doing a sexy split? Could it be?


They weren't able to get the answers as Alexander was on his next beach activity... and they joined in.

It was mostly fun, after all.

Like... collecting pretty seashells or rocks.

With a whole private beach to themselves, the exploration was vast and the loot was plentiful.

The girls' rivalry got the better of them though.

It was now a pretty seashell and rock pageant. 

"Ha! My seashell won." Milla triumphed.

"Tsk. Tsk. Not so fast." Drew had her own triumph. "My pretty stone also won."

Clearly, someone was playing it safe.

Unfortunately, driftwood became a contest with driftwood becoming contestants.

Alexander, forced to be the judge, couldn't play it safe anymore and had to make a difficult choice.


As a workaround...

His next beach activities were stuff that the girls could find out the winners by themselves.

Inspired by Top Gun or whatever, there was...

Beach volleyball.

With scenic beachside views, the sun sprinkling down some vitamin D to the skin, plus not-so-friendly company...

Of course, Drew and Milla's game had to use one of those inflatable ball floaties.

Especially when these girls' go-to move is the spike. A spike to the face.

With livid hate towards each other, they became really good at it.

If it had been a real ball, then the damage would have been devastating.

Anyways, from Alexander's perspective, the girls' game was incredibly funny. And that's saying something

It's no wonder people love a game or two of beach volleyball.

At the very least, Alexander found a solution for their competitive urges with that.


Next... Frisbee.

Playing frisbee is another sporty activity to commit to on the beach.

Whether that means putting together a group of people for a round or two of ultimate frisbee or just tossing it back and forth with a close friend while enjoying the sound of the waves.

Then again, Alexander had to step in as the third and always middle player to throw to on this one.

If he hadn't, frisbees to the face would have been a common occurrence.


For a tamer competition, sand-type tic-tac-toe.

It was the beach. Writing with sticks was easy. Erasing was much more so.

Of course, these were the game-breaking Milla and Drew that were playing...

They broke his Flight and Fight, so it was only a matter of time.

Alexander could only be speechless at their out-of-bounds tic-tac-toe-ing.

What should have been a 3 by 3 grid became a hybrid... and the beach became a mess of Xs and Os.

"Prince Charming, look at the Xs, they're my kisses to you."

"Shameless!" Milla glared but also sheepishly added. "Don't think too much, Alex. But just take my Os as hugs."

Alexander visibly palmed his face at that.


For a more word-based competition... there was I-Spy.

A game of I Spy is a fun, tried-and-tested game usually played while on the road, especially during long trips.

And with plenty of things to “spy with your little eye” on the beach... it would have been a great addition to the games you can play with family and friends.

In this case, it would have been.

"I spy with my little eye a Soviet Union spy." Drew giggled at that one.

Milla hissed at that and countered with. "I spy with my little eye, a fat shrew."

"I'm not fat!" Drew harrumphed. "I'm chubby!"

Alexander raised his brows at that. Who are you supposed to be? Choji Akimichi? 

"Oh my..." Milla just snickered. "Whatever do you mean? I wasn't talking about you. I'm talking about a fat shrew, not a fat Drew."

"Typical of a spy, finding a shrew, even on a beach like this." Drew begrudgingly commented.

"I'm no spy!" 

"Oh my..." Drew sarcastically gasped. "I also wasn't talking about you."

It ultimately boiled down to a game of eyeing the opposing party's flaws.

With spy and fat being their respective peeves.

From how Alexander saw it... it must have been because these were what they were teased with in their school life.

With such bullied fates, can't they just get along?

This was what he wanted to ask...

But then...

Beep! Beep! Beep!

His bricky DynaTAC finally rang from afar...

It really echoed in this private beach that even the always-arguing duo heard it.

The much-awaited call was finally here!

Nothing to see here.

Except for weirdness and probably jokes that don't land. 

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