Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 405: The Final Countdown!

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

Even with all those juicy Zelda tidbits being uncovered in Alexander's head... there was really no way that the girls can even get a read on it all.

Which was why as soon as they got back home from their shopping spree... what they went for and wanted to do was as obvious as can be.


As that catchy tune sounded out from the living room television, along with the monitor displaying a pixelated green guy traversing environments... it was quite obvious...

It was pretty obvious that the on-looking Milica can't help but say. "So... Zelda is actually just a princess?"

Of course, she also can't help but ask. "There's a reason for that, right?"

"What other reason could there be." No way was Alexander going for that Fitzgerald wife thing when it could be as simple as. "She's a princess character and the name just fits."

Drew, who was playing the game, had a wild theory of her own. "I think Zelda is based on me. With Link being the prince charming to her as prince charming is to me."

"And why can't it be me?" There was no way that Milla was just going to accept that. "After that Samus nonsense... you're clearly just making stuff up!"

Drew, feeling generous while clobbering Octoroks, drummed something up. "Maybe... just maybe... the two of us are Princess Zeldas. And Link is named Link because of you know who!"

"Yeah... this time... you might be getting somewhere." That just made Milla's eyes squint in suspicion toward his direction. "So, you're our "link", huh?"

Alexander sighed at their antics and shruggingly went with it. "Now you know, I guess."

Milla rolled her eyes at that response but all the more just scooched on over, so that their current side-snuggle at the sofa got more comfortable.

"What about me?!" Drew complained but Milla just had her revenge. "Hehe! You're hogging the game, so serves you right."

"Tsk!" Drew found that finding this new secret passage in the wasn't so exhilarating now.

Despite the gloating mood, Milla couldn't help but be curious some more. "Well, after knowing this Zelda video game, it just makes me wonder about the things that we still didn't get to. Like some of the other accompanying comic book stuff you always do."

"Is there a Legend of Zelda comic book?" She asked to which he answered. "Not really."

"But it's December." Milla wasn't expecting that. "You always do some fancy connective stuff during December."

To which, he said. "I skipped it this year... aside from that song we've got."

"What about your crossover stories?"

"That's actually where the problem stems." Alexander added. "With all the new characters from Marvel and all that could be done... I just decided that instead of nitpicking, why not do it all?"

"Not in a way that you'd expect though." It wasn't some grand crossover comic book event. "It's actually in a form of a very, very big and very boisterous Creed poster. That might as well be a quarter of a billboard to fit all the characters that could be fit."

As a matter of fact, that decision to mix and match Creed and Marvel in one artistic picture was quite awe-aspiring to everyone who laid eyes on it.

It's delegated to all comic book stores and the nerds can't get enough of it.

A picture is worth a thousand words and a picture that contains thousands of characters really says a lot.

For all the stories that they daydreamed from it, complaints about the lack of special crossover stories were pretty much wiped.

Even outrage about the disappointing tease called Terminator was forgotten... for later.

It's just that the huge artwork took a while to be done and the poster team had to work full-time ever since Marvel's confirmed fold into Creed.

Making Alexander reconsider his weekly popularity polls because the weekly posters might as well be a nightmare task.

"So, that's what's happening at the comic book community." Milla hummed accommodatingly.

Which in turn made the eavesdropping gamer Drew roll her eyes. "Geesh! Stop with all the dragging it out and just take the shortcut already, Jovo-bitch!!"


"Questioning this... questioning that..." She reprimanded and exposed. "When what you really wanted to know was what you're going to get for your birthday."

"Hateful Shrew." Milla cursed under her breath.

But of course, she still blinked cutely towards the boy's gaze as she sheepishly asked. "So... uhm... what am I going to get for my birthday, Alex?"

Knowing that that will ruin the surprise, so Alexander just gave the girl a pat on the head and said.

"You'll see..."


And see, she will.

This was December and just like how it had been for the past years... her birthday kind of kicks off the rest of the celebratory stuff that happens.

