Alexander Creed: Re-Life

Chapter 439: Dragon Turtles III

This is a work of fiction and a lot of unresearched topics, so don't bash my trashy work too much.

In all actuality, Alexander was sort of stuck due to him inadvertently associating his good meal and all the turtles he's thought of while eating it.

So, basically, he's considering the feasibility of turtle steaks, even doing a circle back as he wondered about the feastability of dragon turtle meat.

Still, he wasn't that distracted enough for the girls' rush to not go unnoticed.

With them in such a hurry, he can't help but blurtingly ask. "Where are those two headed off to?" 

The most obvious place was his room, which they made into their room. Yet something was still out of place.

To which, the dutiful Miss Consigliere had a not-so-mirthful smile on her face, as she didn't know the answer but sort of did...

It's just that there are aspects of this job and household that she's not on board with. Aspects that she'd rather prefer to not discuss much or get too involved with.

As she had mentioned to Courteney when tempted with the potential job opportunity, she wanted none of the lechery and deplorableness. Only for the current her to facilitate or lay witness to situations like these.

Touching ass, pecks, kisses, and all that young inappropriateness really takes some getting used to.

But it's really more on the modeling past and lifestyle that she expected to have moved away from.

Leaving her with quite the mixed feelings with wherever this was leading towards...

Clueless to what would be, as she is now.

And given her response, or outward lack thereof, Alexander could only shrug, stating. "Nevermind."

Since he's really got other things in mind.

And given that he's also heading off in the general direction where those two had taken off... maybe he'll arrive at his own answer with regards to the girls' hurried rush as well.


Well, arrived at his room, he did.

With the intention to brush his teeth or the usual hygiene stuff, so that he could doze off in bed.

As tired and overthinking as his thoughts were, he really needed the shut-eye.

But how could he do all that when the washroom door's also shut?

Closed and locked for good measure. As a sign of preoccupation.

And judging by the hushed yet familiar girly bickering from the other side... the who and the where from earlier could now be addressed, at the very least.

There's still the issue of what they were even doing, more likely plotting.

As it's not very often that they both simultaneously share that space with its wide sink and mirror, after all.

But just as his internally debating whether to wait patiently or knock... the door actually opened.

Revealing a very uncanny scene.

Where a petite Milla Jovovich was in her very risque Chichi costume, blushing when she realized who was looking at her.

Panicky, she said. "Uhm... you were only supposed to come in until later..."

Drew, on the other hand, was dressed somewhat reserved.

In a jumpered skirt, highly reminiscent of her 'Babes in Toyland' and yet-to-be-transformed Wonder Drew clothing.

Only that she wasn't actually reserved. Especially when she noticed that her unexpected prince charming was looking her way...

So, she actually lifted her skirt, teasingly uttering. "Like what you see..."

Making for a truly bold panty flash.

But since it was bold and since there weren't any panties at all... it was a freaking no-panty flash!

If that's even a thing...

Irregardless, it sure does make for a very, very uncanny scene.

So much so, that Alexander's scatterbrain scattered. His equivalence of a blown mind.

Contradictingly... his hyper-enhanced, highly-associative, and overactive mind finally paused... at the sight.

Trying not to waste its biological processors, going full force on burning all of this into long-term and hopefully permanent memory.


By natural progression and before they knew it, they were already at it.

This, of course, just translates to Alexander barely making sense of things.

In turn, making him wonder. "What even is this all about?"

"It's me being me." Drew said, as a matter of fact, spinning around to fit in her Wonder Drew cosplay. Only that she didn't transform into a hula-hooping power girl.

Though her twirl did tease the nothingness under her skirt, and that's gotta count for something.

To cap off that truly show-offy twirl, she blandly introduced. "As for Jovo-bitch... well... she's just being that barely important and memorable Chichi."  

Annoyed by that remark, Milla defended. "Chichi's very important, if you must know! Since she's practically set to marry Goku."

Which really highlights the difference between a draft reader against someone who isn't.

Not affected by that at all, Drew snarked back. "But, isn't a certain someone tired of voicing Goku? Wouldn't that mean that your stickiness to this character and her fate is bound to that new Goku voice actor? Hehe!"

"Tsk!" The sharp-helmeted girl's irritation was pretty palpable but she stopped herself from ramming the not-so-wonderful Drew with it. "It's fine. This whole thing is meant to celebrate the first season's success, anyways."

"Unlike you, with your dress-up. The 12th video game was ages ago, so jump unto the newer trend and be more on theme, why don't you?!"

Despite their rare cooperation buckling within a few back-and-forths, at least Alexander got the gist of their intentions.

