Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 430: When Alex Met Courteney…

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics so don't bash my trashy work too much.

So far, Drew's birthday was shaping up to be what it was previously described.

Which wasn't much... but it was somewhat filled with laughter, delicious cake, and memorable moments.

It sure had laughs and a chuckle or two. It had delicious "cake" of different assortments... and memorable moments.

If one had Alexander's memory and perspective, that is.

Some parts of it were raunchy, some parts of it were dangerously and suspiciously close, while some parts were a bit dark and heavy.

It's a good thing that the two mainly involved easily rolled with it.

One is generally just fiercely happy-go-lucky while the other has a lot of cold logic to offset what he wants to offset.

Put two and two together and it didn't take long to be back to normal. More than normal even but that's between the two of them.

Alexander wasn't sure... but instead of drugs and alcohol, Drew must have shifted that supposed addiction his way.

Karmic bullshit must want to fill something in that voided phase of her life...



In a more concrete development, and staying true to her words, Milla really didn't care for the Grammys that happened just a few days later.

Much to her mother's understandable dismay.

And it's not just because Creed offerings were snubbed again... with only a pop male vocal nomination for Mashmello... and a single win for best pop instrumental performance through the Top Gun Anthem!

It was especially because she felt that it was all distracting her from what really mattered... which was to get even better with Alex.

Given that she also felt that she was losing touch... and Alex seemed closer to the shrew for whatever reason.

It can't be because of that video game thing. There's got to be something else.

It must be because of that birthday disappearing trick that they did.

Leading her to speculate that there must be some secret that only those who turn 12 will know.

And she wanted to get to the bottom of it... but waiting for the 12th December 17 of her life wasn't going to cut it.

Bottom line is... awards will only affect the speed at which she draws her sword!

For when she really draws up her sword against the so-called Wonder Drew!


Suffice to say, with these corresponding developments coming together, it was a tumultuous and tense couple of days.

Being stuck in between was not the best of times, yet it made sense for him to be troubled as he's the one that made them stuck in this entangled coupling in the first place.

It wasn't pretty nor easy peasy but it is what it is.

Not that it really bothered him or let it bother him for long, as he still had some businesses to attend to.

Girl troubles can be matters to handle for later.

Not that he was in the clear just yet.

Just as he turned the handle to enter his office, a different girl matter was waiting for him.

It's a face that Alexander didn't exactly expect to meet... this early into their supposed appointment.

Making him just stumped as it is. And his deadpan-ness only got more deadpan 

Taking that opportunity, the "girl" waiting in his office asked. "Why so glum?"

"I hear that you've got a pretty girlfriend always following you." She said.

"Got another pretty girlfriend to follow up and to that." She added.

"You even have a pretty secretary and assistant." She reminded.

"Then there's me." She affirmed. "Your pretty friend. Visiting back from overseas."

Of course, who else could it be than a weirdly blonde Courteney Cox?

Yep... that one occasionally recurring "friend" of his, from FRIENDS.

Still cocky or acting cocky as can be.

"Back from your trip to Europe, I see." Alexander could only indulge as it is. "But to what do I owe the pleasure of this meet-up? Do skip the pleasantries though."

Well, there goes her 'it's-been-a-while', 'how-are-yous', and other conversation starters down the drain.

Which shouldn't come as a surprise since she's up against someone she knows to still be as odd as ever.

So... Courteney could only shrug and shamelessly went on with it. "Honestly, after that filming trip wrapped up, I'm just pining for movie work and I hear that you have a lot of it."

Sure enough, Alexander guessed as much, but he asked nonetheless. "What's up with you always lounging about in Creed for projects anyways? Is your agent, manager, your whole brokerage agency, or whatever else fancy failing you by that much?"

Courteney's visibly twitched at that. "If anything, it's actually that whole "fancy" line-up that's pushing me to do this. Your projects are quite sought after in Hollywood, if you must know or didn't know."

"So... I guess I'm just here to take advantage of the fact that I have enough "face" to get a face-to-face with the person behind the elusive name that centers it all." This is a reality that brings about mixed feelings inside her actually.

On paper, she doing what she can... but there's a lot of awkwardness to it.

That awkward feeling could not be any more pronounced as it is now.

Luckily for her, she's interacting with one of the oddities who's receptive to all of these.

For him, at least, she's upfront and honest about it.

Something he much preferred than the lagging and dragging interpersonal to and fro.

It's also a little less awkward than the Hollywood exchange she was implying last time.

And since she's straightforward enough, he figured he'd be straightforward as well. "Unfortunately, none of the roles available would really suit you at all."

"None?" That's disheartening, to say the least. "None at all?"

"For starters... you're current fake blondeness is the crutch." He stated as a matter of fact. "The roles that could fit you is either of a brunette or two redheads."

"You'll be surprised at my dedication to shifting my color." Courteney snarkily declared. "I'll even go Bulma blue in a moment's notice!"

"Nice dedication but the characters are middle-aged mother types." He pointed out. "Maybe you can dye it red or dye it back... but it'll be quite unlikely for you to be able to pass up as a wife and mother of one or two. And even if you can, I highly doubt that you want to."

To which, the young, 22-year-old Courteney was conflicted. And it's not just about being pretty, it's actually about being an actress and what it means to relegate to such roles.

Granted, Alexander had an alternative. "As a consolation and due to some recent developments, I actually have just the opportunity for you."

"Does that mean you're actually producing more? For me..." She assumed.

"Not really for you... it's for another person entirely." He's gracious but not that gracious. "But yeah, you could say that we're ramping up production as a sign of forward progression."

"After this year's double release, minus Castle in the Sky... a follow-up of three or so should be ordinal and consecutive enough. Enough for Creed Pictures to not seem lagging behind in productivity compared to the others. So, you interested?"

"Yep... I want in..." How could she not be in or interested?

"Then, get ready to transition from Charlie to Sally, if you're up for it." Alexander just so happened to quickly spot just the right foldered papers and handed them to her. "And read up in advance since this whole thing is about to be expedited to a production team and grandpa's care."

"Haha. Don't worry. I had to read a whole book for my last role." Cocky Cox, now assured of a job, reassured. "Besides, your's are usually much digestible. It's even got pictures as long as this is one of your original picture books were talking about. Still, any keynotes from you, the writer, wouldn't hurt."

"It's as you read it." He simply said. "But as a bit of a background, this one is a braggadocious project for my grandfather. He bragged too much of what I allegedly could do that he was challenged to appease some elderly couple friends of his. They more or less want some cheesy dedication for them."

"It was all during some elderly couples retreat held around this February season, so it's a story sprinkled with real elderly people, their real love story, and how they and their corresponding partners first met."

"Not really movie-worthy, which is where the fictional and titular characters come along and why the title is as so..."

And after a few more details that tells some implied tales as to why this is a recent development...

Along with another development involving that other girl he met, who became his other girlfriend...

And the new news that came to light as to why this is pretty much a production tester for her...

With all that implicitly covered, this meet of theirs pretty much wrapped up.

It's not really their first nor their last, but they've come a long way...

Since it really was only years ago, at around this time, when Alexander or "Alex" met Courteney...

But as awkward as that whole debacle was, here they were, detailing some details for an upcoming film that they'll be working on.

Aptly called... When Harry Met Sally...

Even though this is just a semi-Hollywood story, it wouldn't be one if it didn't rip off Ephron or Ryan, one way or another. So, why not go for the very OG...

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