Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 391: The Fox and the Spider I

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

It sure is something to write about, however, Alexander would find it ill-advised to make a novel about it.

This whole thing is actually quite dull.

Just the final detail of the same old story.

Creed wasn't able to pull off a broadcasting deal with a true blue network, so it was a matter of opting for other options.

Like... just straight-up building a network.

As if that's easy to do.

Fortunately, there's a workaround to that.

Syndicated broadcasting. Something that's been covered, time and time again.

What was yet to be uncovered is that throughout this whole goal for synchronized syndication... a partnership with a certain party was actually secured.

Barry Diller. 20th Century Fox. Rupert Murdoch. News Corporation. 

This certain party or fox-y syndicate was more prepared and motivated to really become a televising giant and Alexander can't help but "help" out.

With only his two animation projects and Back to the Future licensing... Top Gun dangling... along with Calvin and Hobbes... he was able to do what he had done.

The Calvin and Hobbes part was especially important. Which makes it kind of crazy how such a simple plunder goes a long way.

All in all, he was able to leech off the one and only Fox.

He honestly doesn't have much preference for any of the major broadcasting networks... but with his renewed experience with the so-called Big Three.

The "Big Fourth" or Fox in this scenario, doesn't seem so bad.

Colluding and partnering with them surely isn't. They even became the perfect red herring for the ChaosNet.

A give an inch and asking for a mile incredulity just had to happen though.


"Come on, kid... Think about it..." Diller tried hard to paint a beautiful image. "Fox and Creed. All that we could do together."

Alexander wasn't too impressed. "That's good and all... but no."

"You haven't even gotten the full picture of it yet?"

"Actually... I already have. Down to the symbolic fine print." Alexander said with apathy. "You're essentially baiting me with partial network ownership in exchange for quite the ask."

Diller could only laugh dryly. "It's not that bad. It's a wide-reaching network, so it makes sense to have a hefty entry price."

"The whole entirety of Creed Entertainment  sure is hefty, isn't it?" As if Alexander would agree to that. "I'd rather stick to the current partnership we have than do something stupid like that."

"Wouldn't it be better for your company to be a part of our umbrella?" Murdoch added from the side. "If 20th Century isn't good enough, would my News Corporation suffice?"

Like a worthy tag-teamer, Diller hurriedly proposed. "If 20th Century and Creed Pictures come together..."

Too bad... Alexander finished it for him. "Incidents like the San Diego premiere wouldn't happen and Creed films would have prime premieres in Hollywood hotspots, right?"

"Ehem..." Diller could only cough dryly once again.

"Creed Pictures may just be starting out but after this year's spectacle... I'm not too worried about where to hold premieres." Alexander then methodically added. "There's distribution capability too. We have that and we even skipped a lot of steps to be internationally capable."

"Although results are a bit abysmal, we still have it." Top Gun is too American for foreigners and Alexander can take solace in that. Just as he took solace in another thing. "If you're looking for another Lucasfilm and Star Wars deal with us... yeah... that's isn't going to happen."

Not to be left out, Murdoch went ahead and said. "What about your Calvin and Hobbes? What if..."

"News Corporation, its newsprints, and its affiliates will ban it, right?" Alexander simply made the threat for the man. "Do what you want then. Newsprint isn't only the print business out there. Creed Comics and its affiliates are still an option to fall back to."

"Err..." Is this kid some mind reader or something? 

Murdoch and Diller sure can't but exchanged glances at the strangeness of it.

As if on cue, Alexander just reminded. "Didn't I say that I already surmised a very big downside to whatever this whole thing could be? I even already disagreed at the very start. To save all of us the time."

Unfortunately... the predictable quibble still had to play out. "The concessions became a honey trap and were quick to become a threat. A back and forth as you said but it's gotten too long for my liking."

He's even conversed so long in this meeting that it might as well be a personal record.

Of course, he can't be too much of a hardliner to these big shots, so Alexander baited as well. "We still have existing collaborations though and I'm open for more collaborations to extend that."

Sure enough. The slighted Diller was intrigued. "What kind of collaborations?"

"Well... I've been keeping quite the contact with the famous Terminator and Top Gun director for a passion project and I know that he's been working on a certain Aliens." Alexander simply got to it. "Consequently, we're working on a kind of Predator on our side. Put two and two together there and we'll get a very interesting match-up."

That sure got Diller interested. "Do you mean synching our theatrical releases for next year?"

"We wouldn't want another of your SpaceCamp movies being flooded by another Top Gun, would we?" Alexander then added. "Of course, there's more to it but that's logistics for later."

After all, aside from favorable schedules and a potential Alien vs Predator, he's more interested in other things. "Besides, you're hefty-priced network is still lacking in programs, isn't it?"

