Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 420: It’s a Small World… Again

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

It was quite the day and quite the night. And only a day later was the 31st.

The 31st of January 1987.

Bringing with it a typical morning in Alex's room and by morning, it's actually by the break of dawn. Or around dawn.

Just as how it was a force of habit to sandwich him in the night, it also became the norm to wake up that early.

An early 4 o'clock is a good habit according to this Talking Ted who's not Teddy Ruxpin.

While 5 o'clock and onward would be their routine run and jog around the neighborhood block.

With some swinging in the park. And swinging be dating in this scenario.

Only that all of that becomes messed up when the night before gets a bit wild.

Yes... wild!

Case in point would be Milla herself waking up in disarray. Especially with the sleeping arrangement where she's straight up snuggling with Drew and losing Alex in the middle.

At the sight of the sexily-undergarmented Shrew, she scoffed but not too surprised.

It's just that cuddling with her boyfriend was one thing while embracing his other girlfriend was another.

All the more as she surveyed the marks that riddled those exposed skin.

Making Milla pout.

Pouted out of scorn towards the smirkingly-slumbering girl and pouted out of blame towards her workaholic boyfriend.

Workaholic given the fact that he's awake already and typing away in his computer regardless of how exciting his birth-night had been.

He had his businesses to attend to and he wouldn't be dillydallying for anyone else anytime soon. Not even for herself and Drew.

That's just how Alex is.

On that note, maybe she also shouldn't dillydally since she also has somewhere else to attend to.

After all, it's January 31, 1987... and Milla has been invited to attend the Golden Globes!

More specifically, the 44th Annual Golden Globe Awards!

So, she had to prepare herself... look the part... and not let the nerves get the best of her.

Still, she was both excited and apprehensive at the same time.

How could she not?

So much so that she let her emotions take over... turned to Drew beside her... and decided to do something...

Along the lines of letting go of that tension, of course.

And it worked! Kind of?

At the expense of a pinch-bitten and rudely awakened somebody that swore to avenge that already obvious act of vengeance!

That became a back-and-forth from there.




Anyways, that was old bedly grievances and a problem to be addressed for a later time.

Given that the address she's at is already in the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, California.

Where the Golden Globes was to be held...

Honoring the best and brightest in film and television throughout the previous year of 1986.

Already having dressed and somewhat prepared herself... with her signature but formalized attire... and a certain helmet in hand.

She took steps on the red carpet before her... with dazzling and blinding lights to the side.

These reporters and paparazzi with their cameras sure weren't letting any moment go.

Just as how Milla took the moment in as well.

Cause she really did it! Taking in her next steps and onward into the starhood that she dreamed of.

To be the star she aspired for.

Walking along with the other stars present in this event.

It's just that every step she took, she could feel her legs trembling, for many reasons.

And it's not because of the "damage" that Alex and Drew had dealt on them, it was because of that overwhelming feeling that overwhelmed her.

It can't get any more obvious than that.

Making it rather fortunate that her choice of dress covered that obviousness... and those marks.

As she walked the red carpet containing an illustrious world that others could only look at and admire and want to be in.

It was only the velvet rope that separates things but it felt so far apart.

It's not exactly the first time she's been in this due to all the Creed premieres... but it's just something else...

Mingling among the very people that she only saw in the other company's movies and on TV...

With all those glitzy and glamoury that really made it very hard to see.

That together with the photographic flashes that assault the eyes... anyone else would really get lost.

Even more lost when strange elderlies try and assault you out of nowhere.

These were a weird bunch of old folks in Milla's opinion.

They were prim and proper but suddenly wanting to get her autograph, a picture with her, getting to know her better, and even as far as inviting her to someplace else?

It wasn't that bad but it seemed creepy.

Making her overwhelmed for a whole other reason and it was just swell that a more reasonable elderly accompanied her.

"Kuhum!" Grandpa Sullivan interjected. "Well, fellas, we still have an event to run to and it just so happens that to be an event you run."

"Of course, of course." Said a corpse-looking guy who seemed to be the leader.

Further elevating the level of creepiness that Milla saw them as.

Even her mom seemed perturbed as she quietly asked. "Who are they, Mr. Creed?"

"The Hollywood Foreign Press Association is what they are." Old Sullivan informed and warned. "As for the who's who, you'll find it best to not know and just stay away."

There's a lot to unpack from that but Milla didn't have to do any of it.

She just found it fortunate that her mom and Grandpa Sullivan were here with her.

Since this whole thing didn't really as simple and glamorous as it seemed?


The rest of the proceedings pretty much went on... and she got to know more about this world, now more than ever.

It was all almost upfront and personal. Rounded tables sequestered close by... with only small space in between.

World and small came into her mind, especially with that golden and small world on the stage.

With things started out as a Charlie's Angel lady and Star Trek Captain Kirk hosted away.

