Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 371: To Recruit or Lure?

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much. 

The smiling politician, the eager scholar, the black-suited fellow, the spy, the intelligence counter, and the militarian old man...

Everyone pretty much perked up with rapt attention.

Given the organizations they represent and the respective authorities they hold... being caught in their sights is pressure on its own.

It was somewhat great that the hassle of the ChaosNet, his discount Internet, was somewhat avoided...

Yet the whole of Chaos seems to be the one on the chopping block. 

As it would seem, things had just come back full circle and he was not out of these murky woods just yet.

With these lanky and ominous trees bearing down on him, Alexander just decided to get on with it. "What do you want to know then?"

"For starters, care to explain what this is about?" With haste, Mr. CIA pointed to Chaos-ed up computer, of course.

Since he's decided, Alexander simply obliged.

"From what I can see, it's just another unfortunate example of someone snooping into something that they're not supposed to."

Noting the sheepish look that Mr. Eager Scholar was doing, he probably knew that someone, or he might as well be that someone.

"Judging by the computer set-up, I see no Creed Chaos System, however, I do see a rigged ROM extension and one of my ROM-type GameKey... so it's safe to say that this certain someone went into an awful lot of trouble to get a view of video game codes." Alexander detailingly shrugged.

Leaning in to get a better view, he got to see what GameKey it was and noted. "Flight and Fight, huh. Something I've mass-released since June. It's August already and I sure hope that this embarrassing attempt isn't on its way to turning into a two-month endeavor."

With that, muffled coughs could practically be heard from the aged scholar's direction.

The others glared in his direction while Mr. CIA just gestured to someone again and another plugged computer was brought in.

The display was the focal point once again... with its dark background and dancing red-green characters. This one is not too chaotic though.

With two monitors placed side by side, Mr. CIA asked. "What is your take on this one?"

Consequently, Alexander just hummed because the newcomer was not something of his devising at all. 

More than anything, it's a discount Chaos with not much substance to go for.

And that was something he was sure to point out.

"I just see someone attempting to copy my codes. Of course, copy isn't exactly the right word to go for since it's more of an emulating imitation. And not a very good one at that."

With his arms crossed, Mr. NSA asked. "How so?" 

Probably uncomfortable because it might be his legion of talents that is responsible for the creation of the "copy".

"My code is meant for encryption, ensuration, protection, and a virtually impenetrable wall of random chaos meant to do what I've just described." Alexander just mentioned it as a matter of fact.

"As for the copy..."

"It's a glorified animation at best. This copy sure does randomly dance about with all the red and green characters... however... at about the one-hour mark, it should loop back to the same dance, the same character, and the same sequence all over again."

"Oh." Mr. NSA was mildly surprised but he did have a twinkle in his eyes.

"Mind you, I'm just eyeballing here because they might have made this a feature-length two-hour fakery. Take it from me as a kid from both the programming and movie business, this is a scam." At this point, Alexander felt like an appraiser.

"It's really just a predetermined showcase and not encrypting anything at all. You can probably just press the ESC key and the illusion is done. As a business owner, I sure hope that nobody would be tricked with such a knock-off from my prized Creed Games."

Of course, the twinkle in Mr. NSA's eyes intensified. People were probably going to be axed. Literally or figuratively, who knows?

It's not Alexander's problem since he has problems of his own. "That would be all from me, right?"

"Unfortunately, no." Mr. CIA denied him outright and became stern out of nowhere.

"If my reports on you are correct, you've only acquired your deceased father's computer during your ninth birthday."

"With a couple of books, self-studying, and all that your other exploits... it all just seems unreasonable to me."

"Yet you've somehow matched the capabilities of these long-term specialists that held computer and coding as their career in a matter of months at most."

"This chaotic code of yours stumped people that call themselves experts and from what I can see... they've already resorted to weaseling and trickery to try and do what you've done."

"Admittedly, your work is considered by many as state-of-the-art encryption that no one has yet to crack."

"The issue here is the fact that that level of security and capability matched our most special of computer security systems."

"Yet it's actually employed in something as banal as a video game console and readily available in nifty things like GameKeys."

"That in itself is absurd!"

"The government and certain groups like ours have pretty much poured funds on developing, improving, and securing the advance programs that we have."

"Yet there's you, owning a program that actually exists on the same level or more... but easily making it available to just about anybody... for 200 and 30-40 dollars apiece!"

"It's way unbalanced that many found it hard to accept."

"Along with your "international" business exploits, you didn't just hand a government-envied asset to the common folk, you actually made it accessible to enemies of the States!"

"Need I remind you that we're in a Cold War, boy! Each action has consequences and your supposedly inconsequential video game console and video game may prove to be more damaging already."

"Creed Chaos System. It is chaos, indeed." Mr. CIA pretty much said his long piece with that.

But it seemed far from enough.

"What would you say if I have enough reasonable doubt to detain and question you some more and probably have another organization open up that brain of yours?"

"It may seem prodigious and genius but all I see is stupid. Such a contradiction should serve to be quite the specimen."

Within reason, Alexander felt that this Mr. CIA fellow was probably a key person for the supposedly defunct MKUltra.

Mr. CIA even had a pun to go with his threat. "Little boy, I hope you don't 'mind'."

"Well, I do mind." Alexander kept calm but his thoughts were swirling. "Then again, I never had the luxury of that option, right?"

Sure enough, he looked around and realized something.

Mr. Politician only smiled.

The eager scholar wanted a say of support... but the stares from a few others shut him up.

The man in black was just composed as can be.

Mr. CIA was still threatening intently.

Mr. NSA's twinkle had turned into something else.

As for Old Man Pierce, he seemed just waiting to pounce.

For these types of people, citing basic rights and whatnot would obviously not make them budge at all.

To recruit or lure?

This was the question that Alexander realized he now had an answer to.

He wasn't up against the foundation but just like his SCP Foundation joke, the conclusion wasn't anywhere near humorous.

Welp! Why did he even go there in the first place? Alone and trapped against beasts by the looks of it.

With that, I can most assuredly say that Alexander is now dead.


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