"It is." Murdoch didn't deny it. His greed for this boy's company is due to the great and strategic value it held. "Those Turtles and Dragonball shows of yours are quite the aid to our upcoming transition and continuation. It would be much appreciated if there's more of it."

"Well, as a matter of fact, we're working on the next seasons already." Alexander reasoned and baited some more. "With two new projects to add to it. One is quite bizarrely unique while the other is rather ambitious. So ambitious that it's a computer-imaging marvel and the very first fully 3D-animated series unless proven otherwise."

"That sure is something, isn't it?" Murdoch didn't really know the full gist of it but the gist of it is enough for him.

Diller, who knew more about production, was actually a bit suspicious but shocked all the same. "That's great and all but what you're saying will just make us more determined for the acquisition intentions we already had."

"Let your intentions flare then, just know that it won't amount to anything much." To that, the boy just shrugged and reasoned. "I'm actually just embellishing the partnership that could be if all else fails."

"Also, it's not just somewhat impressive cartoon shows that I have. I do have plans for quite considerable programmings and series of shows as well."

"As of now, you're just depending on some late-night comedian to prop you up, aren't you?"

Well, that did make the two big shots grimace.

And Alexander simply baited some more.

Weaving random narratives like...

"Wouldn't it be interesting if you have 11 seasons worth of beachside action? Not regarding coast guards, of course, but something else."

Baywatch is still considerable, is it not?

"Isn't The Cosby Show kind of enviable? Why don't I point you to another comedian to hook you up to a competing comedy show?"

If Seinfeld wouldn't work, maybe a replacement group is still viable.

"What about a small logging town rife with mystery? That's probably going to be an interesting watch per episode."

Twin Peaks is sort of worth watching, at least.

"How about a subversion to teens being chased by vampires? It's now teenage girl hunting vampires. How many teens would want to watch that?" That vampire-slaying girl has quite the following, too.

"If a probable majority isn't enough... what about pleasing the so-called minorities?" Alexander hummingly thought aloud. "A rough guy from Philadelphia... suddenly turning into a fresh prince in Bel-Air. Who do you think is good enough to star in that?"

"As I monologue out here like a crazy person, I can't help but remember all dozens of sitcoms I've locked up with my copyright lawyer..."

"Locked up because I'm more interested in animation and cartoons."

"Hopefully, termites don't crumble them to dust before I finally consider live-action to be somewhat fun to get into..."

"Maybe I'll use them as leverage... there are networks out there looking for programs, right?"

"I just hope their so-called entry fee isn't that big and let me keep my company.."

"But that's crazy... just as crazy as I am. Muttering all these nonsenses from nowhere..."

He had a lot to weave and baitingly say but he has kind of blown through a quarter of his yearly speaking quota already... so... he stopped.

A web should have been formed with that.

Fortunately, the speechless bigshots behind Fox took that as a cue to recompose themselves.

With Diller smiling helplessly and changing his tone.

"Little friend... it looks like we have a lot to discuss."

"We still have conditions and concessions to get to, don't we?"

Diller didn't actually have many references to what those ramblings are... but since it came from this kid in front of him, he had to take it seriously.

Top Gun and Back to the Future were just examples of what could be. Thus, a lot would literally pounce to get a hold of the mysterious Alex Creed's ideas... and they had that chance now.

They can't blow it. Acquiring Creed Entertainment can be a matter for later.

"I just hope you won't be muttering these things somewhere else." This Hollywood bigshot still really had to worry about other Hollywood bigshots. Other broadcasting giants as well.

On the other hand, Murdoch was still speechless.

Aside from being impressed, he's just wondering... wondering about what else this kid had up his sleeve.

 After all, it's quite the spectacle. How had this little boy's random words turned the tables on two experienced folks like them?

To their reactions... Alexander simply obliged and gesturingly zipped his mouth.

The initiative was currently his... and it's a wait-and-see from where he's at.

He wasn't expecting much when he agreed to this meeting.

Now... he just wanted to deter.

Of course, entice and gain some advantage and grab the opportunity that he's been presented.

Creed TV or Channel or Network or whatever... would still take a while or may never happen... but this is optimal as well.

From start to finish, like pulling and weaving strings, was he some sort of spider or something?

Why did he even go for a spider analogy?

Was it because he was against wiley foxes?

Can a spider even do something to a fox in the first place?

I'm honestly not sure what I was aiming for here. Just writing whatever dialogue or interesting quip that came to mind.

A clash of intentions and Alexander's shot at negotiations probably.

Anyways, it is what it is. Trashy but an option to be able to work on the popular 80s and 90s live-action shows. Also, a high shot of network influence too. 

More details for later, I guess.

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