From what they've said, she even got to realize that only a day after Alex, today was actually Hollywood's 100th birthday.

To think that all of this was built off of a ranch owned by some Wilcox people.

The more you know, the more you know.

She even got to know that the corpse-looking leader from earlier was Mark Marzuk, HFPA President.

Then some Arthur Young and Company held the answers to who won what.

There's even a "who" who does what by being the Miss Golden Globe that hands out Golden Globes.

Golden Globes to...

Best Performance by an Actor in a Miniseries or Motion Picture made for Television. Won by one James Woods.

Best Performance by an Actress in sort of the same category... to Loretta Young.

Best Miniseries or Motion Picture made for Television. Promised to a show called "Promise".

Best Performance by an Actor in a Television Series, Musical or Comedy. From Mr. Cosby, to Mr. Danson, to a Danza, and even Fox... it's actually a Bruce Willis that got it.

The BttF guy lost but the winner happen to be the same Mister whom Milla saw talked cooperation with Grandpa Sullivan for a while. So, he's somewhat okay in her opinion.

Not that the same could be said for the other winners that followed...

Like the Actress version of that award.

Four of the famous Golden Girls were nominated but the Golden Globes went to the only lady whose not a Golden Girl. Though they made her an honorary one, according to her speech.

Still, the Golden Girls did not really lose out since they took home the Golden Globe for Best Television Series, Comedy or Musical.

And after a musical intervention, Best Supporting Actress was awarded next. It's just that Maggie Smith, the winner, didn't bother attending.

Milla happens to be the girlfriend and representative of a bucket-headed someone like that.

The same absence happened for the Best Supporting Actor version, so maybe this award thing may not be as prestigious as she thought.

Absent as well for the winner of Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy Picture.

As for Best Actress in that category. Surprise, surprise... absent too.

Apparently, the absentees are busy in foreign countries... which made it more awkward when the winner of the Best Foreign Language Film actually made it... and he's from the Netherlands.

It's just too bad that Castle in the Sky wasn't part of this. Maybe next time, Milla thought.

In any case, the present winners did pick up after Best Supporting Actors and Actress in Miniserieses and whatnot.

Then the serious drama stuff happened.

From the Equalizer, to 'Murder, She Wrote', and all others until a show called 'L.A. Law' became the best and most dramatic show of them all.

Then there's supposed to be the winner of Best Motion Picture in a Musical or Comedy but Milla didn't really pay much mind.

Since another musical intermission came up and 'Take My Breathe Away' was slated to be sung... but not by her.

Thankfully so, as she was much too tense for what's coming up.

Much more so, as the live feed panned over to her direction during the song's performance.

But that didn't compare when Grammy-award-winning concert star Melissa Manchester and 3rd-Creed Carl Weathers were called up.

Called up... to present Best Original Song for Motion Picture!

And she was up for the running. Making it tense and tenser for her at that point.

'Glory of Love' from Karate Kid Part II.

'Life in a Looking Glass' from That's Life!

'Somewhere Out There' from American Tale.

'Sweet Freedom' from Running Scared.

'They Don't Make Them Like They Used To' from Tough Guys.

Those were who they were up against and Milla can admit that she went a bit blank right then and there.

All the more making her stunned as Top Gun's 'Take My Breathe Away' by Marshmello was finally announced as the winner!

It's not exactly in her honor but it might as well be!


Of course, this was why under the applause and encouragement of those around her, she took the stage.

Not forgetting to pick up the white bucket-y prop she came with.

Her legs stepped further up into the stage... and approached the podium to be handed that award.

With the familiar face of the 3rd-Creed from the Predator production, she became much at ease... so, she reached into the microphone and cutely said. "Hello..."

"Marshmello couldn't be here..." Yet she propped that bucket and joked. "... but maybe he's actually here."

Prompting the crowd and those watching at home to chuckle in good faith... as that painted smirk really exemplified the humor all the more.

Unlike all that was absent before, at least that representing bucket of a helmet was here.

That's pretty much what everyone else knows of this secretive guy.

Well, that... and his affinity with the Milla girl before them.

In any case, Milla herself gave her thank yous and appreciations... to the Top Gun crew and all of Creed Entertainment behind it.

Reminding people of this box office champion that was really overlooked at this event that was supposed to honor the best...




From there... there's really not much to cover about the whole ceremony...

As Milla went home with a win but as expected, Alex didn't really care much for it.

As far as he's probably concerned, the first month is finally over.

In turn, opening up the rest of the year, where a glorifying globe trophy is just worth peanuts.

Though he did note of the peculiar design and peculiarly commented.

"I guess it's a small world... again."

Interestingly, in Bohol, there's Bohollywood and that's probably the closest to Hollywood I'll ever be.

Anyways, Golden Globe dynamic and whatnot... with Milla as the main perspective. And yeah... Maggie Smith's Awards absence probably goes far back...

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