Usually, the 17th of this month is an event that is commemorated by a party of classmates and their parents. In a venue, somewhere...

That's not the case this time.

Milla's recent fame complicates things.

The private school shift and the types that attend them are complications as well.

Also, given the aggressive approach that Milla and Drew had towards certain bunches that they deem as threats to Alex... issuing invitations is a lost cause.

Well... that didn't stop the festivities from ensuing...

With Miss Galina taking the helm for her daughter's special day...

Mr. Jovovich was actually not absent. It's just that he only brought with him some milk to the event... and shortly after that... either whisked or was whisked away...

Of course, other than the mostly-absentee dad... there's also the mostly-absentee mom...

In the form of Mother Barrymore, from the Jaid variety, who actually answered the invitation.

Yet her presence is more on the implications of Drew's recent TV movie and all the PR stuff that they had to commit to.

No surprise there as it's not as surprising as when Old Sullivan actually arrived at the last minute to present his present.

Overall, a good time for just about everybody involved.

Especially for the now 11-year-old Milla...

Granted, that just meant that Alexander had a gift to give... and in keeping with his tendencies... he specially requested a toy representing a character of hers.

After Alice and Chichi, this time around, he gave her a Milla doll-esque figurine.

And it's not just any Milla. It was Sia-inspired, half-half-haired singer Milla.

Of course, it didn't stop there as her matching toy bandmates followed suit.

The whole ensemble is from Marshmello, Tsoko-Tsokoleyt, and even Grey-ham. 

Unsurprisingly, Milla really loved these gifts... but not as much as how she loved what they represented.

This was her and Alex's creative collaboration...

The S'mores!

A wacky put-together band whose song just so happens to be quite the smashing hit of these holidays!

From her birthday...

On Christmas Eve...

During Christmas itself...

Old Sullivan's 65th birthday just days after that...

Up until the last day of 1986!

The song's rise was like the year's final countdown.

And it just so happens that that's what it's called...

The Final Countdown!


After a psychedelic and uplifting tune that ramped up what's to come...

Amidst the cheers of the crowded masses...

Up the stage... the helmet-ed and bucket-Ed main players took up their instruments...

And with young Milla taking up the center spotlight... after a melodious ooh... she sang...

[We're leavin' together

But still it's farewell

And maybe we'll come back

To Earth, who can tell?]

[I guess there is no one to blame

We're leaving ground]

(Leaving ground) Marshmello, the accompanying singer, echoed.

[Will things ever be the same again?]

[It's the final countdown]

[The final countdown!]

With an upbeat rhythm that calls out to whoever listens to it.

A classic and timeless piece that just about everyone has heard of...

After a few more Venus and space-themed phrases here and there...

There's really just one point that it wanted to convey.

And that was the fact that...

[It's the final countdown!]


Indubitably, there was a lot to uncover from that MTV hit of a music video...

Like how Europe never had this opener for their year-long tour?

Or how interesting it was for a place-named band to have been plundered after Berlin?

Or how was he going to justify coming up with it?

Or how did the S'mores "members" get to be a band when there's just one Alexander?

Or when did he have the time to record in the first place?

There are answers to all of them but they're hardly relevant.

It's just important to note that it was quite the countdown.

After 3... 2... 1...

The dark sky was lit up with colorful fireworks...

With the onlooking Alexander taking in the view and savoring the enviable kisses he was being given to both his cheeks...

Through this, he and the girls bid farewell to 1986 in lieu of the up-and-coming New Year of 1987!

Suffice to say... they really had to get back to bed as they've got a big year ahead of them!

The chapter's a bit of a rush with some confusing bits but hey... we're here... the 3rd Volume's end.

It took some while to get here but I'm just stoked that it's done. Big thanks for getting here, too.

And for those that hadn't noticed.... The Final Countdown has been hinted at already... and a final countdown it is to the next Volume!

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