Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 407: The Start Of Everything II

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

To be clear, when Monica thought about this whole... together... from now on...

Hopefully, she wasn't misunderstood or anything along the lines of that.

What she's trying to imply was the fact that her current job load might have a change of pace from now on.

For someone who went into this role expecting to be some heavyweight corporate employee, it was actually quite far from it.

The reality was that the little boss had a problem with being overly busy and it was high time that he hired someone to help out.

And that's where she jumped on the chance, after a little persuasion from a certain Top Gun actress.

The position for Miss or Mister Secretary was up for grabs and despite the competition, her win was probably from the fact that she made an impression with the Starbucks deal, she had quite the voucher, and the little boss must have preferred Miss Consigliere a lot more.

That there could be seen as an offense by many Italian law practitioners or just Italians for that matter, but she didn't mind much.

It was just the consigliere title was far removed from what she got to work on.

Regardless of the illegal connotation, consiglieri are supposed to be direct advisers and counselors to the bosses, are they not?

Anything she's done that was remotely close to that was only when the little boss was curious about certain legal issues and she answered with her pre-law knowledge.

And yeah... the stereotypical Italian consultancy as well.

Like keeping tabs on the Starbucks operation and the question on who she could recommend as a good pizzaiolo for this upcoming planet of pizzas.

As for the rest of her contribution, or what is essentially her main contribution, was actually just compiling files and scheduling.

Especially with the fact that Creed Entertainment was a jungle across different businesses with the little boss having a very personal, very important, and very versatile responsibilities to each of them.

Then there's the reality that he had to travel a lot more as of late and it was up to her to keep him in the loop while he was away and to convey his decisions from that long distance.

And yeah... most unexpected in this secretary role is the fact that she really had to lobby and make a lot of excuses to the school and his teachers.

Making for an awkward conversation whenever there were certain activities and assignments that had to be done. All the while he was in Berkeley, New York, Mexico, or would rather go to the mall.

At least, she finally knew why this role was graciously divested from Miss Marker's responsibilities.

All things considered, being called in to deliver certain documents into the bosses' household was really far removed from how these past few months have been.

A house which, in her opinion, was deceptively too modest compared to the statuses they really had, by the way.

How does she know this?

Well, even though she was only tasked with a few responsibilities, being delegated to a secretary opened her eyes to a lot of things.

And she knew that her unexpected invitation to this place was not to be messed up.

Even when she had just gotten home from a full-expense paid vacation from back home in Italy, she went straight into it.

Maybe she will finally be able to build that boss and secretary rapport that she was curious about.

She was talking about the professional kind of rapport, of course.

This was her turning point. A turning point from how adrift she's been.

If there's one thing she knows about Monica Bellucci, it's that she really needs to get a hold of herself.

Trying to enter into law to prove that she can be something other than her beauty, only to be pulled into the beauty industry of modeling itself.

From there, it was a tug between the two and she got confused herself. What was she to do next?

Leave law? Take up modeling full-time? Maybe transition into acting at some point?

Taking up roles that make use of the appeal she had. Which are obvious enough when one really thought about it.

She had a hunch that she'd really be adrift like so.

Strangely enough, a so-called comic from America came into her readings and she sure found Ace Attorney compelling.

So much so, that when a professor of hers offered a sort of legal fellowship into the States, she took it.

That offer actually pointed to Mr. Leland's practice, her professor's special person to which they each made a promise to.

Separated by teaching law in Perugia and a career in corporate.

Come to think of it, this whole fellowship thing may have been a ploy. Spying and testing Mr. Leland for what he was up to.

Other than that, this Mr. Leland was actually a Mr. Legalities. Which was how she found herself actually in conjunction with the company that made Ace Attorney possible.

She was pretty much just going with the flow all this will and to think that she inadvertently found herself here.

Given the circumstance, she was just interested in knowing where it would lead her next.

And Monica happened to be in quite the spot now. A spot that would give her quite the perspective.

Maybe even a new start toward everything that she had been aimlessly looking for.

A genesis of sorts.


"Anyways, Miss Consigliere... I know this is an unexpected notice and I could've just gone into the office to look into these files..." Alexander could only give her the heads up. "It's just that my grandfather had a peculiar request to have you up here and it's weird when he does this, so be on the lookout."

He advised yet he had an inkling that this turn of events may have something to do with how eventful he was on certain relationships.

No matter, he was finally diving back into the businesses and his grandfather can do what his old bones wanted as long as it didn't interfere much.

"Got it, little boss." Monica, on the other hand, just expressed her understanding but she was a bit curious too.

As someone who raised this little anomaly before her, the old boss must be quite the character as well.

And sure enough... it didn't take long for her to know more about the characters that led this company that she's taken part in.

It was always impeccable to her. The way in which Creed Entertainment was run.

She may not know much about business but there was clearly something fluid, coherent, and masterfully designed on how they go about it.

It's as if they planned how they went about the whole year which was a given for any businesses, however, there was something amiss when it came to the Creeds.

It was a rumor within the company that the grandfather and grandson duo had an art and sophistication when they went about it.

As of current, Monica had the privilege to see that up close as she dutifully handed over the documents they wanted to go over.

So, she simply listened in quietly as a secretary should.




It didn't seem like much but what she had seen and heard throughout the whole family meeting was actually refreshing...

Most of it is confidential and for select eyes and ears only, of course.

Still, she managed to keep up but it was really a discourse for businessmen.

Oh, how her father and his aspirations for his old trucking company would have loved to hear about it.

It's not every day that a supposedly retired man and a man supposedly still in development had such synergy in capitalistic interests.

Sufficed to say, the Creeds were truly distinct.

Granted, that was not all that Monica was going to take away from this experience.

For as soon as the little boss went away to mingle with his girlfriends, the old boss had something to say to her.

And what he said was really the takeaway that she had to ponder on.

For it's actually an upgrade to her current job description...

The premise was mostly the same but there's a certain responsibility that she had to tend to.

As it turns out, the little boss had become a bit too rampant and his lack of adult supervision had become worrying.

Apparently, a Miss Galina's exit had become quite a gap and the indecision to fill it in had caused quite the concern.

It was obvious what the problem was.

No matter how she saw it, the sentence about mingling with girlfriends was still odd.

And it would seem that she would then be tasked to try and really check in on it.

Anyways, "try" and "check in" were what Mr. Creed emphasized... and her turning into an up close and personal assistant was a shot.

It was out of the blue but it didn't really take too long for her to come to a decision.

However, it was only later that Monica Bellucci realized that this was the start of everything...

The start of everything that only time can unveil...

All I can say is that it's been a while since a non-Alexander introspective that takes up this much of a chapter.

And I forgot how interesting it was to assign character to a person you don't really know and just basing it on what you publicly know about them.

Like a person being inclined to one that can further their career based on their sequence of marriages. Or their precocity based on the downfall they're most known for. Or their interest in preserving prettiness with how they regretted doing face surgery. Or their driftiness based on the fluctuating carrier choice they've had.

It's hardly conclusive but it's something.

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