Unintentionally, however, as they were almost at each other's throats, it only served to heighten the visual atmosphere that they gave off.

And for someone whose hormones are overwhelming his logic...

Coupled with a celebratory mood from the shows' achievement...

Along with some bit of overthinking stress from the troubles that also popped up...

Alexander was barely holding himself back.

Until he didn't...




Granted, he still held himself back from crossing some lines.

Not that it excused how the Chichi helmet was flung that far into the corner. Nor could it explain why the pink gloves and boots were astray.

Much less the cape that was torn up from its shoulder guard.

As for little Milica, who was supposed to be in those accessories... well... she's laid asleep on the bed.

In a tired and messy bliss... with her panty wet and stretched... while her blue baby brassiere of a costume was barely hanging in there.

It's almost as if someone got laid on her. Or with her. Almost.

With that likely someone still lying relaxed-ly beside her.

No longer wearing his shirt and pants, only his boxers, as Alexander decided to match their clothing or barely-clothing propensity.

It's also fitting as he was only half-done, as a dressed but bare-beneath-ed Drew was huffing and grinding like a cowgirl on top of him.

As his loins felt her regions wetting and rubbing his boxers, she suddenly stopped to say. "So... what did you think of your cele-celebratory experience?"

"It's good, I guess." He perfunctorily commented as he reached for her paused hips and moved it himself.

"Just good, huh?" Drew harrumphed at that. Yet she still acquiesced with the non-verbal request for continued rubbing satisfaction.

While weakly doing so, she huffingly added. "W-we really planned for this, you know. With the sh-shows being a success, it's only right for the boss such as you to have something when your employees are out there having some secret party."

Not minding how she easily snitched on those poor fellows, she stutteringly continued. "E-especially when we noticed how glum y-you were when you got back. So, it's also to h-help you relax with whatever complex s-stuff were stuck on your thoughts."

For those concerns and considerations, he was appreciative, yet Alexander could only show his rare smile.

It's just that he felt too awkward to mouth cheesy gratitudes.

And he was too horny and also pent up on a lot of matters, as somewhat aforementioned.

From assuming the glory that Toriyama and Mirage Studious should have had... along with assuming their sketchy and turtle-y troubles... and lastly, this boxer-restriction that he set upon himself...

So... why not?

Why not cross some lines for a little bit?

And to Drew's surprise...

Before she could register the charming smile of her prince charming, it actually warped into something devious...


And before she knew it, their positioning had already changed.

With her face right up on the pitched tent that she drenched herself.

And to her shock, her no-on-crossing-some-lines and no-on-real-sex boyfriend finally let his "little boss" out!

Still relatively little but boss indeed.

The shock aside, Drew was actually excited, grinning even.

Inadvertently, in a bid to fit into the theme that this promiscuous Saturday night was supposedly about, Drew actually stated.

"Finally! This turtle is out of its shell!"

Somewhat amusing but Alexander still chastised. "Yeah... don't go calling it that."

Making Drew pouting yet she poked it cheekily, whispering. "But it looks like a turtle head though."

With its circumcised specifications, with the glans thicker than the shaft, it sure does look like one.

Not that it's the only likening of the night's theme that she could go for.

So, Drew pivoted from TMNT to the next, by inquiring. "Shall I call it a dragon, then?"

"..." Alexander had nothing to say that.

Accepting such stunned silence to be a yes... Drew really traced her finger from the head, until downwards to the balls.

While exposing and pointing them out, she giggled. "Then, wouldn't that make these your dragonballs? Hehe!"

Of course, before she could make any more of these outlandish remarks, Alexander made her eat those words.


From a turtle out of its shell... to some dragonballs that are now exposed... or even as the potential dragon turtle meat that he weirdly thought of...

He made sure that she licked it and stuffed her mouth with most of it...

In and out...

Over and over again... 

Making the pleasure all build up...

Until... finally... for the first time since his re-life... he nutted...

Consequently, in this altered instance, the young Drew Barrymore was no longer snorting white stuff into her nose.

Instead, she snorted a different white stuff out.

Which had a barely perceptible sheen of red and green for whatever reason.

Aside from the long overdue blue-balling... whatever reason, indeed?

Alternatively, this Dragon Turtle farce, should have been titled... Dragonballs Exposed Out of its Turtle Shell. But it was too long, so...

And yes, this chapter is so wrong on so many levels and before the men in black suits can take me away, I've already handed myself in to the local penguins with their black suits in my Antarctican neighborhood. Being pelted with stinky fish as everyday penance.

Jokes aside, I'm really wilding with this one and really in big trouble, but this may be the self-destruction I need to stop writing all this altogether. But, who knows, we'll see how it goes... and how you guys respond to it.

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